diff --git a/python/curves_python.cpp b/python/curves_python.cpp
index df77c4cf31abcd4957961fba522e7dc6fb621ff5..087157ddf8cfeb3543b6165b0d6121801d1017c4 100644
--- a/python/curves_python.cpp
+++ b/python/curves_python.cpp
@@ -4,8 +4,6 @@
 #include <vector>
 namespace curves
   using namespace boost::python;
@@ -20,6 +18,17 @@ namespace curves
       real max() { return this->get_override("max")();}
+  struct Curve3Wrapper : curve_3_t, wrapper<curve_3_t>
+  {
+      point_t operator()(const real) { return this->get_override("operator()")();}
+      point_t derivate(const real, const std::size_t) { return this->get_override("derivate")();}
+      std::size_t dim() { return this->get_override("dim")();}
+      real min() { return this->get_override("min")();}
+      real max() { return this->get_override("max")();}
+  };
   /* end base wrap of curve_abc */
   /* Template constructor bezier */
@@ -339,8 +348,17 @@ namespace curves
         .def("loadFromBinary",pure_virtual(&curve_abc_t::loadFromBinary<curve_abc_t>),bp::args("filename"),"Loads *this from a binary file.")
+    class_<Curve3Wrapper,boost::noncopyable, bases<curve_abc_t> >("curve3",no_init)
+        .def("__call__", pure_virtual(&curve_3_t::operator()),"Evaluate the curve at the given time.",args("self","t"))
+        .def("derivate", pure_virtual(&curve_3_t::derivate),"Evaluate the derivative of order N of curve at time t.",args("self","t","N"))
+        .def("min", pure_virtual(&curve_3_t::min), "Get the LOWER bound on interval definition of the curve.")
+        .def("max", pure_virtual(&curve_3_t::max),"Get the HIGHER bound on interval definition of the curve.")
+        .def("dim", pure_virtual(&curve_3_t::dim),"Get the dimension of the curve.")
+        ;
     /** BEGIN bezier3 curve**/
-    class_<bezier3_t, bases<curve_abc_t> >("bezier3", init<>())
+    class_<bezier3_t, bases<curve_3_t> >("bezier3", init<>())
       .def("__init__", make_constructor(&wrapBezier3Constructor))
       .def("__init__", make_constructor(&wrapBezier3ConstructorBounds))
       .def("__init__", make_constructor(&wrapBezier3ConstructorConstraints))
diff --git a/python/python_variables.h b/python/python_variables.h
index fdcb62fcb5da8a6e818b121cf8423bdbf26001c1..bbb496d7fb27a9c5b6cfbd42e5d763d7a28ba5f1 100644
--- a/python/python_variables.h
+++ b/python/python_variables.h
@@ -96,6 +96,7 @@ namespace curves
   // Curves
   typedef curve_abc<real, real, true, pointX_t> curve_abc_t; // generic class of curve
+  typedef curve_abc<real, real, true, point3_t> curve_3_t; // generic class of curve of size 3
   typedef curves::cubic_hermite_spline <real, real, true, pointX_t> cubic_hermite_spline_t;
   typedef curves::bezier_curve  <real, real, true, pointX_t> bezier_t;
   typedef curves::polynomial  <real, real, true, pointX_t, t_pointX_t> polynomial_t;