From 005fa5880dd6a47254fa5653537a1e301f8bea70 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: JasonChmn <>
Date: Fri, 23 Aug 2019 10:21:00 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] [dynamic dim - bezier curve] Remove dim from template of
 bezier curve + binding python

 include/curves/bezier_curve.h    |  48 ++++++----
 include/curves/linear_variable.h |   6 ++
 python/curves_python.cpp         | 152 +++++++++++++++++++------------
 python/python_variables.h        |   2 +-
 python/test/              |  41 ++++++---
 tests/Main.cpp                   |  16 ++--
 6 files changed, 166 insertions(+), 99 deletions(-)

diff --git a/include/curves/bezier_curve.h b/include/curves/bezier_curve.h
index 8f98930..e146c9c 100644
--- a/include/curves/bezier_curve.h
+++ b/include/curves/bezier_curve.h
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ namespace curves
   /// For degree lesser than 4, the evaluation is analitycal. Otherwise
   /// the bernstein polynoms are used to evaluate the spline at a given location.
-  template<typename Time= double, typename Numeric=Time, std::size_t Dim=3, bool Safe=false,
+  template<typename Time= double, typename Numeric=Time, bool Safe=false,
            typename Point= Eigen::Matrix<Numeric, Eigen::Dynamic, 1> >
   struct bezier_curve : public curve_abc<Time, Numeric, Safe, Point>
@@ -38,14 +38,14 @@ namespace curves
     typedef curve_constraints<point_t> curve_constraints_t;
     typedef std::vector<point_t,Eigen::aligned_allocator<point_t> > t_point_t;
     typedef typename t_point_t::const_iterator cit_point_t;
-    typedef bezier_curve<Time, Numeric, Dim, Safe, Point > bezier_curve_t;
+    typedef bezier_curve<Time, Numeric, Safe, Point > bezier_curve_t;
     /* Constructors - destructors */
       /// \brief Empty constructor. Curve obtained this way can not perform other class functions.
-        : T_min_(0), T_max_(0)
+        : dim_(0), T_min_(0), T_max_(0)
       /// \brief Constructor.
@@ -74,6 +74,11 @@ namespace curves
+        // set dim
+        if (control_points_.size()!=0)
+        {
+          dim_ = PointsBegin->size();
+        }
       /// \brief Constructor
@@ -102,10 +107,15 @@ namespace curves
+        // set dim
+        if (control_points_.size()!=0)
+        {
+          dim_ = PointsBegin->size();
+        }
       bezier_curve(const bezier_curve& other)
-        : T_min_(other.T_min_), T_max_(other.T_max_), 
+        : dim_(other.dim_), T_min_(other.T_min_), T_max_(other.T_max_), 
           mult_T_(other.mult_T_), size_(other.size_),
           degree_(other.degree_), bernstein_(other.bernstein_), 
@@ -123,7 +133,7 @@ namespace curves
       ///  \return \f$x(t)\f$ point corresponding on curve at time t.
       virtual point_t operator()(const time_t t) const
-        check_if_not_empty();
+        check_conditions();
         if(Safe &! (T_min_ <= t && t <= T_max_))
           throw std::invalid_argument("can't evaluate bezier curve, time t is out of range"); // TODO
@@ -144,7 +154,7 @@ namespace curves
       ///  \return \f$\frac{d^Nx(t)}{dt^N}\f$ derivative order N of the curve.
       bezier_curve_t compute_derivate(const std::size_t order) const
-        check_if_not_empty();
+        check_conditions();
         if(order == 0) 
           return *this;
@@ -156,7 +166,7 @@ namespace curves
-          derived_wp.push_back(point_t::Zero(Dim));
+          derived_wp.push_back(point_t::Zero(dim_));
         bezier_curve_t deriv(derived_wp.begin(), derived_wp.end(),T_min_, T_max_, mult_T_ * (1./(T_max_-T_min_)) );
         return deriv.compute_derivate(order-1);
@@ -169,14 +179,14 @@ namespace curves
       ///  \return primitive at order N of x(t).
       bezier_curve_t compute_primitive(const std::size_t order) const
-        check_if_not_empty();
+        check_conditions();
         if(order == 0) 
           return *this;
         num_t new_degree = (num_t)(degree_+1);
         t_point_t n_wp;
-        point_t current_sum =  point_t::Zero(Dim);
+        point_t current_sum =  point_t::Zero(dim_);
         // recomputing waypoints q_i from derivative waypoints p_i. q_0 is the given constant.
         // then q_i = (sum( j = 0 -> j = i-1) p_j) /n+1
@@ -213,7 +223,7 @@ namespace curves
       point_t evalBernstein(const Numeric t) const
         const Numeric u = (t-T_min_)/(T_max_-T_min_);
-        point_t res = point_t::Zero(Dim);
+        point_t res = point_t::Zero(dim_);
         typename t_point_t::const_iterator control_points_it = control_points_.begin();
         for(typename std::vector<Bern<Numeric> >::const_iterator cit = bernstein_.begin();
         cit !=bernstein_.end(); ++cit, ++control_points_it)
@@ -316,7 +326,7 @@ namespace curves
       std::pair<bezier_curve_t,bezier_curve_t> split(const Numeric t)
-        check_if_not_empty();
+        check_conditions();
         if (fabs(t-T_max_)<MARGIN)
           throw std::runtime_error("can't split curve, interval range is equal to original curve");
@@ -388,11 +398,15 @@ namespace curves
         return res;
-      void check_if_not_empty() const
+      void check_conditions() const
         if (control_points_.size() == 0)
-          throw std::runtime_error("Error in beziercurve : there is no control points set / did you use empty constructor ?");
+          throw std::runtime_error("Error in bezier curve : there is no control points set / did you use empty constructor ?");
+        }
+        else if(dim_ == 0)
+        {
+          throw std::runtime_error("Error in bezier curve : Dimension of points is zero / did you use empty constructor ?");
@@ -425,10 +439,10 @@ namespace curves
       static const double MARGIN;
       /* Attributes */
-      static bezier_curve_t zero(const time_t T=1.)
+      static bezier_curve_t zero(const std::size_t dim, const time_t T=1.)
         std::vector<point_t> ts;
-        ts.push_back(point_t::Zero(Dim));
+        ts.push_back(point_t::Zero(dim));
         return bezier_curve_t(ts.begin(), ts.end(),0.,T);
@@ -451,8 +465,8 @@ namespace curves
   }; // End struct bezier_curve
-  template<typename Time, typename Numeric, std::size_t Dim, bool Safe, typename Point>
-  const double bezier_curve<Time, Numeric, Dim, Safe, Point>::MARGIN(0.001);
+  template<typename Time, typename Numeric, bool Safe, typename Point>
+  const double bezier_curve<Time, Numeric, Safe, Point>::MARGIN(0.001);
 } // namespace curve
diff --git a/include/curves/linear_variable.h b/include/curves/linear_variable.h
index c8a087b..2ac2175 100644
--- a/include/curves/linear_variable.h
+++ b/include/curves/linear_variable.h
@@ -116,6 +116,12 @@ namespace curves
       return *this;
+    std::size_t size() 
+    {
+      variables_t w;
+      return w.size();
+    }
     static variables_t Zero(size_t /*dim*/){
       variables_t w;
       return w;
diff --git a/python/curves_python.cpp b/python/curves_python.cpp
index 03d90ea..04d115a 100644
--- a/python/curves_python.cpp
+++ b/python/curves_python.cpp
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ typedef std::pair<point3_t, point3_t> pair_point3_tangent_t;
 typedef Eigen::Matrix<real, 3, Eigen::Dynamic> point3_list_t;
 typedef std::vector<point3_t,Eigen::aligned_allocator<point3_t> >  t_point3_t;
 typedef std::vector<pair_point3_tangent_t,Eigen::aligned_allocator<pair_point3_tangent_t> > t_pair_point3_tangent_t;
+typedef curves::curve_constraints<point3_t> curve_constraints3_t;
 // XD
 typedef Eigen::VectorXd pointX_t;
 typedef Eigen::Matrix<double, Eigen::Dynamic, 1, 0, Eigen::Dynamic, 1> ret_pointX_t;
@@ -37,6 +38,7 @@ typedef std::pair<pointX_t, pointX_t> pair_pointX_tangent_t;
 typedef Eigen::MatrixXd pointX_list_t;
 typedef std::vector<pointX_t,Eigen::aligned_allocator<point3_t> >  t_pointX_t;
 typedef std::vector<pair_pointX_tangent_t,Eigen::aligned_allocator<pair_pointX_tangent_t> > t_pair_pointX_tangent_t;
+typedef curves::curve_constraints<pointX_t> curve_constraints_t;
 // Else
 typedef std::pair<real, point3_t> Waypoint;
 typedef std::vector<Waypoint> T_Waypoint;
@@ -44,9 +46,9 @@ typedef std::vector<Waypoint6> T_Waypoint6;
 // Dynamic dim
 typedef curves::cubic_hermite_spline <real, real, true, pointX_t> cubic_hermite_spline_t;
+typedef curves::bezier_curve  <real, real, true, pointX_t> bezier_t;
 // 3D
-typedef curves::bezier_curve  <real, real, 3, true, point3_t> bezier3_t;
 typedef curves::polynomial  <real, real, 3, true, point3_t, t_point3_t> polynomial3_t;
 typedef curves::exact_cubic  <real, real, 3, true, point3_t, t_point3_t> exact_cubic3_t;
 typedef polynomial3_t::coeff_t coeff_t;
@@ -54,20 +56,20 @@ typedef std::pair<real, point3_t> waypoint3_t;
 typedef std::vector<waypoint3_t, Eigen::aligned_allocator<point3_t> > t_waypoint3_t;
 typedef curves::piecewise_curve <real, real, 3, true, point3_t, t_point3_t, polynomial3_t> piecewise_polynomial3_curve_t;
-typedef curves::piecewise_curve <real, real, 3, true, point3_t, t_point3_t, bezier3_t> piecewise_bezier3_curve_t;
+typedef curves::piecewise_curve <real, real, 3, true, point3_t, t_point3_t, bezier_t> piecewise_bezier3_curve_t;
 typedef curves::piecewise_curve <real, real, 3, true, point3_t, t_point3_t, cubic_hermite_spline_t> piecewise_cubic_hermite_curve_t;
 typedef curves::Bern<double> bernstein_t;
-typedef curves::curve_constraints<point3_t> curve_constraints3_t;
@@ -95,23 +97,23 @@ namespace curves
   /* End Template constructor bezier */
   /*3D constructors bezier */
-  bezier3_t* wrapBezierConstructor3(const point3_list_t& array)
+  bezier_t* wrapBezierConstructor(const pointX_list_t& array)
-    return wrapBezierConstructorTemplate<bezier3_t, point3_list_t, t_point3_t>(array) ;
+    return wrapBezierConstructorTemplate<bezier_t, pointX_list_t, t_pointX_t>(array) ;
-  bezier3_t* wrapBezierConstructorBounds3(const point3_list_t& array, const real T_min, const real T_max)
+  bezier_t* wrapBezierConstructorBounds(const pointX_list_t& array, const real T_min, const real T_max)
-    return wrapBezierConstructorTemplate<bezier3_t, point3_list_t, t_point3_t>(array, T_min, T_max) ;
+    return wrapBezierConstructorTemplate<bezier_t, pointX_list_t, t_pointX_t>(array, T_min, T_max) ;
-  bezier3_t* wrapBezierConstructor3Constraints(const point3_list_t& array, const curve_constraints3_t& constraints)
+  bezier_t* wrapBezierConstructorConstraints(const pointX_list_t& array, const curve_constraints_t& constraints)
-    return wrapBezierConstructorConstraintsTemplate<bezier3_t, point3_list_t, t_point3_t, curve_constraints3_t>(array, constraints) ;
+    return wrapBezierConstructorConstraintsTemplate<bezier_t, pointX_list_t, t_pointX_t, curve_constraints_t>(array, constraints) ;
-  bezier3_t* wrapBezierConstructorBounds3Constraints(const point3_list_t& array, const curve_constraints3_t& constraints,
-                             const real T_min, const real T_max)
+  bezier_t* wrapBezierConstructorBoundsConstraints(const pointX_list_t& array, const curve_constraints_t& constraints,
+                                                   const real T_min, const real T_max)
-  return wrapBezierConstructorConstraintsTemplate<bezier3_t, point3_list_t, t_point3_t, curve_constraints3_t>(array, constraints, 
-                                                                                                           T_min, T_max) ;
+  return wrapBezierConstructorConstraintsTemplate<bezier_t, pointX_list_t, t_pointX_t, curve_constraints_t>(array, constraints, 
+                                                                                                            T_min, T_max) ;
   /*END 3D constructors bezier */
@@ -163,7 +165,7 @@ namespace curves
     return new piecewise_polynomial3_curve_t();
-  piecewise_bezier3_curve_t* wrapPiecewiseBezier3CurveConstructor(const bezier3_t& bc)
+  piecewise_bezier3_curve_t* wrapPiecewiseBezier3CurveConstructor(const bezier_t& bc)
     return new piecewise_bezier3_curve_t(bc);
@@ -192,21 +194,6 @@ namespace curves
     return res;
-  template <typename BezierType, int dim>
-  Eigen::Matrix<real, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic> wayPointsToList(const BezierType& self)
-  {
-    typedef typename BezierType::t_point_t t_point;
-    typedef typename BezierType::t_point_t::const_iterator cit_point;
-    const t_point& wps = self.waypoints();
-    Eigen::Matrix<real, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic> res (dim, wps.size());
-    int col = 0;
-    for(cit_point cit = wps.begin(); cit != wps.end(); ++cit, ++col)
-    {
-      res.block<dim,1>(0,col) = *cit;
-    }
-    return res;
-  }
   exact_cubic3_t* wrapExactCubic3Constructor(const coeff_t& array, const time_waypoints_t& time_wp)
     t_waypoint3_t wps = getWayPoints(array, time_wp);
@@ -220,6 +207,7 @@ namespace curves
     return new exact_cubic3_t(wps.begin(), wps.end(), constraints);
+  /// For constraints 3D
   point3_t get_init_vel(const curve_constraints3_t& c)
     return c.init_vel;
@@ -259,6 +247,46 @@ namespace curves
     c.end_acc = val;
+  /// For constraints XD
+  point3_t get_init_velX(const curve_constraints_t& c)
+  {
+    return c.init_vel;
+  }
+  point3_t get_init_accX(const curve_constraints_t& c)
+  {
+    return c.init_acc;
+  }
+  point3_t get_end_velX(const curve_constraints_t& c)
+  {
+    return c.end_vel;
+  }
+  point3_t get_end_accX(const curve_constraints_t& c)
+  {
+    return c.end_acc;
+  }
+  void set_init_velX(curve_constraints_t& c, const point_t& val)
+  {
+    c.init_vel = val;
+  }
+  void set_init_accX(curve_constraints_t& c, const point_t& val)
+  {
+    c.init_acc = val;
+  }
+  void set_end_velX(curve_constraints_t& c, const point_t& val)
+  {
+    c.end_vel = val;
+  }
+  void set_end_accX(curve_constraints_t& c, const point_t& val)
+  {
+    c.end_acc = val;
+  }
   /* End wrap exact cubic spline */
@@ -277,28 +305,27 @@ namespace curves
     /** END eigenpy init**/
     /** BEGIN bezier curve**/
-    class_<bezier3_t>("bezier3", init<>())
-      .def("__init__", make_constructor(&wrapBezierConstructor3))
-      .def("__init__", make_constructor(&wrapBezierConstructorBounds3))
-      .def("__init__", make_constructor(&wrapBezierConstructor3Constraints))
-      .def("__init__", make_constructor(&wrapBezierConstructorBounds3Constraints))
-      .def("min", &bezier3_t::min)
-      .def("max", &bezier3_t::max)
-      .def("dim", &bezier3_t::dim)
-      .def("__call__", &bezier3_t::operator())
-      .def("derivate", &bezier3_t::derivate)
-      .def("compute_derivate", &bezier3_t::compute_derivate)
-      .def("compute_primitive", &bezier3_t::compute_primitive)
-      .def("waypoints", &wayPointsToList<bezier3_t,3>)
-      .def("saveAsText", &bezier3_t::saveAsText<bezier3_t>,bp::args("filename"),"Saves *this inside a text file.")
-      .def("loadFromText",&bezier3_t::loadFromText<bezier3_t>,bp::args("filename"),"Loads *this from a text file.")
-      .def("saveAsXML",&bezier3_t::saveAsXML<bezier3_t>,bp::args("filename","tag_name"),"Saves *this inside a XML file.")
-      .def("loadFromXML",&bezier3_t::loadFromXML<bezier3_t>,bp::args("filename","tag_name"),"Loads *this from a XML file.")
-      .def("saveAsBinary",&bezier3_t::saveAsBinary<bezier3_t>,bp::args("filename"),"Saves *this inside a binary file.")
-      .def("loadFromBinary",&bezier3_t::loadFromBinary<bezier3_t>,bp::args("filename"),"Loads *this from a binary file.")
-      .def_readonly("degree", &bezier3_t::degree_)
-      .def_readonly("nbWaypoints", &bezier3_t::size_)
-      //.def(SerializableVisitor<bezier3_t>())
+    class_<bezier_t>("bezier", init<>())
+      .def("__init__", make_constructor(&wrapBezierConstructor))
+      .def("__init__", make_constructor(&wrapBezierConstructorBounds))
+      .def("__init__", make_constructor(&wrapBezierConstructorConstraints))
+      .def("__init__", make_constructor(&wrapBezierConstructorBoundsConstraints))
+      .def("min", &bezier_t::min)
+      .def("max", &bezier_t::max)
+      .def("dim", &bezier_t::dim)
+      .def("__call__", &bezier_t::operator())
+      .def("derivate", &bezier_t::derivate)
+      .def("compute_derivate", &bezier_t::compute_derivate)
+      .def("compute_primitive", &bezier_t::compute_primitive)
+      .def("saveAsText", &bezier_t::saveAsText<bezier_t>,bp::args("filename"),"Saves *this inside a text file.")
+      .def("loadFromText",&bezier_t::loadFromText<bezier_t>,bp::args("filename"),"Loads *this from a text file.")
+      .def("saveAsXML",&bezier_t::saveAsXML<bezier_t>,bp::args("filename","tag_name"),"Saves *this inside a XML file.")
+      .def("loadFromXML",&bezier_t::loadFromXML<bezier_t>,bp::args("filename","tag_name"),"Loads *this from a XML file.")
+      .def("saveAsBinary",&bezier_t::saveAsBinary<bezier_t>,bp::args("filename"),"Saves *this inside a binary file.")
+      .def("loadFromBinary",&bezier_t::loadFromBinary<bezier_t>,bp::args("filename"),"Loads *this from a binary file.")
+      .def_readonly("degree", &bezier_t::degree_)
+      .def_readonly("nbWaypoints", &bezier_t::size_)
+      //.def(SerializableVisitor<bezier_t>())
     /** END bezier curve**/
     /** BEGIN variable points bezier curve**/
@@ -461,6 +488,15 @@ namespace curves
       .add_property("end_acc", &get_end_acc, &set_end_acc)
     /** END curve constraints**/
+    /** BEGIN curve constraints**/
+    class_<curve_constraints_t>
+    ("curve_constraints", init<>())
+      .add_property("init_vel", &get_init_velX, &set_init_velX)
+      .add_property("init_acc", &get_init_accX, &set_init_accX)
+      .add_property("end_vel", &get_end_velX, &set_end_velX)
+      .add_property("end_acc", &get_end_accX, &set_end_accX)
+    ;
+    /** END curve constraints**/
     /** BEGIN bernstein polynomial**/
     ("bernstein", init<const unsigned int, const unsigned int>())
@@ -468,11 +504,11 @@ namespace curves
     /** END bernstein polynomial**/
     /** BEGIN curves conversion**/
-    def("polynomial_from_bezier", polynomial_from_curve<polynomial3_t,bezier3_t>);
+    def("polynomial_from_bezier", polynomial_from_curve<polynomial3_t,bezier_t>);
     def("polynomial_from_hermite", polynomial_from_curve<polynomial3_t,cubic_hermite_spline_t>);
-    def("bezier_from_hermite", bezier_from_curve<bezier3_t,cubic_hermite_spline_t>);
-    def("bezier_from_polynomial", bezier_from_curve<bezier3_t,polynomial3_t>);
-    def("hermite_from_bezier", hermite_from_curve<cubic_hermite_spline_t, bezier3_t>);
+    def("bezier_from_hermite", bezier_from_curve<bezier_t,cubic_hermite_spline_t>);
+    def("bezier_from_polynomial", bezier_from_curve<bezier_t,polynomial3_t>);
+    def("hermite_from_bezier", hermite_from_curve<cubic_hermite_spline_t, bezier_t>);
     def("hermite_from_polynomial", hermite_from_curve<cubic_hermite_spline_t, polynomial3_t>);
     /** END curves conversion**/
diff --git a/python/python_variables.h b/python/python_variables.h
index 91c6520..00ce47e 100644
--- a/python/python_variables.h
+++ b/python/python_variables.h
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ namespace curves
   static const int dim = 3;
   typedef curves::linear_variable<dim, real> linear_variable_3_t;
   typedef curves::variables<linear_variable_3_t> variables_3_t;
-  typedef curves::bezier_curve  <real, real, dim, true, variables_3_t> bezier_linear_variable_t;
+  typedef curves::bezier_curve  <real, real, true, variables_3_t> bezier_linear_variable_t;
   /*linear variable control points*/
   bezier_linear_variable_t* wrapBezierLinearConstructor(const point_list_t& matrices, const point_list_t& vectors);
diff --git a/python/test/ b/python/test/
index 4360315..1431a1c 100644
--- a/python/test/
+++ b/python/test/
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ from numpy.linalg import norm
 from curves import (bezier_from_hermite, bezier_from_polynomial, hermite_from_polynomial,
                     hermite_from_bezier, polynomial_from_hermite, polynomial_from_bezier,
-                    cubic_hermite_spline3, curve_constraints3, exact_cubic3, bezier3, 
+                    cubic_hermite_spline3, curve_constraints3,curve_constraints, exact_cubic3, bezier, 
                     piecewise_bezier3_curve, piecewise_cubic_hermite3_curve,
                     piecewise_polynomial3_curve, polynomial3
@@ -26,15 +26,15 @@ class TestCurves(unittest.TestCase):
         # - Variables : degree, nbWayPoints
         __EPS = 1e-6
         waypoints = matrix([[1., 2., 3.]]).T
-        a = bezier3(waypoints, 0., 2.)
+        a = bezier(waypoints, 0., 2.)
         t = 0.
         while t < 2.:
             self.assertTrue(norm(a(t) - matrix([1., 2., 3.]).T) < __EPS)
             t += 0.1
         waypoints = matrix([[1., 2., 3.], [4., 5., 6.]]).transpose()
         time_waypoints = matrix([0., 1.]).transpose()
-        # Create bezier6 and bezier3
-        a = bezier3(waypoints, 0., 3.)
+        # Create bezier6 and bezier
+        a = bezier(waypoints, 0., 3.)
         # Test : Degree, min, max, derivate
         #self.print_str(("test 1")
         self.assertEqual(, a.nbWaypoints - 1)
@@ -56,13 +56,13 @@ class TestCurves(unittest.TestCase):
             t = float(i) / 10.
             self.assertTrue((a(t) == prim.derivate(t, 2)).all())
         self.assertTrue((prim(0) == matrix([0., 0., 0.])).all())
-        # Create new bezier3 curve
+        # Create new bezier curve
         waypoints = matrix([[1., 2., 3.], [4., 5., 6.], [4., 5., 6.], [4., 5., 6.], [4., 5., 6.]]).transpose()
-        a0 = bezier3(waypoints)
-        a1 = bezier3(waypoints, 0., 3.)
+        a0 = bezier(waypoints)
+        a1 = bezier(waypoints, 0., 3.)
         prim0 = a0.compute_primitive(1)
         prim1 = a1.compute_primitive(1)
-        # Check change in argument time_t of bezier3
+        # Check change in argument time_t of bezier
         for i in range(10):
             t = float(i) / 10.
             self.assertTrue(norm(a0(t) - a1(3 * t)) < __EPS)
@@ -71,21 +71,32 @@ class TestCurves(unittest.TestCase):
             self.assertTrue(norm(prim0(t) - prim1(t * 3) / 3.) < __EPS)
         self.assertTrue((prim(0) == matrix([0., 0., 0.])).all())
         # testing bezier with constraints
-        c = curve_constraints3()
+        c = curve_constraints()
         c.init_vel = matrix([0., 1., 1.]).transpose()
         c.end_vel = matrix([0., 1., 1.]).transpose()
         c.init_acc = matrix([0., 1., -1.]).transpose()
         c.end_acc = matrix([0., 100., 1.]).transpose()
         #Check derivate with constraints
         waypoints = matrix([[1., 2., 3.], [4., 5., 6.]]).transpose()
-        a = bezier3(waypoints, c)
+        a = bezier(waypoints, c)
         self.assertTrue(norm(a.derivate(0, 1) - c.init_vel) < 1e-10)
         self.assertTrue(norm(a.derivate(1, 2) - c.end_acc) < 1e-10)
         # Test serialization : bezier 3
         #waypoints = matrix([[0,0,0,], [0,0,0,]]).transpose()
-        b = bezier3()
+        b = bezier()
+        b.loadFromText("serialization_curve.test")
+        self.assertTrue((a(0.4) == b(0.4)).all())
+        os.remove("serialization_curve.test")
+        # Bezier dim 4
+        waypoints = matrix([[1., 2., 3., 4.]]).T
+        a = bezier(waypoints, 0., 2.)
+        # Test serialization : bezier of dim 4
+        a.saveAsText("serialization_curve.test")
+        #waypoints = matrix([[0,0,0,], [0,0,0,]]).transpose()
+        b = bezier()
         self.assertTrue((a(0.4) == b(0.4)).all())
@@ -173,12 +184,12 @@ class TestCurves(unittest.TestCase):
-    def test_piecewise_bezier3_curve(self):
+    def test_piecewise_bezier_curve(self):
         # To test :
         # - Functions : constructor, min, max, derivate, add_curve, is_continuous
         waypoints = matrix([[1., 2., 3.], [4., 5., 6.]]).transpose()
-        a = bezier3(waypoints, 0., 1.)
-        b = bezier3(waypoints, 1., 2.)
+        a = bezier(waypoints, 0., 1.)
+        b = bezier(waypoints, 1., 2.)
         pc = piecewise_bezier3_curve(a)
@@ -264,7 +275,7 @@ class TestCurves(unittest.TestCase):
     def test_conversion_curves(self):
         __EPS = 1e-6
         waypoints = matrix([[1., 2., 3.], [4., 5., 6.]]).transpose()
-        a = bezier3(waypoints)
+        a = bezier(waypoints)
         # converting bezier to polynomial
         a_pol = polynomial_from_bezier(a)
         self.assertTrue(norm(a(0.3) - a_pol(0.3)) < __EPS)
diff --git a/tests/Main.cpp b/tests/Main.cpp
index 6023f46..9cfe2b5 100644
--- a/tests/Main.cpp
+++ b/tests/Main.cpp
@@ -23,21 +23,21 @@ namespace curves
   typedef curve_abc  <double, double, true, point_t> curve_abc_t;
   typedef polynomial  <double, double, 3, true, point_t, t_point_t> polynomial_t;
   typedef exact_cubic <double, double, 3, true, point_t> exact_cubic_t;
-  typedef bezier_curve  <double, double, 3, true, point_t> bezier_curve_t;
+  typedef bezier_curve  <double, double, true, point_t> bezier_curve_t;
+  typedef cubic_hermite_spline <double, double, true, point_t> cubic_hermite_spline_t;
+  typedef exact_cubic   <double, double, 1, true, Eigen::Matrix<double,1,1> > exact_cubic_one;
+  typedef piecewise_curve <double, double, 3, true, point_t, t_point_t, polynomial_t> piecewise_polynomial_curve_t;
+  typedef piecewise_curve <double, double, 3, true, point_t, t_point_t, bezier_curve_t> piecewise_bezier_curve_t;
+  typedef piecewise_curve <double, double, 3, true, point_t, t_point_t, cubic_hermite_spline_t> piecewise_cubic_hermite_curve_t;
   typedef exact_cubic_t::spline_constraints spline_constraints_t;
   typedef std::pair<double, point_t> Waypoint;
   typedef std::vector<Waypoint> T_Waypoint;
   typedef Eigen::Matrix<double,1,1> point_one;
-  typedef polynomial<double, double, 1, true, point_one> polynom_one;
-  typedef exact_cubic   <double, double, 1, true, point_one> exact_cubic_one;
   typedef std::pair<double, point_one> WaypointOne;
   typedef std::vector<WaypointOne> T_WaypointOne;
-  typedef cubic_hermite_spline <double, double, true, point_t> cubic_hermite_spline_t;
   typedef std::pair<point_t, tangent_t> pair_point_tangent_t;
   typedef std::vector<pair_point_tangent_t,Eigen::aligned_allocator<pair_point_tangent_t> > t_pair_point_tangent_t;
-  typedef piecewise_curve <double, double, 3, true, point_t, t_point_t, polynomial_t> piecewise_polynomial_curve_t;
-  typedef piecewise_curve <double, double, 3, true, point_t, t_point_t, bezier_curve_t> piecewise_bezier_curve_t;
-  typedef piecewise_curve <double, double, 3, true, point_t, t_point_t, cubic_hermite_spline_t> piecewise_cubic_hermite_curve_t;
   const double margin = 1e-3;
   bool QuasiEqual(const double a, const double b)
@@ -1245,7 +1245,7 @@ void curveAbcDimDynamicTest(bool& error)
   typedef polynomial  <double, double, 3, true> polynomial_test_t;
   typedef exact_cubic <double, double, 3, true> exact_cubic_test_t;
   typedef exact_cubic_test_t::spline_constraints spline_constraints_test_t;
-  typedef bezier_curve  <double, double, 3, true> bezier_curve_test_t;
+  typedef bezier_curve  <double, double, true> bezier_curve_test_t;
   typedef cubic_hermite_spline <double, double, true> cubic_hermite_spline_test_t;
   curve_abc_test_t * pt_curve_abc;