From a68a1a7dd5ab74a88704e21f3db8e714cec8b080 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Guilhem Saurel <>
Date: Fri, 1 Nov 2019 12:13:04 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Format

 include/curves/bezier_curve.h                 |   27 +-
 include/curves/curve_abc.h                    |   18 +-
 include/curves/curve_constraint.h             |   46 +-
 include/curves/linear_variable.h              |  241 ++-
 include/curves/optimization/definitions.h     |  150 +-
 include/curves/optimization/details.h         |  600 ++++---
 include/curves/optimization/integral_cost.h   |   72 +-
 .../curves/optimization/quadratic_problem.h   |   62 +-
 include/curves/piecewise_curve.h              |   23 +-
 include/curves/quadratic_variable.h           |  304 ++--
 include/curves/se3_curve.h                    |  383 ++---
 include/curves/so3_linear.h                   |  391 ++---
 python/curves_python.cpp                      | 1519 +++++++++--------
 python/namespace.cpp                          |   27 +-
 python/namespace.h                            |   30 +-
 python/optimization_python.cpp                |  353 ++--
 python/optimization_python.h                  |   17 +-
 python/python_variables.cpp                   |  128 +-
 python/python_variables.h                     |  173 +-
 tests/Main.cpp                                | 1086 ++++++------
 tests/load_problem.h                          |  126 +-
 21 files changed, 2737 insertions(+), 3039 deletions(-)

diff --git a/include/curves/bezier_curve.h b/include/curves/bezier_curve.h
index e9f66a4..c0f9cfb 100644
--- a/include/curves/bezier_curve.h
+++ b/include/curves/bezier_curve.h
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ struct bezier_curve : public curve_abc<Time, Numeric, Safe, Point> {
   typedef std::vector<point_t, Eigen::aligned_allocator<point_t> > t_point_t;
   typedef typename t_point_t::const_iterator cit_point_t;
   typedef bezier_curve<Time, Numeric, Safe, Point> bezier_curve_t;
-  typedef piecewise_curve <Time, Numeric, Safe, point_t, t_point_t, bezier_curve_t> piecewise_bezier_curve_t;
+  typedef piecewise_curve<Time, Numeric, Safe, point_t, t_point_t, bezier_curve_t> piecewise_bezier_curve_t;
   /* Constructors - destructors */
@@ -296,7 +296,6 @@ struct bezier_curve : public curve_abc<Time, Numeric, Safe, Point> {
     return new_pts;
   /// \brief Split the bezier curve in 2 at time t.
   /// \param t : list of points.
   /// \param u : unNormalized time.
@@ -324,27 +323,23 @@ struct bezier_curve : public curve_abc<Time, Numeric, Safe, Point> {
     return std::make_pair(c_first, c_second);
   /// \brief Split the bezier curve in several curves, all accessible
   /// within a piecewise_bezier_curve_t.
   /// \param times : list of times of size n.
   /// \return a piecewise_bezier_curve_t comprising n+1 curves
-  piecewise_bezier_curve_t split(const vector_x_t& times) const
-  {
-      typename piecewise_bezier_curve_t::t_curve_t curves;
-      bezier_curve_t current = *this;
-      for(int i = 0; i < times.rows(); ++i)
-      {
-          std::pair<bezier_curve_t, bezier_curve_t> pairsplit = current.split(times[i]);
-          curves.push_back(pairsplit.first);
-          current = pairsplit.second;
-      }
-      curves.push_back(current);
-      return piecewise_bezier_curve_t(curves);
+  piecewise_bezier_curve_t split(const vector_x_t& times) const {
+    typename piecewise_bezier_curve_t::t_curve_t curves;
+    bezier_curve_t current = *this;
+    for (int i = 0; i < times.rows(); ++i) {
+      std::pair<bezier_curve_t, bezier_curve_t> pairsplit = current.split(times[i]);
+      curves.push_back(pairsplit.first);
+      current = pairsplit.second;
+    }
+    curves.push_back(current);
+    return piecewise_bezier_curve_t(curves);
   /// \brief Extract a bezier curve defined between \f$[t_1,t_2]\f$ from the actual bezier curve
   ///        defined between \f$[T_{min},T_{max}]\f$ with \f$T_{min} \leq t_1 \leq t_2 \leq T_{max}\f$.
   /// \param t1 : start time of bezier curve extracted.
diff --git a/include/curves/curve_abc.h b/include/curves/curve_abc.h
index cc3bef7..d5d0583 100644
--- a/include/curves/curve_abc.h
+++ b/include/curves/curve_abc.h
@@ -17,20 +17,16 @@
 #include <functional>
-namespace curves
+namespace curves {
 /// \struct curve_abc.
 /// \brief Represents a curve of dimension Dim.
 /// If value of parameter Safe is false, no verification is made on the evaluation of the curve.
-template<typename Time= double, typename Numeric=Time, bool Safe=false,
-         typename Point= Eigen::Matrix<Numeric, Eigen::Dynamic, 1> , typename Point_derivate = Point>
-struct  curve_abc : std::unary_function<Time, Point>,
-                    public serialization::Serializable
-  typedef Point   point_t;
-  typedef Point_derivate   point_derivate_t;
-  typedef Time    time_t;
+template <typename Time = double, typename Numeric = Time, bool Safe = false,
+          typename Point = Eigen::Matrix<Numeric, Eigen::Dynamic, 1>, typename Point_derivate = Point>
+struct curve_abc : std::unary_function<Time, Point>, public serialization::Serializable {
+  typedef Point point_t;
+  typedef Point_derivate point_derivate_t;
+  typedef Time time_t;
   /* Constructors - destructors */
diff --git a/include/curves/curve_constraint.h b/include/curves/curve_constraint.h
index 5be6666..8a68df6 100644
--- a/include/curves/curve_constraint.h
+++ b/include/curves/curve_constraint.h
@@ -21,33 +21,31 @@ template <typename Point>
 struct curve_constraints {
   typedef Point point_t;
   curve_constraints(const size_t dim = 3)
-      :init_vel (point_t::Zero(dim))
-      ,init_acc (point_t::Zero(dim))
-      ,init_jerk(point_t::Zero(dim))
-      ,end_vel  (point_t::Zero(dim))
-      ,end_acc  (point_t::Zero(dim))
-      ,end_jerk (point_t::Zero(dim))
-      ,dim_     (dim){}
+      : init_vel(point_t::Zero(dim)),
+        init_acc(point_t::Zero(dim)),
+        init_jerk(point_t::Zero(dim)),
+        end_vel(point_t::Zero(dim)),
+        end_acc(point_t::Zero(dim)),
+        end_jerk(point_t::Zero(dim)),
+        dim_(dim) {}
   curve_constraints(const curve_constraints& other)
-    :init_vel (other.init_vel )
-    ,init_acc (other.init_acc )
-    ,init_jerk(other.init_jerk)
-    ,end_vel  (other.end_vel  )
-    ,end_acc  (other.end_acc  )
-    ,end_jerk (other.end_jerk )
-    ,dim_     (other.dim_ )
-  {}
+      : init_vel(other.init_vel),
+        init_acc(other.init_acc),
+        init_jerk(other.init_jerk),
+        end_vel(other.end_vel),
+        end_acc(other.end_acc),
+        end_jerk(other.end_jerk),
+        dim_(other.dim_) {}
-   ~curve_constraints(){}
-    point_t init_vel;
-    point_t init_acc;
-    point_t init_jerk;
-    point_t end_vel;
-    point_t end_acc;
-    point_t end_jerk;
-    size_t dim_;
+  ~curve_constraints() {}
+  point_t init_vel;
+  point_t init_acc;
+  point_t init_jerk;
+  point_t end_vel;
+  point_t end_acc;
+  point_t end_jerk;
+  size_t dim_;
 }  // namespace curves
diff --git a/include/curves/linear_variable.h b/include/curves/linear_variable.h
index 7dc4868..67348fa 100644
--- a/include/curves/linear_variable.h
+++ b/include/curves/linear_variable.h
@@ -1,11 +1,10 @@
-* \file linear_variable.h
-* \brief storage for variable points of the form p_i = B_i x + c_i
-* \author Steve T.
-* \version 0.1
-* \date 07/02/2019
+ * \file linear_variable.h
+ * \brief storage for variable points of the form p_i = B_i x + c_i
+ * \author Steve T.
+ * \version 0.1
+ * \date 07/02/2019
+ */
@@ -22,152 +21,126 @@
 #include <Eigen/Core>
 #include <stdexcept>
-namespace curves
-template <typename Numeric=double, bool Safe=true>
-struct linear_variable : public serialization::Serializable
-    typedef Eigen::Matrix<Numeric, Eigen::Dynamic, 1> vector_x_t;
-    typedef Eigen::Matrix<Numeric, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic> matrix_x_t;
-    typedef linear_variable<Numeric> linear_variable_t;
-    linear_variable(): B_(matrix_x_t::Identity(0,0)), c_(vector_x_t::Zero(0)), zero(true){} //variable
-    linear_variable(const vector_x_t& c):B_(matrix_x_t::Zero(c.size(),c.size())),c_(c), zero(false) {} // constant
-    linear_variable(const matrix_x_t& B, const vector_x_t& c):B_(B),c_(c), zero(false) {} //mixed
-    // linear evaluation
-    vector_x_t operator()(const Eigen::Ref<const vector_x_t>& val) const
-    {
-        if(isZero())
-            return c();
-        if(Safe && B().cols() != val.rows() )
-            throw std::length_error("Cannot evaluate linear variable, variable value does not have the correct dimension");
-        return B() * val + c();
-    }
-    linear_variable_t& operator+=(const linear_variable_t& w1)
-    {
-        if (w1.isZero())
-            return *this;
-        if(isZero())
-        {
-            this->B_ = w1.B_;
-            zero = w1.isZero();
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            this->B_ += w1.B_;
-        }
-        this->c_ += w1.c_;
-        return *this;
-    }
-    linear_variable_t& operator-=(const linear_variable_t& w1)
-    {
-        if (w1.isZero())
-            return *this;
-        if(isZero())
-        {
-            this->B_ = -w1.B_;
-            zero = w1.isZero();
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            this->B_ -= w1.B_;
-        }
-        this->c_ -= w1.c_;
-        return *this;
-    }
-    linear_variable_t& operator/=(const double d)
-    {
-        B_ /= d;
-        c_ /= d;
-        return *this;
-    }
-    linear_variable_t& operator*=(const double d)
-    {
-        B_ *= d;
-        c_ *= d;
-        return *this;
-    }
-    static linear_variable_t Zero(size_t dim=0){
-        return linear_variable_t(matrix_x_t::Identity(dim,dim), vector_x_t::Zero(dim));
+namespace curves {
+template <typename Numeric = double, bool Safe = true>
+struct linear_variable : public serialization::Serializable {
+  typedef Eigen::Matrix<Numeric, Eigen::Dynamic, 1> vector_x_t;
+  typedef Eigen::Matrix<Numeric, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic> matrix_x_t;
+  typedef linear_variable<Numeric> linear_variable_t;
+  linear_variable() : B_(matrix_x_t::Identity(0, 0)), c_(vector_x_t::Zero(0)), zero(true) {}              // variable
+  linear_variable(const vector_x_t& c) : B_(matrix_x_t::Zero(c.size(), c.size())), c_(c), zero(false) {}  // constant
+  linear_variable(const matrix_x_t& B, const vector_x_t& c) : B_(B), c_(c), zero(false) {}                // mixed
+  // linear evaluation
+  vector_x_t operator()(const Eigen::Ref<const vector_x_t>& val) const {
+    if (isZero()) return c();
+    if (Safe && B().cols() != val.rows())
+      throw std::length_error("Cannot evaluate linear variable, variable value does not have the correct dimension");
+    return B() * val + c();
+  }
+  linear_variable_t& operator+=(const linear_variable_t& w1) {
+    if (w1.isZero()) return *this;
+    if (isZero()) {
+      this->B_ = w1.B_;
+      zero = w1.isZero();
+    } else {
+      this->B_ += w1.B_;
-    std::size_t size() const {return zero ? 0 : std::max(B_.cols(), c_.size()) ;}
-    Numeric norm() const
-    {
-        return isZero() ? 0 : (B_.norm() + c_.norm());
+    this->c_ += w1.c_;
+    return *this;
+  }
+  linear_variable_t& operator-=(const linear_variable_t& w1) {
+    if (w1.isZero()) return *this;
+    if (isZero()) {
+      this->B_ = -w1.B_;
+      zero = w1.isZero();
+    } else {
+      this->B_ -= w1.B_;
-    const matrix_x_t& B() const {return B_;}
-    const vector_x_t& c () const {return c_;}
-    bool isZero () const {return zero;}
-    // Serialization of the class
-    friend class boost::serialization::access;
-    template <class Archive>
-    void serialize(Archive& ar, const unsigned int version) {
-      if (version) {
-        // Do something depending on version ?
-      }
-      ar& boost::serialization::make_nvp("B_", B_);
-      ar& boost::serialization::make_nvp("c_", c_);
-      ar& boost::serialization::make_nvp("zero", zero);
+    this->c_ -= w1.c_;
+    return *this;
+  }
+  linear_variable_t& operator/=(const double d) {
+    B_ /= d;
+    c_ /= d;
+    return *this;
+  }
+  linear_variable_t& operator*=(const double d) {
+    B_ *= d;
+    c_ *= d;
+    return *this;
+  }
+  static linear_variable_t Zero(size_t dim = 0) {
+    return linear_variable_t(matrix_x_t::Identity(dim, dim), vector_x_t::Zero(dim));
+  }
+  std::size_t size() const { return zero ? 0 : std::max(B_.cols(), c_.size()); }
+  Numeric norm() const { return isZero() ? 0 : (B_.norm() + c_.norm()); }
+  const matrix_x_t& B() const { return B_; }
+  const vector_x_t& c() const { return c_; }
+  bool isZero() const { return zero; }
+  // Serialization of the class
+  friend class boost::serialization::access;
+  template <class Archive>
+  void serialize(Archive& ar, const unsigned int version) {
+    if (version) {
+      // Do something depending on version ?
-    matrix_x_t B_;
-    vector_x_t c_;
-    bool zero;
+    ar& boost::serialization::make_nvp("B_", B_);
+    ar& boost::serialization::make_nvp("c_", c_);
+    ar& boost::serialization::make_nvp("zero", zero);
+  }
+ private:
+  matrix_x_t B_;
+  vector_x_t c_;
+  bool zero;
 template <typename N, bool S>
-inline linear_variable<N,S> operator+(const linear_variable<N,S>& w1, const linear_variable<N,S>& w2)
-    linear_variable<N,S> res(w1.B(), w1.c());
-    return res+=w2;
+inline linear_variable<N, S> operator+(const linear_variable<N, S>& w1, const linear_variable<N, S>& w2) {
+  linear_variable<N, S> res(w1.B(), w1.c());
+  return res += w2;
 template <typename N, bool S>
-linear_variable<N,S> operator-(const linear_variable<N,S>& w1, const linear_variable<N,S>& w2)
-    linear_variable<N,S> res(w1.B(), w1.c());
-    return res-=w2;
+linear_variable<N, S> operator-(const linear_variable<N, S>& w1, const linear_variable<N, S>& w2) {
+  linear_variable<N, S> res(w1.B(), w1.c());
+  return res -= w2;
 template <typename N, bool S>
-linear_variable<N,S> operator*(const double k, const linear_variable<N,S>& w){
-    linear_variable<N,S> res(w.B(), w.c());
-    return res*=k;
+linear_variable<N, S> operator*(const double k, const linear_variable<N, S>& w) {
+  linear_variable<N, S> res(w.B(), w.c());
+  return res *= k;
 template <typename N, bool S>
-linear_variable<N,S> operator*(const linear_variable<N,S>& w,const double k)
-    linear_variable<N,S> res(w.B(), w.c());
-    return res*=k;
+linear_variable<N, S> operator*(const linear_variable<N, S>& w, const double k) {
+  linear_variable<N, S> res(w.B(), w.c());
+  return res *= k;
 template <typename N, bool S>
-linear_variable<N,S> operator/(const linear_variable<N,S>& w,const double k)
-    linear_variable<N,S> res(w.B(), w.c());
-    return res/=k;
+linear_variable<N, S> operator/(const linear_variable<N, S>& w, const double k) {
+  linear_variable<N, S> res(w.B(), w.c());
+  return res /= k;
-template <typename BezierFixed, typename BezierLinear, typename X >
-BezierFixed evaluateLinear(const BezierLinear& bIn, const X x)
-    typename BezierFixed::t_point_t fixed_wps;
-    for (typename BezierLinear::cit_point_t cit = bIn.waypoints().begin(); cit != bIn.waypoints().end(); ++cit)
-        fixed_wps.push_back(cit->operator()(x));
-    return BezierFixed(fixed_wps.begin(),fixed_wps.end(), bIn.T_min_,bIn.T_max_);
+template <typename BezierFixed, typename BezierLinear, typename X>
+BezierFixed evaluateLinear(const BezierLinear& bIn, const X x) {
+  typename BezierFixed::t_point_t fixed_wps;
+  for (typename BezierLinear::cit_point_t cit = bIn.waypoints().begin(); cit != bIn.waypoints().end(); ++cit)
+    fixed_wps.push_back(cit->operator()(x));
+  return BezierFixed(fixed_wps.begin(), fixed_wps.end(), bIn.T_min_, bIn.T_max_);
-} // namespace curves
+}  // namespace curves
diff --git a/include/curves/optimization/definitions.h b/include/curves/optimization/definitions.h
index 52143e1..ae5e2f4 100644
--- a/include/curves/optimization/definitions.h
+++ b/include/curves/optimization/definitions.h
@@ -1,97 +1,85 @@
-* \file definitions.h
-* \brief utils for defining optimization problems
-* \author Steve T.
-* \version 0.1
-* \date 06/17/2013
+ * \file definitions.h
+ * \brief utils for defining optimization problems
+ * \author Steve T.
+ * \version 0.1
+ * \date 06/17/2013
+ */
 #include <curves/bezier_curve.h>
 #include <curves/linear_variable.h>
 #include <curves/quadratic_variable.h>
 #include <curves/curve_constraint.h>
-namespace curves
-namespace  optimization
-enum constraint_flag{
-    INIT_POS  = 0x001,
-    INIT_VEL  = 0x002,
-    INIT_ACC  = 0x004,
-    INIT_JERK = 0x008,
-    END_POS   = 0x010,
-    END_VEL   = 0x020,
-    END_ACC   = 0x040,
-    END_JERK  = 0x080,
-    ALL       = 0x0ff,
-    NONE      = 0x100
+namespace curves {
+namespace optimization {
+enum constraint_flag {
+  INIT_POS = 0x001,
+  INIT_VEL = 0x002,
+  INIT_ACC = 0x004,
+  INIT_JERK = 0x008,
+  END_POS = 0x010,
+  END_VEL = 0x020,
+  END_ACC = 0x040,
+  END_JERK = 0x080,
+  ALL = 0x0ff,
+  NONE = 0x100
-template<typename Point, typename Numeric>
-struct quadratic_problem
-    Eigen::Matrix<Numeric,Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic> ineqMatrix;
-    Eigen::Matrix<Numeric,Eigen::Dynamic, 1> ineqVector;
-    quadratic_variable<Numeric> cost;
+template <typename Point, typename Numeric>
+struct quadratic_problem {
+  Eigen::Matrix<Numeric, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic> ineqMatrix;
+  Eigen::Matrix<Numeric, Eigen::Dynamic, 1> ineqVector;
+  quadratic_variable<Numeric> cost;
-template<typename Point, typename Numeric>
-struct problem_definition : public curve_constraints<Point>
-    typedef Point  point_t;
-    typedef Numeric  num_t;
-    typedef curve_constraints<point_t> curve_constraints_t;
-    typedef Eigen::Matrix< num_t , Eigen::Dynamic , 1> vector_x_t;
-    typedef Eigen::Matrix< num_t , Eigen::Dynamic , Eigen::Dynamic> matrix_x_t;
-    typedef std::vector<matrix_x_t, Eigen::aligned_allocator<matrix_x_t> > T_matrix_x_t;
-    typedef std::vector<vector_x_t, Eigen::aligned_allocator<vector_x_t> > T_vector_x_t;
-    typedef typename T_matrix_x_t::const_iterator CIT_matrix_x_t;
-    typedef typename T_vector_x_t::const_iterator CIT_vector_x_t;
-    problem_definition(const int dim)
-        : curve_constraints_t(dim)
-        , flag(NONE)
-        , init_pos(point_t::Zero(dim))
-        , end_pos(point_t::Zero(dim))
-        , degree(5)
-        , totalTime(1.)
-        , splitTimes_(vector_x_t::Zero(0))
-        , dim_(dim){}
-    problem_definition(const curve_constraints_t& parent)
-        : curve_constraints_t(parent)
-        , flag(NONE)
-        , init_pos(point_t::Zero(parent.dim_))
-        , end_pos(point_t::Zero(parent.dim_))
-        , degree(5)
-        , totalTime(1.)
-        , splitTimes_(vector_x_t::Zero(0))
-        , dim_(parent.dim_){}
-    constraint_flag flag;
-    point_t init_pos;
-    point_t end_pos;
-    std::size_t degree;
-    num_t totalTime;
-    vector_x_t splitTimes_;
-    T_matrix_x_t inequalityMatrices_; // must be of size (splitTimes_ + 1)
-    T_vector_x_t inequalityVectors_;  // must be of size (splitTimes_ + 1)
-    const int dim_;
+template <typename Point, typename Numeric>
+struct problem_definition : public curve_constraints<Point> {
+  typedef Point point_t;
+  typedef Numeric num_t;
+  typedef curve_constraints<point_t> curve_constraints_t;
+  typedef Eigen::Matrix<num_t, Eigen::Dynamic, 1> vector_x_t;
+  typedef Eigen::Matrix<num_t, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic> matrix_x_t;
+  typedef std::vector<matrix_x_t, Eigen::aligned_allocator<matrix_x_t> > T_matrix_x_t;
+  typedef std::vector<vector_x_t, Eigen::aligned_allocator<vector_x_t> > T_vector_x_t;
+  typedef typename T_matrix_x_t::const_iterator CIT_matrix_x_t;
+  typedef typename T_vector_x_t::const_iterator CIT_vector_x_t;
+  problem_definition(const int dim)
+      : curve_constraints_t(dim),
+        flag(NONE),
+        init_pos(point_t::Zero(dim)),
+        end_pos(point_t::Zero(dim)),
+        degree(5),
+        totalTime(1.),
+        splitTimes_(vector_x_t::Zero(0)),
+        dim_(dim) {}
+  problem_definition(const curve_constraints_t& parent)
+      : curve_constraints_t(parent),
+        flag(NONE),
+        init_pos(point_t::Zero(parent.dim_)),
+        end_pos(point_t::Zero(parent.dim_)),
+        degree(5),
+        totalTime(1.),
+        splitTimes_(vector_x_t::Zero(0)),
+        dim_(parent.dim_) {}
+  constraint_flag flag;
+  point_t init_pos;
+  point_t end_pos;
+  std::size_t degree;
+  num_t totalTime;
+  vector_x_t splitTimes_;
+  T_matrix_x_t inequalityMatrices_;  // must be of size (splitTimes_ + 1)
+  T_vector_x_t inequalityVectors_;   // must be of size (splitTimes_ + 1)
+  const int dim_;
-} // namespace optimization
-} // namespace curves
+}  // namespace optimization
+}  // namespace curves
diff --git a/include/curves/optimization/details.h b/include/curves/optimization/details.h
index f3691b6..71ea6bb 100644
--- a/include/curves/optimization/details.h
+++ b/include/curves/optimization/details.h
@@ -1,11 +1,10 @@
-* \file bezier_curve.h
-* \brief class allowing to create a Bezier curve of dimension 1 <= n <= 3.
-* \author Steve T.
-* \version 0.1
-* \date 06/17/2013
+ * \file bezier_curve.h
+ * \brief class allowing to create a Bezier curve of dimension 1 <= n <= 3.
+ * \author Steve T.
+ * \version 0.1
+ * \date 06/17/2013
+ */
@@ -16,348 +15,319 @@
 #include <curves/optimization/definitions.h>
 #include <curves/bernstein.h>
-namespace curves
-namespace  optimization
-template<typename Point, typename Numeric, bool Safe = true>
-struct problem_data
-     problem_data(const int dim) : bezier(0), dim_(dim){}
-    ~problem_data() {if (bezier) delete bezier;}
-    typedef linear_variable<Numeric>     var_t;
-    typedef std::vector<var_t>     T_var_t;
-    typedef bezier_curve<Numeric, Numeric, true, linear_variable<Numeric> > bezier_t;
-    std::vector<var_t> variables_; // includes constant variables
-    std::size_t numVariables; // total number of variable (/ DIM for total size)
-    std::size_t numControlPoints; // total number of control Points (variables + waypoints) / DIM )
-    std::size_t startVariableIndex; //before that index, variables are constant
-    std::size_t numStateConstraints;
-    bezier_t* bezier;
-    const int dim_;
-    problem_data(const problem_data& other)
-        : variables_(other.variables_)
-        , numVariables(other.numVariables)
-        , numControlPoints(other.numControlPoints)
-        , startVariableIndex(other.startVariableIndex)
-        , numStateConstraints(other.numStateConstraints)
-        , dim_(other.dim_)
-    {
-        const bezier_t& b = *other.bezier;
-        bezier = new bezier_t(b.waypoints().begin(), b.waypoints().end(),b.T_min_, b.T_max_, b.mult_T_);
-    }
+namespace curves {
+namespace optimization {
+template <typename Point, typename Numeric, bool Safe = true>
+struct problem_data {
+  problem_data(const int dim) : bezier(0), dim_(dim) {}
+  ~problem_data() {
+    if (bezier) delete bezier;
+  }
+  typedef linear_variable<Numeric> var_t;
+  typedef std::vector<var_t> T_var_t;
+  typedef bezier_curve<Numeric, Numeric, true, linear_variable<Numeric> > bezier_t;
+  std::vector<var_t> variables_;   // includes constant variables
+  std::size_t numVariables;        // total number of variable (/ DIM for total size)
+  std::size_t numControlPoints;    // total number of control Points (variables + waypoints) / DIM )
+  std::size_t startVariableIndex;  // before that index, variables are constant
+  std::size_t numStateConstraints;
+  bezier_t* bezier;
+  const int dim_;
+  problem_data(const problem_data& other)
+      : variables_(other.variables_),
+        numVariables(other.numVariables),
+        numControlPoints(other.numControlPoints),
+        startVariableIndex(other.startVariableIndex),
+        numStateConstraints(other.numStateConstraints),
+        dim_(other.dim_) {
+    const bezier_t& b = *other.bezier;
+    bezier = new bezier_t(b.waypoints().begin(), b.waypoints().end(), b.T_min_, b.T_max_, b.mult_T_);
+  }
-inline std::size_t num_active_constraints(const constraint_flag& flag)
-    long lValue = (long)(flag);
-    std::size_t iCount = 0;
-    while (lValue != 0)
-    {
-        lValue = lValue & (lValue - 1);
-        iCount++;
-    }
-    return (flag & NONE) ? iCount-1 : iCount;
+inline std::size_t num_active_constraints(const constraint_flag& flag) {
+  long lValue = (long)(flag);
+  std::size_t iCount = 0;
+  while (lValue != 0) {
+    lValue = lValue & (lValue - 1);
+    iCount++;
+  }
+  return (flag & NONE) ? iCount - 1 : iCount;
 template <typename Numeric, typename LinearVar>
-LinearVar fill_with_zeros(const LinearVar& var,const std::size_t i,
-                          const std::size_t startVariableIndex,
-                          const std::size_t numVariables, const int Dim)
-    typedef Eigen::Matrix<Numeric, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic> matrix_t;
-    typename LinearVar::matrix_x_t B;
-    B = matrix_t::Zero(Dim,numVariables*Dim);
-    if( startVariableIndex  <= i  && i<= startVariableIndex +numVariables-1 && var.size() >0 )
-        B.block(0,Dim*(i-startVariableIndex),Dim,Dim) = var.B();
-    return LinearVar (B,var.c());
+LinearVar fill_with_zeros(const LinearVar& var, const std::size_t i, const std::size_t startVariableIndex,
+                          const std::size_t numVariables, const int Dim) {
+  typedef Eigen::Matrix<Numeric, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic> matrix_t;
+  typename LinearVar::matrix_x_t B;
+  B = matrix_t::Zero(Dim, numVariables * Dim);
+  if (startVariableIndex <= i && i <= startVariableIndex + numVariables - 1 && var.size() > 0)
+    B.block(0, Dim * (i - startVariableIndex), Dim, Dim) = var.B();
+  return LinearVar(B, var.c());
 template <typename Point, typename Numeric, typename Bezier, typename LinearVar>
 Bezier* compute_linear_control_points(const problem_data<Point, Numeric>& pData,
-        const std::vector<LinearVar>& linearVars, const Numeric totalTime)
-    std::vector<LinearVar> res;
-    // now need to fill all this with zeros...
-    std::size_t totalvar = linearVars.size();
-    for (std::size_t i = 0; i < totalvar; ++i)
-        res.push_back( fill_with_zeros<Numeric, LinearVar>(linearVars[i],i,
-                                                                pData.startVariableIndex,
-                                                                pData.numVariables,
-                                                                pData.dim_));
-    return new Bezier(res.begin(),res.end(), 0., totalTime);
+                                      const std::vector<LinearVar>& linearVars, const Numeric totalTime) {
+  std::vector<LinearVar> res;
+  // now need to fill all this with zeros...
+  std::size_t totalvar = linearVars.size();
+  for (std::size_t i = 0; i < totalvar; ++i)
+    res.push_back(fill_with_zeros<Numeric, LinearVar>(linearVars[i], i, pData.startVariableIndex, pData.numVariables,
+                                                      pData.dim_));
+  return new Bezier(res.begin(), res.end(), 0., totalTime);
-template<typename Point,typename Numeric, bool Safe>
-problem_data<Point, Numeric, Safe> setup_control_points(const problem_definition<Point, Numeric>& pDef)
-    typedef Numeric num_t;
-    typedef Point   point_t;
-    typedef linear_variable<Numeric>     var_t;
-    typedef problem_data<Point, Numeric> problem_data_t;
-    const std::size_t& degree =;
-    const constraint_flag& flag = pDef.flag;
-    const std::size_t numControlPoints = +1;
-    const std::size_t numActiveConstraints = num_active_constraints(flag);
-    if (numActiveConstraints >= numControlPoints)
-        throw std::runtime_error("In setup_control_points; too many constraints for the considered degree");
-    problem_data_t problemData(pDef.dim_);
-    typename problem_data_t::T_var_t& variables_ = problemData.variables_;
-    std::size_t numConstants = 0;
-    std::size_t i =0;
-    if(flag & INIT_POS)
-    {
-        variables_.push_back(var_t(pDef.init_pos));
+template <typename Point, typename Numeric, bool Safe>
+problem_data<Point, Numeric, Safe> setup_control_points(const problem_definition<Point, Numeric>& pDef) {
+  typedef Numeric num_t;
+  typedef Point point_t;
+  typedef linear_variable<Numeric> var_t;
+  typedef problem_data<Point, Numeric> problem_data_t;
+  const std::size_t& degree =;
+  const constraint_flag& flag = pDef.flag;
+  const std::size_t numControlPoints = + 1;
+  const std::size_t numActiveConstraints = num_active_constraints(flag);
+  if (numActiveConstraints >= numControlPoints)
+    throw std::runtime_error("In setup_control_points; too many constraints for the considered degree");
+  problem_data_t problemData(pDef.dim_);
+  typename problem_data_t::T_var_t& variables_ = problemData.variables_;
+  std::size_t numConstants = 0;
+  std::size_t i = 0;
+  if (flag & INIT_POS) {
+    variables_.push_back(var_t(pDef.init_pos));
+    ++numConstants;
+    ++i;
+    if (flag & INIT_VEL) {
+      point_t vel = pDef.init_pos + (pDef.init_vel / (num_t)degree) / pDef.totalTime;
+      variables_.push_back(var_t(vel));
+      ++numConstants;
+      ++i;
+      if (flag & INIT_ACC) {
+        point_t acc = (pDef.init_acc / (num_t)(degree * (degree - 1))) / (pDef.totalTime * pDef.totalTime) + 2 * vel -
+                      pDef.init_pos;
+        ;
+        variables_.push_back(var_t(acc));
-        if(flag & INIT_VEL)
-        {
-            point_t vel = pDef.init_pos + (pDef.init_vel / (num_t)degree) / pDef.totalTime;
-            variables_.push_back(var_t(vel));
-            ++numConstants;
-            ++i;
-            if(flag & INIT_ACC)
-            {
-                point_t acc = (pDef.init_acc / (num_t)(degree * (degree-1)))
-                        / (pDef.totalTime *  pDef.totalTime)
-                        + 2* vel- pDef.init_pos;;
-                variables_.push_back(var_t(acc));
-                ++numConstants;
-                ++i;
-                if(flag & INIT_JERK){
-                  point_t jerk = pDef.init_jerk*pDef.totalTime*pDef.totalTime*pDef.totalTime/(num_t)(degree*(degree-1)*(degree-2))
-                  + 3*acc -3*vel +pDef.init_pos;
-                  variables_.push_back(var_t(jerk));
-                  ++numConstants;
-                  ++i;
-                }
-            }
+        if (flag & INIT_JERK) {
+          point_t jerk = pDef.init_jerk * pDef.totalTime * pDef.totalTime * pDef.totalTime /
+                             (num_t)(degree * (degree - 1) * (degree - 2)) +
+                         3 * acc - 3 * vel + pDef.init_pos;
+          variables_.push_back(var_t(jerk));
+          ++numConstants;
+          ++i;
+      }
-    const std::size_t first_variable_idx = i;
-    // variables
-    for(; i + 4< numControlPoints; ++i)
-        variables_.push_back(var_t::Zero(pDef.dim_));
-    //end constraints
-    if(flag & END_POS)
-    {
-        if(flag & END_VEL)
-        {
-            point_t vel = pDef.end_pos - (pDef.end_vel  / (num_t)degree) / pDef.totalTime;
-            if(flag & END_ACC)
-            {
-                point_t acc = (pDef.end_acc  / (num_t)(degree * (degree-1)))
-                        / (pDef.totalTime) * (pDef.totalTime)
-                        + 2* vel - pDef.end_pos;
-                if(flag & END_JERK){
-                  point_t jerk = -pDef.end_jerk*pDef.totalTime*pDef.totalTime*pDef.totalTime/(num_t)(degree*(degree-1)*(degree-2))
-                  + 3*acc -3*vel + pDef.end_pos;
-                  variables_.push_back(var_t(jerk));
-                  ++numConstants;
-                  ++i;
-                }else while(i<numControlPoints -3){
-                  variables_.push_back(var_t::Zero(pDef.dim_));
-                  ++i;
-                }
-                variables_.push_back(var_t(acc));
-                ++numConstants; ++i;
-            }
-            else while(i<numControlPoints-2)
-            {
-                variables_.push_back(var_t::Zero(pDef.dim_));
-                ++i;
-            }
-            variables_.push_back(var_t(vel));
-            ++numConstants; ++i;
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            while(i<numControlPoints-1)
-            {
-                variables_.push_back(var_t::Zero(pDef.dim_));
-                ++i;
-            }
+  }
+  const std::size_t first_variable_idx = i;
+  // variables
+  for (; i + 4 < numControlPoints; ++i) variables_.push_back(var_t::Zero(pDef.dim_));
+  // end constraints
+  if (flag & END_POS) {
+    if (flag & END_VEL) {
+      point_t vel = pDef.end_pos - (pDef.end_vel / (num_t)degree) / pDef.totalTime;
+      if (flag & END_ACC) {
+        point_t acc = (pDef.end_acc / (num_t)(degree * (degree - 1))) / (pDef.totalTime) * (pDef.totalTime) + 2 * vel -
+                      pDef.end_pos;
+        if (flag & END_JERK) {
+          point_t jerk = -pDef.end_jerk * pDef.totalTime * pDef.totalTime * pDef.totalTime /
+                             (num_t)(degree * (degree - 1) * (degree - 2)) +
+                         3 * acc - 3 * vel + pDef.end_pos;
+          variables_.push_back(var_t(jerk));
+          ++numConstants;
+          ++i;
+        } else
+          while (i < numControlPoints - 3) {
+            variables_.push_back(var_t::Zero(pDef.dim_));
+            ++i;
+          }
+        variables_.push_back(var_t(acc));
+        ++numConstants;
+        ++i;
+      } else
+        while (i < numControlPoints - 2) {
+          variables_.push_back(var_t::Zero(pDef.dim_));
+          ++i;
-        variables_.push_back(var_t(pDef.end_pos));
-        ++numConstants; ++i;
-    }
-    // add remaining variables (only if no end_pos constraints)
-    for(; i<numControlPoints; ++i)
+      variables_.push_back(var_t(vel));
+      ++numConstants;
+      ++i;
+    } else {
+      while (i < numControlPoints - 1) {
-    assert(numControlPoints > numConstants);
-    assert(numControlPoints == variables_.size());
-    problemData.numControlPoints = numControlPoints;
-    problemData.numVariables = numControlPoints-numConstants;
-    problemData.startVariableIndex =first_variable_idx;
-    problemData.numStateConstraints = numActiveConstraints - problemData.numVariables;
-    problemData.bezier = compute_linear_control_points<Point, Numeric,
-                                            bezier_curve<Numeric, Numeric, true,var_t>,
-                                            var_t>(problemData, variables_,  pDef.totalTime);
-    return problemData;
+        ++i;
+      }
+    }
+    variables_.push_back(var_t(pDef.end_pos));
+    ++numConstants;
+    ++i;
+  }
+  // add remaining variables (only if no end_pos constraints)
+  for (; i < numControlPoints; ++i) variables_.push_back(var_t::Zero(pDef.dim_));
+  assert(numControlPoints > numConstants);
+  assert(numControlPoints == variables_.size());
+  problemData.numControlPoints = numControlPoints;
+  problemData.numVariables = numControlPoints - numConstants;
+  problemData.startVariableIndex = first_variable_idx;
+  problemData.numStateConstraints = numActiveConstraints - problemData.numVariables;
+  problemData.bezier =
+      compute_linear_control_points<Point, Numeric, bezier_curve<Numeric, Numeric, true, var_t>, var_t>(
+          problemData, variables_, pDef.totalTime);
+  return problemData;
 // TODO assumes constant are inside constraints...
-template<typename Point, typename Numeric>
-long compute_num_ineq_control_points
-(const problem_definition<Point, Numeric>& pDef, const problem_data<Point, Numeric> & pData)
-    typedef problem_definition<Point, Numeric> problem_definition_t;
-    long rows(0);
-    // rows depends on each constraint size, and the number of waypoints
-    for (typename problem_definition_t::CIT_vector_x_t cit = pDef.inequalityVectors_.begin();
-         cit != pDef.inequalityVectors_.end(); ++cit)
-        rows += cit->rows() * pData.numControlPoints;
-    return rows;
+template <typename Point, typename Numeric>
+long compute_num_ineq_control_points(const problem_definition<Point, Numeric>& pDef,
+                                     const problem_data<Point, Numeric>& pData) {
+  typedef problem_definition<Point, Numeric> problem_definition_t;
+  long rows(0);
+  // rows depends on each constraint size, and the number of waypoints
+  for (typename problem_definition_t::CIT_vector_x_t cit = pDef.inequalityVectors_.begin();
+       cit != pDef.inequalityVectors_.end(); ++cit)
+    rows += cit->rows() * pData.numControlPoints;
+  return rows;
-template<typename Point, typename Numeric>
-std::vector<bezier_curve<Numeric, Numeric, true,
-            linear_variable<Numeric> > >
-split(const problem_definition<Point, Numeric>& pDef, problem_data<Point, Numeric> & pData)
-    typedef linear_variable<Numeric> linear_variable_t;
-    typedef bezier_curve< Numeric, Numeric, true,linear_variable_t> bezier_t;
-    typedef std::vector<bezier_t> T_bezier_t;
-    const Eigen::VectorXd& times = pDef.splitTimes_;
-    T_bezier_t res;
-    bezier_t& current = *pData.bezier;
-    Numeric current_time = 0.;
-    Numeric tmp;
-    for(int i = 0; i < times.rows(); ++i)
-    {
-        tmp =times[i];
-        std::pair<bezier_t, bezier_t> pairsplit = current.split(tmp-current_time);
-        res.push_back(pairsplit.first);
-        current = pairsplit.second;
-        current_time += tmp-current_time;
-    }
-    res.push_back(current);
-    return res;
+template <typename Point, typename Numeric>
+std::vector<bezier_curve<Numeric, Numeric, true, linear_variable<Numeric> > > split(
+    const problem_definition<Point, Numeric>& pDef, problem_data<Point, Numeric>& pData) {
+  typedef linear_variable<Numeric> linear_variable_t;
+  typedef bezier_curve<Numeric, Numeric, true, linear_variable_t> bezier_t;
+  typedef std::vector<bezier_t> T_bezier_t;
+  const Eigen::VectorXd& times = pDef.splitTimes_;
+  T_bezier_t res;
+  bezier_t& current = *pData.bezier;
+  Numeric current_time = 0.;
+  Numeric tmp;
+  for (int i = 0; i < times.rows(); ++i) {
+    tmp = times[i];
+    std::pair<bezier_t, bezier_t> pairsplit = current.split(tmp - current_time);
+    res.push_back(pairsplit.first);
+    current = pairsplit.second;
+    current_time += tmp - current_time;
+  }
+  res.push_back(current);
+  return res;
-template<typename Point, typename Numeric>
-void initInequalityMatrix
-(const problem_definition<Point, Numeric>& pDef, problem_data<Point, Numeric> & pData,
-    quadratic_problem<Point, Numeric>& prob)
-    const int& Dim = pData.dim_;
-    typedef problem_definition<Point, Numeric> problem_definition_t;
-    typedef typename problem_definition_t::matrix_x_t matrix_x_t;
-    typedef typename problem_definition_t::vector_x_t vector_x_t;
-    typedef bezier_curve<Numeric, Numeric, true, linear_variable<Numeric> >  bezier_t;
-    typedef std::vector<bezier_t> T_bezier_t;
-    typedef typename T_bezier_t::const_iterator CIT_bezier_t;
-    typedef typename bezier_t::t_point_t t_point;
-    typedef typename bezier_t::t_point_t::const_iterator cit_point;
-    long cols =  pData.numVariables * Dim;
-    long rows = compute_num_ineq_control_points<Point, Numeric>(pDef, pData);
-    prob.ineqMatrix = matrix_x_t::Zero(rows,cols);
-    prob.ineqVector = vector_x_t::Zero(rows);
-    if(pDef.inequalityMatrices_.size() == 0)
-        return;
-    // compute sub-bezier curves
-    T_bezier_t beziers = split<Point, Numeric>(pDef,pData);
-    assert(pDef.inequalityMatrices_.size() == pDef.inequalityVectors_.size());
-    assert(pDef.inequalityMatrices_.size() == beziers.size());
-    long currentRowIdx = 0;
-    typename problem_definition_t::CIT_matrix_x_t cmit = pDef.inequalityMatrices_.begin();
-    typename problem_definition_t::CIT_vector_x_t cvit = pDef.inequalityVectors_.begin();
-    // for each bezier split ..
-    for (CIT_bezier_t bit = beziers.begin();
-         bit != beziers.end(); ++bit, ++cvit, ++cmit)
-    {
-        //compute vector of linear expressions of each control point
-        const t_point& wps = bit->waypoints();
-        // each control has a linear expression depending on all variables
-        for(cit_point cit = wps.begin(); cit != wps.end(); ++cit)
-        {
-            prob.ineqMatrix.block(currentRowIdx, 0,cmit->rows(),cols)
-                    = (*cmit)*(cit->B()) ; // constraint inequality for current bezier * expression of control point
-            prob.ineqVector.segment(currentRowIdx,cmit->rows()) = *cvit - (*cmit)*(cit->c()) ;
-            currentRowIdx += cmit->rows();
-        }
+template <typename Point, typename Numeric>
+void initInequalityMatrix(const problem_definition<Point, Numeric>& pDef, problem_data<Point, Numeric>& pData,
+                          quadratic_problem<Point, Numeric>& prob) {
+  const int& Dim = pData.dim_;
+  typedef problem_definition<Point, Numeric> problem_definition_t;
+  typedef typename problem_definition_t::matrix_x_t matrix_x_t;
+  typedef typename problem_definition_t::vector_x_t vector_x_t;
+  typedef bezier_curve<Numeric, Numeric, true, linear_variable<Numeric> > bezier_t;
+  typedef std::vector<bezier_t> T_bezier_t;
+  typedef typename T_bezier_t::const_iterator CIT_bezier_t;
+  typedef typename bezier_t::t_point_t t_point;
+  typedef typename bezier_t::t_point_t::const_iterator cit_point;
+  long cols = pData.numVariables * Dim;
+  long rows = compute_num_ineq_control_points<Point, Numeric>(pDef, pData);
+  prob.ineqMatrix = matrix_x_t::Zero(rows, cols);
+  prob.ineqVector = vector_x_t::Zero(rows);
+  if (pDef.inequalityMatrices_.size() == 0) return;
+  // compute sub-bezier curves
+  T_bezier_t beziers = split<Point, Numeric>(pDef, pData);
+  assert(pDef.inequalityMatrices_.size() == pDef.inequalityVectors_.size());
+  assert(pDef.inequalityMatrices_.size() == beziers.size());
+  long currentRowIdx = 0;
+  typename problem_definition_t::CIT_matrix_x_t cmit = pDef.inequalityMatrices_.begin();
+  typename problem_definition_t::CIT_vector_x_t cvit = pDef.inequalityVectors_.begin();
+  // for each bezier split ..
+  for (CIT_bezier_t bit = beziers.begin(); bit != beziers.end(); ++bit, ++cvit, ++cmit) {
+    // compute vector of linear expressions of each control point
+    const t_point& wps = bit->waypoints();
+    // each control has a linear expression depending on all variables
+    for (cit_point cit = wps.begin(); cit != wps.end(); ++cit) {
+      prob.ineqMatrix.block(currentRowIdx, 0, cmit->rows(), cols) =
+          (*cmit) * (cit->B());  // constraint inequality for current bezier * expression of control point
+      prob.ineqVector.segment(currentRowIdx, cmit->rows()) = *cvit - (*cmit) * (cit->c());
+      currentRowIdx += cmit->rows();
-    assert (rows == currentRowIdx); // we filled all the constraints
+  }
+  assert(rows == currentRowIdx);  // we filled all the constraints
-template<typename Point, typename Numeric, typename In >
-quadratic_variable<Numeric> bezier_product(In PointsBegin1, In PointsEnd1, In PointsBegin2, In PointsEnd2, const int /*Dim*/)
-    typedef Eigen::Matrix<Numeric, Eigen::Dynamic, 1> vector_x_t;
-    unsigned int nPoints1 = (unsigned int)(std::distance(PointsBegin1,PointsEnd1)),
-                 nPoints2 = (unsigned int)(std::distance(PointsBegin2,PointsEnd2));
-    assert(nPoints1 > 0); assert(nPoints2 > 0);
-    unsigned int deg1 = nPoints1-1, deg2 = nPoints2 -1;
-    unsigned int newDeg = (deg1 + deg2);
-    // the integral of the primitive will simply be the last control points of the primitive,
-    // divided by the degree of the primitive, newDeg. We will store this in matrices for bilinear terms,
-    // and a vector for the linear terms, as well as another one for the constants.
-    quadratic_variable<Numeric> res(vector_x_t::Zero(PointsBegin1->B().cols()));
-    // depending on the index, the fraction coefficient of the bernstein polynom
-    // is either the fraction given by  (i+j)/ (deg1+deg2), or 1 - (i+j)/ (deg1+deg2).
-    // The trick is that the condition is given by whether the current index in
-    // the combinatorial is odd or even.
-    // time parametrization is not relevant for the cost
-    Numeric ratio;
-    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < newDeg+1; ++i)
-    {
-        unsigned int j = i > deg2 ? i-deg2 : 0;
-        for(; j< std::min(deg1,i)+1;++j)
-        {
-            ratio = (Numeric)(bin(deg1,j)*bin(deg2,i-j)) / (Numeric)(bin(newDeg,i));
-            In itj = PointsBegin1 + j ;
-            In iti = PointsBegin2 +(i-j) ;
-            res+= ((*itj) * (*iti)) * ratio;
-        }
+template <typename Point, typename Numeric, typename In>
+quadratic_variable<Numeric> bezier_product(In PointsBegin1, In PointsEnd1, In PointsBegin2, In PointsEnd2,
+                                           const int /*Dim*/) {
+  typedef Eigen::Matrix<Numeric, Eigen::Dynamic, 1> vector_x_t;
+  unsigned int nPoints1 = (unsigned int)(std::distance(PointsBegin1, PointsEnd1)),
+               nPoints2 = (unsigned int)(std::distance(PointsBegin2, PointsEnd2));
+  assert(nPoints1 > 0);
+  assert(nPoints2 > 0);
+  unsigned int deg1 = nPoints1 - 1, deg2 = nPoints2 - 1;
+  unsigned int newDeg = (deg1 + deg2);
+  // the integral of the primitive will simply be the last control points of the primitive,
+  // divided by the degree of the primitive, newDeg. We will store this in matrices for bilinear terms,
+  // and a vector for the linear terms, as well as another one for the constants.
+  quadratic_variable<Numeric> res(vector_x_t::Zero(PointsBegin1->B().cols()));
+  // depending on the index, the fraction coefficient of the bernstein polynom
+  // is either the fraction given by  (i+j)/ (deg1+deg2), or 1 - (i+j)/ (deg1+deg2).
+  // The trick is that the condition is given by whether the current index in
+  // the combinatorial is odd or even.
+  // time parametrization is not relevant for the cost
+  Numeric ratio;
+  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < newDeg + 1; ++i) {
+    unsigned int j = i > deg2 ? i - deg2 : 0;
+    for (; j < std::min(deg1, i) + 1; ++j) {
+      ratio = (Numeric)(bin(deg1, j) * bin(deg2, i - j)) / (Numeric)(bin(newDeg, i));
+      In itj = PointsBegin1 + j;
+      In iti = PointsBegin2 + (i - j);
+      res += ((*itj) * (*iti)) * ratio;
-    return res/(newDeg+1);
+  }
+  return res / (newDeg + 1);
-inline constraint_flag operator~(constraint_flag a)
-{return static_cast<constraint_flag>(~static_cast<const int>(a));}
-inline constraint_flag operator|(constraint_flag a, constraint_flag b)
-{return static_cast<constraint_flag>(static_cast<const int>(a) | static_cast<const int>(b));}
+inline constraint_flag operator~(constraint_flag a) {
+  return static_cast<constraint_flag>(~static_cast<const int>(a));
-inline constraint_flag operator&(constraint_flag a, constraint_flag b)
-{return static_cast<constraint_flag>(static_cast<const int>(a) & static_cast<const int>(b));}
+inline constraint_flag operator|(constraint_flag a, constraint_flag b) {
+  return static_cast<constraint_flag>(static_cast<const int>(a) | static_cast<const int>(b));
-inline constraint_flag operator^(constraint_flag a, constraint_flag b)
-{return static_cast<constraint_flag>(static_cast<const int>(a) ^ static_cast<const int>(b));}
+inline constraint_flag operator&(constraint_flag a, constraint_flag b) {
+  return static_cast<constraint_flag>(static_cast<const int>(a) & static_cast<const int>(b));
-inline constraint_flag& operator|=(constraint_flag& a, constraint_flag b)
-{return (constraint_flag&)((int&)(a) |= static_cast<const int>(b));}
+inline constraint_flag operator^(constraint_flag a, constraint_flag b) {
+  return static_cast<constraint_flag>(static_cast<const int>(a) ^ static_cast<const int>(b));
-inline constraint_flag& operator&=(constraint_flag& a, constraint_flag b)
-{return (constraint_flag&)((int&)(a) &= static_cast<const int>(b));}
+inline constraint_flag& operator|=(constraint_flag& a, constraint_flag b) {
+  return (constraint_flag&)((int&)(a) |= static_cast<const int>(b));
-inline constraint_flag& operator^=(constraint_flag& a, constraint_flag b)
-{return (constraint_flag&)((int&)(a) ^= static_cast<const int>(b));}
+inline constraint_flag& operator&=(constraint_flag& a, constraint_flag b) {
+  return (constraint_flag&)((int&)(a) &= static_cast<const int>(b));
-} // namespace optimization
-} // namespace curves
+inline constraint_flag& operator^=(constraint_flag& a, constraint_flag b) {
+  return (constraint_flag&)((int&)(a) ^= static_cast<const int>(b));
+}  // namespace optimization
+}  // namespace curves
diff --git a/include/curves/optimization/integral_cost.h b/include/curves/optimization/integral_cost.h
index 4ce6650..28f9207 100644
--- a/include/curves/optimization/integral_cost.h
+++ b/include/curves/optimization/integral_cost.h
@@ -1,11 +1,10 @@
-* \file bezier_curve.h
-* \brief class allowing to create a Bezier curve of dimension 1 <= n <= 3.
-* \author Steve T.
-* \version 0.1
-* \date 06/17/2013
+ * \file bezier_curve.h
+ * \brief class allowing to create a Bezier curve of dimension 1 <= n <= 3.
+ * \author Steve T.
+ * \version 0.1
+ * \date 06/17/2013
+ */
@@ -15,43 +14,36 @@
 #include <Eigen/Core>
-namespace curves
-namespace  optimization
+namespace curves {
+namespace optimization {
-enum integral_cost_flag{
-    DISTANCE     = 0x000,
-    VELOCITY     = 0x001,
-    ACCELERATION = 0x002,
-    JERK         = 0x003,
-    FOURTH       = 0x004,
-    FIFTH        = 0x005
+enum integral_cost_flag {
+  DISTANCE = 0x000,
+  VELOCITY = 0x001,
+  ACCELERATION = 0x002,
+  JERK = 0x003,
+  FOURTH = 0x004,
+  FIFTH = 0x005
-template<typename Point, typename Numeric>
-quadratic_variable<Numeric> compute_integral_cost_internal
-                    (const problem_data<Point, Numeric>& pData, const std::size_t num_derivate)
-    typedef bezier_curve<Numeric, Numeric, true,linear_variable<Numeric> > bezier_t;
-    typedef typename bezier_t::t_point_t t_point_t;
-    typedef typename t_point_t::const_iterator cit_point_t;
-    bezier_t acc = pData.bezier->compute_derivate(num_derivate);
-    const t_point_t& wps = acc.waypoints();
-    return bezier_product<Point, Numeric, cit_point_t>
-            (wps.begin(),wps.end(),wps.begin(),wps.end(), pData.dim_);
+template <typename Point, typename Numeric>
+quadratic_variable<Numeric> compute_integral_cost_internal(const problem_data<Point, Numeric>& pData,
+                                                           const std::size_t num_derivate) {
+  typedef bezier_curve<Numeric, Numeric, true, linear_variable<Numeric> > bezier_t;
+  typedef typename bezier_t::t_point_t t_point_t;
+  typedef typename t_point_t::const_iterator cit_point_t;
+  bezier_t acc = pData.bezier->compute_derivate(num_derivate);
+  const t_point_t& wps = acc.waypoints();
+  return bezier_product<Point, Numeric, cit_point_t>(wps.begin(), wps.end(), wps.begin(), wps.end(), pData.dim_);
-template<typename Point, typename Numeric>
-quadratic_variable<Numeric> compute_integral_cost
-                    (const problem_data<Point, Numeric>& pData, const integral_cost_flag flag)
-    std::size_t size = (std::size_t)(flag) ;
-    return compute_integral_cost_internal<Point,Numeric>(pData, size);
+template <typename Point, typename Numeric>
+quadratic_variable<Numeric> compute_integral_cost(const problem_data<Point, Numeric>& pData,
+                                                  const integral_cost_flag flag) {
+  std::size_t size = (std::size_t)(flag);
+  return compute_integral_cost_internal<Point, Numeric>(pData, size);
-} // namespace optimization
-} // namespace curves
+}  // namespace optimization
+}  // namespace curves
diff --git a/include/curves/optimization/quadratic_problem.h b/include/curves/optimization/quadratic_problem.h
index 3e520e7..fb1a582 100644
--- a/include/curves/optimization/quadratic_problem.h
+++ b/include/curves/optimization/quadratic_problem.h
@@ -1,11 +1,10 @@
-* \file bezier_curve.h
-* \brief class allowing to create a Bezier curve of dimension 1 <= n <= 3.
-* \author Steve T.
-* \version 0.1
-* \date 06/17/2013
+ * \file bezier_curve.h
+ * \brief class allowing to create a Bezier curve of dimension 1 <= n <= 3.
+ * \author Steve T.
+ * \version 0.1
+ * \date 06/17/2013
+ */
@@ -16,33 +15,28 @@
 #include <Eigen/Core>
-namespace curves
-namespace  optimization
-template<typename Point, typename Numeric, bool Safe>
-quadratic_problem<Point, Numeric> generate_problem
-    (const problem_definition<Point, Numeric>& pDef, const quadratic_variable<Numeric>& cost)
-    quadratic_problem<Point, Numeric> prob;
-    problem_data<Point, Numeric> pData = setup_control_points<Point, Numeric, Safe>(pDef);
-    initInequalityMatrix<Point, Numeric>(pDef,pData,prob);
-    prob.cost = cost;
-    return prob;
+namespace curves {
+namespace optimization {
+template <typename Point, typename Numeric, bool Safe>
+quadratic_problem<Point, Numeric> generate_problem(const problem_definition<Point, Numeric>& pDef,
+                                                   const quadratic_variable<Numeric>& cost) {
+  quadratic_problem<Point, Numeric> prob;
+  problem_data<Point, Numeric> pData = setup_control_points<Point, Numeric, Safe>(pDef);
+  initInequalityMatrix<Point, Numeric>(pDef, pData, prob);
+  prob.cost = cost;
+  return prob;
-template<typename Point, typename Numeric, bool Safe>
-quadratic_problem<Point, Numeric> generate_problem
-    (const problem_definition<Point, Numeric>& pDef, const integral_cost_flag costFlag)
-    quadratic_problem<Point, Numeric> prob;
-    problem_data<Point, Numeric> pData = setup_control_points<Point, Numeric, Safe>(pDef);
-    initInequalityMatrix<Point, Numeric>(pDef,pData,prob);
-    prob.cost = compute_integral_cost<Point, Numeric>(pData, costFlag);
-    return prob;
+template <typename Point, typename Numeric, bool Safe>
+quadratic_problem<Point, Numeric> generate_problem(const problem_definition<Point, Numeric>& pDef,
+                                                   const integral_cost_flag costFlag) {
+  quadratic_problem<Point, Numeric> prob;
+  problem_data<Point, Numeric> pData = setup_control_points<Point, Numeric, Safe>(pDef);
+  initInequalityMatrix<Point, Numeric>(pDef, pData, prob);
+  prob.cost = compute_integral_cost<Point, Numeric>(pData, costFlag);
+  return prob;
-} // namespace optimization
-} // namespace curves
+}  // namespace optimization
+}  // namespace curves
diff --git a/include/curves/piecewise_curve.h b/include/curves/piecewise_curve.h
index 7734a9c..6601846 100644
--- a/include/curves/piecewise_curve.h
+++ b/include/curves/piecewise_curve.h
@@ -157,23 +157,16 @@ struct piecewise_curve : public curve_abc<Time, Numeric, Safe, Point> {
     return isContinuous;
-  std::size_t num_curves() const
-  {
-      return curves_.size();
-  }
+  std::size_t num_curves() const { return curves_.size(); }
-  const curve_t& curve_at_time(const time_t t) const
-  {
-      return curves_[find_interval(t)];
-  }
+  const curve_t& curve_at_time(const time_t t) const { return curves_[find_interval(t)]; }
-  const curve_t& curve_at_index(const std::size_t idx) const
-  {
-      if (Safe && idx >= num_curves())
-      {
-          throw std::length_error("curve_at_index: requested index greater than number of curves in piecewise_curve instance");
-      }
-      return curves_[idx];
+  const curve_t& curve_at_index(const std::size_t idx) const {
+    if (Safe && idx >= num_curves()) {
+      throw std::length_error(
+          "curve_at_index: requested index greater than number of curves in piecewise_curve instance");
+    }
+    return curves_[idx];
   template <typename Bezier>
diff --git a/include/curves/quadratic_variable.h b/include/curves/quadratic_variable.h
index aa1322e..2bc9897 100644
--- a/include/curves/quadratic_variable.h
+++ b/include/curves/quadratic_variable.h
@@ -1,11 +1,10 @@
-* \file quadratic_variable.h
-* \brief storage for variable points of the form p_i = x' A_i x + B_i x + c_i
-* \author Steve T.
-* \version 0.1
-* \date 07/02/2019
+ * \file quadratic_variable.h
+ * \brief storage for variable points of the form p_i = x' A_i x + B_i x + c_i
+ * \author Steve T.
+ * \version 0.1
+ * \date 07/02/2019
+ */
@@ -20,190 +19,165 @@
 #include <Eigen/Core>
 #include <stdexcept>
-namespace curves
-template <typename Numeric=double>
-struct quadratic_variable
-    typedef Eigen::Matrix<Numeric, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic> matrix_x_t;
-    typedef Eigen::Matrix<Numeric, Eigen::Dynamic, 1> point_t;
-    typedef quadratic_variable<Numeric> quadratic_variable_t;
-    quadratic_variable()
-    {
-        c_ = 0.;
-        b_ = point_t::Zero(1);
-        A_ = matrix_x_t::Zero(1,1);
-        zero = true;
-    }
-    quadratic_variable(const matrix_x_t& A, const point_t& b, const Numeric c = 0):
-        c_(c),
-        b_(b),
-        A_(A),
-        zero(false){assert(A.cols() == b.rows() && A.cols() == A.rows());}
-    quadratic_variable(const point_t& b, const Numeric c = 0):
-        c_(c),
-        b_(b),
-        A_(matrix_x_t::Zero((int)(b.rows()),(int)(b.rows()))),
-        zero(false){}
-    static quadratic_variable_t Zero(size_t dim=0){
-        return quadratic_variable_t();
+namespace curves {
+template <typename Numeric = double>
+struct quadratic_variable {
+  typedef Eigen::Matrix<Numeric, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic> matrix_x_t;
+  typedef Eigen::Matrix<Numeric, Eigen::Dynamic, 1> point_t;
+  typedef quadratic_variable<Numeric> quadratic_variable_t;
+  quadratic_variable() {
+    c_ = 0.;
+    b_ = point_t::Zero(1);
+    A_ = matrix_x_t::Zero(1, 1);
+    zero = true;
+  }
+  quadratic_variable(const matrix_x_t& A, const point_t& b, const Numeric c = 0) : c_(c), b_(b), A_(A), zero(false) {
+    assert(A.cols() == b.rows() && A.cols() == A.rows());
+  }
+  quadratic_variable(const point_t& b, const Numeric c = 0)
+      : c_(c), b_(b), A_(matrix_x_t::Zero((int)(b.rows()), (int)(b.rows()))), zero(false) {}
+  static quadratic_variable_t Zero(size_t dim = 0) { return quadratic_variable_t(); }
+  // linear evaluation
+  Numeric operator()(const Eigen::Ref<const point_t>& val) const {
+    assert(!isZero());
+    return val.transpose() * A() * val + b().transpose() * val + c();
+  }
+  quadratic_variable& operator+=(const quadratic_variable& w1) {
+    if (w1.isZero()) return *this;
+    if (isZero()) {
+      this->A_ = w1.A_;
+      this->b_ = w1.b_;
+      this->c_ = w1.c_;
+      zero = false;
+    } else {
+      this->A_ += w1.A_;
+      this->b_ += w1.b_;
+      this->c_ += w1.c_;
-    // linear evaluation
-    Numeric operator()(const Eigen::Ref<const point_t>& val) const
-    {
-        assert(!isZero());
-        return val.transpose() * A() * val + b().transpose() * val + c();
+    return *this;
+  }
+  quadratic_variable& operator-=(const quadratic_variable& w1) {
+    if (w1.isZero()) return *this;
+    if (isZero()) {
+      this->A_ = -w1.A_;
+      this->b_ = -w1.b_;
+      this->c_ = -w1.c_;
+      zero = false;
+    } else {
+      this->A_ -= w1.A_;
+      this->b_ -= w1.b_;
+      this->c_ -= w1.c_;
-    quadratic_variable& operator+=(const quadratic_variable& w1)
-    {
-        if (w1.isZero())
-            return *this;
-        if(isZero())
-        {
-            this->A_ = w1.A_;
-            this->b_ = w1.b_;
-            this->c_ = w1.c_;
-            zero = false;
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            this->A_ += w1.A_;
-            this->b_ += w1.b_;
-            this->c_ += w1.c_;
-        }
-        return *this;
+    return *this;
+  }
+  quadratic_variable& operator/=(const double d) {
+    // handling zero case
+    if (!isZero()) {
+      this->A_ /= d;
+      this->b_ /= d;
+      this->c_ /= d;
-    quadratic_variable& operator-=(const quadratic_variable& w1)
-    {
-        if (w1.isZero())
-            return *this;
-        if(isZero())
-        {
-            this->A_ = -w1.A_;
-            this->b_ = -w1.b_;
-            this->c_ = -w1.c_;
-            zero = false;
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            this->A_ -= w1.A_;
-            this->b_ -= w1.b_;
-            this->c_ -= w1.c_;
-        }
-        return *this;
+    return *this;
+  }
+  quadratic_variable& operator*=(const double d) {
+    // handling zero case
+    if (!isZero()) {
+      this->A_ *= d;
+      this->b_ *= d;
+      this->c_ *= d;
-    quadratic_variable& operator/=(const double d)
-    {
-        // handling zero case
-        if(!isZero())
-        {
-            this->A_ /= d;
-            this->b_ /= d;
-            this->c_ /= d;
-        }
-        return *this;
-    }
-    quadratic_variable& operator*=(const double d)
-    {
-        // handling zero case
-        if(!isZero())
-        {
-            this->A_ *= d;
-            this->b_ *= d;
-            this->c_ *= d;
-        }
-        return *this;
-    }
-    const matrix_x_t& A() const {assert(!isZero()); return A_;}
-    const point_t&  b () const {assert(!isZero());return b_;}
-    const Numeric  c () const {assert(!isZero());return c_;}
-    bool  isZero() const {return zero;}
-    std::size_t size() const {return zero ? 0 :  std::max(A_.cols(), (std::max(b_.cols(), c_.size()))) ;}
-    Numeric c_;
-    point_t b_;
-    matrix_x_t A_;
-    bool zero;
+    return *this;
+  }
+  const matrix_x_t& A() const {
+    assert(!isZero());
+    return A_;
+  }
+  const point_t& b() const {
+    assert(!isZero());
+    return b_;
+  }
+  const Numeric c() const {
+    assert(!isZero());
+    return c_;
+  }
+  bool isZero() const { return zero; }
+  std::size_t size() const { return zero ? 0 : std::max(A_.cols(), (std::max(b_.cols(), c_.size()))); }
+ private:
+  Numeric c_;
+  point_t b_;
+  matrix_x_t A_;
+  bool zero;
 /// \brief Transforms a vector into a diagonal matrix
 template <typename N>
-    to_diagonal(const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::Matrix<N,Eigen::Dynamic,1> > vec)
-    typedef typename Eigen::Matrix<N,Eigen::Dynamic,Eigen::Dynamic> matrix_t;
-    return vec.asDiagonal();
-    matrix_t res(matrix_t::Zero(vec.rows(),vec.rows()));
-    for(int i =0; i<vec.rows(); ++i)
-        res(i,i) = vec(i);
-    return res;
+Eigen::Matrix<N, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic> to_diagonal(
+    const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::Matrix<N, Eigen::Dynamic, 1> > vec) {
+  typedef typename Eigen::Matrix<N, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic> matrix_t;
+  return vec.asDiagonal();
+  matrix_t res(matrix_t::Zero(vec.rows(), vec.rows()));
+  for (int i = 0; i < vec.rows(); ++i) res(i, i) = vec(i);
+  return res;
 // only works with diagonal linear variables
 template <typename N>
-inline quadratic_variable<N> operator*(const linear_variable<N>& w1, const linear_variable<N>& w2)
-    typedef quadratic_variable<N> quad_var_t;
-    typedef linear_variable<N> lin_var_t;
-    typedef typename quad_var_t::matrix_x_t matrix_x_t;
-    typedef typename quad_var_t::point_t point_t;
-    typedef typename lin_var_t::vector_x_t point_dim_t;
-    point_dim_t ones = point_dim_t::Ones(w1.c().size());
-    point_t b1   = w1.B().transpose()*ones, b2 = w2.B().transpose()*ones;
-    matrix_x_t B1 = to_diagonal<N>(b1);
-    matrix_x_t B2 = to_diagonal<N>(b2); //b1.array().square()
-    // omitting all transposes since A matrices are diagonals
-    matrix_x_t  A = B1.transpose() * B2;
-    point_t  b = w1.c().transpose() * w2.B() + w2.c().transpose() * w1.B();
-    N c = w1.c().transpose() * w2.c();
-    return quad_var_t(A,b,c);
+inline quadratic_variable<N> operator*(const linear_variable<N>& w1, const linear_variable<N>& w2) {
+  typedef quadratic_variable<N> quad_var_t;
+  typedef linear_variable<N> lin_var_t;
+  typedef typename quad_var_t::matrix_x_t matrix_x_t;
+  typedef typename quad_var_t::point_t point_t;
+  typedef typename lin_var_t::vector_x_t point_dim_t;
+  point_dim_t ones = point_dim_t::Ones(w1.c().size());
+  point_t b1 = w1.B().transpose() * ones, b2 = w2.B().transpose() * ones;
+  matrix_x_t B1 = to_diagonal<N>(b1);
+  matrix_x_t B2 = to_diagonal<N>(b2);  // b1.array().square()
+  // omitting all transposes since A matrices are diagonals
+  matrix_x_t A = B1.transpose() * B2;
+  point_t b = w1.c().transpose() * w2.B() + w2.c().transpose() * w1.B();
+  N c = w1.c().transpose() * w2.c();
+  return quad_var_t(A, b, c);
 template <typename N>
-inline quadratic_variable<N> operator+(const quadratic_variable<N>& w1, const quadratic_variable<N>& w2)
-    quadratic_variable<N> res(w1.A(),w1.b(), w1.c());
-    return res+=w2;
+inline quadratic_variable<N> operator+(const quadratic_variable<N>& w1, const quadratic_variable<N>& w2) {
+  quadratic_variable<N> res(w1.A(), w1.b(), w1.c());
+  return res += w2;
 template <typename N>
-quadratic_variable<N> operator-(const quadratic_variable<N>& w1, const quadratic_variable<N>& w2)
-    quadratic_variable<N> res(w1.A(),w1.b(), w1.c());
-    return res-=w2;
+quadratic_variable<N> operator-(const quadratic_variable<N>& w1, const quadratic_variable<N>& w2) {
+  quadratic_variable<N> res(w1.A(), w1.b(), w1.c());
+  return res -= w2;
 template <typename N>
-quadratic_variable<N> operator*(const double k, const quadratic_variable<N>& w){
-    quadratic_variable<N> res(w.A(),w.b(), w.c());
-    return res*=k;
+quadratic_variable<N> operator*(const double k, const quadratic_variable<N>& w) {
+  quadratic_variable<N> res(w.A(), w.b(), w.c());
+  return res *= k;
 template <typename N>
-quadratic_variable<N> operator*(const quadratic_variable<N>& w,const double k){
-    quadratic_variable<N> res(w.A(),w.b(), w.c());
-    return res*=k;
+quadratic_variable<N> operator*(const quadratic_variable<N>& w, const double k) {
+  quadratic_variable<N> res(w.A(), w.b(), w.c());
+  return res *= k;
 template <typename N>
-quadratic_variable<N> operator/(const quadratic_variable<N>& w,const double k){
-    quadratic_variable<N> res(w.A(),w.b(), w.c());
-    return res/=k;
+quadratic_variable<N> operator/(const quadratic_variable<N>& w, const double k) {
+  quadratic_variable<N> res(w.A(), w.b(), w.c());
+  return res /= k;
-} // namespace curves
+}  // namespace curves
diff --git a/include/curves/se3_curve.h b/include/curves/se3_curve.h
index b4af84b..98ebf36 100644
--- a/include/curves/se3_curve.h
+++ b/include/curves/se3_curve.h
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
 #ifndef _STRUCT_SE3_CURVE_H
 #define _STRUCT_SE3_CURVE_H
 #include "MathDefs.h"
 #include "curve_abc.h"
 #include "so3_linear.h"
@@ -9,216 +8,208 @@
 #include <boost/math/constants/constants.hpp>
 #include <Eigen/Dense>
-namespace curves
-  /// \class SE3Curve.
-  /// \brief Composition of a curve of any type of dimension 3 and a curve representing an rotation
-  /// (in current implementation, only SO3Linear can be used for the rotation part)
-  /// The output is a vector of size 7 (pos_x,pos_y,pos_z,quat_x,quat_y,quat_z,quat_w)
-  /// The output of the derivative of any order is a vector of size 6 (linear_x,linear_y,linear_z,angular_x,angular_y,angular_z)
+namespace curves {
+/// \class SE3Curve.
+/// \brief Composition of a curve of any type of dimension 3 and a curve representing an rotation
+/// (in current implementation, only SO3Linear can be used for the rotation part)
+/// The output is a vector of size 7 (pos_x,pos_y,pos_z,quat_x,quat_y,quat_z,quat_w)
+/// The output of the derivative of any order is a vector of size 6
+/// (linear_x,linear_y,linear_z,angular_x,angular_y,angular_z)
+template <typename Time = double, typename Numeric = Time, bool Safe = false>
+struct SE3Curve : public curve_abc<Time, Numeric, Safe, Eigen::Transform<Numeric, 3, Eigen::Affine>,
+                                   Eigen::Matrix<Numeric, 6, 1> > {
+  typedef Numeric Scalar;
+  typedef Eigen::Transform<Numeric, 3, Eigen::Affine> transform_t;
+  typedef transform_t point_t;
+  typedef Eigen::Matrix<Scalar, 6, 1> point_derivate_t;
+  typedef Eigen::Matrix<Scalar, 3, 1> point3_t;
+  typedef Eigen::Matrix<Scalar, -1, 1> pointX_t;
+  typedef Eigen::Matrix<Scalar, 3, 3> matrix3_t;
+  typedef Eigen::Quaternion<Scalar> Quaternion;
+  typedef Time time_t;
+  typedef curve_abc<Time, Numeric, Safe, point_t, point_derivate_t> curve_abc_t;  // parent class
+  typedef curve_abc<Time, Numeric, Safe, pointX_t> curve_X_t;                     // generic class of curve
+  typedef curve_abc<Time, Numeric, Safe, matrix3_t, point3_t>
+      curve_rotation_t;  // templated class used for the rotation (return dimension are fixed)
+  typedef SO3Linear<Time, Numeric, Safe> SO3Linear_t;
+  typedef polynomial<Time, Numeric, Safe, pointX_t> polynomial_t;
+  typedef SE3Curve<Time, Numeric, Safe> SE3Curve_t;
+ public:
+  /* Constructors - destructors */
+  /// \brief Empty constructor. Curve obtained this way can not perform other class functions.
-  ///
-  template<typename Time= double, typename Numeric=Time, bool Safe=false>
-  struct SE3Curve : public curve_abc<Time, Numeric, Safe, Eigen::Transform<Numeric,3,Eigen::Affine>,Eigen::Matrix<Numeric,6, 1> >
-  {
-    typedef Numeric Scalar;
-    typedef Eigen::Transform<Numeric,3,Eigen::Affine> transform_t;
-    typedef transform_t point_t;
-    typedef Eigen::Matrix<Scalar,6, 1> point_derivate_t;
-    typedef Eigen::Matrix<Scalar,3, 1> point3_t;
-    typedef Eigen::Matrix<Scalar, -1, 1> pointX_t;
-    typedef Eigen::Matrix<Scalar,3, 3> matrix3_t;
-    typedef Eigen::Quaternion<Scalar> Quaternion;
-    typedef Time  time_t;
-    typedef curve_abc<Time, Numeric, Safe, point_t,point_derivate_t> curve_abc_t; // parent class
-    typedef curve_abc<Time, Numeric, Safe, pointX_t> curve_X_t; // generic class of curve
-    typedef curve_abc<Time, Numeric, Safe, matrix3_t,point3_t> curve_rotation_t; // templated class used for the rotation (return dimension are fixed)
-    typedef SO3Linear<Time, Numeric, Safe> SO3Linear_t;
-    typedef polynomial  <Time, Numeric, Safe, pointX_t> polynomial_t;
-    typedef SE3Curve<Time, Numeric, Safe> SE3Curve_t;
-  public:
-    /* Constructors - destructors */
-    /// \brief Empty constructor. Curve obtained this way can not perform other class functions.
-    ///
-    SE3Curve()
-      : curve_abc_t(), dim_(3),translation_curve_(NULL),rotation_curve_ (NULL), T_min_(0), T_max_(0)
-    { }
-    /// \brief Destructor
-    ~SE3Curve()
-    {
-      // should we delete translation_curve and rotation_curve here ?
-      // better switch to shared ptr
-    }
-    /* Constructor without curve object for the translation : */
-    /// \brief Constructor from init/end transform use polynomial of degree 1 for position and SO3Linear for rotation
-    SE3Curve(const transform_t& init_transform, const transform_t& end_transform,const time_t& t_min, const time_t& t_max)
+  SE3Curve() : curve_abc_t(), dim_(3), translation_curve_(NULL), rotation_curve_(NULL), T_min_(0), T_max_(0) {}
+  /// \brief Destructor
+  ~SE3Curve() {
+    // should we delete translation_curve and rotation_curve here ?
+    // better switch to shared ptr
+  }
+  /* Constructor without curve object for the translation : */
+  /// \brief Constructor from init/end transform use polynomial of degree 1 for position and SO3Linear for rotation
+  SE3Curve(const transform_t& init_transform, const transform_t& end_transform, const time_t& t_min,
+           const time_t& t_max)
       : curve_abc_t(),
-        translation_curve_(new polynomial_t(pointX_t(init_transform.translation()),pointX_t(end_transform.translation()),t_min,t_max)),
-        rotation_curve_(new SO3Linear_t(init_transform.rotation(),end_transform.rotation(),t_min,t_max)),
-        T_min_(t_min), T_max_(t_max)
-    {
-      safe_check();
-    }
-    /// \brief Constructor from init/end pose, with quaternion. use polynomial of degree 1 for position and SO3Linear for rotation
-    SE3Curve(const pointX_t& init_pos, const pointX_t& end_pos, const Quaternion& init_rot, const Quaternion& end_rot,const time_t& t_min, const time_t& t_max)
+        translation_curve_(new polynomial_t(pointX_t(init_transform.translation()),
+                                            pointX_t(end_transform.translation()), t_min, t_max)),
+        rotation_curve_(new SO3Linear_t(init_transform.rotation(), end_transform.rotation(), t_min, t_max)),
+        T_min_(t_min),
+        T_max_(t_max) {
+    safe_check();
+  }
+  /// \brief Constructor from init/end pose, with quaternion. use polynomial of degree 1 for position and SO3Linear for
+  /// rotation
+  SE3Curve(const pointX_t& init_pos, const pointX_t& end_pos, const Quaternion& init_rot, const Quaternion& end_rot,
+           const time_t& t_min, const time_t& t_max)
       : curve_abc_t(),
-        dim_(6),translation_curve_(new polynomial_t(init_pos,end_pos,t_min,t_max)),
-        rotation_curve_(new SO3Linear_t(init_rot,end_rot,t_min,t_max)),
-        T_min_(t_min), T_max_(t_max)
-    {
-      safe_check();
-    }
-    /// \brief Constructor from init/end pose, with rotation matrix. use polynomial of degree 1 for position and SO3Linear for rotation
-    SE3Curve(const pointX_t& init_pos, const pointX_t& end_pos, const matrix3_t& init_rot, const matrix3_t& end_rot,const time_t& t_min, const time_t& t_max)
+        dim_(6),
+        translation_curve_(new polynomial_t(init_pos, end_pos, t_min, t_max)),
+        rotation_curve_(new SO3Linear_t(init_rot, end_rot, t_min, t_max)),
+        T_min_(t_min),
+        T_max_(t_max) {
+    safe_check();
+  }
+  /// \brief Constructor from init/end pose, with rotation matrix. use polynomial of degree 1 for position and
+  /// SO3Linear for rotation
+  SE3Curve(const pointX_t& init_pos, const pointX_t& end_pos, const matrix3_t& init_rot, const matrix3_t& end_rot,
+           const time_t& t_min, const time_t& t_max)
       : curve_abc_t(),
-        dim_(6),translation_curve_(new polynomial_t(init_pos,end_pos,t_min,t_max)),
-        rotation_curve_(new SO3Linear_t(init_rot,end_rot,t_min,t_max)),
-        T_min_(t_min), T_max_(t_max)
-    {
-      safe_check();
-    }
-    /* Constructor with curve object for the translation : */
-    /// \brief Constructor from curve for the translation and init/end rotation, with quaternion.
-    /// Use SO3Linear for rotation with the same time bounds as the
-    SE3Curve(curve_X_t* translation_curve,const Quaternion& init_rot, const Quaternion& end_rot)
+        dim_(6),
+        translation_curve_(new polynomial_t(init_pos, end_pos, t_min, t_max)),
+        rotation_curve_(new SO3Linear_t(init_rot, end_rot, t_min, t_max)),
+        T_min_(t_min),
+        T_max_(t_max) {
+    safe_check();
+  }
+  /* Constructor with curve object for the translation : */
+  /// \brief Constructor from curve for the translation and init/end rotation, with quaternion.
+  /// Use SO3Linear for rotation with the same time bounds as the
+  SE3Curve(curve_X_t* translation_curve, const Quaternion& init_rot, const Quaternion& end_rot)
       : curve_abc_t(),
-        dim_(6),translation_curve_(translation_curve),
-        rotation_curve_(new SO3Linear_t(init_rot,end_rot,translation_curve->min(),translation_curve->max())),
-        T_min_(translation_curve->min()), T_max_(translation_curve->max())
-    {
-      safe_check();
-    }
-    /// \brief Constructor from curve for the translation and init/end rotation, with rotation matrix.
-    /// Use SO3Linear for rotation with the same time bounds as the
-    SE3Curve(curve_X_t* translation_curve,const matrix3_t& init_rot, const matrix3_t& end_rot)
+        dim_(6),
+        translation_curve_(translation_curve),
+        rotation_curve_(new SO3Linear_t(init_rot, end_rot, translation_curve->min(), translation_curve->max())),
+        T_min_(translation_curve->min()),
+        T_max_(translation_curve->max()) {
+    safe_check();
+  }
+  /// \brief Constructor from curve for the translation and init/end rotation, with rotation matrix.
+  /// Use SO3Linear for rotation with the same time bounds as the
+  SE3Curve(curve_X_t* translation_curve, const matrix3_t& init_rot, const matrix3_t& end_rot)
       : curve_abc_t(),
-        dim_(6),translation_curve_(translation_curve),
-        rotation_curve_(new SO3Linear_t(init_rot,end_rot,translation_curve->min(),translation_curve->max())),
-        T_min_(translation_curve->min()), T_max_(translation_curve->max())
-    {
-      safe_check();
-    }
-    /* Constructor from translation and rotation curves object : */
-    /// \brief Constructor from from translation and rotation curves object
-    SE3Curve(curve_X_t* translation_curve,curve_rotation_t* rotation_curve)
+        dim_(6),
+        translation_curve_(translation_curve),
+        rotation_curve_(new SO3Linear_t(init_rot, end_rot, translation_curve->min(), translation_curve->max())),
+        T_min_(translation_curve->min()),
+        T_max_(translation_curve->max()) {
+    safe_check();
+  }
+  /* Constructor from translation and rotation curves object : */
+  /// \brief Constructor from from translation and rotation curves object
+  SE3Curve(curve_X_t* translation_curve, curve_rotation_t* rotation_curve)
       : curve_abc_t(),
-        dim_(6),translation_curve_(translation_curve),
+        dim_(6),
+        translation_curve_(translation_curve),
-        T_min_(translation_curve->min()), T_max_(translation_curve->max())
-    {
-      if(translation_curve->dim() != 3 ){
-        throw std::invalid_argument("The translation curve should be of dimension 3.");
-      }
-      if(rotation_curve->min() != T_min_){
-        throw std::invalid_argument("Min bounds of translation and rotation curve are not the same.");
-      }
-      if(rotation_curve->max() != T_max_){
-        throw std::invalid_argument("Max bounds of translation and rotation curve are not the same.");
-      }
-      safe_check();
+        T_min_(translation_curve->min()),
+        T_max_(translation_curve->max()) {
+    if (translation_curve->dim() != 3) {
+      throw std::invalid_argument("The translation curve should be of dimension 3.");
-    ///  \brief Evaluation of the SE3Curve at time t
-    ///  \param t : time when to evaluate the spline.
-    ///  \return \f$x(t)\f$ point corresponding on spline at time t. (pos_x,pos_y,pos_z,quat_x,quat_y,quat_z,quat_w)
-    virtual point_t operator()(const time_t t) const
-    {
-      if(translation_curve_->dim() != 3){
-        throw std::invalid_argument("Translation curve should always be of dimension 3");
-      }
-      point_t res = point_t::Identity();
-      res.translate(point3_t((*translation_curve_)(t)));
-      res.rotate((*rotation_curve_)(t));
-      return res;
+    if (rotation_curve->min() != T_min_) {
+      throw std::invalid_argument("Min bounds of translation and rotation curve are not the same.");
-    ///  \brief Evaluation of the derivative of order N of spline at time t.
-    ///  \param t : the time when to evaluate the spline.
-    ///  \param order : order of derivative.
-    ///  \return \f$\frac{d^Nx(t)}{dt^N}\f$ point corresponding on derivative spline at time t.
-    virtual point_derivate_t derivate(const time_t t, const std::size_t order) const
-    {
-      if(translation_curve_->dim() != 3){
-        throw std::invalid_argument("Translation curve should always be of dimension 3");
-      }
-      point_derivate_t res = point_derivate_t::Zero();
-      res.segment(0,3) = point3_t(translation_curve_->derivate(t,order));
-      res.segment(3,3) = rotation_curve_->derivate(t,order);
-      return res;
+    if (rotation_curve->max() != T_max_) {
+      throw std::invalid_argument("Max bounds of translation and rotation curve are not the same.");
-    /*Helpers*/
-    /// \brief Get dimension of curve.
-    /// \return dimension of curve.
-    std::size_t virtual dim() const{return dim_;};
-    /// \brief Get the minimum time for which the curve is defined
-    /// \return \f$t_{min}\f$ lower bound of time range.
-    time_t min() const {return T_min_;}
-    /// \brief Get the maximum time for which the curve is defined.
-    /// \return \f$t_{max}\f$ upper bound of time range.
-    time_t max() const {return T_max_;}
-    /*Helpers*/
-    /*Attributes*/
-    std::size_t dim_; //dim doesn't mean anything in this class ...
-    curve_X_t* translation_curve_ = NULL;
-    curve_rotation_t* rotation_curve_= NULL;
-    time_t T_min_, T_max_;
-    /*Attributes*/
-    // Serialization of the class
-    friend class boost::serialization::access;
-    template<class Archive>
-    void serialize(Archive& ar, const unsigned int version){
-      if (version) {
-        // Do something depending on version ?
-      }
-      ar & boost::serialization::make_nvp("dim", dim_);
-      ar & boost::serialization::make_nvp("translation_curve", translation_curve_);
-      ar & boost::serialization::make_nvp("rotation_curve", rotation_curve_);
-      ar & boost::serialization::make_nvp("T_min", T_min_);
-      ar & boost::serialization::make_nvp("T_max", T_max_);
+    safe_check();
+  }
+  ///  \brief Evaluation of the SE3Curve at time t
+  ///  \param t : time when to evaluate the spline.
+  ///  \return \f$x(t)\f$ point corresponding on spline at time t. (pos_x,pos_y,pos_z,quat_x,quat_y,quat_z,quat_w)
+  virtual point_t operator()(const time_t t) const {
+    if (translation_curve_->dim() != 3) {
+      throw std::invalid_argument("Translation curve should always be of dimension 3");
-  private:
-    void safe_check()
-    {
-      if(Safe)
-      {
-        if(T_min_ > T_max_)
-        {
-          throw std::invalid_argument("Tmin should be inferior to Tmax");
-        }
-        if(translation_curve_->dim() != 3){
-          throw std::invalid_argument("Translation curve should always be of dimension 3");
-        }
+    point_t res = point_t::Identity();
+    res.translate(point3_t((*translation_curve_)(t)));
+    res.rotate((*rotation_curve_)(t));
+    return res;
+  }
+  ///  \brief Evaluation of the derivative of order N of spline at time t.
+  ///  \param t : the time when to evaluate the spline.
+  ///  \param order : order of derivative.
+  ///  \return \f$\frac{d^Nx(t)}{dt^N}\f$ point corresponding on derivative spline at time t.
+  virtual point_derivate_t derivate(const time_t t, const std::size_t order) const {
+    if (translation_curve_->dim() != 3) {
+      throw std::invalid_argument("Translation curve should always be of dimension 3");
+    }
+    point_derivate_t res = point_derivate_t::Zero();
+    res.segment(0, 3) = point3_t(translation_curve_->derivate(t, order));
+    res.segment(3, 3) = rotation_curve_->derivate(t, order);
+    return res;
+  }
+  /*Helpers*/
+  /// \brief Get dimension of curve.
+  /// \return dimension of curve.
+  std::size_t virtual dim() const { return dim_; };
+  /// \brief Get the minimum time for which the curve is defined
+  /// \return \f$t_{min}\f$ lower bound of time range.
+  time_t min() const { return T_min_; }
+  /// \brief Get the maximum time for which the curve is defined.
+  /// \return \f$t_{max}\f$ upper bound of time range.
+  time_t max() const { return T_max_; }
+  /*Helpers*/
+  /*Attributes*/
+  std::size_t dim_;  // dim doesn't mean anything in this class ...
+  curve_X_t* translation_curve_ = NULL;
+  curve_rotation_t* rotation_curve_ = NULL;
+  time_t T_min_, T_max_;
+  /*Attributes*/
+  // Serialization of the class
+  friend class boost::serialization::access;
+  template <class Archive>
+  void serialize(Archive& ar, const unsigned int version) {
+    if (version) {
+      // Do something depending on version ?
+    }
+    ar& boost::serialization::make_nvp("dim", dim_);
+    ar& boost::serialization::make_nvp("translation_curve", translation_curve_);
+    ar& boost::serialization::make_nvp("rotation_curve", rotation_curve_);
+    ar& boost::serialization::make_nvp("T_min", T_min_);
+    ar& boost::serialization::make_nvp("T_max", T_max_);
+  }
+ private:
+  void safe_check() {
+    if (Safe) {
+      if (T_min_ > T_max_) {
+        throw std::invalid_argument("Tmin should be inferior to Tmax");
+      }
+      if (translation_curve_->dim() != 3) {
+        throw std::invalid_argument("Translation curve should always be of dimension 3");
+  }
+};  // SE3Curve
+}  // namespace curves
-  };//SE3Curve
-} // namespace curve
-#endif // SE3_CURVE_H
+#endif  // SE3_CURVE_H
diff --git a/include/curves/so3_linear.h b/include/curves/so3_linear.h
index d41b9db..f88072b 100644
--- a/include/curves/so3_linear.h
+++ b/include/curves/so3_linear.h
@@ -1,227 +1,208 @@
 #include "MathDefs.h"
 #include "curve_abc.h"
 #include <Eigen/Geometry>
 #include <boost/math/constants/constants.hpp>
-namespace curves
-  /// \class SO3Linear.
-  /// \brief Represents a linear interpolation in SO3, using the slerp method provided by Eigen::Quaternion
-  ///
+namespace curves {
+/// \class SO3Linear.
+/// \brief Represents a linear interpolation in SO3, using the slerp method provided by Eigen::Quaternion
+template <typename Time = double, typename Numeric = Time, bool Safe = false>
+struct SO3Linear : public curve_abc<Time, Numeric, Safe, Eigen::Matrix<Numeric, 3, 3>, Eigen::Matrix<Numeric, 3, 1> > {
+  typedef Numeric Scalar;
+  typedef Eigen::Matrix<Scalar, 3, 1> point3_t;
+  typedef Eigen::Matrix<Scalar, 3, 3> matrix3_t;
+  typedef Eigen::Quaternion<Scalar> quaternion_t;
+  typedef Time time_t;
+  typedef curve_abc<Time, Numeric, Safe, matrix3_t, point3_t> curve_abc_t;
+  typedef SO3Linear<Time, Numeric, Safe> SO3Linear_t;
+ public:
+  /* Constructors - destructors */
+  /// \brief Empty constructor. Curve obtained this way can not perform other class functions.
-  template<typename Time= double, typename Numeric=Time, bool Safe=false>
-  struct SO3Linear : public curve_abc<Time, Numeric, Safe, Eigen::Matrix<Numeric,3, 3>,Eigen::Matrix<Numeric,3, 1> >
-  {
-    typedef Numeric Scalar;
-    typedef Eigen::Matrix<Scalar,3, 1> point3_t;
-    typedef Eigen::Matrix<Scalar,3, 3> matrix3_t;
-    typedef Eigen::Quaternion<Scalar> quaternion_t;
-    typedef Time  time_t;
-    typedef curve_abc<Time, Numeric, Safe, matrix3_t,point3_t> curve_abc_t;
-    typedef SO3Linear<Time, Numeric, Safe> SO3Linear_t;
-  public:
-    /* Constructors - destructors */
-    /// \brief Empty constructor. Curve obtained this way can not perform other class functions.
-    ///
-    SO3Linear()
-      : curve_abc_t(), dim_(3),init_rot_(),end_rot_(),angular_vel_(), T_min_(0), T_max_(0)
-    {}
-    /// \brief constructor with initial and final rotation and time bounds
-    SO3Linear(const quaternion_t& init_rot, const quaternion_t& end_rot, const time_t t_min, const time_t t_max)
-      : curve_abc_t(), dim_(3),init_rot_(init_rot),end_rot_(end_rot),angular_vel_(), T_min_(t_min), T_max_(t_max)
-    {
-      angular_vel_ = log3(init_rot_.toRotationMatrix().transpose() * end_rot_.toRotationMatrix())/(T_max_ - T_min_);
-      safe_check();
-    }
-    /// \brief constructor with initial and final rotation expressed as rotation matrix and time bounds
-    SO3Linear(const matrix3_t& init_rot, const matrix3_t& end_rot, const time_t t_min, const time_t t_max)
-      : curve_abc_t(), dim_(3),init_rot_(quaternion_t(init_rot)),end_rot_(quaternion_t(end_rot)),angular_vel_(), T_min_(t_min), T_max_(t_max)
-    {
-      angular_vel_ = log3(init_rot.transpose() * end_rot)/(T_max_ - T_min_);
-      safe_check();
-    }
-    /// \brief constructor with initial and final rotation, time bounds are set to [0;1]
-    SO3Linear(const quaternion_t& init_rot, const quaternion_t& end_rot)
-      : curve_abc_t(), dim_(3),init_rot_(init_rot),end_rot_(end_rot),angular_vel_(), T_min_(0.), T_max_(1.)
-    {
-      angular_vel_ = log3(init_rot_.toRotationMatrix().transpose() * end_rot_.toRotationMatrix());
-    }
-    /// \brief constructor with initial and final rotation expressed as rotation matrix, time bounds are set to [0;1]
-    SO3Linear(const matrix3_t& init_rot, const matrix3_t& end_rot)
-      : curve_abc_t(), dim_(3),init_rot_(quaternion_t(init_rot)),end_rot_(quaternion_t(end_rot)),angular_vel_(), T_min_(0.), T_max_(1.)
-    {
-      angular_vel_ = log3(init_rot_.toRotationMatrix().transpose() * end_rot_.toRotationMatrix());
-    }
-    /// \brief Destructor
-    ~SO3Linear()
-    {
+  SO3Linear() : curve_abc_t(), dim_(3), init_rot_(), end_rot_(), angular_vel_(), T_min_(0), T_max_(0) {}
+  /// \brief constructor with initial and final rotation and time bounds
+  SO3Linear(const quaternion_t& init_rot, const quaternion_t& end_rot, const time_t t_min, const time_t t_max)
+      : curve_abc_t(), dim_(3), init_rot_(init_rot), end_rot_(end_rot), angular_vel_(), T_min_(t_min), T_max_(t_max) {
+    angular_vel_ = log3(init_rot_.toRotationMatrix().transpose() * end_rot_.toRotationMatrix()) / (T_max_ - T_min_);
+    safe_check();
+  }
+  /// \brief constructor with initial and final rotation expressed as rotation matrix and time bounds
+  SO3Linear(const matrix3_t& init_rot, const matrix3_t& end_rot, const time_t t_min, const time_t t_max)
+      : curve_abc_t(),
+        dim_(3),
+        init_rot_(quaternion_t(init_rot)),
+        end_rot_(quaternion_t(end_rot)),
+        angular_vel_(),
+        T_min_(t_min),
+        T_max_(t_max) {
+    angular_vel_ = log3(init_rot.transpose() * end_rot) / (T_max_ - T_min_);
+    safe_check();
+  }
+  /// \brief constructor with initial and final rotation, time bounds are set to [0;1]
+  SO3Linear(const quaternion_t& init_rot, const quaternion_t& end_rot)
+      : curve_abc_t(), dim_(3), init_rot_(init_rot), end_rot_(end_rot), angular_vel_(), T_min_(0.), T_max_(1.) {
+    angular_vel_ = log3(init_rot_.toRotationMatrix().transpose() * end_rot_.toRotationMatrix());
+  }
+  /// \brief constructor with initial and final rotation expressed as rotation matrix, time bounds are set to [0;1]
+  SO3Linear(const matrix3_t& init_rot, const matrix3_t& end_rot)
+      : curve_abc_t(),
+        dim_(3),
+        init_rot_(quaternion_t(init_rot)),
+        end_rot_(quaternion_t(end_rot)),
+        angular_vel_(),
+        T_min_(0.),
+        T_max_(1.) {
+    angular_vel_ = log3(init_rot_.toRotationMatrix().transpose() * end_rot_.toRotationMatrix());
+  }
+  /// \brief Destructor
+  ~SO3Linear() {
     // NOTHING
+  }
+  SO3Linear(const SO3Linear& other)
+      : dim_(other.dim_),
+        init_rot_(other.init_rot_),
+        end_rot_(other.end_rot_),
+        T_min_(other.T_min_),
+        T_max_(other.T_max_) {}
+  quaternion_t computeAsQuaternion(const time_t t) const {
+    if (Safe & !(T_min_ <= t && t <= T_max_)) {
+      throw std::invalid_argument("can't evaluate bezier curve, time t is out of range");  // TODO
-    SO3Linear(const SO3Linear& other)
-      : dim_(other.dim_), init_rot_(other.init_rot_), end_rot_(other.end_rot_),
-         T_min_(other.T_min_), T_max_(other.T_max_)
-    {}
-    quaternion_t computeAsQuaternion(const time_t t) const{
-      if(Safe &! (T_min_ <= t && t <= T_max_))
-      {
-        throw std::invalid_argument("can't evaluate bezier curve, time t is out of range"); // TODO
-      }
-      if(t > T_max_)
-        return end_rot_;
-      if(t < T_min_)
-        return init_rot_;
-      Scalar u = (t-T_min_) / (T_max_ - T_min_);
-      return init_rot_.slerp(u,end_rot_);
-    }
-    ///  \brief Evaluation of the SO3Linear at time t using Eigen slerp.
-    ///  \param t : time when to evaluate the spline.
-    ///  \return \f$x(t)\f$ point corresponding on spline at time t.
-    virtual matrix3_t operator()(const time_t t) const
-    {
-      return computeAsQuaternion(t).toRotationMatrix ();
+    if (t > T_max_) return end_rot_;
+    if (t < T_min_) return init_rot_;
+    Scalar u = (t - T_min_) / (T_max_ - T_min_);
+    return init_rot_.slerp(u, end_rot_);
+  }
+  ///  \brief Evaluation of the SO3Linear at time t using Eigen slerp.
+  ///  \param t : time when to evaluate the spline.
+  ///  \return \f$x(t)\f$ point corresponding on spline at time t.
+  virtual matrix3_t operator()(const time_t t) const { return computeAsQuaternion(t).toRotationMatrix(); }
+  ///  \brief Evaluation of the derivative of order N of spline at time t.
+  ///  \param t : the time when to evaluate the spline.
+  ///  \param order : order of derivative.
+  ///  \return \f$\frac{d^Nx(t)}{dt^N}\f$ point corresponding on derivative spline at time t.
+  virtual point3_t derivate(const time_t t, const std::size_t order) const {
+    if (order > 1 || t > T_max_ || t < T_min_) {
+      return point3_t::Zero(3);
+    } else if (order == 1) {
+      return angular_vel_;
+    } else {
+      throw std::invalid_argument("Order must be > 0 ");
-    ///  \brief Evaluation of the derivative of order N of spline at time t.
-    ///  \param t : the time when to evaluate the spline.
-    ///  \param order : order of derivative.
-    ///  \return \f$\frac{d^Nx(t)}{dt^N}\f$ point corresponding on derivative spline at time t.
-    virtual point3_t derivate(const time_t t, const std::size_t order) const
-    {
-      if(order > 1 || t > T_max_ || t < T_min_){
-        return point3_t::Zero(3);
-      }else if(order == 1){
-        return angular_vel_;
-      }else{
-        throw std::invalid_argument("Order must be > 0 ");
-      }
+  }
+  /*Helpers*/
+  /// \brief Get dimension of curve.
+  /// \return dimension of curve.
+  std::size_t virtual dim() const { return dim_; };
+  /// \brief Get the minimum time for which the curve is defined
+  /// \return \f$t_{min}\f$ lower bound of time range.
+  time_t min() const { return T_min_; }
+  /// \brief Get the maximum time for which the curve is defined.
+  /// \return \f$t_{max}\f$ upper bound of time range.
+  time_t max() const { return T_max_; }
+  /*Helpers*/
+  /*Attributes*/
+  std::size_t dim_;  // const
+  quaternion_t init_rot_, end_rot_;
+  point3_t angular_vel_;
+  time_t T_min_, T_max_;  // const
+  /*Attributes*/
+  // Serialization of the class
+  friend class boost::serialization::access;
+  template <class Archive>
+  void serialize(Archive& ar, const unsigned int version) {
+    if (version) {
+      // Do something depending on version ?
-    /*Helpers*/
-    /// \brief Get dimension of curve.
-    /// \return dimension of curve.
-    std::size_t virtual dim() const{return dim_;};
-    /// \brief Get the minimum time for which the curve is defined
-    /// \return \f$t_{min}\f$ lower bound of time range.
-    time_t min() const {return T_min_;}
-    /// \brief Get the maximum time for which the curve is defined.
-    /// \return \f$t_{max}\f$ upper bound of time range.
-    time_t max() const {return T_max_;}
-    /*Helpers*/
-    /*Attributes*/
-    std::size_t dim_; //const
-    quaternion_t init_rot_,end_rot_;
-    point3_t angular_vel_;
-    time_t T_min_, T_max_; //const
-    /*Attributes*/
-    // Serialization of the class
-    friend class boost::serialization::access;
-    template<class Archive>
-    void serialize(Archive& ar, const unsigned int version){
-      if (version) {
-        // Do something depending on version ?
-      }
-      ar & boost::serialization::make_nvp("dim", dim_);
-      ar & boost::serialization::make_nvp("init_rot", init_rot_);
-      ar & boost::serialization::make_nvp("end_rot", end_rot_);
-      ar & boost::serialization::make_nvp("angular_vel", angular_vel_);
-      ar & boost::serialization::make_nvp("T_min", T_min_);
-      ar & boost::serialization::make_nvp("T_max", T_max_);
+    ar& boost::serialization::make_nvp("dim", dim_);
+    ar& boost::serialization::make_nvp("init_rot", init_rot_);
+    ar& boost::serialization::make_nvp("end_rot", end_rot_);
+    ar& boost::serialization::make_nvp("angular_vel", angular_vel_);
+    ar& boost::serialization::make_nvp("T_min", T_min_);
+    ar& boost::serialization::make_nvp("T_max", T_max_);
+  }
+  /// \brief Log: SO3 -> so3.
+  ///
+  /// Pseudo-inverse of log from \f$ SO3 -> { v \in so3, ||v|| \le pi } \f$.
+  ///
+  /// Code from pinocchio.
+  ///
+  /// \param[in] R the rotation matrix.    ///
+  /// \return The angular velocity vector associated to the rotation matrix.
+  ///
+  point3_t log3(const matrix3_t& R) {
+    Scalar theta;
+    static const Scalar PI_value = boost::math::constants::pi<Scalar>();
+    point3_t res;
+    const Scalar tr = R.trace();
+    if (tr > Scalar(3))
+      theta = 0;  // acos((3-1)/2)
+    else if (tr < Scalar(-1))
+      theta = PI_value;  // acos((-1-1)/2)
+    else
+      theta = acos((tr - Scalar(1)) / Scalar(2));
+    assert(theta == theta && "theta contains some NaN");  // theta != NaN
+    // From runs of hpp-constraints/tests/ 1e-6 is too small.
+    if (theta < PI_value - 1e-2) {
+      const Scalar t = ((theta > std::pow(std::numeric_limits<Scalar>::epsilon(),
+                                          Scalar(1) / Scalar(4)))  // precision of taylor serie of degree 3
+                            ? theta / sin(theta)
+                            : Scalar(1)) /
+                       Scalar(2);
+      res(0) = t * (R(2, 1) - R(1, 2));
+      res(1) = t * (R(0, 2) - R(2, 0));
+      res(2) = t * (R(1, 0) - R(0, 1));
+    } else {
+      // 1e-2: A low value is not required since the computation is
+      // using explicit formula. However, the precision of this method
+      // is the square root of the precision with the antisymmetric
+      // method (Nominal case).
+      const Scalar cphi = cos(theta - PI_value);
+      const Scalar beta = theta * theta / (Scalar(1) + cphi);
+      point3_t tmp((R.diagonal().array() + cphi) * beta);
+      res(0) = (R(2, 1) > R(1, 2) ? Scalar(1) : Scalar(-1)) * (tmp[0] > Scalar(0) ? sqrt(tmp[0]) : Scalar(0));
+      res(1) = (R(0, 2) > R(2, 0) ? Scalar(1) : Scalar(-1)) * (tmp[1] > Scalar(0) ? sqrt(tmp[1]) : Scalar(0));
+      res(2) = (R(1, 0) > R(0, 1) ? Scalar(1) : Scalar(-1)) * (tmp[2] > Scalar(0) ? sqrt(tmp[2]) : Scalar(0));
+    return res;
+  }
-    /// \brief Log: SO3 -> so3.
-    ///
-    /// Pseudo-inverse of log from \f$ SO3 -> { v \in so3, ||v|| \le pi } \f$.
-    ///
-    /// Code from pinocchio.
-    ///
-    /// \param[in] R the rotation matrix.    ///
-    /// \return The angular velocity vector associated to the rotation matrix.
-    ///
-    point3_t log3(const matrix3_t & R)
-    {
-      Scalar theta;
-      static const Scalar PI_value = boost::math::constants::pi<Scalar>();
-      point3_t res;
-      const Scalar tr = R.trace();
-      if (tr > Scalar(3))       theta = 0; // acos((3-1)/2)
-      else if (tr < Scalar(-1)) theta = PI_value; // acos((-1-1)/2)
-      else                      theta = acos((tr - Scalar(1))/Scalar(2));
-      assert(theta == theta && "theta contains some NaN"); // theta != NaN
-      // From runs of hpp-constraints/tests/ 1e-6 is too small.
-      if (theta < PI_value - 1e-2)
-      {
-        const Scalar t = ((theta > std::pow(std::numeric_limits<Scalar>::epsilon(),Scalar(1)/Scalar(4))) // precision of taylor serie of degree 3
-                          ? theta / sin(theta)
-                          : Scalar(1)) / Scalar(2);
-        res(0) = t * (R (2, 1) - R (1, 2));
-        res(1) = t * (R (0, 2) - R (2, 0));
-        res(2) = t * (R (1, 0) - R (0, 1));
-      }
-      else
-      {
-        // 1e-2: A low value is not required since the computation is
-        // using explicit formula. However, the precision of this method
-        // is the square root of the precision with the antisymmetric
-        // method (Nominal case).
-        const Scalar cphi = cos(theta - PI_value);
-        const Scalar beta  = theta*theta / ( Scalar(1) + cphi );
-        point3_t tmp((R.diagonal().array() + cphi) * beta);
-        res(0) = (R (2, 1) > R (1, 2) ? Scalar(1) : Scalar(-1)) * (tmp[0] > Scalar(0) ? sqrt(tmp[0]) : Scalar(0));
-        res(1) = (R (0, 2) > R (2, 0) ? Scalar(1) : Scalar(-1)) * (tmp[1] > Scalar(0) ? sqrt(tmp[1]) : Scalar(0));
-        res(2) = (R (1, 0) > R (0, 1) ? Scalar(1) : Scalar(-1)) * (tmp[2] > Scalar(0) ? sqrt(tmp[2]) : Scalar(0));
-      }
-      return res;
-    }
-  private:
-    void safe_check()
-    {
-      if(Safe)
-      {
-        if(T_min_ > T_max_)
-        {
-          throw std::invalid_argument("Tmin should be inferior to Tmax");
-        }
+ private:
+  void safe_check() {
+    if (Safe) {
+      if (T_min_ > T_max_) {
+        throw std::invalid_argument("Tmin should be inferior to Tmax");
+  }
+};  // struct SO3Linear
+}  // namespace curves
-  }; // struct SO3Linear
-}// namespace curves
-#endif // _STRUCT_SO3_LINEAR_H
+#endif  // _STRUCT_SO3_LINEAR_H
diff --git a/python/curves_python.cpp b/python/curves_python.cpp
index a951502..249c839 100644
--- a/python/curves_python.cpp
+++ b/python/curves_python.cpp
@@ -7,451 +7,392 @@
 #include <pinocchio/spatial/se3.hpp>
 #include <pinocchio/spatial/motion.hpp>
-namespace curves
-  using namespace boost::python;
-  /* base wrap of curve_abc and others parent abstract class: must implement all pure virtual methods */
-  struct CurveWrapper : curve_abc_t, wrapper<curve_abc_t>
-  {
-      point_t operator()(const real) { return this->get_override("operator()")();}
-      point_t derivate(const real, const std::size_t) { return this->get_override("derivate")();}
-      std::size_t dim() { return this->get_override("dim")();}
-      real min() { return this->get_override("min")();}
-      real max() { return this->get_override("max")();}
-  };
-  struct Curve3Wrapper : curve_3_t, wrapper<curve_3_t>
-  {
-      point_t operator()(const real) { return this->get_override("operator()")();}
-      point_t derivate(const real, const std::size_t) { return this->get_override("derivate")();}
-      std::size_t dim() { return this->get_override("dim")();}
-      real min() { return this->get_override("min")();}
-      real max() { return this->get_override("max")();}
-  };
-  struct CurveRotationWrapper : curve_rotation_t, wrapper<curve_rotation_t>
-  {
-      point_t operator()(const real) { return this->get_override("operator()")();}
-      point_t derivate(const real, const std::size_t) { return this->get_override("derivate")();}
-      std::size_t dim() { return this->get_override("dim")();}
-      real min() { return this->get_override("min")();}
-      real max() { return this->get_override("max")();}
-  };
-  /* end base wrap of curve_abc */
-  /* Template constructor bezier */
-  template <typename Bezier, typename PointList, typename T_Point>
-  Bezier* wrapBezierConstructorTemplate(const PointList& array, const real T_min =0., const real T_max =1.)
-  {
-    T_Point asVector = vectorFromEigenArray<PointList, T_Point>(array);
-    return new Bezier(asVector.begin(), asVector.end(), T_min, T_max);
-  }
-  template <typename Bezier, typename PointList, typename T_Point, typename CurveConstraints>
-  Bezier* wrapBezierConstructorConstraintsTemplate(const PointList& array, const CurveConstraints& constraints,
-                                                   const real T_min =0., const real T_max =1.)
-  {
-    T_Point asVector = vectorFromEigenArray<PointList, T_Point>(array);
-    return new Bezier(asVector.begin(), asVector.end(), constraints, T_min, T_max);
-  }
-  /* End Template constructor bezier */
-  /* Helper converter constraintsX -> constraints 3 */
-  curve_constraints3_t convertToConstraints3(curve_constraints_t constraintsX){
-    curve_constraints3_t constraints3(3);
-    constraints3.init_vel =point3_t(constraintsX.init_vel);
-    constraints3.init_acc = point3_t(constraintsX.init_acc);
-    constraints3.end_vel = point3_t(constraintsX.end_vel);
-    constraints3.end_acc = point3_t(constraintsX.end_acc);
-    return constraints3;
-  }
-  /* END helper converter constraintsX -> constraints 3 */
-  /*3D constructors bezier */
-  bezier3_t* wrapBezier3Constructor(const pointX_list_t& array)
-  {
-    return wrapBezierConstructorTemplate<bezier3_t, pointX_list_t, t_point3_t>(array) ;
-  }
-  bezier3_t* wrapBezier3ConstructorBounds(const pointX_list_t& array, const real T_min, const real T_max)
-  {
-    return wrapBezierConstructorTemplate<bezier3_t, pointX_list_t, t_point3_t>(array, T_min, T_max) ;
-  }
-  bezier3_t* wrapBezier3ConstructorConstraints(const pointX_list_t& array, const curve_constraints_t& constraints)
-  {
-    return wrapBezierConstructorConstraintsTemplate<bezier3_t, pointX_list_t, t_point3_t, curve_constraints3_t>(array, convertToConstraints3(constraints)) ;
-  }
-  bezier3_t* wrapBezier3ConstructorBoundsConstraints(const pointX_list_t& array, const curve_constraints_t& constraints,
-                                                   const real T_min, const real T_max)
-  {
-    return wrapBezierConstructorConstraintsTemplate<bezier3_t, pointX_list_t, t_point3_t, curve_constraints3_t>(array, convertToConstraints3(constraints),T_min, T_max) ;
-  }
-  /*END 3D constructors bezier */
-  /*constructors bezier */
-  bezier_t* wrapBezierConstructor(const pointX_list_t& array)
-  {
-    return wrapBezierConstructorTemplate<bezier_t, pointX_list_t, t_pointX_t>(array) ;
-  }
-  bezier_t* wrapBezierConstructorBounds(const pointX_list_t& array, const real T_min, const real T_max)
-  {
-    return wrapBezierConstructorTemplate<bezier_t, pointX_list_t, t_pointX_t>(array, T_min, T_max) ;
-  }
-  bezier_t* wrapBezierConstructorConstraints(const pointX_list_t& array, const curve_constraints_t& constraints)
-  {
-    return wrapBezierConstructorConstraintsTemplate<bezier_t, pointX_list_t, t_pointX_t, curve_constraints_t>(array, constraints) ;
-  }
-  bezier_t* wrapBezierConstructorBoundsConstraints(const pointX_list_t& array, const curve_constraints_t& constraints,
-                                                   const real T_min, const real T_max)
-  {
-    return wrapBezierConstructorConstraintsTemplate<bezier_t, pointX_list_t, t_pointX_t, curve_constraints_t>(array, constraints,
-                                                                                                            T_min, T_max) ;
-  }
-  /*END constructors bezier */
-  /* Wrap Cubic hermite spline */
-  t_pair_pointX_tangent_t getPairsPointTangent(const pointX_list_t& points, const pointX_list_t& tangents)
-  {
-    t_pair_pointX_tangent_t res;
-    if (points.size() != tangents.size())
-    {
-      throw std::length_error("size of points and tangents must be the same");
-    }
-    for(int i =0;i<points.cols();++i)
-    {
-      res.push_back(pair_pointX_tangent_t(points.col(i), tangents.col(i)));
-    }
-    return res;
-  }
-  cubic_hermite_spline_t* wrapCubicHermiteSplineConstructor(const pointX_list_t& points, const pointX_list_t& tangents,
-                                                            const time_waypoints_t& time_pts)
-  {
-    t_pair_pointX_tangent_t ppt = getPairsPointTangent(points, tangents);
-    std::vector<real> time_control_pts;
-    for( int i =0; i<time_pts.size(); ++i)
-    {
-      time_control_pts.push_back(time_pts[i]);
-    }
-    return new cubic_hermite_spline_t(ppt.begin(), ppt.end(), time_control_pts);
-  }
-  /* End wrap Cubic hermite spline */
-  /* Wrap polynomial */
-  polynomial_t* wrapPolynomialConstructor1(const coeff_t& array, const real min, const real max)
-  {
-    return new polynomial_t(array, min, max);
-  }
-  polynomial_t* wrapPolynomialConstructor2(const coeff_t& array)
-  {
-    return new polynomial_t(array, 0., 1.);
-  }
-  polynomial_t* wrapPolynomialConstructorFromBoundaryConditionsDegree1(const pointX_t& init,const pointX_t& end,const real min, const real max)
-  {
-    return new polynomial_t(init,end,min,max);
-  }
-  polynomial_t* wrapPolynomialConstructorFromBoundaryConditionsDegree3(const pointX_t& init,const pointX_t& d_init,const pointX_t& end,const pointX_t& d_end,const real min, const real max)
-  {
-    return new polynomial_t(init,d_init,end,d_end,min,max);
-  }
-  polynomial_t* wrapPolynomialConstructorFromBoundaryConditionsDegree5(const pointX_t& init,const pointX_t& d_init,const pointX_t& dd_init,const pointX_t& end,const point_t& d_end,const point_t& dd_end,const real min, const real max)
-  {
-    return new polynomial_t(init,d_init,dd_init,end,d_end,dd_end,min,max);
-  }
-  /* End wrap polynomial */
-  /* Wrap piecewise curve */
-  piecewise_polynomial_curve_t* wrapPiecewisePolynomialCurveConstructor(const polynomial_t& pol)
-  {
-    return new piecewise_polynomial_curve_t(pol);
-  }
-  piecewise_polynomial_curve_t* wrapPiecewisePolynomialCurveEmptyConstructor()
-  {
-    return new piecewise_polynomial_curve_t();
-  }
-  piecewise_bezier_curve_t* wrapPiecewiseBezierCurveConstructor(const bezier_t& bc)
-  {
-    return new piecewise_bezier_curve_t(bc);
-  }
-  piecewise_bezier_linear_curve_t*  wrapPiecewiseLinearBezierCurveConstructor(const bezier_linear_variable_t& bc)
-  {
-      return new piecewise_bezier_linear_curve_t(bc);
-  }
-  piecewise_cubic_hermite_curve_t* wrapPiecewiseCubicHermiteCurveConstructor(const cubic_hermite_spline_t& ch)
-  {
-    return new piecewise_cubic_hermite_curve_t(ch);
-  }
-  static piecewise_polynomial_curve_t discretPointToPolynomialC0(const pointX_list_t& points, const time_waypoints_t& time_points){
-    t_pointX_t points_list = vectorFromEigenArray<pointX_list_t,t_pointX_t>(points);
-    t_time_t time_points_list = vectorFromEigenVector<time_waypoints_t,t_time_t>(time_points);
-    return piecewise_polynomial_curve_t::convert_discrete_points_to_polynomial<polynomial_t>(points_list,time_points_list);
-  }
-  static piecewise_polynomial_curve_t discretPointToPolynomialC1(const pointX_list_t& points,const pointX_list_t& points_derivative, const time_waypoints_t& time_points){
-    t_pointX_t points_list = vectorFromEigenArray<pointX_list_t,t_pointX_t>(points);
-    t_pointX_t points_derivative_list = vectorFromEigenArray<pointX_list_t,t_pointX_t>(points_derivative);
-    t_time_t time_points_list = vectorFromEigenVector<time_waypoints_t,t_time_t>(time_points);
-    return piecewise_polynomial_curve_t::convert_discrete_points_to_polynomial<polynomial_t>(points_list,points_derivative_list,time_points_list);
-  }
-  static piecewise_polynomial_curve_t discretPointToPolynomialC2(const pointX_list_t& points,const pointX_list_t& points_derivative,const pointX_list_t& points_second_derivative, const time_waypoints_t& time_points){
-    t_pointX_t points_list = vectorFromEigenArray<pointX_list_t,t_pointX_t>(points);
-    t_pointX_t points_derivative_list = vectorFromEigenArray<pointX_list_t,t_pointX_t>(points_derivative);
-    t_pointX_t points_second_derivative_list = vectorFromEigenArray<pointX_list_t,t_pointX_t>(points_second_derivative);
-    t_time_t time_points_list = vectorFromEigenVector<time_waypoints_t,t_time_t>(time_points);
-    return piecewise_polynomial_curve_t::convert_discrete_points_to_polynomial<polynomial_t>(points_list,points_derivative_list,points_second_derivative_list,time_points_list);
-  }
-  void addFinalPointC0(piecewise_polynomial_curve_t self,const pointX_t& end,const real time){
-    if(self.is_continuous(1))
-      std::cout<<"Warning: by adding this final point to the piecewise curve, you loose C1 continuity and only guarantee C0 continuity."<<std::endl;
-    polynomial_t pol(self(self.max()),end,self.max(),time);
-    self.add_curve(pol);
-  }
-  void addFinalPointC1(piecewise_polynomial_curve_t self,const pointX_t& end,const pointX_t& d_end,const real time){
-    if(self.is_continuous(2))
-      std::cout<<"Warning: by adding this final point to the piecewise curve, you loose C2 continuity and only guarantee C1 continuity."<<std::endl;
-    if(!self.is_continuous(1))
-      std::cout<<"Warning: the current piecewise curve is not C1 continuous."<<std::endl;
-    polynomial_t pol(self(self.max()),self.derivate(self.max(),1),end,d_end,self.max(),time);
-    self.add_curve(pol);
-  }
-  void addFinalPointC2(piecewise_polynomial_curve_t self,const pointX_t& end,const pointX_t& d_end,const pointX_t& dd_end,const real time){
-    if(self.is_continuous(3))
-      std::cout<<"Warning: by adding this final point to the piecewise curve, you loose C3 continuity and only guarantee C2 continuity."<<std::endl;
-    if(!self.is_continuous(2))
-      std::cout<<"Warning: the current piecewise curve is not C2 continuous."<<std::endl;
-    polynomial_t pol(self(self.max()),self.derivate(self.max(),1),self.derivate(self.max(),2),end,d_end,dd_end,self.max(),time);
-    self.add_curve(pol);
-  }
-  /* end wrap piecewise polynomial curve */
-  /* Wrap exact cubic spline */
-  t_waypoint_t getWayPoints(const coeff_t& array, const time_waypoints_t& time_wp)
-  {
-    t_waypoint_t res;
-    for(int i =0;i<array.cols();++i)
-    {
-      res.push_back(std::make_pair(time_wp(i), array.col(i)));
-    }
-    return res;
-  }
-  exact_cubic_t* wrapExactCubicConstructor(const coeff_t& array, const time_waypoints_t& time_wp)
-  {
-    t_waypoint_t wps = getWayPoints(array, time_wp);
-    return new exact_cubic_t(wps.begin(), wps.end());
-  }
-  exact_cubic_t* wrapExactCubicConstructorConstraint(const coeff_t& array, const time_waypoints_t& time_wp,
-                                                     const curve_constraints_t& constraints)
-  {
-    t_waypoint_t wps = getWayPoints(array, time_wp);
-    return new exact_cubic_t(wps.begin(), wps.end(), constraints);
-  }
-  /// For constraints XD
-  pointX_t get_init_vel(const curve_constraints_t& c)
-  {
-    return c.init_vel;
-  }
-  pointX_t get_init_acc(const curve_constraints_t& c)
-  {
-    return c.init_acc;
-  }
-  pointX_t get_init_jerk(const curve_constraints_t& c)
-  {
-      return c.init_jerk;
-  }
-  pointX_t get_end_vel(const curve_constraints_t& c)
-  {
-    return c.end_vel;
-  }
+namespace curves {
+using namespace boost::python;
+/* base wrap of curve_abc and others parent abstract class: must implement all pure virtual methods */
+struct CurveWrapper : curve_abc_t, wrapper<curve_abc_t> {
+  point_t operator()(const real) { return this->get_override("operator()")(); }
+  point_t derivate(const real, const std::size_t) { return this->get_override("derivate")(); }
+  std::size_t dim() { return this->get_override("dim")(); }
+  real min() { return this->get_override("min")(); }
+  real max() { return this->get_override("max")(); }
+struct Curve3Wrapper : curve_3_t, wrapper<curve_3_t> {
+  point_t operator()(const real) { return this->get_override("operator()")(); }
+  point_t derivate(const real, const std::size_t) { return this->get_override("derivate")(); }
+  std::size_t dim() { return this->get_override("dim")(); }
+  real min() { return this->get_override("min")(); }
+  real max() { return this->get_override("max")(); }
+struct CurveRotationWrapper : curve_rotation_t, wrapper<curve_rotation_t> {
+  point_t operator()(const real) { return this->get_override("operator()")(); }
+  point_t derivate(const real, const std::size_t) { return this->get_override("derivate")(); }
+  std::size_t dim() { return this->get_override("dim")(); }
+  real min() { return this->get_override("min")(); }
+  real max() { return this->get_override("max")(); }
+/* end base wrap of curve_abc */
+/* Template constructor bezier */
+template <typename Bezier, typename PointList, typename T_Point>
+Bezier* wrapBezierConstructorTemplate(const PointList& array, const real T_min = 0., const real T_max = 1.) {
+  T_Point asVector = vectorFromEigenArray<PointList, T_Point>(array);
+  return new Bezier(asVector.begin(), asVector.end(), T_min, T_max);
+template <typename Bezier, typename PointList, typename T_Point, typename CurveConstraints>
+Bezier* wrapBezierConstructorConstraintsTemplate(const PointList& array, const CurveConstraints& constraints,
+                                                 const real T_min = 0., const real T_max = 1.) {
+  T_Point asVector = vectorFromEigenArray<PointList, T_Point>(array);
+  return new Bezier(asVector.begin(), asVector.end(), constraints, T_min, T_max);
+/* End Template constructor bezier */
+/* Helper converter constraintsX -> constraints 3 */
+curve_constraints3_t convertToConstraints3(curve_constraints_t constraintsX) {
+  curve_constraints3_t constraints3(3);
+  constraints3.init_vel = point3_t(constraintsX.init_vel);
+  constraints3.init_acc = point3_t(constraintsX.init_acc);
+  constraints3.end_vel = point3_t(constraintsX.end_vel);
+  constraints3.end_acc = point3_t(constraintsX.end_acc);
+  return constraints3;
+/* END helper converter constraintsX -> constraints 3 */
+/*3D constructors bezier */
+bezier3_t* wrapBezier3Constructor(const pointX_list_t& array) {
+  return wrapBezierConstructorTemplate<bezier3_t, pointX_list_t, t_point3_t>(array);
+bezier3_t* wrapBezier3ConstructorBounds(const pointX_list_t& array, const real T_min, const real T_max) {
+  return wrapBezierConstructorTemplate<bezier3_t, pointX_list_t, t_point3_t>(array, T_min, T_max);
+bezier3_t* wrapBezier3ConstructorConstraints(const pointX_list_t& array, const curve_constraints_t& constraints) {
+  return wrapBezierConstructorConstraintsTemplate<bezier3_t, pointX_list_t, t_point3_t, curve_constraints3_t>(
+      array, convertToConstraints3(constraints));
+bezier3_t* wrapBezier3ConstructorBoundsConstraints(const pointX_list_t& array, const curve_constraints_t& constraints,
+                                                   const real T_min, const real T_max) {
+  return wrapBezierConstructorConstraintsTemplate<bezier3_t, pointX_list_t, t_point3_t, curve_constraints3_t>(
+      array, convertToConstraints3(constraints), T_min, T_max);
+/*END 3D constructors bezier */
+/*constructors bezier */
+bezier_t* wrapBezierConstructor(const pointX_list_t& array) {
+  return wrapBezierConstructorTemplate<bezier_t, pointX_list_t, t_pointX_t>(array);
+bezier_t* wrapBezierConstructorBounds(const pointX_list_t& array, const real T_min, const real T_max) {
+  return wrapBezierConstructorTemplate<bezier_t, pointX_list_t, t_pointX_t>(array, T_min, T_max);
+bezier_t* wrapBezierConstructorConstraints(const pointX_list_t& array, const curve_constraints_t& constraints) {
+  return wrapBezierConstructorConstraintsTemplate<bezier_t, pointX_list_t, t_pointX_t, curve_constraints_t>(
+      array, constraints);
+bezier_t* wrapBezierConstructorBoundsConstraints(const pointX_list_t& array, const curve_constraints_t& constraints,
+                                                 const real T_min, const real T_max) {
+  return wrapBezierConstructorConstraintsTemplate<bezier_t, pointX_list_t, t_pointX_t, curve_constraints_t>(
+      array, constraints, T_min, T_max);
+/*END constructors bezier */
+/* Wrap Cubic hermite spline */
+t_pair_pointX_tangent_t getPairsPointTangent(const pointX_list_t& points, const pointX_list_t& tangents) {
+  t_pair_pointX_tangent_t res;
+  if (points.size() != tangents.size()) {
+    throw std::length_error("size of points and tangents must be the same");
+  }
+  for (int i = 0; i < points.cols(); ++i) {
+    res.push_back(pair_pointX_tangent_t(points.col(i), tangents.col(i)));
+  }
+  return res;
+cubic_hermite_spline_t* wrapCubicHermiteSplineConstructor(const pointX_list_t& points, const pointX_list_t& tangents,
+                                                          const time_waypoints_t& time_pts) {
+  t_pair_pointX_tangent_t ppt = getPairsPointTangent(points, tangents);
+  std::vector<real> time_control_pts;
+  for (int i = 0; i < time_pts.size(); ++i) {
+    time_control_pts.push_back(time_pts[i]);
+  }
+  return new cubic_hermite_spline_t(ppt.begin(), ppt.end(), time_control_pts);
+/* End wrap Cubic hermite spline */
+/* Wrap polynomial */
+polynomial_t* wrapPolynomialConstructor1(const coeff_t& array, const real min, const real max) {
+  return new polynomial_t(array, min, max);
+polynomial_t* wrapPolynomialConstructor2(const coeff_t& array) { return new polynomial_t(array, 0., 1.); }
+polynomial_t* wrapPolynomialConstructorFromBoundaryConditionsDegree1(const pointX_t& init, const pointX_t& end,
+                                                                     const real min, const real max) {
+  return new polynomial_t(init, end, min, max);
+polynomial_t* wrapPolynomialConstructorFromBoundaryConditionsDegree3(const pointX_t& init, const pointX_t& d_init,
+                                                                     const pointX_t& end, const pointX_t& d_end,
+                                                                     const real min, const real max) {
+  return new polynomial_t(init, d_init, end, d_end, min, max);
+polynomial_t* wrapPolynomialConstructorFromBoundaryConditionsDegree5(const pointX_t& init, const pointX_t& d_init,
+                                                                     const pointX_t& dd_init, const pointX_t& end,
+                                                                     const point_t& d_end, const point_t& dd_end,
+                                                                     const real min, const real max) {
+  return new polynomial_t(init, d_init, dd_init, end, d_end, dd_end, min, max);
+/* End wrap polynomial */
+/* Wrap piecewise curve */
+piecewise_polynomial_curve_t* wrapPiecewisePolynomialCurveConstructor(const polynomial_t& pol) {
+  return new piecewise_polynomial_curve_t(pol);
+piecewise_polynomial_curve_t* wrapPiecewisePolynomialCurveEmptyConstructor() {
+  return new piecewise_polynomial_curve_t();
+piecewise_bezier_curve_t* wrapPiecewiseBezierCurveConstructor(const bezier_t& bc) {
+  return new piecewise_bezier_curve_t(bc);
+piecewise_bezier_linear_curve_t* wrapPiecewiseLinearBezierCurveConstructor(const bezier_linear_variable_t& bc) {
+  return new piecewise_bezier_linear_curve_t(bc);
+piecewise_cubic_hermite_curve_t* wrapPiecewiseCubicHermiteCurveConstructor(const cubic_hermite_spline_t& ch) {
+  return new piecewise_cubic_hermite_curve_t(ch);
+static piecewise_polynomial_curve_t discretPointToPolynomialC0(const pointX_list_t& points,
+                                                               const time_waypoints_t& time_points) {
+  t_pointX_t points_list = vectorFromEigenArray<pointX_list_t, t_pointX_t>(points);
+  t_time_t time_points_list = vectorFromEigenVector<time_waypoints_t, t_time_t>(time_points);
+  return piecewise_polynomial_curve_t::convert_discrete_points_to_polynomial<polynomial_t>(points_list,
+                                                                                           time_points_list);
+static piecewise_polynomial_curve_t discretPointToPolynomialC1(const pointX_list_t& points,
+                                                               const pointX_list_t& points_derivative,
+                                                               const time_waypoints_t& time_points) {
+  t_pointX_t points_list = vectorFromEigenArray<pointX_list_t, t_pointX_t>(points);
+  t_pointX_t points_derivative_list = vectorFromEigenArray<pointX_list_t, t_pointX_t>(points_derivative);
+  t_time_t time_points_list = vectorFromEigenVector<time_waypoints_t, t_time_t>(time_points);
+  return piecewise_polynomial_curve_t::convert_discrete_points_to_polynomial<polynomial_t>(
+      points_list, points_derivative_list, time_points_list);
+static piecewise_polynomial_curve_t discretPointToPolynomialC2(const pointX_list_t& points,
+                                                               const pointX_list_t& points_derivative,
+                                                               const pointX_list_t& points_second_derivative,
+                                                               const time_waypoints_t& time_points) {
+  t_pointX_t points_list = vectorFromEigenArray<pointX_list_t, t_pointX_t>(points);
+  t_pointX_t points_derivative_list = vectorFromEigenArray<pointX_list_t, t_pointX_t>(points_derivative);
+  t_pointX_t points_second_derivative_list = vectorFromEigenArray<pointX_list_t, t_pointX_t>(points_second_derivative);
+  t_time_t time_points_list = vectorFromEigenVector<time_waypoints_t, t_time_t>(time_points);
+  return piecewise_polynomial_curve_t::convert_discrete_points_to_polynomial<polynomial_t>(
+      points_list, points_derivative_list, points_second_derivative_list, time_points_list);
+void addFinalPointC0(piecewise_polynomial_curve_t self, const pointX_t& end, const real time) {
+  if (self.is_continuous(1))
+    std::cout << "Warning: by adding this final point to the piecewise curve, you loose C1 continuity and only "
+                 "guarantee C0 continuity."
+              << std::endl;
+  polynomial_t pol(self(self.max()), end, self.max(), time);
+  self.add_curve(pol);
+void addFinalPointC1(piecewise_polynomial_curve_t self, const pointX_t& end, const pointX_t& d_end, const real time) {
+  if (self.is_continuous(2))
+    std::cout << "Warning: by adding this final point to the piecewise curve, you loose C2 continuity and only "
+                 "guarantee C1 continuity."
+              << std::endl;
+  if (!self.is_continuous(1)) std::cout << "Warning: the current piecewise curve is not C1 continuous." << std::endl;
+  polynomial_t pol(self(self.max()), self.derivate(self.max(), 1), end, d_end, self.max(), time);
+  self.add_curve(pol);
+void addFinalPointC2(piecewise_polynomial_curve_t self, const pointX_t& end, const pointX_t& d_end,
+                     const pointX_t& dd_end, const real time) {
+  if (self.is_continuous(3))
+    std::cout << "Warning: by adding this final point to the piecewise curve, you loose C3 continuity and only "
+                 "guarantee C2 continuity."
+              << std::endl;
+  if (!self.is_continuous(2)) std::cout << "Warning: the current piecewise curve is not C2 continuous." << std::endl;
+  polynomial_t pol(self(self.max()), self.derivate(self.max(), 1), self.derivate(self.max(), 2), end, d_end, dd_end,
+                   self.max(), time);
+  self.add_curve(pol);
+/* end wrap piecewise polynomial curve */
+/* Wrap exact cubic spline */
+t_waypoint_t getWayPoints(const coeff_t& array, const time_waypoints_t& time_wp) {
+  t_waypoint_t res;
+  for (int i = 0; i < array.cols(); ++i) {
+    res.push_back(std::make_pair(time_wp(i), array.col(i)));
+  }
+  return res;
+exact_cubic_t* wrapExactCubicConstructor(const coeff_t& array, const time_waypoints_t& time_wp) {
+  t_waypoint_t wps = getWayPoints(array, time_wp);
+  return new exact_cubic_t(wps.begin(), wps.end());
+exact_cubic_t* wrapExactCubicConstructorConstraint(const coeff_t& array, const time_waypoints_t& time_wp,
+                                                   const curve_constraints_t& constraints) {
+  t_waypoint_t wps = getWayPoints(array, time_wp);
+  return new exact_cubic_t(wps.begin(), wps.end(), constraints);
+/// For constraints XD
+pointX_t get_init_vel(const curve_constraints_t& c) { return c.init_vel; }
+pointX_t get_init_acc(const curve_constraints_t& c) { return c.init_acc; }
+pointX_t get_init_jerk(const curve_constraints_t& c) { return c.init_jerk; }
+pointX_t get_end_vel(const curve_constraints_t& c) { return c.end_vel; }
+pointX_t get_end_acc(const curve_constraints_t& c) { return c.end_acc; }
+pointX_t get_end_jerk(const curve_constraints_t& c) { return c.end_jerk; }
+void set_init_vel(curve_constraints_t& c, const pointX_t& val) { c.init_vel = val; }
+void set_init_acc(curve_constraints_t& c, const pointX_t& val) { c.init_acc = val; }
+void set_init_jerk(curve_constraints_t& c, const pointX_t& val) { c.init_jerk = val; }
+void set_end_vel(curve_constraints_t& c, const pointX_t& val) { c.end_vel = val; }
+void set_end_acc(curve_constraints_t& c, const pointX_t& val) { c.end_acc = val; }
+void set_end_jerk(curve_constraints_t& c, const pointX_t& val) { c.end_jerk = val; }
+bezier_t* bezier_linear_variable_t_evaluate(const bezier_linear_variable_t* b, const pointX_t& x) {
+  return new bezier_t(evaluateLinear<bezier_t, bezier_linear_variable_t>(*b, x));
+bezier_t::piecewise_bezier_curve_t (bezier_t::*splitspe)(const bezier_t::vector_x_t&) const = &bezier_t::split;
+bezier_linear_variable_t::piecewise_bezier_curve_t (bezier_linear_variable_t::*split_py)(
+    const bezier_linear_variable_t::vector_x_t&) const = &bezier_linear_variable_t::split;
+/* End wrap exact cubic spline */
+/* Wrap SO3Linear */
+SO3Linear_t* wrapSO3LinearConstructorFromQuaternion(const quaternion_t& init_rot, const quaternion_t& end_rot,
+                                                    const real min, const real max) {
+  return new SO3Linear_t(init_rot, end_rot, min, max);
+SO3Linear_t* wrapSO3LinearConstructorFromMatrix(const matrix3_t& init_rot, const matrix3_t& end_rot, const real min,
+                                                const real max) {
+  return new SO3Linear_t(init_rot, end_rot, min, max);
+/* End wrap SO3Linear */
+/* Wrap SE3Curves */
+SE3Curve_t* wrapSE3CurveFromTransform(const matrix4_t& init_pose, const matrix4_t& end_pose, const real min,
+                                      const real max) {
+  return new SE3Curve_t(transform_t(init_pose), transform_t(end_pose), min, max);
+SE3Curve_t* wrapSE3CurveFromBezier3Translation(bezier3_t& translation_curve, const matrix3_t& init_rot,
+                                               const matrix3_t& end_rot) {
+  bezier_t* translation = new bezier_t(translation_curve.waypoints().begin(), translation_curve.waypoints().end(),
+                                       translation_curve.min(), translation_curve.max());
+  return new SE3Curve_t(translation, init_rot, end_rot);
-  pointX_t get_end_acc(const curve_constraints_t& c)
-  {
-    return c.end_acc;
-  }
+SE3Curve_t* wrapSE3CurveFromTranslation(curve_abc_t& translation_curve, const matrix3_t& init_rot,
+                                        const matrix3_t& end_rot) {
+  return new SE3Curve_t(&translation_curve, init_rot, end_rot);
-  pointX_t get_end_jerk(const curve_constraints_t& c)
-  {
-      return c.end_jerk;
-  }
-  void set_init_vel(curve_constraints_t& c, const pointX_t& val)
-  {
-    c.init_vel = val;
-  }
-  void set_init_acc(curve_constraints_t& c, const pointX_t& val)
-  {
-    c.init_acc = val;
-  }
-  void set_init_jerk(curve_constraints_t& c, const pointX_t& val)
-  {
-      c.init_jerk = val;
-  }
-  void set_end_vel(curve_constraints_t& c, const pointX_t& val)
-  {
-    c.end_vel = val;
-  }
-  void set_end_acc(curve_constraints_t& c, const pointX_t& val)
-  {
-    c.end_acc = val;
-  }
-  void set_end_jerk(curve_constraints_t& c, const pointX_t& val)
-  {
-      c.end_jerk = val;
-  }
-  bezier_t* bezier_linear_variable_t_evaluate(const bezier_linear_variable_t* b, const pointX_t& x)
-  {
-     return new bezier_t(evaluateLinear<bezier_t, bezier_linear_variable_t>(*b, x));
-  }
+SE3Curve_t* wrapSE3CurveFromTwoCurves(curve_abc_t& translation_curve, curve_rotation_t& rotation_curve) {
+  return new SE3Curve_t(&translation_curve, &rotation_curve);
-  bezier_t::piecewise_bezier_curve_t (bezier_t::*splitspe)(const bezier_t::vector_x_t&) const = &bezier_t::split;
-  bezier_linear_variable_t::piecewise_bezier_curve_t (bezier_linear_variable_t::*split_py)(const bezier_linear_variable_t::vector_x_t&) const = &bezier_linear_variable_t::split;
-  /* End wrap exact cubic spline */
-  /* Wrap SO3Linear */
-  SO3Linear_t* wrapSO3LinearConstructorFromQuaternion(const quaternion_t& init_rot, const quaternion_t& end_rot, const real min, const real max)
-  {
-    return new SO3Linear_t(init_rot,end_rot, min, max);
-  }
-  SO3Linear_t* wrapSO3LinearConstructorFromMatrix(const matrix3_t& init_rot, const matrix3_t& end_rot, const real min, const real max)
-  {
-    return new SO3Linear_t(init_rot,end_rot, min, max);
-  }
-  /* End wrap SO3Linear */
-  /* Wrap SE3Curves */
-  SE3Curve_t* wrapSE3CurveFromTransform(const matrix4_t& init_pose, const matrix4_t& end_pose, const real min, const real max)
-  {
-    return new SE3Curve_t(transform_t(init_pose),transform_t(end_pose), min, max);
-  }
-  SE3Curve_t* wrapSE3CurveFromBezier3Translation(bezier3_t& translation_curve,const matrix3_t& init_rot, const matrix3_t& end_rot )
-  {
-    bezier_t* translation = new bezier_t(translation_curve.waypoints().begin(),translation_curve.waypoints().end(),translation_curve.min(),translation_curve.max());
-    return new SE3Curve_t(translation,init_rot,end_rot);
-  }
-  SE3Curve_t* wrapSE3CurveFromTranslation(curve_abc_t& translation_curve,const matrix3_t& init_rot, const matrix3_t& end_rot )
-  {
-    return new SE3Curve_t(&translation_curve,init_rot,end_rot);
-  }
-  SE3Curve_t* wrapSE3CurveFromTwoCurves(curve_abc_t& translation_curve, curve_rotation_t& rotation_curve)
-  {
-    return new SE3Curve_t(&translation_curve,&rotation_curve);
-  }
-  typedef pinocchio::SE3Tpl<real,0> SE3_t;
-  typedef pinocchio::MotionTpl<real,0> Motion_t;
-  SE3Curve_t* wrapSE3CurveFromSE3Pinocchio(const SE3_t& init_pose, const SE3_t& end_pose, const real min, const real max)
-  {
-    return new SE3Curve_t(transform_t(init_pose.toHomogeneousMatrix()),transform_t(end_pose.toHomogeneousMatrix()), min, max);
-  }
-  SE3_t se3ReturnPinocchio(const SE3Curve_t& curve, const real t)
-  {
-    return SE3_t(curve(t).matrix());
-  }
-  Motion_t se3ReturnDerivatePinocchio(const SE3Curve_t& curve, const real t, const std::size_t order)
-  {
-    return Motion_t(curve.derivate(t,order));
-  }
-  matrix4_t se3Return(const SE3Curve_t& curve, const real t)
-  {
-    return curve(t).matrix();
-  }
-  pointX_t se3ReturnDerivate(const SE3Curve_t& curve, const real t, const std::size_t order)
-  {
-    return curve.derivate(t,order);
-  }
-  matrix3_t se3returnRotation(const SE3Curve_t& curve, const real t)
-  {
-    return curve(t).rotation();
-  }
-  pointX_t se3returnTranslation(const SE3Curve_t& curve, const real t)
-  {
-    return pointX_t(curve(t).translation());
-  }
-  /* End wrap SE3Curves */
-  // TO DO : Replace all load and save function for serialization in class by using 
-  //         SerializableVisitor in archive_python_binding.
-  {
-    /** BEGIN eigenpy init**/
-    eigenpy::enableEigenPy();
-    eigenpy::enableEigenPySpecific<pointX_t,pointX_t>();
-    eigenpy::enableEigenPySpecific<pointX_list_t,pointX_list_t>();
-    eigenpy::enableEigenPySpecific<coeff_t,coeff_t>();
-    eigenpy::enableEigenPySpecific<point_list_t,point_list_t>();
-    eigenpy::enableEigenPySpecific<matrix3_t,matrix3_t>();
-    eigenpy::enableEigenPySpecific<matrix4_t,matrix4_t>();
-    //eigenpy::enableEigenPySpecific<quaternion_t,quaternion_t>();
-    eigenpy::exposeQuaternion();
-    /*eigenpy::exposeAngleAxis();
-    eigenpy::exposeQuaternion();*/
-    /** END eigenpy init**/
-    class_<CurveWrapper,boost::noncopyable>("curve",no_init)
-        .def("__call__", pure_virtual(&curve_abc_t::operator()),"Evaluate the curve at the given time.",args("self","t"))
-        .def("derivate", pure_virtual(&curve_abc_t::derivate),"Evaluate the derivative of order N of curve at time t.",args("self","t","N"))
-        .def("min", pure_virtual(&curve_abc_t::min), "Get the LOWER bound on interval definition of the curve.")
-        .def("max", pure_virtual(&curve_abc_t::max),"Get the HIGHER bound on interval definition of the curve.")
-        .def("dim", pure_virtual(&curve_abc_t::dim),"Get the dimension of the curve.")
-        .def("saveAsText", pure_virtual(&curve_abc_t::saveAsText<curve_abc_t>),bp::args("filename"),"Saves *this inside a text file.")
-        .def("loadFromText",pure_virtual(&curve_abc_t::loadFromText<curve_abc_t>),bp::args("filename"),"Loads *this from a text file.")
-        .def("saveAsXML",pure_virtual(&curve_abc_t::saveAsXML<curve_abc_t>),bp::args("filename","tag_name"),"Saves *this inside a XML file.")
-        .def("loadFromXML",pure_virtual(&curve_abc_t::loadFromXML<curve_abc_t>),bp::args("filename","tag_name"),"Loads *this from a XML file.")
-        .def("saveAsBinary",pure_virtual(&curve_abc_t::saveAsBinary<curve_abc_t>),bp::args("filename"),"Saves *this inside a binary file.")
-        .def("loadFromBinary",pure_virtual(&curve_abc_t::loadFromBinary<curve_abc_t>),bp::args("filename"),"Loads *this from a binary file.")
-        ;
-    class_<Curve3Wrapper,boost::noncopyable, bases<curve_abc_t> >("curve3",no_init)
-        .def("__call__", pure_virtual(&curve_3_t::operator()),"Evaluate the curve at the given time.",args("self","t"))
-        .def("derivate", pure_virtual(&curve_3_t::derivate),"Evaluate the derivative of order N of curve at time t.",args("self","t","N"))
-        .def("min", pure_virtual(&curve_3_t::min), "Get the LOWER bound on interval definition of the curve.")
-        .def("max", pure_virtual(&curve_3_t::max),"Get the HIGHER bound on interval definition of the curve.")
-        .def("dim", pure_virtual(&curve_3_t::dim),"Get the dimension of the curve.")
-        ;
-    class_<CurveRotationWrapper,boost::noncopyable, bases<curve_abc_t> >("curve_rotation",no_init)
-        .def("__call__", pure_virtual(&curve_rotation_t::operator()),"Evaluate the curve at the given time.",args("self","t"))
-        .def("derivate", pure_virtual(&curve_rotation_t::derivate),"Evaluate the derivative of order N of curve at time t.",args("self","t","N"))
-        .def("min", pure_virtual(&curve_rotation_t::min), "Get the LOWER bound on interval definition of the curve.")
-        .def("max", pure_virtual(&curve_rotation_t::max),"Get the HIGHER bound on interval definition of the curve.")
-        .def("dim", pure_virtual(&curve_rotation_t::dim),"Get the dimension of the curve.")
-        ;
-    /** BEGIN bezier3 curve**/
-    class_<bezier3_t, bases<curve_3_t> >("bezier3", init<>())
+typedef pinocchio::SE3Tpl<real, 0> SE3_t;
+typedef pinocchio::MotionTpl<real, 0> Motion_t;
+SE3Curve_t* wrapSE3CurveFromSE3Pinocchio(const SE3_t& init_pose, const SE3_t& end_pose, const real min,
+                                         const real max) {
+  return new SE3Curve_t(transform_t(init_pose.toHomogeneousMatrix()), transform_t(end_pose.toHomogeneousMatrix()), min,
+                        max);
+SE3_t se3ReturnPinocchio(const SE3Curve_t& curve, const real t) { return SE3_t(curve(t).matrix()); }
+Motion_t se3ReturnDerivatePinocchio(const SE3Curve_t& curve, const real t, const std::size_t order) {
+  return Motion_t(curve.derivate(t, order));
+matrix4_t se3Return(const SE3Curve_t& curve, const real t) { return curve(t).matrix(); }
+pointX_t se3ReturnDerivate(const SE3Curve_t& curve, const real t, const std::size_t order) {
+  return curve.derivate(t, order);
+matrix3_t se3returnRotation(const SE3Curve_t& curve, const real t) { return curve(t).rotation(); }
+pointX_t se3returnTranslation(const SE3Curve_t& curve, const real t) { return pointX_t(curve(t).translation()); }
+/* End wrap SE3Curves */
+// TO DO : Replace all load and save function for serialization in class by using
+//         SerializableVisitor in archive_python_binding.
+  /** BEGIN eigenpy init**/
+  eigenpy::enableEigenPy();
+  eigenpy::enableEigenPySpecific<pointX_t, pointX_t>();
+  eigenpy::enableEigenPySpecific<pointX_list_t, pointX_list_t>();
+  eigenpy::enableEigenPySpecific<coeff_t, coeff_t>();
+  eigenpy::enableEigenPySpecific<point_list_t, point_list_t>();
+  eigenpy::enableEigenPySpecific<matrix3_t, matrix3_t>();
+  eigenpy::enableEigenPySpecific<matrix4_t, matrix4_t>();
+  // eigenpy::enableEigenPySpecific<quaternion_t,quaternion_t>();
+  eigenpy::exposeQuaternion();
+  /*eigenpy::exposeAngleAxis();
+  eigenpy::exposeQuaternion();*/
+  /** END eigenpy init**/
+  class_<CurveWrapper, boost::noncopyable>("curve", no_init)
+      .def("__call__", pure_virtual(&curve_abc_t::operator()), "Evaluate the curve at the given time.",
+           args("self", "t"))
+      .def("derivate", pure_virtual(&curve_abc_t::derivate), "Evaluate the derivative of order N of curve at time t.",
+           args("self", "t", "N"))
+      .def("min", pure_virtual(&curve_abc_t::min), "Get the LOWER bound on interval definition of the curve.")
+      .def("max", pure_virtual(&curve_abc_t::max), "Get the HIGHER bound on interval definition of the curve.")
+      .def("dim", pure_virtual(&curve_abc_t::dim), "Get the dimension of the curve.")
+      .def("saveAsText", pure_virtual(&curve_abc_t::saveAsText<curve_abc_t>), bp::args("filename"),
+           "Saves *this inside a text file.")
+      .def("loadFromText", pure_virtual(&curve_abc_t::loadFromText<curve_abc_t>), bp::args("filename"),
+           "Loads *this from a text file.")
+      .def("saveAsXML", pure_virtual(&curve_abc_t::saveAsXML<curve_abc_t>), bp::args("filename", "tag_name"),
+           "Saves *this inside a XML file.")
+      .def("loadFromXML", pure_virtual(&curve_abc_t::loadFromXML<curve_abc_t>), bp::args("filename", "tag_name"),
+           "Loads *this from a XML file.")
+      .def("saveAsBinary", pure_virtual(&curve_abc_t::saveAsBinary<curve_abc_t>), bp::args("filename"),
+           "Saves *this inside a binary file.")
+      .def("loadFromBinary", pure_virtual(&curve_abc_t::loadFromBinary<curve_abc_t>), bp::args("filename"),
+           "Loads *this from a binary file.");
+  class_<Curve3Wrapper, boost::noncopyable, bases<curve_abc_t> >("curve3", no_init)
+      .def("__call__", pure_virtual(&curve_3_t::operator()), "Evaluate the curve at the given time.",
+           args("self", "t"))
+      .def("derivate", pure_virtual(&curve_3_t::derivate), "Evaluate the derivative of order N of curve at time t.",
+           args("self", "t", "N"))
+      .def("min", pure_virtual(&curve_3_t::min), "Get the LOWER bound on interval definition of the curve.")
+      .def("max", pure_virtual(&curve_3_t::max), "Get the HIGHER bound on interval definition of the curve.")
+      .def("dim", pure_virtual(&curve_3_t::dim), "Get the dimension of the curve.");
+  class_<CurveRotationWrapper, boost::noncopyable, bases<curve_abc_t> >("curve_rotation", no_init)
+      .def("__call__", pure_virtual(&curve_rotation_t::operator()), "Evaluate the curve at the given time.",
+           args("self", "t"))
+      .def("derivate", pure_virtual(&curve_rotation_t::derivate),
+           "Evaluate the derivative of order N of curve at time t.", args("self", "t", "N"))
+      .def("min", pure_virtual(&curve_rotation_t::min), "Get the LOWER bound on interval definition of the curve.")
+      .def("max", pure_virtual(&curve_rotation_t::max), "Get the HIGHER bound on interval definition of the curve.")
+      .def("dim", pure_virtual(&curve_rotation_t::dim), "Get the dimension of the curve.");
+  /** BEGIN bezier3 curve**/
+  class_<bezier3_t, bases<curve_3_t> >("bezier3", init<>())
       .def("__init__", make_constructor(&wrapBezier3Constructor))
       .def("__init__", make_constructor(&wrapBezier3ConstructorBounds))
       .def("__init__", make_constructor(&wrapBezier3ConstructorConstraints))
@@ -461,17 +402,21 @@ namespace curves
       .def("waypointAtIndex", &bezier3_t::waypointAtIndex)
       .def_readonly("degree", &bezier3_t::degree_)
       .def_readonly("nbWaypoints", &bezier3_t::size_)
-      .def("saveAsText", &bezier3_t::saveAsText<bezier3_t>,bp::args("filename"),"Saves *this inside a text file.")
-      .def("loadFromText",&bezier3_t::loadFromText<bezier3_t>,bp::args("filename"),"Loads *this from a text file.")
-      .def("saveAsXML",&bezier3_t::saveAsXML<bezier3_t>,bp::args("filename","tag_name"),"Saves *this inside a XML file.")
-      .def("loadFromXML",&bezier3_t::loadFromXML<bezier3_t>,bp::args("filename","tag_name"),"Loads *this from a XML file.")
-      .def("saveAsBinary",&bezier3_t::saveAsBinary<bezier3_t>,bp::args("filename"),"Saves *this inside a binary file.")
-      .def("loadFromBinary",&bezier3_t::loadFromBinary<bezier3_t>,bp::args("filename"),"Loads *this from a binary file.")
+      .def("saveAsText", &bezier3_t::saveAsText<bezier3_t>, bp::args("filename"), "Saves *this inside a text file.")
+      .def("loadFromText", &bezier3_t::loadFromText<bezier3_t>, bp::args("filename"), "Loads *this from a text file.")
+      .def("saveAsXML", &bezier3_t::saveAsXML<bezier3_t>, bp::args("filename", "tag_name"),
+           "Saves *this inside a XML file.")
+      .def("loadFromXML", &bezier3_t::loadFromXML<bezier3_t>, bp::args("filename", "tag_name"),
+           "Loads *this from a XML file.")
+      .def("saveAsBinary", &bezier3_t::saveAsBinary<bezier3_t>, bp::args("filename"),
+           "Saves *this inside a binary file.")
+      .def("loadFromBinary", &bezier3_t::loadFromBinary<bezier3_t>, bp::args("filename"),
+           "Loads *this from a binary file.")
-    ;
-    /** END bezier3 curve**/
-    /** BEGIN bezier curve**/
-    class_<bezier_t, bases<curve_abc_t> >("bezier", init<>())
+      ;
+  /** END bezier3 curve**/
+  /** BEGIN bezier curve**/
+  class_<bezier_t, bases<curve_abc_t> >("bezier", init<>())
       .def("__init__", make_constructor(&wrapBezierConstructor))
       .def("__init__", make_constructor(&wrapBezierConstructorBounds))
       .def("__init__", make_constructor(&wrapBezierConstructorConstraints))
@@ -482,343 +427,417 @@ namespace curves
       .def_readonly("degree", &bezier_t::degree_)
       .def_readonly("nbWaypoints", &bezier_t::size_)
       .def("split", splitspe)
-      .def("saveAsText", &bezier_t::saveAsText<bezier_t>,bp::args("filename"),"Saves *this inside a text file.")
-      .def("loadFromText",&bezier_t::loadFromText<bezier_t>,bp::args("filename"),"Loads *this from a text file.")
-      .def("saveAsXML",&bezier_t::saveAsXML<bezier_t>,bp::args("filename","tag_name"),"Saves *this inside a XML file.")
-      .def("loadFromXML",&bezier_t::loadFromXML<bezier_t>,bp::args("filename","tag_name"),"Loads *this from a XML file.")
-      .def("saveAsBinary",&bezier_t::saveAsBinary<bezier_t>,bp::args("filename"),"Saves *this inside a binary file.")
-      .def("loadFromBinary",&bezier_t::loadFromBinary<bezier_t>,bp::args("filename"),"Loads *this from a binary file.")
+      .def("saveAsText", &bezier_t::saveAsText<bezier_t>, bp::args("filename"), "Saves *this inside a text file.")
+      .def("loadFromText", &bezier_t::loadFromText<bezier_t>, bp::args("filename"), "Loads *this from a text file.")
+      .def("saveAsXML", &bezier_t::saveAsXML<bezier_t>, bp::args("filename", "tag_name"),
+           "Saves *this inside a XML file.")
+      .def("loadFromXML", &bezier_t::loadFromXML<bezier_t>, bp::args("filename", "tag_name"),
+           "Loads *this from a XML file.")
+      .def("saveAsBinary", &bezier_t::saveAsBinary<bezier_t>, bp::args("filename"),
+           "Saves *this inside a binary file.")
+      .def("loadFromBinary", &bezier_t::loadFromBinary<bezier_t>, bp::args("filename"),
+           "Loads *this from a binary file.")
-    ;
-    /** END bezier curve**/
-    /** BEGIN variable points bezier curve**/
-    class_<matrix_pair>
-        ("matrix_pair", no_init)
-        .def_readonly("A", &matrix_pair::A)
-        .def_readonly("b", &matrix_pair::b)
-        ;
-    class_<LinearBezierVector>
-    ("bezierVarVector", no_init)
+      ;
+  /** END bezier curve**/
+  /** BEGIN variable points bezier curve**/
+  class_<matrix_pair>("matrix_pair", no_init).def_readonly("A", &matrix_pair::A).def_readonly("b", &matrix_pair::b);
+  class_<LinearBezierVector>("bezierVarVector", no_init)
       .def_readonly("size", &LinearBezierVector::size)
-      .def("at", &LinearBezierVector::at, return_value_policy<manage_new_object>())
-    ;
-    class_<linear_variable_t>
-    ("linear_variable", init<>())
-        .def(init<linear_variable_t::vector_x_t>())
-        .def(init<linear_variable_t::matrix_x_t>())
-        .def(init<linear_variable_t::matrix_x_t, linear_variable_t::vector_x_t>())
-        .def(init<linear_variable_t::matrix_x_t, linear_variable_t::vector_x_t>())
-        .def("__call__", &linear_variable_t::operator())
-        .def(self += linear_variable_t())
-        .def(self -= linear_variable_t())
-        .def(self *= double())
-        .def(self /= double())
-        .def("B", &linear_variable_t::B, return_value_policy<copy_const_reference>())
-        .def("c", &linear_variable_t::c, return_value_policy<copy_const_reference>())
-        .def("size", &linear_variable_t::size)
-        .def("isZero", &linear_variable_t::isZero)
-        .def("norm", &linear_variable_t::norm)
-        ;
-    class_<bezier_linear_variable_t>
-    ("bezier_linear_variable", no_init)
-        .def("__init__", make_constructor(&wrapBezierLinearConstructor))
-        .def("__init__", make_constructor(&wrapBezierLinearConstructorBounds))
-        .def("min", &bezier_linear_variable_t::min)
-        .def("max", &bezier_linear_variable_t::max)
-        .def("__call__", &bezier_linear_variable_t::operator())
-        .def("evaluate", &bezier_linear_variable_t_evaluate, bp::return_value_policy<bp::manage_new_object>())
-        .def("derivate", &bezier_linear_variable_t::derivate)
-        .def("compute_derivate", &bezier_linear_variable_t::compute_derivate)
-        .def("compute_primitive", &bezier_linear_variable_t::compute_primitive)
-        .def("split", split_py)
-        .def("waypoints", &wayPointsToLists, return_value_policy<manage_new_object>())
-        .def("waypointAtIndex", &bezier_linear_variable_t::waypointAtIndex)
-        .def_readonly("degree", &bezier_linear_variable_t::degree_)
-        .def_readonly("nbWaypoints", &bezier_linear_variable_t::size_)
-        ;
-    class_<quadratic_variable_t >
-        ("cost", no_init)
-        .add_property("A", &cost_t_quad)
-        .add_property("b", &cost_t_linear)
-        .add_property("c", &cost_t_constant)
-        ;
-    /** END variable points bezier curve**/
-    /** BEGIN polynomial curve function**/
-    class_<polynomial_t , bases<curve_abc_t> >("polynomial",  init<>())
-      .def("__init__", make_constructor(&wrapPolynomialConstructor1,default_call_policies(),args("coeffs","min","max")),
+      .def("at", &LinearBezierVector::at, return_value_policy<manage_new_object>());
+  class_<linear_variable_t>("linear_variable", init<>())
+      .def(init<linear_variable_t::vector_x_t>())
+      .def(init<linear_variable_t::matrix_x_t>())
+      .def(init<linear_variable_t::matrix_x_t, linear_variable_t::vector_x_t>())
+      .def(init<linear_variable_t::matrix_x_t, linear_variable_t::vector_x_t>())
+      .def("__call__", &linear_variable_t::operator())
+      .def(self += linear_variable_t())
+      .def(self -= linear_variable_t())
+      .def(self *= double())
+      .def(self /= double())
+      .def("B", &linear_variable_t::B, return_value_policy<copy_const_reference>())
+      .def("c", &linear_variable_t::c, return_value_policy<copy_const_reference>())
+      .def("size", &linear_variable_t::size)
+      .def("isZero", &linear_variable_t::isZero)
+      .def("norm", &linear_variable_t::norm);
+  class_<bezier_linear_variable_t>("bezier_linear_variable", no_init)
+      .def("__init__", make_constructor(&wrapBezierLinearConstructor))
+      .def("__init__", make_constructor(&wrapBezierLinearConstructorBounds))
+      .def("min", &bezier_linear_variable_t::min)
+      .def("max", &bezier_linear_variable_t::max)
+      .def("__call__", &bezier_linear_variable_t::operator())
+      .def("evaluate", &bezier_linear_variable_t_evaluate, bp::return_value_policy<bp::manage_new_object>())
+      .def("derivate", &bezier_linear_variable_t::derivate)
+      .def("compute_derivate", &bezier_linear_variable_t::compute_derivate)
+      .def("compute_primitive", &bezier_linear_variable_t::compute_primitive)
+      .def("split", split_py)
+      .def("waypoints", &wayPointsToLists, return_value_policy<manage_new_object>())
+      .def("waypointAtIndex", &bezier_linear_variable_t::waypointAtIndex)
+      .def_readonly("degree", &bezier_linear_variable_t::degree_)
+      .def_readonly("nbWaypoints", &bezier_linear_variable_t::size_);
+  class_<quadratic_variable_t>("cost", no_init)
+      .add_property("A", &cost_t_quad)
+      .add_property("b", &cost_t_linear)
+      .add_property("c", &cost_t_constant);
+  /** END variable points bezier curve**/
+  /** BEGIN polynomial curve function**/
+  class_<polynomial_t, bases<curve_abc_t> >("polynomial", init<>())
+      .def("__init__",
+           make_constructor(&wrapPolynomialConstructor1, default_call_policies(), args("coeffs", "min", "max")),
            "Create polynomial spline from an Eigen matrix of coefficient defined for t \in [min,max]."
-           " The matrix should contain one coefficient per column, from the zero order coefficient,up to the highest order."
+           " The matrix should contain one coefficient per column, from the zero order coefficient,up to the highest "
+           "order."
            " Spline order is given by the number of the columns -1.")
-      .def("__init__", make_constructor(&wrapPolynomialConstructor2,default_call_policies(),arg("coeffs")),
+      .def("__init__", make_constructor(&wrapPolynomialConstructor2, default_call_policies(), arg("coeffs")),
            "Create polynomial spline from an Eigen matrix of coefficient defined for t \in [0,1]."
-           " The matrix should contain one coefficient per column, from the zero order coefficient,up to the highest order."
+           " The matrix should contain one coefficient per column, from the zero order coefficient,up to the highest "
+           "order."
            " Spline order is given by the number of the columns -1.")
-      .def("__init__", make_constructor(&wrapPolynomialConstructorFromBoundaryConditionsDegree1,
-                                        default_call_policies(),args("init","end","min","max")),
+      .def("__init__",
+           make_constructor(&wrapPolynomialConstructorFromBoundaryConditionsDegree1, default_call_policies(),
+                            args("init", "end", "min", "max")),
            "Create a polynomial of degree 1 defined for t \in [min,max], "
            "such that c(min) == init and c(max) == end.")
-      .def("__init__", make_constructor(&wrapPolynomialConstructorFromBoundaryConditionsDegree3,
-                                        default_call_policies(),args("init","d_init","end","d_end","min","max")),
-          "Create a polynomial of degree 3 defined for t \in [min,max], "
-          "such that c(min) == init and c(max) == end"
-          " dc(min) == d_init and dc(max) == d_end")
-      .def("__init__", make_constructor(&wrapPolynomialConstructorFromBoundaryConditionsDegree5,
-                                        default_call_policies(),
-                                        args("init","d_init","dd_init","end","d_end","dd_end","min","max")),
+      .def("__init__",
+           make_constructor(&wrapPolynomialConstructorFromBoundaryConditionsDegree3, default_call_policies(),
+                            args("init", "d_init", "end", "d_end", "min", "max")),
+           "Create a polynomial of degree 3 defined for t \in [min,max], "
+           "such that c(min) == init and c(max) == end"
+           " dc(min) == d_init and dc(max) == d_end")
+      .def("__init__",
+           make_constructor(&wrapPolynomialConstructorFromBoundaryConditionsDegree5, default_call_policies(),
+                            args("init", "d_init", "dd_init", "end", "d_end", "dd_end", "min", "max")),
            "Create a polynomial of degree 5 defined for t \in [min,max], "
            "such that c(min) == init and c(max) == end"
            " dc(min) == d_init and dc(max) == d_end"
            " ddc(min) == dd_init and ddc(max) == dd_end")
       .def("coeffAtDegree", &polynomial_t::coeffAtDegree)
       .def("coeff", &polynomial_t::coeff)
-      .def("compute_derivate", &polynomial_t::compute_derivate,"Compute derivative of order N of curve at time t.")
-      .def("saveAsText", &polynomial_t::saveAsText<polynomial_t>,bp::args("filename"),"Saves *this inside a text file.")
-      .def("loadFromText",&polynomial_t::loadFromText<polynomial_t>,bp::args("filename"),"Loads *this from a text file.")
-      .def("saveAsXML",&polynomial_t::saveAsXML<polynomial_t>,bp::args("filename","tag_name"),"Saves *this inside a XML file.")
-      .def("loadFromXML",&polynomial_t::loadFromXML<polynomial_t>,bp::args("filename","tag_name"),"Loads *this from a XML file.")
-      .def("saveAsBinary",&polynomial_t::saveAsBinary<polynomial_t>,bp::args("filename"),"Saves *this inside a binary file.")
-      .def("loadFromBinary",&polynomial_t::loadFromBinary<polynomial_t>,bp::args("filename"),"Loads *this from a binary file.")
-      ;
-    /** END polynomial function**/
-    /** BEGIN piecewise curve function **/
-    class_<piecewise_polynomial_curve_t , bases<curve_abc_t> >
-    ("piecewise_polynomial_curve", init<>())
-      .def("__init__", make_constructor(&wrapPiecewisePolynomialCurveConstructor,default_call_policies(),arg("curve")),
+      .def("compute_derivate", &polynomial_t::compute_derivate, "Compute derivative of order N of curve at time t.")
+      .def("saveAsText", &polynomial_t::saveAsText<polynomial_t>, bp::args("filename"),
+           "Saves *this inside a text file.")
+      .def("loadFromText", &polynomial_t::loadFromText<polynomial_t>, bp::args("filename"),
+           "Loads *this from a text file.")
+      .def("saveAsXML", &polynomial_t::saveAsXML<polynomial_t>, bp::args("filename", "tag_name"),
+           "Saves *this inside a XML file.")
+      .def("loadFromXML", &polynomial_t::loadFromXML<polynomial_t>, bp::args("filename", "tag_name"),
+           "Loads *this from a XML file.")
+      .def("saveAsBinary", &polynomial_t::saveAsBinary<polynomial_t>, bp::args("filename"),
+           "Saves *this inside a binary file.")
+      .def("loadFromBinary", &polynomial_t::loadFromBinary<polynomial_t>, bp::args("filename"),
+           "Loads *this from a binary file.");
+  /** END polynomial function**/
+  /** BEGIN piecewise curve function **/
+  class_<piecewise_polynomial_curve_t, bases<curve_abc_t> >("piecewise_polynomial_curve", init<>())
+      .def("__init__",
+           make_constructor(&wrapPiecewisePolynomialCurveConstructor, default_call_policies(), arg("curve")),
            "Create a peicewise-polynomial curve containing the given polynomial curve.")
-      .def("FromPointsList",&discretPointToPolynomialC0,
-           "Create a piecewise-polynomial connecting exactly all the given points at the given time. The created piecewise is C0 continuous.",args("points","time_points"))
-       .def("FromPointsList",&discretPointToPolynomialC1,
-             "Create a piecewise-polynomial connecting exactly all the given points at the given time and respect the given points derivative values. The created piecewise is C1 continuous.",args("points","points_derivative","time_points"))
-       .def("FromPointsList",&discretPointToPolynomialC2,
-             "Create a piecewise-polynomial connecting exactly all the given points at the given time and respect the given points derivative and second derivative values. The created piecewise is C2 continuous.",args("points","points_derivative","points_second_derivative","time_points"))
+      .def("FromPointsList", &discretPointToPolynomialC0,
+           "Create a piecewise-polynomial connecting exactly all the given points at the given time. The created "
+           "piecewise is C0 continuous.",
+           args("points", "time_points"))
+      .def("FromPointsList", &discretPointToPolynomialC1,
+           "Create a piecewise-polynomial connecting exactly all the given points at the given time and respect the "
+           "given points derivative values. The created piecewise is C1 continuous.",
+           args("points", "points_derivative", "time_points"))
+      .def("FromPointsList", &discretPointToPolynomialC2,
+           "Create a piecewise-polynomial connecting exactly all the given points at the given time and respect the "
+           "given points derivative and second derivative values. The created piecewise is C2 continuous.",
+           args("points", "points_derivative", "points_second_derivative", "time_points"))
-      .def("append",&addFinalPointC0,
-           "Append a new polynomial curve of degree 1 at the end of the piecewise curve, defined between self.max() and time and connecting exactly self(self.max()) and end",args("self","end","time"))
-       .def("append",&addFinalPointC1,
-             "Append a new polynomial curve of degree 3 at the end of the piecewise curve, defined between self.max() and time and connecting exactly self(self.max()) and end. It guarantee C1 continuity and guarantee that self.derivate(time,1) == d_end",args("self","end","d_end","time"))
-       .def("append",&addFinalPointC2,
-              "Append a new polynomial curve of degree 5 at the end of the piecewise curve, defined between self.max() and time and connecting exactly self(self.max()) and end. It guarantee C2 continuity and guarantee that self.derivate(time,1) == d_end and self.derivate(time,2) == dd_end",args("self","end","d_end","d_end","time"))
-      .def("compute_derivate",&piecewise_polynomial_curve_t::compute_derivate,"Return a piecewise_polynomial curve which is the derivate of this.",args("self","order"))
+      .def("append", &addFinalPointC0,
+           "Append a new polynomial curve of degree 1 at the end of the piecewise curve, defined between self.max() "
+           "and time and connecting exactly self(self.max()) and end",
+           args("self", "end", "time"))
+      .def("append", &addFinalPointC1,
+           "Append a new polynomial curve of degree 3 at the end of the piecewise curve, defined between self.max() "
+           "and time and connecting exactly self(self.max()) and end. It guarantee C1 continuity and guarantee that "
+           "self.derivate(time,1) == d_end",
+           args("self", "end", "d_end", "time"))
+      .def("append", &addFinalPointC2,
+           "Append a new polynomial curve of degree 5 at the end of the piecewise curve, defined between self.max() "
+           "and time and connecting exactly self(self.max()) and end. It guarantee C2 continuity and guarantee that "
+           "self.derivate(time,1) == d_end and self.derivate(time,2) == dd_end",
+           args("self", "end", "d_end", "d_end", "time"))
+      .def("compute_derivate", &piecewise_polynomial_curve_t::compute_derivate,
+           "Return a piecewise_polynomial curve which is the derivate of this.", args("self", "order"))
       .def("append", &piecewise_polynomial_curve_t::add_curve,
            "Add a new curve to piecewise curve, which should be defined in T_{min},T_{max}] "
            "where T_{min} is equal toT_{max} of the actual piecewise curve.")
-      .def("is_continuous", &piecewise_polynomial_curve_t::is_continuous,"Check if the curve is continuous at the given order.")
-      .def("convert_piecewise_curve_to_bezier", &piecewise_polynomial_curve_t::convert_piecewise_curve_to_bezier<bezier_t>,
+      .def("is_continuous", &piecewise_polynomial_curve_t::is_continuous,
+           "Check if the curve is continuous at the given order.")
+      .def("convert_piecewise_curve_to_bezier",
+           &piecewise_polynomial_curve_t::convert_piecewise_curve_to_bezier<bezier_t>,
            "Convert a piecewise polynomial curve to to a piecewise bezier curve")
-      .def("convert_piecewise_curve_to_cubic_hermite", &piecewise_polynomial_curve_t::convert_piecewise_curve_to_cubic_hermite<cubic_hermite_spline_t>,
+      .def("convert_piecewise_curve_to_cubic_hermite",
+           &piecewise_polynomial_curve_t::convert_piecewise_curve_to_cubic_hermite<cubic_hermite_spline_t>,
            "Convert a piecewise polynomial curve to to a piecewise cubic hermite spline")
-      .def("curve_at_index",&piecewise_polynomial_curve_t::curve_at_index, return_value_policy<copy_const_reference>())
-      .def("curve_at_time" ,&piecewise_polynomial_curve_t::curve_at_time , return_value_policy<copy_const_reference>())
-      .def("num_curves" ,&piecewise_polynomial_curve_t::num_curves)
-      .def("saveAsText", &piecewise_polynomial_curve_t::saveAsText<piecewise_polynomial_curve_t>,bp::args("filename"),"Saves *this inside a text file.")
-      .def("loadFromText",&piecewise_polynomial_curve_t::loadFromText<piecewise_polynomial_curve_t>,bp::args("filename"),"Loads *this from a text file.")
-      .def("saveAsXML",&piecewise_polynomial_curve_t::saveAsXML<piecewise_polynomial_curve_t>,bp::args("filename","tag_name"),"Saves *this inside a XML file.")
-      .def("loadFromXML",&piecewise_polynomial_curve_t::loadFromXML<piecewise_polynomial_curve_t>,bp::args("filename","tag_name"),"Loads *this from a XML file.")
-      .def("saveAsBinary",&piecewise_polynomial_curve_t::saveAsBinary<piecewise_polynomial_curve_t>,bp::args("filename"),"Saves *this inside a binary file.")
-      .def("loadFromBinary",&piecewise_polynomial_curve_t::loadFromBinary<piecewise_polynomial_curve_t>,bp::args("filename"),"Loads *this from a binary file.")
-      ;
-    class_<piecewise_bezier_curve_t , bases<curve_abc_t> >
-    ("piecewise_bezier_curve", init<>())
+      .def("curve_at_index", &piecewise_polynomial_curve_t::curve_at_index,
+           return_value_policy<copy_const_reference>())
+      .def("curve_at_time", &piecewise_polynomial_curve_t::curve_at_time, return_value_policy<copy_const_reference>())
+      .def("num_curves", &piecewise_polynomial_curve_t::num_curves)
+      .def("saveAsText", &piecewise_polynomial_curve_t::saveAsText<piecewise_polynomial_curve_t>, bp::args("filename"),
+           "Saves *this inside a text file.")
+      .def("loadFromText", &piecewise_polynomial_curve_t::loadFromText<piecewise_polynomial_curve_t>,
+           bp::args("filename"), "Loads *this from a text file.")
+      .def("saveAsXML", &piecewise_polynomial_curve_t::saveAsXML<piecewise_polynomial_curve_t>,
+           bp::args("filename", "tag_name"), "Saves *this inside a XML file.")
+      .def("loadFromXML", &piecewise_polynomial_curve_t::loadFromXML<piecewise_polynomial_curve_t>,
+           bp::args("filename", "tag_name"), "Loads *this from a XML file.")
+      .def("saveAsBinary", &piecewise_polynomial_curve_t::saveAsBinary<piecewise_polynomial_curve_t>,
+           bp::args("filename"), "Saves *this inside a binary file.")
+      .def("loadFromBinary", &piecewise_polynomial_curve_t::loadFromBinary<piecewise_polynomial_curve_t>,
+           bp::args("filename"), "Loads *this from a binary file.");
+  class_<piecewise_bezier_curve_t, bases<curve_abc_t> >("piecewise_bezier_curve", init<>())
       .def("__init__", make_constructor(&wrapPiecewiseBezierCurveConstructor))
-      .def("compute_derivate",&piecewise_polynomial_curve_t::compute_derivate,"Return a piecewise_polynomial curve which is the derivate of this.",args("self","order"))
+      .def("compute_derivate", &piecewise_polynomial_curve_t::compute_derivate,
+           "Return a piecewise_polynomial curve which is the derivate of this.", args("self", "order"))
       .def("add_curve", &piecewise_bezier_curve_t::add_curve)
       .def("is_continuous", &piecewise_bezier_curve_t::is_continuous)
-      .def("convert_piecewise_curve_to_polynomial", &piecewise_bezier_curve_t::convert_piecewise_curve_to_polynomial<polynomial_t>,
+      .def("convert_piecewise_curve_to_polynomial",
+           &piecewise_bezier_curve_t::convert_piecewise_curve_to_polynomial<polynomial_t>,
            "Convert a piecewise bezier curve to to a piecewise polynomial curve")
-      .def("convert_piecewise_curve_to_cubic_hermite", &piecewise_bezier_curve_t::convert_piecewise_curve_to_cubic_hermite<cubic_hermite_spline_t>,
+      .def("convert_piecewise_curve_to_cubic_hermite",
+           &piecewise_bezier_curve_t::convert_piecewise_curve_to_cubic_hermite<cubic_hermite_spline_t>,
            "Convert a piecewise bezier curve to to a piecewise cubic hermite spline")
-      .def("curve_at_index",&piecewise_bezier_curve_t::curve_at_index, return_value_policy<copy_const_reference>())
-      .def("curve_at_time" ,&piecewise_bezier_curve_t::curve_at_time , return_value_policy<copy_const_reference>())
-      .def("num_curves" ,&piecewise_bezier_curve_t::num_curves)
-      .def("saveAsText", &piecewise_bezier_curve_t::saveAsText<piecewise_bezier_curve_t>,bp::args("filename"),"Saves *this inside a text file.")
-      .def("loadFromText",&piecewise_bezier_curve_t::loadFromText<piecewise_bezier_curve_t>,bp::args("filename"),"Loads *this from a text file.")
-      .def("saveAsXML",&piecewise_bezier_curve_t::saveAsXML<piecewise_bezier_curve_t>,bp::args("filename","tag_name"),"Saves *this inside a XML file.")
-      .def("loadFromXML",&piecewise_bezier_curve_t::loadFromXML<piecewise_bezier_curve_t>,bp::args("filename","tag_name"),"Loads *this from a XML file.")
-      .def("saveAsBinary",&piecewise_bezier_curve_t::saveAsBinary<piecewise_bezier_curve_t>,bp::args("filename"),"Saves *this inside a binary file.")
-      .def("loadFromBinary",&piecewise_bezier_curve_t::loadFromBinary<piecewise_bezier_curve_t>,bp::args("filename"),"Loads *this from a binary file.")
-      ;
-    class_<piecewise_cubic_hermite_curve_t, bases<curve_abc_t> >
-    ("piecewise_cubic_hermite_curve", init<>())
+      .def("curve_at_index", &piecewise_bezier_curve_t::curve_at_index, return_value_policy<copy_const_reference>())
+      .def("curve_at_time", &piecewise_bezier_curve_t::curve_at_time, return_value_policy<copy_const_reference>())
+      .def("num_curves", &piecewise_bezier_curve_t::num_curves)
+      .def("saveAsText", &piecewise_bezier_curve_t::saveAsText<piecewise_bezier_curve_t>, bp::args("filename"),
+           "Saves *this inside a text file.")
+      .def("loadFromText", &piecewise_bezier_curve_t::loadFromText<piecewise_bezier_curve_t>, bp::args("filename"),
+           "Loads *this from a text file.")
+      .def("saveAsXML", &piecewise_bezier_curve_t::saveAsXML<piecewise_bezier_curve_t>,
+           bp::args("filename", "tag_name"), "Saves *this inside a XML file.")
+      .def("loadFromXML", &piecewise_bezier_curve_t::loadFromXML<piecewise_bezier_curve_t>,
+           bp::args("filename", "tag_name"), "Loads *this from a XML file.")
+      .def("saveAsBinary", &piecewise_bezier_curve_t::saveAsBinary<piecewise_bezier_curve_t>, bp::args("filename"),
+           "Saves *this inside a binary file.")
+      .def("loadFromBinary", &piecewise_bezier_curve_t::loadFromBinary<piecewise_bezier_curve_t>, bp::args("filename"),
+           "Loads *this from a binary file.");
+  class_<piecewise_cubic_hermite_curve_t, bases<curve_abc_t> >("piecewise_cubic_hermite_curve", init<>())
       .def("__init__", make_constructor(&wrapPiecewiseCubicHermiteCurveConstructor))
       .def("add_curve", &piecewise_cubic_hermite_curve_t::add_curve)
       .def("is_continuous", &piecewise_cubic_hermite_curve_t::is_continuous)
-      .def("convert_piecewise_curve_to_polynomial", &piecewise_cubic_hermite_curve_t::convert_piecewise_curve_to_polynomial<polynomial_t>,
+      .def("convert_piecewise_curve_to_polynomial",
+           &piecewise_cubic_hermite_curve_t::convert_piecewise_curve_to_polynomial<polynomial_t>,
            "Convert a piecewise cubic hermite spline to to a piecewise polynomial curve")
-      .def("convert_piecewise_curve_to_bezier", &piecewise_cubic_hermite_curve_t::convert_piecewise_curve_to_bezier<bezier_t>,
+      .def("convert_piecewise_curve_to_bezier",
+           &piecewise_cubic_hermite_curve_t::convert_piecewise_curve_to_bezier<bezier_t>,
            "Convert a piecewise cubic hermite spline to to a piecewise bezier curve")
-      .def("curve_at_index",&piecewise_cubic_hermite_curve_t::curve_at_index, return_value_policy<copy_const_reference>())
-      .def("curve_at_time" ,&piecewise_cubic_hermite_curve_t::curve_at_time , return_value_policy<copy_const_reference>())
-      .def("num_curves" ,&piecewise_cubic_hermite_curve_t::num_curves)
-      .def("saveAsText", &piecewise_cubic_hermite_curve_t::saveAsText<piecewise_cubic_hermite_curve_t>,bp::args("filename"),"Saves *this inside a text file.")
-      .def("loadFromText",&piecewise_cubic_hermite_curve_t::loadFromText<piecewise_cubic_hermite_curve_t>,bp::args("filename"),"Loads *this from a text file.")
-      .def("saveAsXML",&piecewise_cubic_hermite_curve_t::saveAsXML<piecewise_cubic_hermite_curve_t>,bp::args("filename","tag_name"),"Saves *this inside a XML file.")
-      .def("loadFromXML",&piecewise_cubic_hermite_curve_t::loadFromXML<piecewise_cubic_hermite_curve_t>,bp::args("filename","tag_name"),"Loads *this from a XML file.")
-      .def("saveAsBinary",&piecewise_cubic_hermite_curve_t::saveAsBinary<piecewise_cubic_hermite_curve_t>,bp::args("filename"),"Saves *this inside a binary file.")
-      .def("loadFromBinary",&piecewise_cubic_hermite_curve_t::loadFromBinary<piecewise_cubic_hermite_curve_t>,bp::args("filename"),"Loads *this from a binary file.")
-      ;
-    class_<piecewise_bezier_linear_curve_t, bases<curve_abc_t> >
-    ("piecewise_bezier_linear_curve_t", init<>())
+      .def("curve_at_index", &piecewise_cubic_hermite_curve_t::curve_at_index,
+           return_value_policy<copy_const_reference>())
+      .def("curve_at_time", &piecewise_cubic_hermite_curve_t::curve_at_time,
+           return_value_policy<copy_const_reference>())
+      .def("num_curves", &piecewise_cubic_hermite_curve_t::num_curves)
+      .def("saveAsText", &piecewise_cubic_hermite_curve_t::saveAsText<piecewise_cubic_hermite_curve_t>,
+           bp::args("filename"), "Saves *this inside a text file.")
+      .def("loadFromText", &piecewise_cubic_hermite_curve_t::loadFromText<piecewise_cubic_hermite_curve_t>,
+           bp::args("filename"), "Loads *this from a text file.")
+      .def("saveAsXML", &piecewise_cubic_hermite_curve_t::saveAsXML<piecewise_cubic_hermite_curve_t>,
+           bp::args("filename", "tag_name"), "Saves *this inside a XML file.")
+      .def("loadFromXML", &piecewise_cubic_hermite_curve_t::loadFromXML<piecewise_cubic_hermite_curve_t>,
+           bp::args("filename", "tag_name"), "Loads *this from a XML file.")
+      .def("saveAsBinary", &piecewise_cubic_hermite_curve_t::saveAsBinary<piecewise_cubic_hermite_curve_t>,
+           bp::args("filename"), "Saves *this inside a binary file.")
+      .def("loadFromBinary", &piecewise_cubic_hermite_curve_t::loadFromBinary<piecewise_cubic_hermite_curve_t>,
+           bp::args("filename"), "Loads *this from a binary file.");
+  class_<piecewise_bezier_linear_curve_t, bases<curve_abc_t> >("piecewise_bezier_linear_curve_t", init<>())
       .def("__init__", make_constructor(&wrapPiecewiseLinearBezierCurveConstructor))
       .def("add_curve", &piecewise_bezier_linear_curve_t::add_curve)
-      .def("is_continuous", &piecewise_bezier_linear_curve_t::is_continuous,"Check if the curve is continuous at the given order.")
-      .def("curve_at_index",&piecewise_bezier_linear_curve_t::curve_at_index, return_value_policy<copy_const_reference>())
-      .def("curve_at_time" ,&piecewise_bezier_linear_curve_t::curve_at_time , return_value_policy<copy_const_reference>())
-      .def("num_curves" ,&piecewise_bezier_linear_curve_t::num_curves)
-      .def("saveAsText", &piecewise_bezier_linear_curve_t::saveAsText<piecewise_bezier_linear_curve_t>,bp::args("filename"),"Saves *this inside a text file.")
-      .def("loadFromText",&piecewise_bezier_linear_curve_t::loadFromText<piecewise_bezier_linear_curve_t>,bp::args("filename"),"Loads *this from a text file.")
-      .def("saveAsXML",&piecewise_bezier_linear_curve_t::saveAsXML<piecewise_bezier_linear_curve_t>,bp::args("filename","tag_name"),"Saves *this inside a XML file.")
-      .def("loadFromXML",&piecewise_bezier_linear_curve_t::loadFromXML<piecewise_bezier_linear_curve_t>,bp::args("filename","tag_name"),"Loads *this from a XML file.")
-      .def("saveAsBinary",&piecewise_bezier_linear_curve_t::saveAsBinary<piecewise_bezier_linear_curve_t>,bp::args("filename"),"Saves *this inside a binary file.")
-      .def("loadFromBinary",&piecewise_bezier_linear_curve_t::loadFromBinary<piecewise_bezier_linear_curve_t>,bp::args("filename"),"Loads *this from a binary file.")
-      ;
-    /** END piecewise curve function **/
-    /** BEGIN exact_cubic curve**/
-    class_<exact_cubic_t, bases<curve_abc_t> >
-    ("exact_cubic", init<>())
+      .def("is_continuous", &piecewise_bezier_linear_curve_t::is_continuous,
+           "Check if the curve is continuous at the given order.")
+      .def("curve_at_index", &piecewise_bezier_linear_curve_t::curve_at_index,
+           return_value_policy<copy_const_reference>())
+      .def("curve_at_time", &piecewise_bezier_linear_curve_t::curve_at_time,
+           return_value_policy<copy_const_reference>())
+      .def("num_curves", &piecewise_bezier_linear_curve_t::num_curves)
+      .def("saveAsText", &piecewise_bezier_linear_curve_t::saveAsText<piecewise_bezier_linear_curve_t>,
+           bp::args("filename"), "Saves *this inside a text file.")
+      .def("loadFromText", &piecewise_bezier_linear_curve_t::loadFromText<piecewise_bezier_linear_curve_t>,
+           bp::args("filename"), "Loads *this from a text file.")
+      .def("saveAsXML", &piecewise_bezier_linear_curve_t::saveAsXML<piecewise_bezier_linear_curve_t>,
+           bp::args("filename", "tag_name"), "Saves *this inside a XML file.")
+      .def("loadFromXML", &piecewise_bezier_linear_curve_t::loadFromXML<piecewise_bezier_linear_curve_t>,
+           bp::args("filename", "tag_name"), "Loads *this from a XML file.")
+      .def("saveAsBinary", &piecewise_bezier_linear_curve_t::saveAsBinary<piecewise_bezier_linear_curve_t>,
+           bp::args("filename"), "Saves *this inside a binary file.")
+      .def("loadFromBinary", &piecewise_bezier_linear_curve_t::loadFromBinary<piecewise_bezier_linear_curve_t>,
+           bp::args("filename"), "Loads *this from a binary file.");
+  /** END piecewise curve function **/
+  /** BEGIN exact_cubic curve**/
+  class_<exact_cubic_t, bases<curve_abc_t> >("exact_cubic", init<>())
       .def("__init__", make_constructor(&wrapExactCubicConstructor))
       .def("__init__", make_constructor(&wrapExactCubicConstructorConstraint))
       .def("getNumberSplines", &exact_cubic_t::getNumberSplines)
       .def("getSplineAt", &exact_cubic_t::getSplineAt)
-      .def("saveAsText", &exact_cubic_t::saveAsText<exact_cubic_t>,bp::args("filename"),"Saves *this inside a text file.")
-      .def("loadFromText",&exact_cubic_t::loadFromText<exact_cubic_t>,bp::args("filename"),"Loads *this from a text file.")
-      .def("saveAsXML",&exact_cubic_t::saveAsXML<exact_cubic_t>,bp::args("filename","tag_name"),"Saves *this inside a XML file.")
-      .def("loadFromXML",&exact_cubic_t::loadFromXML<exact_cubic_t>,bp::args("filename","tag_name"),"Loads *this from a XML file.")
-      .def("saveAsBinary",&exact_cubic_t::saveAsBinary<exact_cubic_t>,bp::args("filename"),"Saves *this inside a binary file.")
-      .def("loadFromBinary",&exact_cubic_t::loadFromBinary<exact_cubic_t>,bp::args("filename"),"Loads *this from a binary file.")
-      ;
-    /** END exact_cubic curve**/
-    /** BEGIN cubic_hermite_spline **/
-    class_<cubic_hermite_spline_t, bases<curve_abc_t> >
-    ("cubic_hermite_spline", init<>())
+      .def("saveAsText", &exact_cubic_t::saveAsText<exact_cubic_t>, bp::args("filename"),
+           "Saves *this inside a text file.")
+      .def("loadFromText", &exact_cubic_t::loadFromText<exact_cubic_t>, bp::args("filename"),
+           "Loads *this from a text file.")
+      .def("saveAsXML", &exact_cubic_t::saveAsXML<exact_cubic_t>, bp::args("filename", "tag_name"),
+           "Saves *this inside a XML file.")
+      .def("loadFromXML", &exact_cubic_t::loadFromXML<exact_cubic_t>, bp::args("filename", "tag_name"),
+           "Loads *this from a XML file.")
+      .def("saveAsBinary", &exact_cubic_t::saveAsBinary<exact_cubic_t>, bp::args("filename"),
+           "Saves *this inside a binary file.")
+      .def("loadFromBinary", &exact_cubic_t::loadFromBinary<exact_cubic_t>, bp::args("filename"),
+           "Loads *this from a binary file.");
+  /** END exact_cubic curve**/
+  /** BEGIN cubic_hermite_spline **/
+  class_<cubic_hermite_spline_t, bases<curve_abc_t> >("cubic_hermite_spline", init<>())
       .def("__init__", make_constructor(&wrapCubicHermiteSplineConstructor))
-      .def("saveAsText", &cubic_hermite_spline_t::saveAsText<cubic_hermite_spline_t>,bp::args("filename"),"Saves *this inside a text file.")
-      .def("loadFromText",&cubic_hermite_spline_t::loadFromText<cubic_hermite_spline_t>,bp::args("filename"),"Loads *this from a text file.")
-      .def("saveAsXML",&cubic_hermite_spline_t::saveAsXML<cubic_hermite_spline_t>,bp::args("filename","tag_name"),"Saves *this inside a XML file.")
-      .def("loadFromXML",&cubic_hermite_spline_t::loadFromXML<cubic_hermite_spline_t>,bp::args("filename","tag_name"),"Loads *this from a XML file.")
-      .def("saveAsBinary",&cubic_hermite_spline_t::saveAsBinary<cubic_hermite_spline_t>,bp::args("filename"),"Saves *this inside a binary file.")
-      .def("loadFromBinary",&cubic_hermite_spline_t::loadFromBinary<cubic_hermite_spline_t>,bp::args("filename"),"Loads *this from a binary file.")
+      .def("saveAsText", &cubic_hermite_spline_t::saveAsText<cubic_hermite_spline_t>, bp::args("filename"),
+           "Saves *this inside a text file.")
+      .def("loadFromText", &cubic_hermite_spline_t::loadFromText<cubic_hermite_spline_t>, bp::args("filename"),
+           "Loads *this from a text file.")
+      .def("saveAsXML", &cubic_hermite_spline_t::saveAsXML<cubic_hermite_spline_t>, bp::args("filename", "tag_name"),
+           "Saves *this inside a XML file.")
+      .def("loadFromXML", &cubic_hermite_spline_t::loadFromXML<cubic_hermite_spline_t>,
+           bp::args("filename", "tag_name"), "Loads *this from a XML file.")
+      .def("saveAsBinary", &cubic_hermite_spline_t::saveAsBinary<cubic_hermite_spline_t>, bp::args("filename"),
+           "Saves *this inside a binary file.")
+      .def("loadFromBinary", &cubic_hermite_spline_t::loadFromBinary<cubic_hermite_spline_t>, bp::args("filename"),
+           "Loads *this from a binary file.");
+  /** END cubic_hermite_spline **/
+  /** BEGIN curve constraints**/
+  class_<curve_constraints_t>("curve_constraints", init<int>())
+      .add_property("init_vel", &get_init_vel, &set_init_vel)
+      .add_property("init_acc", &get_init_acc, &set_init_acc)
+      .add_property("init_jerk", &get_init_jerk, &set_init_jerk)
+      .add_property("end_vel", &get_end_vel, &set_end_vel)
+      .add_property("end_acc", &get_end_acc, &set_end_acc)
+      .add_property("end_jerk", &get_end_jerk, &set_end_jerk);
+  /** END curve constraints**/
+  /** BEGIN bernstein polynomial**/
+  class_<bernstein_t>("bernstein", init<const unsigned int, const unsigned int>())
+      .def("__call__", &bernstein_t::operator());
+  /** END bernstein polynomial**/
+  /** BEGIN SO3 Linear**/
+  class_<SO3Linear_t, bases<curve_rotation_t> >("SO3Linear", init<>())
+      .def("__init__",
+           make_constructor(&wrapSO3LinearConstructorFromMatrix, default_call_policies(),
+                            args("init_rotation", "end_rotation", "min", "max")),
+           "Create a SO3 Linear curve between two rotations, defined for t \in [min,max]."
+           " The input rotations are expressed as 3x3 matrix.")
+      .def("__init__",
+           make_constructor(&wrapSO3LinearConstructorFromQuaternion, default_call_policies(),
+                            args("init_rotation", "end_rotation", "min", "max")),
+           "Create a SO3 Linear curve between two rotations, defined for t \in [min,max]."
+           " The input rotations are expressed as Quaternions.")
+      .def("computeAsQuaternion", &SO3Linear_t::computeAsQuaternion,
+           "Output the quaternion of the rotation at the given time. This rotation is obtained by a Spherical Linear "
+           "Interpolation between the initial and final rotation.")
+      //      .def("saveAsText", &SO3Linear_t::saveAsText<SO3Linear_t>,bp::args("filename"),"Saves *this inside a text
+      //      file.") .def("loadFromText",&SO3Linear_t::loadFromText<SO3Linear_t>,bp::args("filename"),"Loads *this
+      //      from a text file.")
+      //      .def("saveAsXML",&SO3Linear_t::saveAsXML<SO3Linear_t>,bp::args("filename","tag_name"),"Saves *this inside
+      //      a XML file.")
+      //      .def("loadFromXML",&SO3Linear_t::loadFromXML<SO3Linear_t>,bp::args("filename","tag_name"),"Loads *this
+      //      from a XML file.")
+      //      .def("saveAsBinary",&SO3Linear_t::saveAsBinary<SO3Linear_t>,bp::args("filename"),"Saves *this inside a
+      //      binary file.")
+      //      .def("loadFromBinary",&SO3Linear_t::loadFromBinary<SO3Linear_t>,bp::args("filename"),"Loads *this from a
+      //      binary file.")
-    /** END cubic_hermite_spline **/
-    /** BEGIN curve constraints**/
-    class_<curve_constraints_t>
-        ("curve_constraints", init<int>())
-            .add_property("init_vel", &get_init_vel, &set_init_vel)
-            .add_property("init_acc", &get_init_acc, &set_init_acc)
-            .add_property("init_jerk", &get_init_jerk, &set_init_jerk)
-            .add_property("end_vel", &get_end_vel, &set_end_vel)
-            .add_property("end_acc", &get_end_acc, &set_end_acc)
-            .add_property("end_jerk", &get_end_jerk, &set_end_jerk)
-        ;
-    /** END curve constraints**/
-    /** BEGIN bernstein polynomial**/
-    class_<bernstein_t>
-    ("bernstein", init<const unsigned int, const unsigned int>())
-      .def("__call__", &bernstein_t::operator())
-    ;
-    /** END bernstein polynomial**/
-    /** BEGIN SO3 Linear**/
-    class_<SO3Linear_t, bases<curve_rotation_t> >("SO3Linear",  init<>())
-      .def("__init__", make_constructor(&wrapSO3LinearConstructorFromMatrix,default_call_policies(),args("init_rotation","end_rotation","min","max")),"Create a SO3 Linear curve between two rotations, defined for t \in [min,max]."
-     " The input rotations are expressed as 3x3 matrix.")
-      .def("__init__", make_constructor(&wrapSO3LinearConstructorFromQuaternion,default_call_policies(),args("init_rotation","end_rotation","min","max")),"Create a SO3 Linear curve between two rotations, defined for t \in [min,max]."
-         " The input rotations are expressed as Quaternions.")
-      .def("computeAsQuaternion",&SO3Linear_t::computeAsQuaternion,"Output the quaternion of the rotation at the given time. This rotation is obtained by a Spherical Linear Interpolation between the initial and final rotation.")
-//      .def("saveAsText", &SO3Linear_t::saveAsText<SO3Linear_t>,bp::args("filename"),"Saves *this inside a text file.")
-//      .def("loadFromText",&SO3Linear_t::loadFromText<SO3Linear_t>,bp::args("filename"),"Loads *this from a text file.")
-//      .def("saveAsXML",&SO3Linear_t::saveAsXML<SO3Linear_t>,bp::args("filename","tag_name"),"Saves *this inside a XML file.")
-//      .def("loadFromXML",&SO3Linear_t::loadFromXML<SO3Linear_t>,bp::args("filename","tag_name"),"Loads *this from a XML file.")
-//      .def("saveAsBinary",&SO3Linear_t::saveAsBinary<SO3Linear_t>,bp::args("filename"),"Saves *this inside a binary file.")
-//      .def("loadFromBinary",&SO3Linear_t::loadFromBinary<SO3Linear_t>,bp::args("filename"),"Loads *this from a binary file.")
-       ;
-    /** END  SO3 Linear**/
-    /** BEGIN SE3 Curve**/
-    class_<SE3Curve_t, bases<curve_abc_t> >("SE3Curve",  init<>())
+  /** END  SO3 Linear**/
+  /** BEGIN SE3 Curve**/
+  class_<SE3Curve_t, bases<curve_abc_t> >("SE3Curve", init<>())
+      .def("__init__",
+           make_constructor(&wrapSE3CurveFromTransform, default_call_policies(),
+                            args("init_transform", "end_transform", "min", "max")),
+           "Create a SE3 curve between two transform, defined for t \in [min,max]."
+           " Using linear interpolation for translation and slerp for rotation between init and end."
+           " The input transform are expressed as 4x4 matrix.")
+      .def("__init__",
+           make_constructor(&wrapSE3CurveFromTwoCurves, default_call_policies(),
+                            args("translation_curve", "rotation_curve")),
+           "Create a SE3 curve from a translation curve and a rotation one."
+           "The translation curve should be of dimension 3 and the rotation one should output 3x3 matrix"
+           "Both curves should have the same time bounds.")
-       make_constructor(&wrapSE3CurveFromTransform,default_call_policies(),
-       args("init_transform","end_transform","min","max")),
-     "Create a SE3 curve between two transform, defined for t \in [min,max]."
-     " Using linear interpolation for translation and slerp for rotation between init and end."
-     " The input transform are expressed as 4x4 matrix.")
+           make_constructor(&wrapSE3CurveFromTranslation, default_call_policies(),
+                            args("translation_curve", "init_rotation", "end_rotation")),
+           "Create a SE3 curve from a translation curve and two rotation"
+           "The translation curve should be of dimension 3, the time definition of the SE3curve will the same as the "
+           "translation curve."
+           "The orientation along the SE3Curve will be a slerp between the two given rotations."
+           "The orientations should be represented as 3x3 rotation matrix")
-       make_constructor(&wrapSE3CurveFromTwoCurves,
-       default_call_policies(),
-       args("translation_curve","rotation_curve")),
-       "Create a SE3 curve from a translation curve and a rotation one."
-        "The translation curve should be of dimension 3 and the rotation one should output 3x3 matrix"
-        "Both curves should have the same time bounds.")
-        .def("__init__",
-         make_constructor(&wrapSE3CurveFromTranslation,
-         default_call_policies(),
-         args("translation_curve","init_rotation","end_rotation")),
-         "Create a SE3 curve from a translation curve and two rotation"
-          "The translation curve should be of dimension 3, the time definition of the SE3curve will the same as the translation curve."
-          "The orientation along the SE3Curve will be a slerp between the two given rotations."
-          "The orientations should be represented as 3x3 rotation matrix")
-        .def("__init__",
-         make_constructor(&wrapSE3CurveFromBezier3Translation,
-         default_call_policies(),
-         args("translation_curve","init_rotation","end_rotation")),
-         "Create a SE3 curve from a translation curve and two rotation"
-          "The translation curve should be of dimension 3, the time definition of the SE3curve will the same as the translation curve."
-          "The orientation along the SE3Curve will be a slerp between the two given rotations."
-          "The orientations should be represented as 3x3 rotation matrix")
-        .def("rotation", &se3returnRotation,"Output the rotation (as a 3x3 matrix) at the given time.",args("self","time"))
-        .def("translation", &se3returnTranslation,"Output the rotation (as a vector 3) at the given time.",args("self","time"))
-        .def("__call__", &se3Return,"Evaluate the curve at the given time. Return as an homogeneous matrix",args("self","t"))
-        .def("derivate", &se3ReturnDerivate,"Evaluate the derivative of order N of curve at time t. Return as a vector 6",args("self","t","N"))
-        .def("min", &SE3Curve_t::min, "Get the LOWER bound on interval definition of the curve.")
-        .def("max", &SE3Curve_t::max,"Get the HIGHER bound on interval definition of the curve.")
-        .def("dim", &SE3Curve_t::dim,"Get the dimension of the curve.")
-        .def("__init__",
-         make_constructor(&wrapSE3CurveFromSE3Pinocchio,default_call_policies(),
-         args("init_SE3","end_SE3","min","max")),
-       "Create a SE3 curve between two SE3 objects from Pinocchio, defined for t \in [min,max]."
-       " Using linear interpolation for translation and slerp for rotation between init and end.")
-        .def("evaluateAsSE3", &se3Return,"Evaluate the curve at the given time. Return as a pinocchio.SE3 object",args("self","t"))
-        .def("derivateAsMotion", &se3ReturnDerivate,"Evaluate the derivative of order N of curve at time t. Return as a pinocchio.Motion",args("self","t","N"))
-//        .def("saveAsText", &SE3Curve_t::saveAsText<SE3Curve_t>,bp::args("filename"),"Saves *this inside a text file.")
-//        .def("loadFromText",&SE3Curve_t::loadFromText<SE3Curve_t>,bp::args("filename"),"Loads *this from a text file.")
-//        .def("saveAsXML",&SE3Curve_t::saveAsXML<SE3Curve_t>,bp::args("filename","tag_name"),"Saves *this inside a XML file.")
-//        .def("loadFromXML",&SE3Curve_t::loadFromXML<SE3Curve_t>,bp::args("filename","tag_name"),"Loads *this from a XML file.")
-//        .def("saveAsBinary",&SE3Curve_t::saveAsBinary<SE3Curve_t>,bp::args("filename"),"Saves *this inside a binary file.")
-//        .def("loadFromBinary",&SE3Curve_t::loadFromBinary<SE3Curve_t>,bp::args("filename"),"Loads *this from a binary file.")
-        ;
-    /** END SE3 Curve**/
-    /** BEGIN curves conversion**/
-    def("polynomial_from_bezier", polynomial_from_curve<polynomial_t,bezier_t>);
-    def("polynomial_from_hermite", polynomial_from_curve<polynomial_t,cubic_hermite_spline_t>);
-    def("bezier_from_hermite", bezier_from_curve<bezier_t,cubic_hermite_spline_t>);
-    def("bezier_from_polynomial", bezier_from_curve<bezier_t,polynomial_t>);
-    def("hermite_from_bezier", hermite_from_curve<cubic_hermite_spline_t, bezier_t>);
-    def("hermite_from_polynomial", hermite_from_curve<cubic_hermite_spline_t, polynomial_t>);
-    /** END curves conversion**/
-    optimization::python::exposeOptimization();
-      scope().attr("CURVES_WITH_PINOCCHIO_SUPPORT") = true;
-    #else
-      scope().attr("CURVES_WITH_PINOCCHIO_SUPPORT") = false;
-    #endif
-} // namespace curves
+           make_constructor(&wrapSE3CurveFromBezier3Translation, default_call_policies(),
+                            args("translation_curve", "init_rotation", "end_rotation")),
+           "Create a SE3 curve from a translation curve and two rotation"
+           "The translation curve should be of dimension 3, the time definition of the SE3curve will the same as the "
+           "translation curve."
+           "The orientation along the SE3Curve will be a slerp between the two given rotations."
+           "The orientations should be represented as 3x3 rotation matrix")
+      .def("rotation", &se3returnRotation, "Output the rotation (as a 3x3 matrix) at the given time.",
+           args("self", "time"))
+      .def("translation", &se3returnTranslation, "Output the rotation (as a vector 3) at the given time.",
+           args("self", "time"))
+      .def("__call__", &se3Return, "Evaluate the curve at the given time. Return as an homogeneous matrix",
+           args("self", "t"))
+      .def("derivate", &se3ReturnDerivate,
+           "Evaluate the derivative of order N of curve at time t. Return as a vector 6", args("self", "t", "N"))
+      .def("min", &SE3Curve_t::min, "Get the LOWER bound on interval definition of the curve.")
+      .def("max", &SE3Curve_t::max, "Get the HIGHER bound on interval definition of the curve.")
+      .def("dim", &SE3Curve_t::dim, "Get the dimension of the curve.")
+      .def("__init__",
+           make_constructor(&wrapSE3CurveFromSE3Pinocchio, default_call_policies(),
+                            args("init_SE3", "end_SE3", "min", "max")),
+           "Create a SE3 curve between two SE3 objects from Pinocchio, defined for t \in [min,max]."
+           " Using linear interpolation for translation and slerp for rotation between init and end.")
+      .def("evaluateAsSE3", &se3Return, "Evaluate the curve at the given time. Return as a pinocchio.SE3 object",
+           args("self", "t"))
+      .def("derivateAsMotion", &se3ReturnDerivate,
+           "Evaluate the derivative of order N of curve at time t. Return as a pinocchio.Motion",
+           args("self", "t", "N"))
+      //        .def("saveAsText", &SE3Curve_t::saveAsText<SE3Curve_t>,bp::args("filename"),"Saves *this inside a text
+      //        file.") .def("loadFromText",&SE3Curve_t::loadFromText<SE3Curve_t>,bp::args("filename"),"Loads *this
+      //        from a text file.")
+      //        .def("saveAsXML",&SE3Curve_t::saveAsXML<SE3Curve_t>,bp::args("filename","tag_name"),"Saves *this inside
+      //        a XML file.")
+      //        .def("loadFromXML",&SE3Curve_t::loadFromXML<SE3Curve_t>,bp::args("filename","tag_name"),"Loads *this
+      //        from a XML file.")
+      //        .def("saveAsBinary",&SE3Curve_t::saveAsBinary<SE3Curve_t>,bp::args("filename"),"Saves *this inside a
+      //        binary file.")
+      //        .def("loadFromBinary",&SE3Curve_t::loadFromBinary<SE3Curve_t>,bp::args("filename"),"Loads *this from a
+      //        binary file.")
+      ;
+  /** END SE3 Curve**/
+  /** BEGIN curves conversion**/
+  def("polynomial_from_bezier", polynomial_from_curve<polynomial_t, bezier_t>);
+  def("polynomial_from_hermite", polynomial_from_curve<polynomial_t, cubic_hermite_spline_t>);
+  def("bezier_from_hermite", bezier_from_curve<bezier_t, cubic_hermite_spline_t>);
+  def("bezier_from_polynomial", bezier_from_curve<bezier_t, polynomial_t>);
+  def("hermite_from_bezier", hermite_from_curve<cubic_hermite_spline_t, bezier_t>);
+  def("hermite_from_polynomial", hermite_from_curve<cubic_hermite_spline_t, polynomial_t>);
+  /** END curves conversion**/
+  optimization::python::exposeOptimization();
+  scope().attr("CURVES_WITH_PINOCCHIO_SUPPORT") = true;
+  scope().attr("CURVES_WITH_PINOCCHIO_SUPPORT") = false;
+}  // namespace curves
diff --git a/python/namespace.cpp b/python/namespace.cpp
index 5b5d8fc..dc78295 100644
--- a/python/namespace.cpp
+++ b/python/namespace.cpp
@@ -4,21 +4,18 @@
 #include "namespace.h"
-namespace curves
-  namespace python
-  {
+namespace curves {
+namespace python {
-    bp::object getOrCreatePythonNamespace(const std::string & submodule_name)
-    {
-      bp::scope current_scope;
-      std::string current_scope_name(bp::extract<const char*>(current_scope.attr("__name__")));
-      std::string complete_submodule_name = current_scope_name + "." + submodule_name;
+bp::object getOrCreatePythonNamespace(const std::string& submodule_name) {
+  bp::scope current_scope;
+  std::string current_scope_name(bp::extract<const char*>(current_scope.attr("__name__")));
+  std::string complete_submodule_name = current_scope_name + "." + submodule_name;
-      bp::object submodule(bp::borrowed(PyImport_AddModule(complete_submodule_name.c_str())));
-      current_scope.attr(submodule_name.c_str()) = submodule;
+  bp::object submodule(bp::borrowed(PyImport_AddModule(complete_submodule_name.c_str())));
+  current_scope.attr(submodule_name.c_str()) = submodule;
-      return submodule;
-    }
-  } // namespace python
-} // namespace curves
+  return submodule;
+}  // namespace python
+}  // namespace curves
diff --git a/python/namespace.h b/python/namespace.h
index 6b3878e..2821c34 100644
--- a/python/namespace.h
+++ b/python/namespace.h
@@ -7,21 +7,19 @@
 #include <boost/python.hpp>
-namespace curves
-  namespace python
-  {
-    namespace bp = boost::python;
+namespace curves {
+namespace python {
+namespace bp = boost::python;
-    ///
-    /// \brief Helper to create or simply return an existing namespace in Python
-    ///
-    /// \param[in] submodule_name name of the submodule
-    ///
-    /// \returns The submodule related to the namespace name.
-    ///
-    bp::object getOrCreatePythonNamespace(const std::string & submodule_name);
-  } // namespace python
-} // namespace curves
+/// \brief Helper to create or simply return an existing namespace in Python
+/// \param[in] submodule_name name of the submodule
+/// \returns The submodule related to the namespace name.
+bp::object getOrCreatePythonNamespace(const std::string& submodule_name);
+}  // namespace python
+}  // namespace curves
-#endif // ifndef __python_namespace_h__
+#endif  // ifndef __python_namespace_h__
diff --git a/python/optimization_python.cpp b/python/optimization_python.cpp
index d2a075e..f760d89 100644
--- a/python/optimization_python.cpp
+++ b/python/optimization_python.cpp
@@ -8,215 +8,144 @@
 #include <boost/python/enum.hpp>
 #include <boost/python/bases.hpp>
-namespace curves
-namespace optimization
-  namespace python
-  {
-    static const bool safe = true;
-    typedef problem_definition<pointX_t, real> problem_definition_t;
-    typedef problem_data<pointX_t, real>problem_data_t;
-    typedef quadratic_problem<pointX_t, real> quadratic_problem_t;
-    problem_data_t setup_control_points_t(problem_definition_t &pDef)
-    {
-        problem_data_t pData = setup_control_points<pointX_t,real, safe>(pDef);
-        return pData;//return new problem_data_t(pData);
-    }
-    quadratic_variable_t problem_t_cost(const quadratic_problem_t& p)
-    {
-        return p.cost;
-    }
-    Eigen::Matrix<real, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic> problem_t_ineqMatrix(const quadratic_problem_t& p)
-    {
-        return p.ineqMatrix;
-    }
-    Eigen::Matrix<real, Eigen::Dynamic, 1> problem_t_ineqVector(const quadratic_problem_t& p)
-    {
-        return p.ineqVector;
-    }
-    Eigen::Matrix<real, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic> cost_t_quad(const quadratic_variable_t& p)
-    {
-        Eigen::Matrix<real, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic> A = p.A();
-        return A;
-    }
-    Eigen::Matrix<real, Eigen::Dynamic, 1> cost_t_linear(const quadratic_variable_t & p)
-    {
-        Eigen::Matrix<real, Eigen::Dynamic, 1> b = p.b();
-        return b;
-    }
-    real cost_t_constant(const quadratic_variable_t & p)
-    {
-        return p.c();
-    }
-    quadratic_problem_t generate_problem_t(const problem_definition_t &pDef, const quadratic_variable_t & c)
-    {
-        return generate_problem<pointX_t,real, true>(pDef, c);
-    }
-    quadratic_problem_t generate_integral_problem_t(const problem_definition_t &pDef, const integral_cost_flag c)
-    {
-        return generate_problem<problem_definition_t::point_t,real, true>(pDef, c);
-    }
-    void set_pd_flag(problem_definition_t* pDef, const int flag)
-    {
-        pDef->flag = (constraint_flag)(flag);
-    }
-    void set_start(problem_definition_t* pDef, const pointX_t &val )
-    {
-        pDef->init_pos = val;
-    }
-    void set_end(problem_definition_t* pDef, const pointX_t &val )
-    {
-        pDef->end_pos = val;
-    }
-    void set_degree(problem_definition_t* pDef, const std::size_t val )
-    {
-        pDef->degree = val;
-    }
-    void set_total_time(problem_definition_t* pDef, const double val )
-    {
-        pDef->totalTime = val;
-    }
-    void set_split_time(problem_definition_t* pDef, const Eigen::VectorXd& val )
-    {
-        pDef->splitTimes_ = val;
-    }
-    Eigen::VectorXd get_split_times(const problem_definition_t* pDef)
-    {
-        return pDef->splitTimes_;
-    }
-    constraint_flag get_pd_flag(const problem_definition_t* pDef)
-    {
-        return pDef->flag;
-    }
-    Eigen::VectorXd get_start(const problem_definition_t* pDef)
-    {
-        return pDef->init_pos;
-    }
-    Eigen::VectorXd get_end(const problem_definition_t* pDef)
-    {
-        return pDef->end_pos;
-    }
-    std::size_t get_degree(const problem_definition_t* pDef)
-    {
-        return pDef->degree;
-    }
-    double get_total_time(const problem_definition_t* pDef)
-    {
-        return pDef->totalTime;
-    }
-    matrix_pair *get_ineq_at(const problem_definition_t* pDef, const std::size_t idx)
-    {
-        if (idx > pDef->inequalityMatrices_.size() - 1)
-            throw std::runtime_error("required id is beyond number of inequality matrices");
-        matrix_pair* res = new matrix_pair(pDef->inequalityMatrices_[idx], pDef->inequalityVectors_[idx]);
-        return res;
-    }
-    bool del_ineq_at(problem_definition_t* pDef, const std::size_t idx)
-    {
-        if (idx > pDef->inequalityMatrices_.size() - 1)
-            return false;
-        pDef->inequalityMatrices_.erase(pDef->inequalityMatrices_.begin() + idx -1);
-        pDef->inequalityVectors_.erase(pDef->inequalityVectors_.begin() + idx -1);
-        return true;
-    }
-    bool add_ineq_at(problem_definition_t* pDef, const Eigen::MatrixXd ineq, const Eigen::VectorXd vec)
-    {
-        if (ineq.rows() != vec.rows())
-            throw std::runtime_error("ineq vector and matrix do not have the same number of rows");
-        if (!(pDef->inequalityMatrices_.empty()) && ineq.cols() != pDef->inequalityMatrices_.back().cols())
-            throw std::runtime_error("inequality matrix does not have the same variable dimension as existing matrices");
-        pDef->inequalityMatrices_.push_back(ineq);
-        pDef->inequalityVectors_.push_back(vec);
-        return true;
-    }
-    bezier_linear_variable_t* pDataBezier(const problem_data_t* pData)
-    {
-        const bezier_linear_variable_t& b = *pData->bezier;
-        return new bezier_linear_variable_t(b.waypoints().begin(), b.waypoints().end(),b.min(), b.max(), b.mult_T_);
-    }
-    problem_definition_t* wrapProblemDefinitionConstructor(const curve_constraints_t* c)
-    {
-      return new problem_definition_t(*c);
-    }
-    void exposeOptimization()
-    {
-        // using the optimization scope
-        bp::scope current_scope = curves::python::getOrCreatePythonNamespace("optimization");
-        /** BEGIN enums**/
-        bp::enum_<constraint_flag>("constraint_flag")
-                .value("INIT_POS", INIT_POS)
-                .value("INIT_VEL", INIT_VEL)
-                .value("INIT_ACC", INIT_ACC)
-                .value("INIT_JERK", INIT_JERK)
-                .value("END_POS", END_POS)
-                .value("END_VEL", END_VEL)
-                .value("END_ACC", END_ACC)
-                .value("END_JERK", END_JERK)
-                .value("ALL", ALL)
-                .value("NONE", NONE)
-                .export_values();
-       bp::enum_<integral_cost_flag>("integral_cost_flag")
-                .value("DISTANCE", DISTANCE)
-                .value("VELOCITY", VELOCITY)
-                .value("ACCELERATION", ACCELERATION)
-                .value("JERK", JERK)
-                .value("FOURTH", FOURTH)
-                .value("FIFTH", FIFTH)
-                .export_values();
-        /** END enum**/
-        bp::class_<quadratic_problem_t>
-            ("quadratic_problem", bp::init<>())
-            .add_property("cost", &problem_t_cost)
-            .add_property("A", &problem_t_ineqMatrix)
-            .add_property("b", &problem_t_ineqVector)
-            ;
-        bp::def("setup_control_points", &setup_control_points_t);
-        bp::def("generate_problem", &generate_problem_t);
-        bp::def("generate_integral_problem", &generate_integral_problem_t);
-        bp::class_<problem_data_t>
-            ("problem_data", bp::no_init)
-                .def("bezier", &pDataBezier, bp::return_value_policy<bp::manage_new_object>())
-                .def_readonly("numControlPoints", &problem_data_t::numControlPoints)
-                .def_readonly("numVariables", &problem_data_t::numVariables)
-                .def_readonly("startVariableIndex", &problem_data_t::startVariableIndex)
-                .def_readonly("numStateConstraints", &problem_data_t::numStateConstraints)
-            ;
-        bp::class_<problem_definition_t, bp::bases<curve_constraints_t> >
-            ("problem_definition", bp::init<int>())
-                .def("__init__", bp::make_constructor(&wrapProblemDefinitionConstructor))
-                .add_property("flag", &get_pd_flag, &set_pd_flag)
-                .add_property("init_pos", &get_start, &set_start)
-                .add_property("end_pos", &get_end, &set_end)
-                .add_property("degree", &get_degree, &set_degree)
-                .add_property("totalTime", &get_total_time, &set_total_time)
-                .add_property("splits", &get_split_times, &set_split_time)
-                .def("inequality", &get_ineq_at, bp::return_value_policy<bp::manage_new_object>())
-                .def("removeInequality", &del_ineq_at)
-                .def("addInequality", &add_ineq_at)
-            ;
-    }
-  } // namespace python
-} // namespace optimization
-} // namespace curves
+namespace curves {
+namespace optimization {
+namespace python {
+static const bool safe = true;
+typedef problem_definition<pointX_t, real> problem_definition_t;
+typedef problem_data<pointX_t, real> problem_data_t;
+typedef quadratic_problem<pointX_t, real> quadratic_problem_t;
+problem_data_t setup_control_points_t(problem_definition_t& pDef) {
+  problem_data_t pData = setup_control_points<pointX_t, real, safe>(pDef);
+  return pData;  // return new problem_data_t(pData);
+quadratic_variable_t problem_t_cost(const quadratic_problem_t& p) { return p.cost; }
+Eigen::Matrix<real, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic> problem_t_ineqMatrix(const quadratic_problem_t& p) {
+  return p.ineqMatrix;
+Eigen::Matrix<real, Eigen::Dynamic, 1> problem_t_ineqVector(const quadratic_problem_t& p) { return p.ineqVector; }
+Eigen::Matrix<real, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic> cost_t_quad(const quadratic_variable_t& p) {
+  Eigen::Matrix<real, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic> A = p.A();
+  return A;
+Eigen::Matrix<real, Eigen::Dynamic, 1> cost_t_linear(const quadratic_variable_t& p) {
+  Eigen::Matrix<real, Eigen::Dynamic, 1> b = p.b();
+  return b;
+real cost_t_constant(const quadratic_variable_t& p) { return p.c(); }
+quadratic_problem_t generate_problem_t(const problem_definition_t& pDef, const quadratic_variable_t& c) {
+  return generate_problem<pointX_t, real, true>(pDef, c);
+quadratic_problem_t generate_integral_problem_t(const problem_definition_t& pDef, const integral_cost_flag c) {
+  return generate_problem<problem_definition_t::point_t, real, true>(pDef, c);
+void set_pd_flag(problem_definition_t* pDef, const int flag) { pDef->flag = (constraint_flag)(flag); }
+void set_start(problem_definition_t* pDef, const pointX_t& val) { pDef->init_pos = val; }
+void set_end(problem_definition_t* pDef, const pointX_t& val) { pDef->end_pos = val; }
+void set_degree(problem_definition_t* pDef, const std::size_t val) { pDef->degree = val; }
+void set_total_time(problem_definition_t* pDef, const double val) { pDef->totalTime = val; }
+void set_split_time(problem_definition_t* pDef, const Eigen::VectorXd& val) { pDef->splitTimes_ = val; }
+Eigen::VectorXd get_split_times(const problem_definition_t* pDef) { return pDef->splitTimes_; }
+constraint_flag get_pd_flag(const problem_definition_t* pDef) { return pDef->flag; }
+Eigen::VectorXd get_start(const problem_definition_t* pDef) { return pDef->init_pos; }
+Eigen::VectorXd get_end(const problem_definition_t* pDef) { return pDef->end_pos; }
+std::size_t get_degree(const problem_definition_t* pDef) { return pDef->degree; }
+double get_total_time(const problem_definition_t* pDef) { return pDef->totalTime; }
+matrix_pair* get_ineq_at(const problem_definition_t* pDef, const std::size_t idx) {
+  if (idx > pDef->inequalityMatrices_.size() - 1)
+    throw std::runtime_error("required id is beyond number of inequality matrices");
+  matrix_pair* res = new matrix_pair(pDef->inequalityMatrices_[idx], pDef->inequalityVectors_[idx]);
+  return res;
+bool del_ineq_at(problem_definition_t* pDef, const std::size_t idx) {
+  if (idx > pDef->inequalityMatrices_.size() - 1) return false;
+  pDef->inequalityMatrices_.erase(pDef->inequalityMatrices_.begin() + idx - 1);
+  pDef->inequalityVectors_.erase(pDef->inequalityVectors_.begin() + idx - 1);
+  return true;
+bool add_ineq_at(problem_definition_t* pDef, const Eigen::MatrixXd ineq, const Eigen::VectorXd vec) {
+  if (ineq.rows() != vec.rows())
+    throw std::runtime_error("ineq vector and matrix do not have the same number of rows");
+  if (!(pDef->inequalityMatrices_.empty()) && ineq.cols() != pDef->inequalityMatrices_.back().cols())
+    throw std::runtime_error("inequality matrix does not have the same variable dimension as existing matrices");
+  pDef->inequalityMatrices_.push_back(ineq);
+  pDef->inequalityVectors_.push_back(vec);
+  return true;
+bezier_linear_variable_t* pDataBezier(const problem_data_t* pData) {
+  const bezier_linear_variable_t& b = *pData->bezier;
+  return new bezier_linear_variable_t(b.waypoints().begin(), b.waypoints().end(), b.min(), b.max(), b.mult_T_);
+problem_definition_t* wrapProblemDefinitionConstructor(const curve_constraints_t* c) {
+  return new problem_definition_t(*c);
+void exposeOptimization() {
+  // using the optimization scope
+  bp::scope current_scope = curves::python::getOrCreatePythonNamespace("optimization");
+  /** BEGIN enums**/
+  bp::enum_<constraint_flag>("constraint_flag")
+      .value("INIT_POS", INIT_POS)
+      .value("INIT_VEL", INIT_VEL)
+      .value("INIT_ACC", INIT_ACC)
+      .value("INIT_JERK", INIT_JERK)
+      .value("END_POS", END_POS)
+      .value("END_VEL", END_VEL)
+      .value("END_ACC", END_ACC)
+      .value("END_JERK", END_JERK)
+      .value("ALL", ALL)
+      .value("NONE", NONE)
+      .export_values();
+  bp::enum_<integral_cost_flag>("integral_cost_flag")
+      .value("DISTANCE", DISTANCE)
+      .value("VELOCITY", VELOCITY)
+      .value("JERK", JERK)
+      .value("FOURTH", FOURTH)
+      .value("FIFTH", FIFTH)
+      .export_values();
+  /** END enum**/
+  bp::class_<quadratic_problem_t>("quadratic_problem", bp::init<>())
+      .add_property("cost", &problem_t_cost)
+      .add_property("A", &problem_t_ineqMatrix)
+      .add_property("b", &problem_t_ineqVector);
+  bp::def("setup_control_points", &setup_control_points_t);
+  bp::def("generate_problem", &generate_problem_t);
+  bp::def("generate_integral_problem", &generate_integral_problem_t);
+  bp::class_<problem_data_t>("problem_data", bp::no_init)
+      .def("bezier", &pDataBezier, bp::return_value_policy<bp::manage_new_object>())
+      .def_readonly("numControlPoints", &problem_data_t::numControlPoints)
+      .def_readonly("numVariables", &problem_data_t::numVariables)
+      .def_readonly("startVariableIndex", &problem_data_t::startVariableIndex)
+      .def_readonly("numStateConstraints", &problem_data_t::numStateConstraints);
+  bp::class_<problem_definition_t, bp::bases<curve_constraints_t> >("problem_definition", bp::init<int>())
+      .def("__init__", bp::make_constructor(&wrapProblemDefinitionConstructor))
+      .add_property("flag", &get_pd_flag, &set_pd_flag)
+      .add_property("init_pos", &get_start, &set_start)
+      .add_property("end_pos", &get_end, &set_end)
+      .add_property("degree", &get_degree, &set_degree)
+      .add_property("totalTime", &get_total_time, &set_total_time)
+      .add_property("splits", &get_split_times, &set_split_time)
+      .def("inequality", &get_ineq_at, bp::return_value_policy<bp::manage_new_object>())
+      .def("removeInequality", &del_ineq_at)
+      .def("addInequality", &add_ineq_at);
+}  // namespace python
+}  // namespace optimization
+}  // namespace curves
diff --git a/python/optimization_python.h b/python/optimization_python.h
index 8cbeca0..49ce8a1 100644
--- a/python/optimization_python.h
+++ b/python/optimization_python.h
@@ -9,16 +9,13 @@
-namespace curves
-namespace optimization
-namespace python
+namespace curves {
+namespace optimization {
+namespace python {
 void exposeOptimization();
-} // namespace python
-} // namespace optimization
-} // namespace curves
+}  // namespace python
+}  // namespace optimization
+}  // namespace curves
diff --git a/python/python_variables.cpp b/python/python_variables.cpp
index 159ca36..13e66c9 100644
--- a/python/python_variables.cpp
+++ b/python/python_variables.cpp
@@ -3,85 +3,67 @@
 #include <Eigen/Core>
-namespace curves
-  std::vector<linear_variable_t> matrix3DFromEigenArray(const point_list_t& matrices, const point_list_t& vectors)
-  {
-    assert(vectors.cols() * 3  == matrices.cols() ) ;
-    std::vector<linear_variable_t> res;
-    for(int i =0;i<vectors.cols();++i)
-    {
-      res.push_back(linear_variable_t(matrices.block<3,3>(0,i*3), vectors.col(i)));
-    }
-    return res;
+namespace curves {
+std::vector<linear_variable_t> matrix3DFromEigenArray(const point_list_t& matrices, const point_list_t& vectors) {
+  assert(vectors.cols() * 3 == matrices.cols());
+  std::vector<linear_variable_t> res;
+  for (int i = 0; i < vectors.cols(); ++i) {
+    res.push_back(linear_variable_t(matrices.block<3, 3>(0, i * 3), vectors.col(i)));
+  return res;
-  linear_variable_t fillWithZeros(const linear_variable_t& var, const std::size_t totalvar, const std::size_t i)
-  {
-      linear_variable_t::matrix_x_t B(linear_variable_t::matrix_x_t::Zero(dim,totalvar*dim));
-      B.block(0,dim*i,dim,dim) = var.B();
-      return linear_variable_t (B,var.c());
-  }
+linear_variable_t fillWithZeros(const linear_variable_t& var, const std::size_t totalvar, const std::size_t i) {
+  linear_variable_t::matrix_x_t B(linear_variable_t::matrix_x_t::Zero(dim, totalvar * dim));
+  B.block(0, dim * i, dim, dim) = var.B();
+  return linear_variable_t(B, var.c());
-  std::vector<linear_variable_t> computeLinearControlPoints(const point_list_t& matrices, const point_list_t& vectors)
-  {
-      std::vector<linear_variable_t> res;
-      std::vector<linear_variable_t> variables = matrix3DFromEigenArray(matrices, vectors);
-      // now need to fill all this with zeros...
-      std::size_t totalvar = variables.size();
-      for (std::size_t i = 0; i < totalvar; ++i)
-          res.push_back( fillWithZeros(variables[i],totalvar,i));
-      return res;
-  }
+std::vector<linear_variable_t> computeLinearControlPoints(const point_list_t& matrices, const point_list_t& vectors) {
+  std::vector<linear_variable_t> res;
+  std::vector<linear_variable_t> variables = matrix3DFromEigenArray(matrices, vectors);
+  // now need to fill all this with zeros...
+  std::size_t totalvar = variables.size();
+  for (std::size_t i = 0; i < totalvar; ++i) res.push_back(fillWithZeros(variables[i], totalvar, i));
+  return res;
-  /*linear variable control points*/
-  bezier_linear_variable_t* wrapBezierLinearConstructor(const point_list_t& matrices, const point_list_t& vectors)
-  {
-      std::vector<linear_variable_t> asVector = computeLinearControlPoints(matrices, vectors);
-      return new bezier_linear_variable_t(asVector.begin(), asVector.end()) ;
-  }
-  bezier_linear_variable_t* wrapBezierLinearConstructorBounds(const point_list_t& matrices, const point_list_t& vectors, const real T_min, const real T_max)
-  {
-      std::vector<linear_variable_t> asVector = computeLinearControlPoints(matrices, vectors);
-      return new bezier_linear_variable_t(asVector.begin(), asVector.end(), T_min, T_max) ;
-  }
+/*linear variable control points*/
+bezier_linear_variable_t* wrapBezierLinearConstructor(const point_list_t& matrices, const point_list_t& vectors) {
+  std::vector<linear_variable_t> asVector = computeLinearControlPoints(matrices, vectors);
+  return new bezier_linear_variable_t(asVector.begin(), asVector.end());
+bezier_linear_variable_t* wrapBezierLinearConstructorBounds(const point_list_t& matrices, const point_list_t& vectors,
+                                                            const real T_min, const real T_max) {
+  std::vector<linear_variable_t> asVector = computeLinearControlPoints(matrices, vectors);
+  return new bezier_linear_variable_t(asVector.begin(), asVector.end(), T_min, T_max);
-  Eigen::Matrix<real, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic> cost_t_quad(const quadratic_variable_t& p)
-  {
-      Eigen::Matrix<real, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic> A = p.A();
-      return A;
-  }
-  Eigen::Matrix<real, Eigen::Dynamic, 1> cost_t_linear(const quadratic_variable_t & p)
-  {
-      Eigen::Matrix<real, Eigen::Dynamic, 1> b = p.b();
-      return b;
-  }
-  real cost_t_constant(const quadratic_variable_t & p)
-  {
-      return p.c();
-  }
+Eigen::Matrix<real, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic> cost_t_quad(const quadratic_variable_t& p) {
+  Eigen::Matrix<real, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic> A = p.A();
+  return A;
+Eigen::Matrix<real, Eigen::Dynamic, 1> cost_t_linear(const quadratic_variable_t& p) {
+  Eigen::Matrix<real, Eigen::Dynamic, 1> b = p.b();
+  return b;
+real cost_t_constant(const quadratic_variable_t& p) { return p.c(); }
-  linear_variable_t*
-          wayPointsToLists(const bezier_linear_variable_t& self)
-  {
-      typedef typename bezier_linear_variable_t::t_point_t t_point;
-      typedef typename bezier_linear_variable_t::t_point_t::const_iterator cit_point;
-      const t_point& wps = self.waypoints();
-      // retrieve num variables.
-      std::size_t dim = wps[0].B().cols();
-      Eigen::Matrix<real, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic> matrices (dim,wps.size() * 3);
-      Eigen::Matrix<real, Eigen::Dynamic, 1> vectors =
-              Eigen::Matrix<real, Eigen::Dynamic, 1>::Zero(3*wps.size());
-      int i = 0;
-      for(cit_point cit = wps.begin(); cit != wps.end(); ++cit, ++i)
-      {
-          matrices.block(0,i*3,dim,3) = cit->B().transpose();
-          vectors.segment<3>(i*3,i*3+2)   =  cit->c();
-      }
-      return new linear_variable_t(matrices.transpose(), vectors.transpose());
+linear_variable_t* wayPointsToLists(const bezier_linear_variable_t& self) {
+  typedef typename bezier_linear_variable_t::t_point_t t_point;
+  typedef typename bezier_linear_variable_t::t_point_t::const_iterator cit_point;
+  const t_point& wps = self.waypoints();
+  // retrieve num variables.
+  std::size_t dim = wps[0].B().cols();
+  Eigen::Matrix<real, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic> matrices(dim, wps.size() * 3);
+  Eigen::Matrix<real, Eigen::Dynamic, 1> vectors = Eigen::Matrix<real, Eigen::Dynamic, 1>::Zero(3 * wps.size());
+  int i = 0;
+  for (cit_point cit = wps.begin(); cit != wps.end(); ++cit, ++i) {
+    matrices.block(0, i * 3, dim, 3) = cit->B().transpose();
+    vectors.segment<3>(i * 3, i * 3 + 2) = cit->c();
+  return new linear_variable_t(matrices.transpose(), vectors.transpose());
-} // namespace curves
+}  // namespace curves
diff --git a/python/python_variables.h b/python/python_variables.h
index 8beb920..59ae2fa 100644
--- a/python/python_variables.h
+++ b/python/python_variables.h
@@ -20,93 +20,89 @@
-namespace curves
-  static const int dim = 3;
-  typedef linear_variable<real, true> linear_variable_t;
-  typedef quadratic_variable<real> quadratic_variable_t;
-  typedef bezier_curve  <real, real, true, linear_variable_t> bezier_linear_variable_t;
-  /*linear variable control points*/
-  bezier_linear_variable_t* wrapBezierLinearConstructor(const point_list_t& matrices, const point_list_t& vectors);
-  bezier_linear_variable_t* wrapBezierLinearConstructorBounds
-  (const point_list_t& matrices, const point_list_t& vectors, const real T_min, const real T_max);
-  typedef Eigen::Matrix<real, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic> matrix_x_t;
-  struct matrix_pair
-  {
-      matrix_pair() {}
-      matrix_pair(const Eigen::Ref<const matrix_x_t > A, const Eigen::Ref<const matrix_x_t > b)
-          : A_(A), b_(b){}
-      matrix_x_t A_;
-      matrix_x_t b_;
-      matrix_x_t A() {return A_;}
-      matrix_x_t b() {return b_;}
-  };
-  Eigen::Matrix<real, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic> cost_t_quad(const quadratic_variable_t& p);
-  Eigen::Matrix<real, Eigen::Dynamic, 1> cost_t_linear(const quadratic_variable_t & p);
-  real cost_t_constant(const quadratic_variable_t & p);
-  linear_variable_t *wayPointsToLists(const bezier_linear_variable_t& self);
-  struct LinearBezierVector
-  {
-    std::vector<bezier_linear_variable_t> beziers_;
-    std::size_t size() {return beziers_.size();}
-    bezier_linear_variable_t* at(std::size_t i)
-    {
-      assert (i<size());
-      return new bezier_linear_variable_t(beziers_[i]);
-    }
-  };
-  typedef double real;
-  typedef Eigen::VectorXd time_waypoints_t;
-  typedef Eigen::VectorXd pointX_t;
-  typedef Eigen::Matrix<double,3, 1> point3_t;
-  typedef Eigen::Matrix<double, Eigen::Dynamic, 1, 0, Eigen::Dynamic, 1> ret_pointX_t;
-  typedef std::pair<pointX_t, pointX_t> pair_pointX_tangent_t;
-  typedef Eigen::MatrixXd pointX_list_t;
-  typedef std::vector<pointX_t,Eigen::aligned_allocator<pointX_t> >  t_pointX_t;
-  typedef std::vector<pointX_t,Eigen::aligned_allocator<point3_t> >  t_point3_t;
-  typedef std::vector<pair_pointX_tangent_t,Eigen::aligned_allocator<pair_pointX_tangent_t> > t_pair_pointX_tangent_t;
-  typedef curves::curve_constraints<pointX_t> curve_constraints_t;
-  typedef curves::curve_constraints<point3_t> curve_constraints3_t;
-  typedef std::pair<real, pointX_t> waypoint_t;
-  typedef std::vector<waypoint_t> t_waypoint_t;
-  typedef Eigen::Matrix<real,3, 3> matrix3_t;
-  typedef Eigen::Matrix<real,4, 4> matrix4_t;
-  typedef Eigen::Transform<double,3,Eigen::Affine> transform_t;
-  typedef Eigen::Quaternion<real> quaternion_t;
-  // Curves
-  typedef curve_abc<real, real, true, pointX_t> curve_abc_t; // generic class of curve
-  typedef curve_abc<real, real, true, point3_t> curve_3_t; // generic class of curve of size 3
-  typedef curve_abc<real, real, true, matrix3_t,point3_t> curve_rotation_t; // templated class used for the rotation (return dimension are fixed)
-  typedef curves::cubic_hermite_spline <real, real, true, pointX_t> cubic_hermite_spline_t;
-  typedef curves::bezier_curve  <real, real, true, pointX_t> bezier_t;
-  typedef curves::bezier_curve  <real, real, true, Eigen::Vector3d> bezier3_t;
-  typedef curves::polynomial  <real, real, true, pointX_t, t_pointX_t> polynomial_t;
-  typedef polynomial_t::coeff_t coeff_t;
-  typedef curves::piecewise_curve <real, real, true, pointX_t, t_pointX_t, polynomial_t> piecewise_polynomial_curve_t;
-  typedef curves::piecewise_curve <real, real, true, pointX_t, t_pointX_t, bezier_t> piecewise_bezier_curve_t;
-  typedef curves::piecewise_curve <real, real, true, pointX_t, t_pointX_t, cubic_hermite_spline_t> piecewise_cubic_hermite_curve_t;
-  typedef curves::piecewise_curve <real, real, true, linear_variable_t, std::vector<linear_variable_t, Eigen::aligned_allocator<linear_variable_t> >, bezier_linear_variable_t> piecewise_bezier_linear_curve_t;
-  typedef curves::exact_cubic  <real, real, true, pointX_t, t_pointX_t> exact_cubic_t;
-  typedef SO3Linear  <double, double, true> SO3Linear_t;
-  typedef SE3Curve  <double, double, true> SE3Curve_t;
-  typedef curves::Bern<double> bernstein_t;
-} //namespace curve.
+namespace curves {
+static const int dim = 3;
+typedef linear_variable<real, true> linear_variable_t;
+typedef quadratic_variable<real> quadratic_variable_t;
+typedef bezier_curve<real, real, true, linear_variable_t> bezier_linear_variable_t;
+/*linear variable control points*/
+bezier_linear_variable_t* wrapBezierLinearConstructor(const point_list_t& matrices, const point_list_t& vectors);
+bezier_linear_variable_t* wrapBezierLinearConstructorBounds(const point_list_t& matrices, const point_list_t& vectors,
+                                                            const real T_min, const real T_max);
+typedef Eigen::Matrix<real, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic> matrix_x_t;
+struct matrix_pair {
+  matrix_pair() {}
+  matrix_pair(const Eigen::Ref<const matrix_x_t> A, const Eigen::Ref<const matrix_x_t> b) : A_(A), b_(b) {}
+  matrix_x_t A_;
+  matrix_x_t b_;
+  matrix_x_t A() { return A_; }
+  matrix_x_t b() { return b_; }
+Eigen::Matrix<real, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic> cost_t_quad(const quadratic_variable_t& p);
+Eigen::Matrix<real, Eigen::Dynamic, 1> cost_t_linear(const quadratic_variable_t& p);
+real cost_t_constant(const quadratic_variable_t& p);
+linear_variable_t* wayPointsToLists(const bezier_linear_variable_t& self);
+struct LinearBezierVector {
+  std::vector<bezier_linear_variable_t> beziers_;
+  std::size_t size() { return beziers_.size(); }
+  bezier_linear_variable_t* at(std::size_t i) {
+    assert(i < size());
+    return new bezier_linear_variable_t(beziers_[i]);
+  }
+typedef double real;
+typedef Eigen::VectorXd time_waypoints_t;
+typedef Eigen::VectorXd pointX_t;
+typedef Eigen::Matrix<double, 3, 1> point3_t;
+typedef Eigen::Matrix<double, Eigen::Dynamic, 1, 0, Eigen::Dynamic, 1> ret_pointX_t;
+typedef std::pair<pointX_t, pointX_t> pair_pointX_tangent_t;
+typedef Eigen::MatrixXd pointX_list_t;
+typedef std::vector<pointX_t, Eigen::aligned_allocator<pointX_t> > t_pointX_t;
+typedef std::vector<pointX_t, Eigen::aligned_allocator<point3_t> > t_point3_t;
+typedef std::vector<pair_pointX_tangent_t, Eigen::aligned_allocator<pair_pointX_tangent_t> > t_pair_pointX_tangent_t;
+typedef curves::curve_constraints<pointX_t> curve_constraints_t;
+typedef curves::curve_constraints<point3_t> curve_constraints3_t;
+typedef std::pair<real, pointX_t> waypoint_t;
+typedef std::vector<waypoint_t> t_waypoint_t;
+typedef Eigen::Matrix<real, 3, 3> matrix3_t;
+typedef Eigen::Matrix<real, 4, 4> matrix4_t;
+typedef Eigen::Transform<double, 3, Eigen::Affine> transform_t;
+typedef Eigen::Quaternion<real> quaternion_t;
+// Curves
+typedef curve_abc<real, real, true, pointX_t> curve_abc_t;  // generic class of curve
+typedef curve_abc<real, real, true, point3_t> curve_3_t;    // generic class of curve of size 3
+typedef curve_abc<real, real, true, matrix3_t, point3_t>
+    curve_rotation_t;  // templated class used for the rotation (return dimension are fixed)
+typedef curves::cubic_hermite_spline<real, real, true, pointX_t> cubic_hermite_spline_t;
+typedef curves::bezier_curve<real, real, true, pointX_t> bezier_t;
+typedef curves::bezier_curve<real, real, true, Eigen::Vector3d> bezier3_t;
+typedef curves::polynomial<real, real, true, pointX_t, t_pointX_t> polynomial_t;
+typedef polynomial_t::coeff_t coeff_t;
+typedef curves::piecewise_curve<real, real, true, pointX_t, t_pointX_t, polynomial_t> piecewise_polynomial_curve_t;
+typedef curves::piecewise_curve<real, real, true, pointX_t, t_pointX_t, bezier_t> piecewise_bezier_curve_t;
+typedef curves::piecewise_curve<real, real, true, pointX_t, t_pointX_t, cubic_hermite_spline_t>
+    piecewise_cubic_hermite_curve_t;
+typedef curves::piecewise_curve<real, real, true, linear_variable_t,
+                                std::vector<linear_variable_t, Eigen::aligned_allocator<linear_variable_t> >,
+                                bezier_linear_variable_t>
+    piecewise_bezier_linear_curve_t;
+typedef curves::exact_cubic<real, real, true, pointX_t, t_pointX_t> exact_cubic_t;
+typedef SO3Linear<double, double, true> SO3Linear_t;
+typedef SE3Curve<double, double, true> SE3Curve_t;
+typedef curves::Bern<double> bernstein_t;
+}  // namespace curves
@@ -127,5 +123,4 @@ EIGENPY_DEFINE_STRUCT_ALLOCATOR_SPECIALIZATION(curves::linear_variable_t)
diff --git a/tests/Main.cpp b/tests/Main.cpp
index 655d530..d76678c 100644
--- a/tests/Main.cpp
+++ b/tests/Main.cpp
@@ -18,47 +18,43 @@
 using namespace std;
-namespace curves
+namespace curves {
 typedef Eigen::Vector3d point_t;
 typedef Eigen::VectorXd pointX_t;
 typedef Eigen::Quaternion<double> quaternion_t;
-typedef std::vector<pointX_t,Eigen::aligned_allocator<pointX_t> >  t_pointX_t;
-typedef curve_abc  <double, double, true, pointX_t> curve_abc_t;
-typedef polynomial  <double, double, true, pointX_t, t_pointX_t> polynomial_t;
-typedef exact_cubic <double, double, true, pointX_t> exact_cubic_t;
-typedef exact_cubic   <double, double, true, Eigen::Matrix<double,1,1> > exact_cubic_one;
-typedef bezier_curve  <double, double, true, pointX_t> bezier_curve_t;
-typedef cubic_hermite_spline <double, double, true, pointX_t> cubic_hermite_spline_t;
-typedef piecewise_curve <double, double, true, pointX_t, t_pointX_t, polynomial_t> piecewise_polynomial_curve_t;
-typedef piecewise_curve <double, double, true, pointX_t, t_pointX_t, bezier_curve_t> piecewise_bezier_curve_t;
-typedef piecewise_curve <double, double, true, pointX_t, t_pointX_t, cubic_hermite_spline_t> piecewise_cubic_hermite_curve_t;
+typedef std::vector<pointX_t, Eigen::aligned_allocator<pointX_t> > t_pointX_t;
+typedef curve_abc<double, double, true, pointX_t> curve_abc_t;
+typedef polynomial<double, double, true, pointX_t, t_pointX_t> polynomial_t;
+typedef exact_cubic<double, double, true, pointX_t> exact_cubic_t;
+typedef exact_cubic<double, double, true, Eigen::Matrix<double, 1, 1> > exact_cubic_one;
+typedef bezier_curve<double, double, true, pointX_t> bezier_curve_t;
+typedef cubic_hermite_spline<double, double, true, pointX_t> cubic_hermite_spline_t;
+typedef piecewise_curve<double, double, true, pointX_t, t_pointX_t, polynomial_t> piecewise_polynomial_curve_t;
+typedef piecewise_curve<double, double, true, pointX_t, t_pointX_t, bezier_curve_t> piecewise_bezier_curve_t;
+typedef piecewise_curve<double, double, true, pointX_t, t_pointX_t, cubic_hermite_spline_t>
+    piecewise_cubic_hermite_curve_t;
 typedef exact_cubic_t::spline_constraints spline_constraints_t;
 typedef std::pair<double, pointX_t> Waypoint;
 typedef std::vector<Waypoint> T_Waypoint;
-typedef Eigen::Matrix<double,1,1> point_one;
+typedef Eigen::Matrix<double, 1, 1> point_one;
 typedef std::pair<double, point_one> WaypointOne;
 typedef std::vector<WaypointOne> T_WaypointOne;
 typedef std::pair<pointX_t, pointX_t> pair_point_tangent_t;
-typedef std::vector<pair_point_tangent_t,Eigen::aligned_allocator<pair_point_tangent_t> > t_pair_point_tangent_t;
-typedef SO3Linear  <double, double, true> SO3Linear_t;
-typedef SE3Curve  <double, double, true> SE3Curve_t;
-typedef Eigen::Transform<double,3,Eigen::Affine> transform_t;
+typedef std::vector<pair_point_tangent_t, Eigen::aligned_allocator<pair_point_tangent_t> > t_pair_point_tangent_t;
+typedef SO3Linear<double, double, true> SO3Linear_t;
+typedef SE3Curve<double, double, true> SE3Curve_t;
+typedef Eigen::Transform<double, 3, Eigen::Affine> transform_t;
 const double margin = 1e-3;
-bool QuasiEqual(const double a, const double b)
-  return std::fabs(a-b)<margin;
-bool QuasiEqual(const point_t a, const point_t b)
+bool QuasiEqual(const double a, const double b) { return std::fabs(a - b) < margin; }
+bool QuasiEqual(const point_t a, const point_t b) {
   bool equal = true;
-  for(size_t i = 0 ; i < 3 ; ++i){
-    equal = equal && QuasiEqual(a[i],b[i]);
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
+    equal = equal && QuasiEqual(a[i], b[i]);
   return equal;
-} // End namespace curves
+}  // End namespace curves
 using namespace curves;
@@ -1313,21 +1309,20 @@ void curveAbcDimDynamicTest(bool& error) {
-void PiecewisePolynomialCurveFromDiscretePoints(bool& error)
+void PiecewisePolynomialCurveFromDiscretePoints(bool& error) {
   std::string errMsg("PiecewisePolynomialCurveFromDiscretePoints, Error, value on curve is wrong : ");
-  point_t p0(0.,0.,0.);
-  point_t p1(1.,2.,3.);
-  point_t p2(4.,4.,4.);
-  point_t p3(10.,10.,10.);
-  point_t d0(1.,1.,1.);
-  point_t d1(2.,2.,2.);
-  point_t d2(3.,3.,3.);
-  point_t d3(5.,5.,5.);
-  point_t dd0(1.5,1.5,1.5);
-  point_t dd1(2.5,2.5,2.5);
-  point_t dd2(3.5,3.5,3.5);
-  point_t dd3(5.5,5.5,5.5);
+  point_t p0(0., 0., 0.);
+  point_t p1(1., 2., 3.);
+  point_t p2(4., 4., 4.);
+  point_t p3(10., 10., 10.);
+  point_t d0(1., 1., 1.);
+  point_t d1(2., 2., 2.);
+  point_t d2(3., 3., 3.);
+  point_t d3(5., 5., 5.);
+  point_t dd0(1.5, 1.5, 1.5);
+  point_t dd1(2.5, 2.5, 2.5);
+  point_t dd2(3.5, 3.5, 3.5);
+  point_t dd3(5.5, 5.5, 5.5);
   double t0 = 1.0;
   double t1 = 1.5;
   double t2 = 3.0;
@@ -1354,53 +1349,44 @@ void PiecewisePolynomialCurveFromDiscretePoints(bool& error)
   // Piecewise polynomial curve C0 => Linear interpolation between points
-  piecewise_polynomial_curve_t ppc_C0 =  piecewise_polynomial_curve_t::
-    convert_discrete_points_to_polynomial<polynomial_t>(points,time_points);
-  if (!ppc_C0.is_continuous(0))
-  {
-    std::cout<<"PiecewisePolynomialCurveFromDiscretePoints, Error, piecewise curve is not C0"<<std::endl;
+  piecewise_polynomial_curve_t ppc_C0 =
+      piecewise_polynomial_curve_t::convert_discrete_points_to_polynomial<polynomial_t>(points, time_points);
+  if (!ppc_C0.is_continuous(0)) {
+    std::cout << "PiecewisePolynomialCurveFromDiscretePoints, Error, piecewise curve is not C0" << std::endl;
     error = true;
-  for (std::size_t i=0; i<points.size(); i++)
-  {
+  for (std::size_t i = 0; i < points.size(); i++) {
     ComparePoints(points[i], ppc_C0(time_points[i]), errMsg, error);
-  point_t pos_between_po_and_p1( (p1[0]+p0[0])/2.0, (p1[1]+p0[1])/2.0,(p1[2]+p0[2])/2.0 );
-  double time_between_po_and_p1 = (t0+t1)/2.0;
+  point_t pos_between_po_and_p1((p1[0] + p0[0]) / 2.0, (p1[1] + p0[1]) / 2.0, (p1[2] + p0[2]) / 2.0);
+  double time_between_po_and_p1 = (t0 + t1) / 2.0;
   ComparePoints(pos_between_po_and_p1, ppc_C0(time_between_po_and_p1), errMsg, error);
   // Piecewise polynomial curve C1
-  piecewise_polynomial_curve_t ppc_C1 =  piecewise_polynomial_curve_t::
-    convert_discrete_points_to_polynomial<polynomial_t>(points,
-                                                        points_derivative,
-                                                        time_points);
-  if (!ppc_C1.is_continuous(1))
-  {
-    std::cout<<"PiecewisePolynomialCurveFromDiscretePoints, Error, piecewise curve is not C1"<<std::endl;
+  piecewise_polynomial_curve_t ppc_C1 =
+      piecewise_polynomial_curve_t::convert_discrete_points_to_polynomial<polynomial_t>(points, points_derivative,
+                                                                                        time_points);
+  if (!ppc_C1.is_continuous(1)) {
+    std::cout << "PiecewisePolynomialCurveFromDiscretePoints, Error, piecewise curve is not C1" << std::endl;
     error = true;
-  for (std::size_t i=0; i<points.size(); i++)
-  {
+  for (std::size_t i = 0; i < points.size(); i++) {
     ComparePoints(points[i], ppc_C1(time_points[i]), errMsg, error);
-    ComparePoints(points_derivative[i], ppc_C1.derivate(time_points[i],1), errMsg, error);
+    ComparePoints(points_derivative[i], ppc_C1.derivate(time_points[i], 1), errMsg, error);
   // Piecewise polynomial curve C2
-  piecewise_polynomial_curve_t ppc_C2 =  piecewise_polynomial_curve_t::
-    convert_discrete_points_to_polynomial<polynomial_t>(points,
-                                                        points_derivative,
-                                                        points_second_derivative,
-                                                        time_points);
-  if (!ppc_C2.is_continuous(2))
-  {
-    std::cout<<"PiecewisePolynomialCurveFromDiscretePoints, Error, piecewise curve is not C1"<<std::endl;
-    error = true;
-  }
-  for (std::size_t i=0; i<points.size(); i++)
-  {
+  piecewise_polynomial_curve_t ppc_C2 =
+      piecewise_polynomial_curve_t::convert_discrete_points_to_polynomial<polynomial_t>(
+          points, points_derivative, points_second_derivative, time_points);
+  if (!ppc_C2.is_continuous(2)) {
+    std::cout << "PiecewisePolynomialCurveFromDiscretePoints, Error, piecewise curve is not C1" << std::endl;
+    error = true;
+  }
+  for (std::size_t i = 0; i < points.size(); i++) {
     ComparePoints(points[i], ppc_C2(time_points[i]), errMsg, error);
-    ComparePoints(points_derivative[i], ppc_C2.derivate(time_points[i],1), errMsg, error);
-    ComparePoints(points_second_derivative[i], ppc_C2.derivate(time_points[i],2), errMsg, error);
+    ComparePoints(points_derivative[i], ppc_C2.derivate(time_points[i], 1), errMsg, error);
+    ComparePoints(points_second_derivative[i], ppc_C2.derivate(time_points[i], 2), errMsg, error);
@@ -1633,140 +1619,147 @@ void polynomialFromBoundaryConditions(bool& error) {
+void so3LinearTest(bool& error) {
+  quaternion_t q0(1, 0, 0, 0);
+  quaternion_t q1(0.7071, 0.7071, 0, 0);
+  SO3Linear_t so3Traj(q0, q1, 0., 1.5);
-void so3LinearTest(bool& error){
-  quaternion_t q0(1,0,0,0);
-  quaternion_t q1(0.7071,0.7071,0,0);
-  SO3Linear_t so3Traj(q0,q1,0.,1.5);
-  if(so3Traj.min() != 0 ){
-    error=true;
-    std::cout<<"Min bound not respected"<<std::endl;
+  if (so3Traj.min() != 0) {
+    error = true;
+    std::cout << "Min bound not respected" << std::endl;
-  if(so3Traj.max() != 1.5 ){
-    error=true;
-    std::cout<<"Max bound not respected"<<std::endl;
+  if (so3Traj.max() != 1.5) {
+    error = true;
+    std::cout << "Max bound not respected" << std::endl;
-  if(!so3Traj.computeAsQuaternion(0).isApprox(q0)){
-    error=true;
-    std::cout<<"evaluate at t=0 is not the init quaternion"<<std::endl;
+  if (!so3Traj.computeAsQuaternion(0).isApprox(q0)) {
+    error = true;
+    std::cout << "evaluate at t=0 is not the init quaternion" << std::endl;
-  if(so3Traj(0) != q0.toRotationMatrix()){
-    error=true;
-    std::cout<<"evaluate at t=0 is not the init rotation"<<std::endl;
+  if (so3Traj(0) != q0.toRotationMatrix()) {
+    error = true;
+    std::cout << "evaluate at t=0 is not the init rotation" << std::endl;
-  if(!so3Traj.computeAsQuaternion(1.5).isApprox(q1)){
-    error=true;
-    std::cout<<"evaluate at t=max is not the final quaternion"<<std::endl;
+  if (!so3Traj.computeAsQuaternion(1.5).isApprox(q1)) {
+    error = true;
+    std::cout << "evaluate at t=max is not the final quaternion" << std::endl;
-  if(so3Traj(1.5) != q1.toRotationMatrix()){
-    error=true;
-    std::cout<<"evaluate at t=max is not the final rotation"<<std::endl;
+  if (so3Traj(1.5) != q1.toRotationMatrix()) {
+    error = true;
+    std::cout << "evaluate at t=max is not the final rotation" << std::endl;
-  //check derivatives :
-  if(so3Traj.derivate(0,1) != so3Traj.derivate(1.,1)){
-    error=true;
-    std::cout<<"first order derivative should be constant."<<std::endl;
+  // check derivatives :
+  if (so3Traj.derivate(0, 1) != so3Traj.derivate(1., 1)) {
+    error = true;
+    std::cout << "first order derivative should be constant." << std::endl;
-  if(so3Traj.derivate(0,2) != point_t::Zero(3)){
-    error=true;
-    std::cout<<"second order derivative should be null"<<std::endl;
+  if (so3Traj.derivate(0, 2) != point_t::Zero(3)) {
+    error = true;
+    std::cout << "second order derivative should be null" << std::endl;
   // check if errors are correctly raised :
-  try{
+  try {
     error = true;
-    std::cout<<"SO3Linear: calling () with t < tmin should raise an invalid_argument error"<<std::endl;
-  }catch(std::invalid_argument e){  }
-  try{
+    std::cout << "SO3Linear: calling () with t < tmin should raise an invalid_argument error" << std::endl;
+  } catch (std::invalid_argument e) {
+  }
+  try {
     error = true;
-    std::cout<<"SO3Linear: calling () with t > tmin should raise an invalid_argument error"<<std::endl;
-  }catch(std::invalid_argument e){  }
-  try{
-    so3Traj.derivate(0,0);
+    std::cout << "SO3Linear: calling () with t > tmin should raise an invalid_argument error" << std::endl;
+  } catch (std::invalid_argument e) {
+  }
+  try {
+    so3Traj.derivate(0, 0);
     error = true;
-    std::cout<<"SO3Linear: calling derivate with order = 0 should raise an invalid_argument error"<<std::endl;
-  }catch(std::invalid_argument e){  }
+    std::cout << "SO3Linear: calling derivate with order = 0 should raise an invalid_argument error" << std::endl;
+  } catch (std::invalid_argument e) {
+  }
-void se3CurveTest(bool& error){
-  quaternion_t q0(1,0,0,0);
-  quaternion_t q1(0.,1.,0,0);
-  pointX_t p0 = point_t(1.,1.5,-2.);
-  pointX_t p1 = point_t(3.,0,1.);
+void se3CurveTest(bool& error) {
+  quaternion_t q0(1, 0, 0, 0);
+  quaternion_t q1(0., 1., 0, 0);
+  pointX_t p0 = point_t(1., 1.5, -2.);
+  pointX_t p1 = point_t(3., 0, 1.);
-  double min = 0.5,max = 2.;
+  double min = 0.5, max = 2.;
-  // constructor from init/end position/rotation : automatically create a linear interpolation for position and slerp for rotation
-  SE3Curve_t cLinear(p0,p1,q0,q1,min,max);
+  // constructor from init/end position/rotation : automatically create a linear interpolation for position and slerp
+  // for rotation
+  SE3Curve_t cLinear(p0, p1, q0, q1, min, max);
   transform_t transformInit = cLinear(min);
   transform_t transformEnd = cLinear(max);
-  transform_t transformMid = cLinear((max+min)/2.);
-  if(! transformInit.translation().isApprox(p0)){
-    error=true;
-    std::cout<<"Init position of the curve is not correct."<<std::endl;
+  transform_t transformMid = cLinear((max + min) / 2.);
+  if (!transformInit.translation().isApprox(p0)) {
+    error = true;
+    std::cout << "Init position of the curve is not correct." << std::endl;
-  if(! transformInit.rotation().isApprox(q0.toRotationMatrix())){
-    error=true;
-    std::cout<<"Init rotation of the curve is not correct."<<std::endl;
+  if (!transformInit.rotation().isApprox(q0.toRotationMatrix())) {
+    error = true;
+    std::cout << "Init rotation of the curve is not correct." << std::endl;
-  if(! transformEnd.translation().isApprox(p1)){
-    error=true;
-    std::cout<<"End position of the curve is not correct."<<std::endl;
+  if (!transformEnd.translation().isApprox(p1)) {
+    error = true;
+    std::cout << "End position of the curve is not correct." << std::endl;
-  if(! transformEnd.rotation().isApprox(q1.toRotationMatrix())){
-    error=true;
-    std::cout<<"End rotation of the curve is not correct."<<std::endl;
+  if (!transformEnd.rotation().isApprox(q1.toRotationMatrix())) {
+    error = true;
+    std::cout << "End rotation of the curve is not correct." << std::endl;
-  quaternion_t qMid(sqrt(2.)/2.,sqrt(2.)/2.,0,0);
-  point_t pMid = (p0+p1)/2.;
-  if(! transformMid.translation().isApprox(pMid)){
-    error=true;
-    std::cout<<"Mid position of the curve is not correct."<<std::endl;
+  quaternion_t qMid(sqrt(2.) / 2., sqrt(2.) / 2., 0, 0);
+  point_t pMid = (p0 + p1) / 2.;
+  if (!transformMid.translation().isApprox(pMid)) {
+    error = true;
+    std::cout << "Mid position of the curve is not correct." << std::endl;
-  if(! transformMid.rotation().isApprox(qMid.toRotationMatrix())){
-    error=true;
-    std::cout<<"Mid rotation of the curve is not correct."<<std::endl;
+  if (!transformMid.rotation().isApprox(qMid.toRotationMatrix())) {
+    error = true;
+    std::cout << "Mid rotation of the curve is not correct." << std::endl;
-  //constructor with specific translation curve
+  // constructor with specific translation curve
   SE3Curve_t cBezier;
-  { // inner scope to check what happen when translation_bezier is out of scope
-    point_t a(1,2,3);
-    point_t b(2,3,4);
-    point_t c(3,4,5);
-    point_t d(3,6,7);
+  {  // inner scope to check what happen when translation_bezier is out of scope
+    point_t a(1, 2, 3);
+    point_t b(2, 3, 4);
+    point_t c(3, 4, 5);
+    point_t d(3, 6, 7);
     std::vector<point_t> params;
-    params.push_back(a);params.push_back(b);params.push_back(c);params.push_back(d);
-    bezier_curve_t* translation_bezier = new bezier_curve_t(params.begin(),params.end(),min,max);
-    cBezier = SE3Curve_t(translation_bezier,q0.toRotationMatrix(),q1.toRotationMatrix());
+    params.push_back(a);
+    params.push_back(b);
+    params.push_back(c);
+    params.push_back(d);
+    bezier_curve_t* translation_bezier = new bezier_curve_t(params.begin(), params.end(), min, max);
+    cBezier = SE3Curve_t(translation_bezier, q0.toRotationMatrix(), q1.toRotationMatrix());
     p0 = (*translation_bezier)(min);
     p1 = (*translation_bezier)(max);
-    pMid = (*translation_bezier)((max+min)/2.);
-    if(cBezier.min() != min){
+    pMid = (*translation_bezier)((max + min) / 2.);
+    if (cBezier.min() != min) {
       error = true;
-      std::cout<<"SE3 constructor from translation bezier do not respect the min time interval"<<std::endl;
+      std::cout << "SE3 constructor from translation bezier do not respect the min time interval" << std::endl;
-    if(cBezier.max() != max){
+    if (cBezier.max() != max) {
       error = true;
-      std::cout<<"SE3 constructor from translation bezier do not respect the max time interval"<<std::endl;
+      std::cout << "SE3 constructor from translation bezier do not respect the max time interval" << std::endl;
     double t = min;
-    while(t<max){
-      if(!cBezier(t).translation().isApprox((*translation_bezier)(t))){
+    while (t < max) {
+      if (!cBezier(t).translation().isApprox((*translation_bezier)(t))) {
         error = true;
-        std::cout<<"SE3 translation is not equivalent to bezier for t = "<<t<<std::endl;
+        std::cout << "SE3 translation is not equivalent to bezier for t = " << t << std::endl;
       t += 0.1;
     // check the derivatives for translation:
-    for(size_t i = 1 ; i < 3 ; i++){
+    for (size_t i = 1; i < 3; i++) {
       t = min;
-      while(t<max){
-        if(!cBezier.derivate(t,i).head<3>().isApprox(translation_bezier->derivate(t,i))){
+      while (t < max) {
+        if (!cBezier.derivate(t, i).head<3>().isApprox(translation_bezier->derivate(t, i))) {
           error = true;
-          std::cout<<"SE3 curve derivative is not equivalent to bezier for t = "<<t<<" and order = "<<i<<std::endl;
+          std::cout << "SE3 curve derivative is not equivalent to bezier for t = " << t << " and order = " << i
+                    << std::endl;
         t += 0.1;
@@ -1775,62 +1768,63 @@ void se3CurveTest(bool& error){
   // check the rotation
   transformInit = cBezier(min);
   transformEnd = cBezier(max);
-  transformMid = cBezier((max+min)/2.);
-  if(! transformInit.translation().isApprox(p0)){
-    error=true;
-    std::cout<<"Init position of the curve is not correct."<<std::endl;
+  transformMid = cBezier((max + min) / 2.);
+  if (!transformInit.translation().isApprox(p0)) {
+    error = true;
+    std::cout << "Init position of the curve is not correct." << std::endl;
-  if(! transformInit.rotation().isApprox(q0.toRotationMatrix())){
-    error=true;
-    std::cout<<"Init rotation of the curve is not correct."<<std::endl;
+  if (!transformInit.rotation().isApprox(q0.toRotationMatrix())) {
+    error = true;
+    std::cout << "Init rotation of the curve is not correct." << std::endl;
-  if(! transformEnd.translation().isApprox(p1)){
-    error=true;
-    std::cout<<"End position of the curve is not correct."<<std::endl;
+  if (!transformEnd.translation().isApprox(p1)) {
+    error = true;
+    std::cout << "End position of the curve is not correct." << std::endl;
-  if(! transformEnd.rotation().isApprox(q1.toRotationMatrix())){
-    error=true;
-    std::cout<<"End rotation of the curve is not correct."<<std::endl;
+  if (!transformEnd.rotation().isApprox(q1.toRotationMatrix())) {
+    error = true;
+    std::cout << "End rotation of the curve is not correct." << std::endl;
-  if(! transformMid.translation().isApprox(pMid)){
-    error=true;
-    std::cout<<"Mid position of the curve is not correct."<<std::endl;
+  if (!transformMid.translation().isApprox(pMid)) {
+    error = true;
+    std::cout << "Mid position of the curve is not correct." << std::endl;
-  if(! transformMid.rotation().isApprox(qMid.toRotationMatrix())){
-    error=true;
-    std::cout<<"Mid rotation of the curve is not correct."<<std::endl;
+  if (!transformMid.rotation().isApprox(qMid.toRotationMatrix())) {
+    error = true;
+    std::cout << "Mid rotation of the curve is not correct." << std::endl;
-  //check derivatives for rotation:
-  if(cBezier.derivate(min,1).tail<3>() != cBezier.derivate(max,1).tail<3>()){
-    error=true;
-    std::cout<<"SE3 curve : first order derivative for rotation should be constant."<<std::endl;
+  // check derivatives for rotation:
+  if (cBezier.derivate(min, 1).tail<3>() != cBezier.derivate(max, 1).tail<3>()) {
+    error = true;
+    std::cout << "SE3 curve : first order derivative for rotation should be constant." << std::endl;
-  if(cBezier.derivate(min,2).tail<3>() != point_t::Zero(3)){
-    error=true;
-    std::cout<<"SE3 curve : second order derivative for rotation should be null"<<std::endl;
+  if (cBezier.derivate(min, 2).tail<3>() != point_t::Zero(3)) {
+    error = true;
+    std::cout << "SE3 curve : second order derivative for rotation should be null" << std::endl;
   // check if errors are correctly raised
-  try{
+  try {
     error = true;
-    std::cout<<"SE3 curve: calling () with t < tmin should raise an invalid_argument error"<<std::endl;
-  }catch(std::invalid_argument e){  }
-  try{
+    std::cout << "SE3 curve: calling () with t < tmin should raise an invalid_argument error" << std::endl;
+  } catch (std::invalid_argument e) {
+  }
+  try {
     error = true;
-    std::cout<<"SE3 curve: calling () with t > tmin should raise an invalid_argument error"<<std::endl;
-  }catch(std::invalid_argument e){  }
-  try{
-    cBezier.derivate(0.6,0);
+    std::cout << "SE3 curve: calling () with t > tmin should raise an invalid_argument error" << std::endl;
+  } catch (std::invalid_argument e) {
+  }
+  try {
+    cBezier.derivate(0.6, 0);
     error = true;
-    std::cout<<"SE3 curve: calling derivate with order = 0 should raise an invalid_argument error"<<std::endl;
-  }catch(std::invalid_argument e){  }
+    std::cout << "SE3 curve: calling derivate with order = 0 should raise an invalid_argument error" << std::endl;
+  } catch (std::invalid_argument e) {
+  }
  * @brief BezierLinearProblemTests test the generation of linear / quadratic problems with
  * variable control points bezier curves
@@ -1839,40 +1833,30 @@ void se3CurveTest(bool& error){
 using namespace curves::optimization;
-var_pair_t setup_control_points(const std::size_t degree,
-                          const constraint_flag flag,
-                          const point_t& initPos = point_t(),
-                          const point_t& endPos  = point_t(),
-                          const constraint_linear& constraints = constraint_linear(3),
-                          const double totalTime = 1.)
-    problem_definition_t pDef(constraints);
-    pDef.init_pos = initPos; pDef.end_pos = endPos;
-    pDef.flag = flag;
-    pDef.totalTime = totalTime;
- = degree;
-    problem_data_t pData = setup_control_points<point_t, double,true>(pDef);
-    return std::make_pair(pData.variables_,
-                          std::make_pair(pData.startVariableIndex, pData.numVariables));
+var_pair_t setup_control_points(const std::size_t degree, const constraint_flag flag,
+                                const point_t& initPos = point_t(), const point_t& endPos = point_t(),
+                                const constraint_linear& constraints = constraint_linear(3),
+                                const double totalTime = 1.) {
+  problem_definition_t pDef(constraints);
+  pDef.init_pos = initPos;
+  pDef.end_pos = endPos;
+  pDef.flag = flag;
+  pDef.totalTime = totalTime;
+ = degree;
+  problem_data_t pData = setup_control_points<point_t, double, true>(pDef);
+  return std::make_pair(pData.variables_, std::make_pair(pData.startVariableIndex, pData.numVariables));
-enum vartype
-    variable,
-    constant
+enum vartype { variable, constant };
-bool isVar(const linear_variable_t& var)
-    return ! var.isZero() && var.B() == linear_variable_t::matrix_x_t::Identity(3,3) &&
-           var.c() == linear_variable_t::vector_x_t::Zero(3);
+bool isVar(const linear_variable_t& var) {
+  return !var.isZero() && var.B() == linear_variable_t::matrix_x_t::Identity(3, 3) &&
+         var.c() == linear_variable_t::vector_x_t::Zero(3);
-bool isConstant(const linear_variable_t& var)
-    return var.isZero() || (var.B() == linear_variable_t::matrix_x_t::Zero(3,3) &&
-           var.c() != linear_variable_t::vector_x_t::Zero(3));
+bool isConstant(const linear_variable_t& var) {
+  return var.isZero() ||
+         (var.B() == linear_variable_t::matrix_x_t::Zero(3, 3) && var.c() != linear_variable_t::vector_x_t::Zero(3));
 /*bool isMixed(const linear_variable_t& var)
@@ -1881,372 +1865,340 @@ bool isConstant(const linear_variable_t& var)
            var.b_ != linear_variable_t::point_t::Zero();
-bool checkValue(const linear_variable_t& var, const vartype vart)
-    if (vart == constant)
-        return isConstant(var);
-    else
-        return isVar(var);
+bool checkValue(const linear_variable_t& var, const vartype vart) {
+  if (vart == constant)
+    return isConstant(var);
+  else
+    return isVar(var);
-void checksequence(const T_linear_variable_t& vars, vartype* expected,
-                   const std::string testname, bool& error)
-    int i =0;
-    for(CIT_linear_variable_t cit = vars.begin();
-        cit != vars.end(); ++cit, ++i)
-    {
-        if(! checkValue(*cit, expected[i]))
-        {
-            std::cout << "in test: " << testname << ": wrong type for variable at position " << i << std::endl;
-            error = true;
-        }
+void checksequence(const T_linear_variable_t& vars, vartype* expected, const std::string testname, bool& error) {
+  int i = 0;
+  for (CIT_linear_variable_t cit = vars.begin(); cit != vars.end(); ++cit, ++i) {
+    if (!checkValue(*cit, expected[i])) {
+      std::cout << "in test: " << testname << ": wrong type for variable at position " << i << std::endl;
+      error = true;
+  }
-void checkNumVar(const T_linear_variable_t& vars, const std::size_t expected,
-                 const std::string testname, bool& error)
-    if(vars.size() != expected)
-    {
-        error = true;
-        std::cout << "incorrect number of variables in "
-                  << testname << "(" << expected << "," << vars.size() << ")" << std::endl;
-    }
+void checkNumVar(const T_linear_variable_t& vars, const std::size_t expected, const std::string testname,
+                 bool& error) {
+  if (vars.size() != expected) {
+    error = true;
+    std::cout << "incorrect number of variables in " << testname << "(" << expected << "," << vars.size() << ")"
+              << std::endl;
+  }
 void checkPair(const pair_size_t pair, const std::size_t start_index, const std::size_t num_vars,
-                 const std::string testname, bool& error)
-    if(pair.first != start_index)
-    {
-        error = true;
-        std::cout << "incorrect starting index for variablesin "
+               const std::string testname, bool& error) {
+  if (pair.first != start_index) {
+    error = true;
+    std::cout << "incorrect starting index for variablesin "
-                  << testname << "(" << start_index << "," << pair.first << ")" << std::endl;
-    }
-    if(pair.second != num_vars)
-    {
-        error = true;
-        std::cout << "incorrect number of identified variablesin "
-                  << testname << "(" << num_vars << "," << pair.second << ")" << std::endl;
-    }
+              << testname << "(" << start_index << "," << pair.first << ")" << std::endl;
+  }
+  if (pair.second != num_vars) {
+    error = true;
+    std::cout << "incorrect number of identified variablesin " << testname << "(" << num_vars << "," << pair.second
+              << ")" << std::endl;
+  }
-void BezierLinearProblemsetup_control_pointsNoConstraint(bool& error){
-    constraint_flag flag = optimization::NONE;
-    var_pair_t res_no_constraints = setup_control_points(5, flag);
-    T_linear_variable_t& vars = res_no_constraints.first;
-    vartype exptecdvars [] = {variable,variable,variable,variable,variable,variable};
-    checkNumVar(vars, 6, "setup_control_pointsNoConstraint", error);
-    checksequence(vars,exptecdvars,"setup_control_pointsNoConstraint", error);
+void BezierLinearProblemsetup_control_pointsNoConstraint(bool& error) {
+  constraint_flag flag = optimization::NONE;
+  var_pair_t res_no_constraints = setup_control_points(5, flag);
+  T_linear_variable_t& vars = res_no_constraints.first;
+  vartype exptecdvars[] = {variable, variable, variable, variable, variable, variable};
+  checkNumVar(vars, 6, "setup_control_pointsNoConstraint", error);
+  checksequence(vars, exptecdvars, "setup_control_pointsNoConstraint", error);
-constraint_linear makeConstraint()
-    point_t init_pos = point_t(1.,1.,1.);
-    constraint_linear cl(3);
-    init_pos*=2;
-    cl.init_vel = init_pos;
-    init_pos*=2;
-    cl.init_acc = init_pos;
-    init_pos*=2;
-    cl.end_acc = init_pos;
-    init_pos*=2;
-    cl.end_vel = init_pos;
-    return cl;
+constraint_linear makeConstraint() {
+  point_t init_pos = point_t(1., 1., 1.);
+  constraint_linear cl(3);
+  init_pos *= 2;
+  cl.init_vel = init_pos;
+  init_pos *= 2;
+  cl.init_acc = init_pos;
+  init_pos *= 2;
+  cl.end_acc = init_pos;
+  init_pos *= 2;
+  cl.end_vel = init_pos;
+  return cl;
-void BezierLinearProblemsetup_control_pointsVarCombinatorialInit(bool& error){
-    constraint_flag flag = optimization::INIT_POS;
-    point_t init_pos = point_t(1.,1.,1.);
-    var_pair_t res = setup_control_points(5, flag,init_pos);
-    T_linear_variable_t& vars = res.first;
-    vartype exptecdvars [] = {constant,variable,variable,variable,variable,variable};
-    checkNumVar(vars, 6, "VarCombinatorialInit", error);
-    checksequence(vars,exptecdvars,"VarCombinatorialInit", error);
-    checkPair(res.second, 1, 5, "VarCombinatorialInit", error);
-    constraint_linear constraints = makeConstraint();
+void BezierLinearProblemsetup_control_pointsVarCombinatorialInit(bool& error) {
+  constraint_flag flag = optimization::INIT_POS;
+  point_t init_pos = point_t(1., 1., 1.);
+  var_pair_t res = setup_control_points(5, flag, init_pos);
+  T_linear_variable_t& vars = res.first;
+  vartype exptecdvars[] = {constant, variable, variable, variable, variable, variable};
+  checkNumVar(vars, 6, "VarCombinatorialInit", error);
+  checksequence(vars, exptecdvars, "VarCombinatorialInit", error);
+  checkPair(res.second, 1, 5, "VarCombinatorialInit", error);
+  constraint_linear constraints = makeConstraint();
+  flag = INIT_POS | INIT_VEL;
+  res = setup_control_points(5, flag, init_pos, point_t(), constraints);
+  vars = res.first;
+  vartype exptecdvar1[] = {constant, constant, variable, variable, variable, variable};
+  checkNumVar(vars, 6, "VarCombinatorialInit", error);
+  checksequence(vars, exptecdvar1, "VarCombinatorialInit", error);
+  checkPair(res.second, 2, 4, "VarCombinatorialInit", error);
+  res = setup_control_points(5, flag, init_pos, point_t(), constraints);
+  vars = res.first;
+  vartype exptecdvar2[] = {constant, constant, constant, variable, variable, variable};
+  checkNumVar(vars, 6, "VarCombinatorialInit", error);
+  checksequence(vars, exptecdvar2, "VarCombinatorialInit", error);
+  checkPair(res.second, 3, 3, "VarCombinatorialInit", error);
+  flag = INIT_VEL;
+  res = setup_control_points(5, flag, init_pos, point_t(), constraints);
+  vars = res.first;
+  vartype exptecdvar3[] = {variable, variable, variable, variable, variable, variable};
+  checkNumVar(vars, 6, "VarCombinatorialInit", error);
+  checksequence(vars, exptecdvar3, "VarCombinatorialInit", error);
+  checkPair(res.second, 0, 6, "VarCombinatorialInit", error);
+  flag = INIT_ACC;
+  res = setup_control_points(5, flag, init_pos, point_t(), constraints);
+  vars = res.first;
+  vartype exptecdvar4[] = {variable, variable, variable, variable, variable, variable};
+  checkNumVar(vars, 6, "VarCombinatorialInit", error);
+  checksequence(vars, exptecdvar4, "VarCombinatorialInit", error);
+  checkPair(res.second, 0, 6, "VarCombinatorialInit", error);
+  flag = INIT_ACC | INIT_VEL;
+  res = setup_control_points(5, flag, init_pos, point_t(), constraints);
+  vars = res.first;
+  vartype exptecdvar5[] = {variable, variable, variable, variable, variable, variable};
+  checkNumVar(vars, 6, "VarCombinatorialInit", error);
+  checksequence(vars, exptecdvar5, "VarCombinatorialInit", error);
+  checkPair(res.second, 0, 6, "VarCombinatorialInit", error);
+  bool err = true;
+  try {
     flag = INIT_POS | INIT_VEL;
-    res = setup_control_points(5, flag,init_pos,point_t(),constraints);
-    vars = res.first;
-    vartype exptecdvar1 [] = {constant,constant,variable,variable,variable,variable};
-    checkNumVar(vars, 6, "VarCombinatorialInit", error);
-    checksequence(vars,exptecdvar1,"VarCombinatorialInit", error);
-    checkPair(res.second, 2, 4, "VarCombinatorialInit", error);
-    flag = INIT_POS | INIT_VEL | INIT_ACC;
-    res = setup_control_points(5, flag,init_pos,point_t(),constraints);
-    vars = res.first;
-    vartype exptecdvar2 [] = {constant,constant,constant,variable,variable,variable};
-    checkNumVar(vars, 6, "VarCombinatorialInit", error);
-    checksequence(vars,exptecdvar2,"VarCombinatorialInit", error);
-    checkPair(res.second, 3, 3, "VarCombinatorialInit", error);
-    flag = INIT_VEL;
-    res = setup_control_points(5, flag,init_pos,point_t(),constraints);
-    vars = res.first;
-    vartype exptecdvar3 [] = {variable,variable,variable,variable,variable,variable};
-    checkNumVar(vars, 6, "VarCombinatorialInit", error);
-    checksequence(vars,exptecdvar3,"VarCombinatorialInit", error);
-    checkPair(res.second, 0, 6, "VarCombinatorialInit", error);
-    flag = INIT_ACC;
-    res = setup_control_points(5, flag,init_pos,point_t(),constraints);
-    vars = res.first;
-    vartype exptecdvar4 [] = {variable,variable,variable,variable,variable,variable};
-    checkNumVar(vars, 6, "VarCombinatorialInit", error);
-    checksequence(vars,exptecdvar4,"VarCombinatorialInit", error);
-    checkPair(res.second, 0, 6, "VarCombinatorialInit", error);
-    flag = INIT_ACC | INIT_VEL;
-    res = setup_control_points(5, flag,init_pos,point_t(),constraints);
-    vars = res.first;
-    vartype exptecdvar5 [] = {variable,variable,variable,variable,variable,variable};
-    checkNumVar(vars, 6, "VarCombinatorialInit", error);
-    checksequence(vars,exptecdvar5,"VarCombinatorialInit", error);
-    checkPair(res.second, 0, 6, "VarCombinatorialInit", error);
-    bool err = true;
-    try
-    {
-        flag = INIT_POS | INIT_VEL;
-        res = setup_control_points(1, flag,init_pos,point_t(),constraints);
-    }
-    catch(...)
-    {
-        err = false;
-    }
-    if(err)
-    {
-        error = true;
-        std::cout << "exception should be raised when degree of bezier curve is not high enough to handle constraints " << std::endl;
-    }
+    res = setup_control_points(1, flag, init_pos, point_t(), constraints);
+  } catch (...) {
+    err = false;
+  }
+  if (err) {
+    error = true;
+    std::cout << "exception should be raised when degree of bezier curve is not high enough to handle constraints "
+              << std::endl;
+  }
-void BezierLinearProblemsetup_control_pointsVarCombinatorialEnd(bool& error){
-    constraint_flag flag = optimization::END_POS;
-    point_t init_pos = point_t(1.,1.,1.);
-    var_pair_t res = setup_control_points(5, flag,init_pos);
-    T_linear_variable_t& vars = res.first;
-    vartype exptecdvars [] = {variable,variable,variable,variable,variable,constant};
-    checkNumVar(vars, 6, "VarCombinatorialEnd", error);
-    checksequence(vars,exptecdvars,"VarCombinatorialEnd", error);
-    checkPair(res.second, 0, 5, "VarCombinatorialEnd", error);
-    constraint_linear constraints = makeConstraint();
-    flag = END_POS | END_VEL;
-    res = setup_control_points(5, flag,init_pos,init_pos,constraints);
-    vars = res.first;
-    vartype exptecdvar1 [] = {variable,variable,variable,variable,constant,constant};
-    checkNumVar(vars, 6, "VarCombinatorialEnd", error);
-    checksequence(vars,exptecdvar1,"VarCombinatorialEnd", error);
-    checkPair(res.second, 0, 4, "VarCombinatorialEnd", error);
-    flag = END_POS | END_VEL | END_ACC;
-    res = setup_control_points(5, flag,init_pos,init_pos,constraints);
-    vars = res.first;
-    vartype exptecdvar2 [] = {variable,variable,variable,constant,constant,constant};
-    checkNumVar(vars, 6, "VarCombinatorialEnd", error);
-    checksequence(vars,exptecdvar2,"VarCombinatorialEnd", error);
-    checkPair(res.second, 0, 3, "VarCombinatorialEnd", error);
-    flag = END_VEL;
-    res = setup_control_points(5, flag,init_pos,init_pos,constraints);
-    vars = res.first;
-    vartype exptecdvar3 [] = {variable,variable,variable,variable,variable,variable};
-    checkNumVar(vars, 6, "VarCombinatorialEnd", error);
-    checksequence(vars,exptecdvar3,"VarCombinatorialEnd", error);
-    checkPair(res.second, 0, 6, "VarCombinatorialEnd", error);
-    flag = END_ACC;
-    res = setup_control_points(5, flag,init_pos,init_pos,constraints);
-    vars = res.first;
-    vartype exptecdvar4 [] = {variable,variable,variable,variable,variable,variable};
-    checkNumVar(vars, 6, "VarCombinatorialEnd", error);
-    checksequence(vars,exptecdvar4,"VarCombinatorialEnd", error);
-    checkPair(res.second, 0, 6, "VarCombinatorialEnd", error);
+void BezierLinearProblemsetup_control_pointsVarCombinatorialEnd(bool& error) {
+  constraint_flag flag = optimization::END_POS;
+  point_t init_pos = point_t(1., 1., 1.);
+  var_pair_t res = setup_control_points(5, flag, init_pos);
+  T_linear_variable_t& vars = res.first;
+  vartype exptecdvars[] = {variable, variable, variable, variable, variable, constant};
+  checkNumVar(vars, 6, "VarCombinatorialEnd", error);
+  checksequence(vars, exptecdvars, "VarCombinatorialEnd", error);
+  checkPair(res.second, 0, 5, "VarCombinatorialEnd", error);
+  constraint_linear constraints = makeConstraint();
+  flag = END_POS | END_VEL;
+  res = setup_control_points(5, flag, init_pos, init_pos, constraints);
+  vars = res.first;
+  vartype exptecdvar1[] = {variable, variable, variable, variable, constant, constant};
+  checkNumVar(vars, 6, "VarCombinatorialEnd", error);
+  checksequence(vars, exptecdvar1, "VarCombinatorialEnd", error);
+  checkPair(res.second, 0, 4, "VarCombinatorialEnd", error);
+  flag = END_POS | END_VEL | END_ACC;
+  res = setup_control_points(5, flag, init_pos, init_pos, constraints);
+  vars = res.first;
+  vartype exptecdvar2[] = {variable, variable, variable, constant, constant, constant};
+  checkNumVar(vars, 6, "VarCombinatorialEnd", error);
+  checksequence(vars, exptecdvar2, "VarCombinatorialEnd", error);
+  checkPair(res.second, 0, 3, "VarCombinatorialEnd", error);
+  flag = END_VEL;
+  res = setup_control_points(5, flag, init_pos, init_pos, constraints);
+  vars = res.first;
+  vartype exptecdvar3[] = {variable, variable, variable, variable, variable, variable};
+  checkNumVar(vars, 6, "VarCombinatorialEnd", error);
+  checksequence(vars, exptecdvar3, "VarCombinatorialEnd", error);
+  checkPair(res.second, 0, 6, "VarCombinatorialEnd", error);
+  flag = END_ACC;
+  res = setup_control_points(5, flag, init_pos, init_pos, constraints);
+  vars = res.first;
+  vartype exptecdvar4[] = {variable, variable, variable, variable, variable, variable};
+  checkNumVar(vars, 6, "VarCombinatorialEnd", error);
+  checksequence(vars, exptecdvar4, "VarCombinatorialEnd", error);
+  checkPair(res.second, 0, 6, "VarCombinatorialEnd", error);
+  flag = END_ACC | END_VEL;
+  res = setup_control_points(5, flag, init_pos, init_pos, constraints);
+  vars = res.first;
+  vartype exptecdvar5[] = {variable, variable, variable, variable, variable, variable};
+  checkNumVar(vars, 6, "VarCombinatorialEnd", error);
+  checksequence(vars, exptecdvar5, "VarCombinatorialEnd", error);
+  checkPair(res.second, 0, 6, "VarCombinatorialEnd", error);
+  bool err = true;
+  try {
     flag = END_ACC | END_VEL;
-    res = setup_control_points(5, flag,init_pos,init_pos,constraints);
-    vars = res.first;
-    vartype exptecdvar5 [] = {variable,variable,variable,variable,variable,variable};
-    checkNumVar(vars, 6, "VarCombinatorialEnd", error);
-    checksequence(vars,exptecdvar5,"VarCombinatorialEnd", error);
-    checkPair(res.second, 0, 6, "VarCombinatorialEnd", error);
-    bool err = true;
-    try
-    {
-        flag = END_ACC | END_VEL;
-        res = setup_control_points(1, flag,init_pos,point_t(),constraints);
-    }
-    catch(...)
-    {
-        err = false;
-    }
-    if(err)
-    {
-        error = true;
-        std::cout << "exception should be raised when degree of bezier curve is not high enough to handle constraints " << std::endl;
-    }
+    res = setup_control_points(1, flag, init_pos, point_t(), constraints);
+  } catch (...) {
+    err = false;
+  }
+  if (err) {
+    error = true;
+    std::cout << "exception should be raised when degree of bezier curve is not high enough to handle constraints "
+              << std::endl;
+  }
-void BezierLinearProblemsetup_control_pointsVarCombinatorialMix(bool& error){
-    constraint_flag flag = END_POS | INIT_POS;
-    point_t init_pos = point_t(1.,1.,1.);
-    var_pair_t res = setup_control_points(5, flag,init_pos);
-    T_linear_variable_t& vars = res.first;
-    vartype exptecdvars [] = {constant,variable,variable,variable,variable,constant};
-    checkNumVar(vars, 6, "VarCombinatorialMix", error);
-    checksequence(vars,exptecdvars,"VarCombinatorialMix", error);
-    checkPair(res.second, 1, 4, "VarCombinatorialMix", error);
-    constraint_linear constraints = makeConstraint();
-    flag = END_POS | END_VEL | INIT_VEL | INIT_POS;
-    res = setup_control_points(5, flag,init_pos,init_pos,constraints);
-    vars = res.first;
-    vartype exptecdvar1 [] = {constant,constant,variable,variable,constant,constant};
-    checkNumVar(vars, 6, "VarCombinatorialMix", error);
-    checksequence(vars,exptecdvar1,"VarCombinatorialMix", error);
-    checkPair(res.second, 2, 2, "VarCombinatorialMix", error);
-    res = setup_control_points(5, flag,init_pos,init_pos,constraints);
-    vars = res.first;
-    vartype exptecdvar2 [] = {constant,constant,variable,constant,constant,constant};
-    checkNumVar(vars, 6, "VarCombinatorialMix", error);
-    checksequence(vars,exptecdvar2,"VarCombinatorialMix", error);
-    checkPair(res.second, 2, 1, "VarCombinatorialMix", error);
+void BezierLinearProblemsetup_control_pointsVarCombinatorialMix(bool& error) {
+  constraint_flag flag = END_POS | INIT_POS;
+  point_t init_pos = point_t(1., 1., 1.);
+  var_pair_t res = setup_control_points(5, flag, init_pos);
+  T_linear_variable_t& vars = res.first;
+  vartype exptecdvars[] = {constant, variable, variable, variable, variable, constant};
+  checkNumVar(vars, 6, "VarCombinatorialMix", error);
+  checksequence(vars, exptecdvars, "VarCombinatorialMix", error);
+  checkPair(res.second, 1, 4, "VarCombinatorialMix", error);
+  constraint_linear constraints = makeConstraint();
+  res = setup_control_points(5, flag, init_pos, init_pos, constraints);
+  vars = res.first;
+  vartype exptecdvar1[] = {constant, constant, variable, variable, constant, constant};
+  checkNumVar(vars, 6, "VarCombinatorialMix", error);
+  checksequence(vars, exptecdvar1, "VarCombinatorialMix", error);
+  checkPair(res.second, 2, 2, "VarCombinatorialMix", error);
+  res = setup_control_points(5, flag, init_pos, init_pos, constraints);
+  vars = res.first;
+  vartype exptecdvar2[] = {constant, constant, variable, constant, constant, constant};
+  checkNumVar(vars, 6, "VarCombinatorialMix", error);
+  checksequence(vars, exptecdvar2, "VarCombinatorialMix", error);
+  checkPair(res.second, 2, 1, "VarCombinatorialMix", error);
+  flag = ALL;
+  res = setup_control_points(8, flag, init_pos, init_pos, constraints);
+  vars = res.first;
+  vartype exptecdvar3[] = {constant, constant, constant, constant, variable, constant, constant, constant, constant};
+  checkNumVar(vars, 9, "VarCombinatorialMix", error);
+  checksequence(vars, exptecdvar3, "VarCombinatorialMix", error);
+  checkPair(res.second, 4, 1, "VarCombinatorialMix", error);
+  flag = END_VEL | END_ACC | INIT_VEL;
+  res = setup_control_points(5, flag, init_pos, init_pos, constraints);
+  vars = res.first;
+  vartype exptecdvar4[] = {variable, variable, variable, variable, variable, variable};
+  checkNumVar(vars, 6, "VarCombinatorialMix", error);
+  checksequence(vars, exptecdvar4, "VarCombinatorialMix", error);
+  checkPair(res.second, 0, 6, "VarCombinatorialMix", error);
+  flag = END_VEL | INIT_VEL;
+  res = setup_control_points(5, flag, init_pos, init_pos, constraints);
+  vars = res.first;
+  vartype exptecdvar5[] = {variable, variable, variable, variable, variable, variable};
+  checkNumVar(vars, 6, "VarCombinatorialMix", error);
+  checksequence(vars, exptecdvar5, "VarCombinatorialMix", error);
+  checkPair(res.second, 0, 6, "VarCombinatorialMix", error);
+  bool err = true;
+  try {
     flag = ALL;
-    res = setup_control_points(8, flag,init_pos,init_pos,constraints);
-    vars = res.first;
-    vartype exptecdvar3 [] = {constant,constant,constant,constant,variable,constant,constant,constant,constant};
-    checkNumVar(vars, 9, "VarCombinatorialMix", error);
-    checksequence(vars,exptecdvar3,"VarCombinatorialMix", error);
-    checkPair(res.second, 4, 1, "VarCombinatorialMix", error);
-    flag = END_VEL | END_ACC | INIT_VEL;
-    res = setup_control_points(5, flag,init_pos,init_pos,constraints);
-    vars = res.first;
-    vartype exptecdvar4 [] = {variable,variable,variable,variable,variable,variable};
-    checkNumVar(vars, 6, "VarCombinatorialMix", error);
-    checksequence(vars,exptecdvar4,"VarCombinatorialMix", error);
-    checkPair(res.second, 0, 6, "VarCombinatorialMix", error);
-    flag = END_VEL | INIT_VEL;
-    res = setup_control_points(5, flag,init_pos,init_pos,constraints);
-    vars = res.first;
-    vartype exptecdvar5 [] = {variable,variable,variable,variable,variable,variable};
-    checkNumVar(vars, 6, "VarCombinatorialMix", error);
-    checksequence(vars,exptecdvar5,"VarCombinatorialMix", error);
-    checkPair(res.second, 0, 6, "VarCombinatorialMix", error);
-    bool err = true;
-    try
-    {
-        flag = ALL;
-        res = setup_control_points(5, flag,init_pos,init_pos,constraints);
-    }
-    catch(...)
-    {
-        err = false;
-    }
-    if(err)
-    {
-        error = true;
-        std::cout << "exception should be raised when degree of bezier curve is not high enough to handle constraints " << std::endl;
-    }
+    res = setup_control_points(5, flag, init_pos, init_pos, constraints);
+  } catch (...) {
+    err = false;
+  }
+  if (err) {
+    error = true;
+    std::cout << "exception should be raised when degree of bezier curve is not high enough to handle constraints "
+              << std::endl;
+  }
-void BezierLinearProblemInitInequalities(bool& error){
-    constraint_flag flag = INIT_POS | END_POS;
-    point_t init_pos = point_t(1.,1.,1.);
-    var_pair_t res = setup_control_points(5, flag,init_pos);
-    T_linear_variable_t& vars = res.first;
-    vartype exptecdvars [] = {constant,variable,variable,variable,variable,constant};
-    checkNumVar(vars, 6, "VarCombinatorialMix", error);
-    checksequence(vars,exptecdvars,"VarCombinatorialMix", error);
-    checkPair(res.second, 1, 4, "VarCombinatorialMix", error);
-    constraint_linear constraints = makeConstraint();
-    flag = END_POS | END_VEL | INIT_VEL | INIT_POS;
-    res = setup_control_points(5, flag,init_pos,init_pos,constraints);
-    vars = res.first;
-    vartype exptecdvar1 [] = {constant,constant,variable,variable,constant,constant};
-    checkNumVar(vars, 6, "VarCombinatorialMix", error);
-    checksequence(vars,exptecdvar1,"VarCombinatorialMix", error);
-    checkPair(res.second, 2, 2, "VarCombinatorialMix", error);
-    res = setup_control_points(5, flag,init_pos,init_pos,constraints);
-    vars = res.first;
-    vartype exptecdvar2 [] = {constant,constant,variable,constant,constant,constant};
-    checkNumVar(vars, 6, "VarCombinatorialMix", error);
-    checksequence(vars,exptecdvar2,"VarCombinatorialMix", error);
-    checkPair(res.second, 2, 1, "VarCombinatorialMix", error);
+void BezierLinearProblemInitInequalities(bool& error) {
+  constraint_flag flag = INIT_POS | END_POS;
+  point_t init_pos = point_t(1., 1., 1.);
+  var_pair_t res = setup_control_points(5, flag, init_pos);
+  T_linear_variable_t& vars = res.first;
+  vartype exptecdvars[] = {constant, variable, variable, variable, variable, constant};
+  checkNumVar(vars, 6, "VarCombinatorialMix", error);
+  checksequence(vars, exptecdvars, "VarCombinatorialMix", error);
+  checkPair(res.second, 1, 4, "VarCombinatorialMix", error);
+  constraint_linear constraints = makeConstraint();
+  res = setup_control_points(5, flag, init_pos, init_pos, constraints);
+  vars = res.first;
+  vartype exptecdvar1[] = {constant, constant, variable, variable, constant, constant};
+  checkNumVar(vars, 6, "VarCombinatorialMix", error);
+  checksequence(vars, exptecdvar1, "VarCombinatorialMix", error);
+  checkPair(res.second, 2, 2, "VarCombinatorialMix", error);
+  res = setup_control_points(5, flag, init_pos, init_pos, constraints);
+  vars = res.first;
+  vartype exptecdvar2[] = {constant, constant, variable, constant, constant, constant};
+  checkNumVar(vars, 6, "VarCombinatorialMix", error);
+  checksequence(vars, exptecdvar2, "VarCombinatorialMix", error);
+  checkPair(res.second, 2, 1, "VarCombinatorialMix", error);
+  flag = ALL;
+  res = setup_control_points(6, flag, init_pos, init_pos, constraints);
+  vars = res.first;
+  vartype exptecdvar3[] = {constant, constant, constant, variable, constant, constant, constant};
+  checkNumVar(vars, 7, "VarCombinatorialMix", error);
+  checksequence(vars, exptecdvar3, "VarCombinatorialMix", error);
+  checkPair(res.second, 3, 1, "VarCombinatorialMix", error);
+  flag = END_VEL | END_ACC | INIT_VEL;
+  res = setup_control_points(5, flag, init_pos, init_pos, constraints);
+  vars = res.first;
+  vartype exptecdvar4[] = {variable, variable, variable, variable, variable, variable};
+  checkNumVar(vars, 6, "VarCombinatorialMix", error);
+  checksequence(vars, exptecdvar4, "VarCombinatorialMix", error);
+  checkPair(res.second, 0, 6, "VarCombinatorialMix", error);
+  flag = END_VEL | INIT_VEL;
+  res = setup_control_points(5, flag, init_pos, init_pos, constraints);
+  vars = res.first;
+  vartype exptecdvar5[] = {variable, variable, variable, variable, variable, variable};
+  checkNumVar(vars, 6, "VarCombinatorialMix", error);
+  checksequence(vars, exptecdvar5, "VarCombinatorialMix", error);
+  checkPair(res.second, 0, 6, "VarCombinatorialMix", error);
+  bool err = true;
+  try {
     flag = ALL;
-    res = setup_control_points(6, flag,init_pos,init_pos,constraints);
-    vars = res.first;
-    vartype exptecdvar3 [] = {constant,constant,constant,variable,constant,constant,constant};
-    checkNumVar(vars, 7, "VarCombinatorialMix", error);
-    checksequence(vars,exptecdvar3,"VarCombinatorialMix", error);
-    checkPair(res.second, 3, 1, "VarCombinatorialMix", error);
-    flag = END_VEL | END_ACC | INIT_VEL;
-    res = setup_control_points(5, flag,init_pos,init_pos,constraints);
-    vars = res.first;
-    vartype exptecdvar4 [] = {variable,variable,variable,variable,variable,variable};
-    checkNumVar(vars, 6, "VarCombinatorialMix", error);
-    checksequence(vars,exptecdvar4,"VarCombinatorialMix", error);
-    checkPair(res.second, 0, 6, "VarCombinatorialMix", error);
-    flag = END_VEL | INIT_VEL;
-    res = setup_control_points(5, flag,init_pos,init_pos,constraints);
-    vars = res.first;
-    vartype exptecdvar5 [] = {variable,variable,variable,variable,variable,variable};
-    checkNumVar(vars, 6, "VarCombinatorialMix", error);
-    checksequence(vars,exptecdvar5,"VarCombinatorialMix", error);
-    checkPair(res.second, 0, 6, "VarCombinatorialMix", error);
-    bool err = true;
-    try
-    {
-        flag = ALL;
-        res = setup_control_points(5, flag,init_pos,init_pos,constraints);
-    }
-    catch(...)
-    {
-        err = false;
-    }
-    if(err)
-    {
-        error = true;
-        std::cout << "exception should be raised when degree of bezier curve is not high enough to handle constraints " << std::endl;
-    }
+    res = setup_control_points(5, flag, init_pos, init_pos, constraints);
+  } catch (...) {
+    err = false;
+  }
+  if (err) {
+    error = true;
+    std::cout << "exception should be raised when degree of bezier curve is not high enough to handle constraints "
+              << std::endl;
+  }
 static const std::string path = "../../tests/data/";
-void BezierLinearProblemsetupLoadProblem(bool& /*error*/)
-    problem_definition_t pDef = loadproblem(path+"test.pb");
-    //problem_data_t pData = setup_control_points<point_t, 3, double>(pDef);
-    generate_problem<point_t,double,true>(pDef, VELOCITY);
-    //initInequalityMatrix<point_t,3,double>(pDef,pData,prob);
+void BezierLinearProblemsetupLoadProblem(bool& /*error*/) {
+  problem_definition_t pDef = loadproblem(path + "test.pb");
+  // problem_data_t pData = setup_control_points<point_t, 3, double>(pDef);
+  generate_problem<point_t, double, true>(pDef, VELOCITY);
+  // initInequalityMatrix<point_t,3,double>(pDef,pData,prob);
-int main(int /*argc*/, char** /*argv[]*/)
+int main(int /*argc*/, char** /*argv[]*/) {
   std::cout << "performing tests... \n";
   bool error = false;
@@ -2283,9 +2235,7 @@ int main(int /*argc*/, char** /*argv[]*/)
-  if(error)
-  {
+  if (error) {
     std::cout << "There were some errors\n";
     return -1;
   } else {
diff --git a/tests/load_problem.h b/tests/load_problem.h
index f48182c..8774e45 100644
--- a/tests/load_problem.h
+++ b/tests/load_problem.h
@@ -2,7 +2,6 @@
 #include "curves/exact_cubic.h"
 #include "curves/bezier_curve.h"
 #include "curves/helpers/effector_spline.h"
@@ -19,99 +18,86 @@
 namespace curves {
 typedef Eigen::Vector3d point_t;
-typedef std::vector<point_t,Eigen::aligned_allocator<point_t> >  t_point_t;
+typedef std::vector<point_t, Eigen::aligned_allocator<point_t> > t_point_t;
 typedef Eigen::VectorXd pointX_t;
 typedef std::pair<double, pointX_t> Waypoint;
 typedef std::vector<Waypoint> T_Waypoint;
-typedef Eigen::Matrix<double,1,1> point_one;
+typedef Eigen::Matrix<double, 1, 1> point_one;
 typedef std::pair<double, point_one> WaypointOne;
 typedef std::vector<WaypointOne> T_WaypointOne;
-namespace optimization
+namespace optimization {
 typedef curve_constraints<point_t> constraint_linear;
-typedef linear_variable<double,true> linear_variable_t;
+typedef linear_variable<double, true> linear_variable_t;
 typedef std::vector<linear_variable_t> T_linear_variable_t;
 typedef T_linear_variable_t::const_iterator CIT_linear_variable_t;
-typedef std::pair<std::size_t, std::size_t >   pair_size_t;
-typedef std::pair<T_linear_variable_t, pair_size_t > var_pair_t;
+typedef std::pair<std::size_t, std::size_t> pair_size_t;
+typedef std::pair<T_linear_variable_t, pair_size_t> var_pair_t;
 typedef problem_data<point_t, double> problem_data_t;
 typedef problem_definition<point_t, double> problem_definition_t;
 typedef quadratic_problem<point_t, double> problem_t;
+#define MAXBUFSIZE ((int)1e6)
-#define MAXBUFSIZE  ((int) 1e6)
-Eigen::MatrixXd readMatrix(std::ifstream& infile)
-    int cols = 0, rows = 0;
-    double buff[MAXBUFSIZE];
+Eigen::MatrixXd readMatrix(std::ifstream& infile) {
+  int cols = 0, rows = 0;
+  double buff[MAXBUFSIZE];
-    // Read numbers from file into buffer.
-    //ifstream infile;
-    //;
-    std::string line = "noise";
-    while (!infile.eof() && !line.empty())
-    {
-        std::getline(infile, line);
+  // Read numbers from file into buffer.
+  // ifstream infile;
+  //;
+  std::string line = "noise";
+  while (!infile.eof() && !line.empty()) {
+    std::getline(infile, line);
-        int temp_cols = 0;
-        std::stringstream stream(line);
-        while(! stream.eof())
-            stream >> buff[cols*rows+temp_cols++];
+    int temp_cols = 0;
+    std::stringstream stream(line);
+    while (!stream.eof()) stream >> buff[cols * rows + temp_cols++];
-        if (temp_cols == 0)
-            continue;
+    if (temp_cols == 0) continue;
-        if (cols == 0)
-            cols = temp_cols;
+    if (cols == 0) cols = temp_cols;
-        rows++;
-    }
-    //infile.close();
-    rows--;
+    rows++;
+  }
+  // infile.close();
+  rows--;
-    // Populate matrix with numbers.
-    Eigen::MatrixXd result(rows,cols);
-    for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++)
-        for (int j = 0; j < cols; j++)
-            result(i,j) = buff[ cols*i+j ];
+  // Populate matrix with numbers.
+  Eigen::MatrixXd result(rows, cols);
+  for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++)
+    for (int j = 0; j < cols; j++) result(i, j) = buff[cols * i + j];
-    return result;
+  return result;
-problem_definition_t loadproblem(const std::string& filename)
-    problem_definition_t pDef(3);
-    std::ifstream in (filename.c_str());
-    if (!in.is_open())
-        throw std::runtime_error("cant open filename");
-    //first line is degree totaltime flag
-    Eigen::Vector3d degTimeFlag = readMatrix(in);
- = (std::size_t)(degTimeFlag[0]);
-    pDef.totalTime =degTimeFlag[1];
-    pDef.flag = (constraint_flag)(degTimeFlag[2]);
-    //Then startpos then empty line
-    pDef.init_pos = readMatrix(in);
-    //Then endpos then empty line
-    pDef.end_pos = readMatrix(in);
-    //Then splittimes then empty line
-    pDef.splitTimes_ = readMatrix(in);
-    // The inequality matrices, empty line, inequality vector as many times
-    for (int i = 0; i< pDef.splitTimes_.rows()+1; ++i)
-    {
-        pDef.inequalityMatrices_.push_back(readMatrix(in));
-        pDef.inequalityVectors_.push_back(readMatrix(in));
-    }
-    in.close();
-    return pDef;
-    // TODO curve constraints
+problem_definition_t loadproblem(const std::string& filename) {
+  problem_definition_t pDef(3);
+  std::ifstream in(filename.c_str());
+  if (!in.is_open()) throw std::runtime_error("cant open filename");
+  // first line is degree totaltime flag
+  Eigen::Vector3d degTimeFlag = readMatrix(in);
+ = (std::size_t)(degTimeFlag[0]);
+  pDef.totalTime = degTimeFlag[1];
+  pDef.flag = (constraint_flag)(degTimeFlag[2]);
+  // Then startpos then empty line
+  pDef.init_pos = readMatrix(in);
+  // Then endpos then empty line
+  pDef.end_pos = readMatrix(in);
+  // Then splittimes then empty line
+  pDef.splitTimes_ = readMatrix(in);
+  // The inequality matrices, empty line, inequality vector as many times
+  for (int i = 0; i < pDef.splitTimes_.rows() + 1; ++i) {
+    pDef.inequalityMatrices_.push_back(readMatrix(in));
+    pDef.inequalityVectors_.push_back(readMatrix(in));
+  }
+  in.close();
+  return pDef;
+  // TODO curve constraints
+}  // namespace optimization
+}  // namespace curves