diff --git a/idl/hpp/corbaserver/rbprm/rbprmbuilder.idl b/idl/hpp/corbaserver/rbprm/rbprmbuilder.idl
index b1fa4c416a150e0d48bbf3a5d6aa5689b6b91ba6..76c261149a85eac358d469e915bc10ce2af847a7 100755
--- a/idl/hpp/corbaserver/rbprm/rbprmbuilder.idl
+++ b/idl/hpp/corbaserver/rbprm/rbprmbuilder.idl
@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ module hpp
 		/// \param stateId target state
 		/// \param com target com
-		double projectStateToCOM(in unsigned short stateId,  in floatSeq com) raises (Error);
+                double projectStateToCOM(in unsigned short stateId,  in floatSeq com, in  unsigned short max_num_sample) raises (Error);
                 /// Project a state into a COM
@@ -413,7 +413,7 @@ module hpp
     short comRRT(in double state1, in double state2,  in  unsigned short comPath, in unsigned short numOptimizations) raises (Error);
     /// Provided a path has already been computed and interpolated, generate a continuous path
-    /// between two indicated states. The states do not need to be consecutive, but increasing in Id.
+    /// between two indicated states. The states do need to be consecutive.
     /// Will fail if the index of the states do not exist
     /// The path of the COM of thr robot and limbs not considered by the contact transitions between
     /// two states is assumed to be already computed, and registered in the solver under the id specified by the user.
@@ -430,6 +430,26 @@ module hpp
                         in  unsigned short comTraj3,
                         in unsigned short numOptimizations) raises (Error);
+    /// Provided a path has already been computed and interpolated, generate a continuous path
+    /// between three indicated states. The states do not need to be consecutive.
+    /// Will fail if the index of the states do not exist
+    /// The path of the COM of thr robot and limbs not considered by the contact transitions between
+    /// two states is assumed to be already computed, and registered in the solver under the id specified by the user.
+    /// It must be valid in the sense of the active PathValidation.
+    /// \param state1 index of first state.
+    /// \param state2 index of end state.
+    /// \param rootPositions1 com positions to track for 1st phase
+    /// \param rootPositions1 com positions to track for 2nd phase
+    /// \param rootPositions1 com positions to track for 3rd phase
+    /// \param numOptimizations Number of iterations of the shortcut algorithm to apply between each states
+    /// \return id of the root path computed
+    floatSeq comRRTFromPosBetweenState(in double state1,in double state2,
+                        in  unsigned short comTraj1,
+                        in  unsigned short comTraj2,
+                        in  unsigned short comTraj3,
+                        in unsigned short numOptimizations) raises (Error);
     /// Provided a path has already been computed and interpolated, generate a continuous path
     /// between two indicated states. The states do not need to be consecutive, but increasing in Id.
     /// Will fail if the index of the states do not exist
@@ -474,8 +494,9 @@ module hpp
     /// Will fail if the index of the state does not exist.
     /// \param state index of first state.
     /// \param targetCom 3D vector for the com position
+    /// \param max_num_sample number of samples that can be used at worst before failing
     /// \return projected configuration
-    floatSeq projectToCom(in double state, in floatSeq targetCom) raises (Error);
+    floatSeq projectToCom(in double state, in floatSeq targetCom, in  unsigned short max_num_sample) raises (Error);
     /// Retrieve the configuration at a given state
     /// between two indicated states. The states do not need to be consecutive, but increasing in Id.
@@ -495,6 +516,12 @@ module hpp
     /// \return whether the limb is in contact at this state
     short isLimbInContactIntermediary(in string limbname, in double state1) raises (Error);
+    /// Generate intermediary state
+    /// \param state1 initial state considered
+    /// \param state2 target state considered
+    /// \return whether the limb is in contact at this state
+    short computeIntermediary(in unsigned short state1, in unsigned short state2) raises (Error);
     /// Saves the last computed states by the function interpolate in a filename.
     /// Raises an error if interpolate has not been called, or the file could not be opened.
     /// \param filename name of the file used to save the contacts.
diff --git a/script/scenarios/demos/siggraph_asia/twister/bezier_traj.py b/script/scenarios/demos/siggraph_asia/twister/bezier_traj.py
index eb2562cc6485d33583d961b691251b369e7f17f1..e076b7c730bb67cb9f4eab43826dfcfe91cac6ed 100644
--- a/script/scenarios/demos/siggraph_asia/twister/bezier_traj.py
+++ b/script/scenarios/demos/siggraph_asia/twister/bezier_traj.py
@@ -2,14 +2,7 @@ from gen_data_from_rbprm import *
 from hpp.corbaserver.rbprm.tools.com_constraints import get_com_constraint
 from hpp.gepetto import PathPlayer
-#computing com bounds 0 and 1
-def __get_com(robot, config):
-    save = robot.getCurrentConfig()
-    robot.setCurrentConfig(config)
-    com = robot.getCenterOfMass()
-    robot.setCurrentConfig(save)
-    return com
+from hpp.corbaserver.rbprm.state_alg  import computeIntermediateState
 from numpy import matrix, asarray
 from numpy.linalg import norm
@@ -47,18 +40,21 @@ def play_all_paths_qs():
         if i % 2 == 0 :
-def test(stateid = 1, path = False, use_rand = False, just_one_curve = False, num_optim = 0, effector = False, mu=0.5) :
-    com_1 = __get_com(fullBody, fullBody.getConfigAtState(stateid))
-    com_2 = __get_com(fullBody, fullBody.getConfigAtState(stateid+1))
+def test(s1,s2, path = False, use_rand = False, just_one_curve = False, num_optim = 0, effector = False, mu=0.5) :
+    q1 = s1.q()
+    q2 = s2.q()
+    stateid = s1.sId
+    stateid1 = s2.sId
+    sInt = computeIntermediateState(s1,s2)
+    com_1 = s1.getCenterOfMass()
+    com_2 = s2.getCenterOfMass()
     createPtBox(viewer.client.gui, 0, com_1, 0.01, [0,1,1,1.])
     createPtBox(viewer.client.gui, 0, com_2, 0.01, [0,1,1,1.])
-    data = gen_sequence_data_from_state(fullBody,stateid,configs, mu = mu)
-    c_bounds_1 = get_com_constraint(fullBody, stateid, fullBody.getConfigAtState(stateid), limbsCOMConstraints, interm = False)
-    c_bounds_mid = get_com_constraint(fullBody, stateid, fullBody.getConfigAtState(stateid), limbsCOMConstraints, interm = True)
-    c_bounds_2 = get_com_constraint(fullBody, stateid, fullBody.getConfigAtState(stateid+1), limbsCOMConstraints, interm = False)
+    data = gen_sequence_data_from_state_objects(s1,s2,sInt,mu = mu)
+    c_bounds_1 =   s1.getComConstraint(limbsCOMConstraints)
+    c_bounds_mid = sInt.getComConstraint(limbsCOMConstraints)
+    c_bounds_2 = s2.getComConstraint(limbsCOMConstraints)
     success, c_mid_1, c_mid_2 = solve_quasi_static(data, c_bounds = [c_bounds_1, c_bounds_2, c_bounds_mid], use_rand = use_rand, mu = mu)
-    #~ success, c_mid_1, c_mid_2 = solve_dyn(data, c_bounds = [c_bounds_1, c_bounds_2, c_bounds_mid], use_rand = use_rand)
-    #~ success, c_mid_1, c_mid_2 = solve_dyn(data, c_bounds = [c_bounds_1, c_bounds_2])
     print "$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ calling effector", effector
     paths_ids = []
@@ -71,15 +67,24 @@ def test(stateid = 1, path = False, use_rand = False, just_one_curve = False, nu
             createPtBox(viewer.client.gui, 0, c_mid_1[0].tolist(), 0.01, [0,1,0,1.])
             createPtBox(viewer.client.gui, 0, c_mid_2[0].tolist(), 0.01, [0,1,0,1.])
-            partions = [0.,0.2,0.8,1.]
+            partions = [0.,0.1,0.9,1.]
             p0 = fullBody.generateCurveTrajParts(bezier_0,partions)
             #testing intermediary configurations 
-            print 'wtf', partions[1], " "
+            print 'paritions:', partions[1], " "
             com_interm1 = curve(partions[1])
             com_interm2 = curve(partions[2])
             print "com_1", com_1
+            print "com_1", curve(partions[0])
+            print "com_interm1", com_interm1
+            print "com_interm2", com_interm2
+            print "com_2", com_2
+            print "com_2", curve(partions[-1])
             success_proj1 = project_com_colfree(fullBody, stateid  , asarray((com_interm1).transpose()).tolist()[0])
-            success_proj2 = project_com_colfree(fullBody, stateid+1, asarray((com_interm2).transpose()).tolist()[0])
+            success_proj2 = project_com_colfree(fullBody, stateid1 , asarray((com_interm2).transpose()).tolist()[0])
+            #~ if success_proj1:
+                #~ q_1 = fullBody.projectToCom(stateid, asarray((com_interm1).transpose()).tolist()[0])
+                #~ viewer(q_1)
             if not success_proj1:
                 print "proj 1 failed"
@@ -92,20 +97,20 @@ def test(stateid = 1, path = False, use_rand = False, just_one_curve = False, nu
             print "p0", p0
             #~ pp.displayPath(p0+1)
             #~ pp.displayPath(p0+2)
-            ppl.displayPath(p0)
-            #~ pp.displayPath(p0+1)
-            #~ pp.displayPath(p0+2)
-            #~ pp.displayPath(p0+3)
+            #~ ppl.displayPath(p0)
+            ppl.displayPath(p0+1)
+            ppl.displayPath(p0+2)
+            ppl.displayPath(p0+3)
-                print "$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ calling effector"
-                paths_ids = [int(el) for el in fullBody.effectorRRT(stateid,p0+1,p0+2,p0+3,num_optim)]
+                assert False, "Cant deal with effectors right now"
+                #~ paths_ids = [int(el) for el in fullBody.effectorRRT(stateid,p0+1,p0+2,p0+3,num_optim)]
-                paths_ids = [int(el) for el in fullBody.comRRTFromPos(stateid,p0+1,p0+2,p0+3,num_optim)]
+                paths_ids = [int(el) for el in fullBody.comRRTFromPosBetweenState(stateid,stateid1,p0+1,p0+2,p0+3,num_optim)]
             success_proj1 = project_com_colfree(fullBody, stateid  , c_mid_1[0].tolist())
-            success_proj2 = project_com_colfree(fullBody, stateid+1, c_mid_2[0].tolist())
+            success_proj2 = project_com_colfree(fullBody, stateid1 , c_mid_2[0].tolist())
             if not success_proj1:
                 print "proj 1 failed"
@@ -127,7 +132,7 @@ def test(stateid = 1, path = False, use_rand = False, just_one_curve = False, nu
-            paths_ids = [int(el) for el in fullBody.comRRTFromPos(stateid,p0,p0+1,p0+2,num_optim)]
+            paths_ids = [int(el) for el in fullBody.comRRTFromPosBetweenState(stateid,stateid1, p0,p0+1,p0+2,num_optim)]
         #~ paths_ids = []
         global allpaths
         allpaths += paths_ids[:-1]
@@ -144,14 +149,14 @@ from hpp.corbaserver.rbprm.tools.path_to_trajectory import *
 def createPtBox(gui, winId, config, res = 0.01, color = [1,1,1,0.3]):
     resolution = res
-    #~ global scene
-    #~ global b_id
-    #~ boxname = scene+"/"+str(b_id)
-    #~ b_id += 1
-    #~ gui.addBox(boxname,resolution,resolution,resolution, color)
-    #~ gui.applyConfiguration(boxname,[config[0],config[1],config[2],1,0,0,0])
-    #~ gui.addSceneToWindow(scene,winId)
-    #~ gui.refresh()
+    global scene
+    global b_id
+    boxname = scene+"/"+str(b_id)
+    b_id += 1
+    gui.addBox(boxname,resolution,resolution,resolution, color)
+    gui.applyConfiguration(boxname,[config[0],config[1],config[2],1,0,0,0])
+    gui.addSceneToWindow(scene,winId)
+    gui.refresh()
 def test_ineq(stateid, constraints, n_samples = 10, color=[1,1,1,1.]):
     Kin = get_com_constraint(fullBody, stateid, fullBody.getConfigAtState(stateid), constraints, interm = False)
@@ -174,27 +179,27 @@ def test_ineq(stateid, constraints, n_samples = 10, color=[1,1,1,1.]):
 #~ test_ineq(0, limbsCOMConstraints, 1000, [0,1,1,1])
-def gen(start = 0, len_con = 1, num_optim = 0, ine_curve =True, s = 1., effector = False, mu =0.5, gen_traj = True):
+def gen(s1, s2, num_optim = 0, ine_curve =True, s = 1., effector = False, mu =0.5, gen_traj = True):
     n_fail = 0;
-    for i in range (start, start+len_con):
-        #~ viewer(configs[i])
-        res =  test(i, True, False, ine_curve,num_optim, effector, mu)
-        if(not res[0]):       
-            print "lp failed"
-            createPtBox(viewer.client.gui, 0, res[1][0], 0.01, [1,0,0,1.])
-            createPtBox(viewer.client.gui, 0, res[2][0], 0.01, [1,0,0,1.])
-            found = False
-            for j in range(10):
-                res = test(i, True, True, ine_curve, num_optim, effector, mu)               
-                createPtBox(viewer.client.gui, 0, res[1][0], 0.01, [0,1,0,1.])
-                createPtBox(viewer.client.gui, 0, res[2][0], 0.01, [0,1,0,1.])
-                if res[0]:
-                    break
-            if not res[0]:
-                n_fail += 1
+    #~ viewer(configs[i])
+    res =  test(s1, s2, True, False, ine_curve,num_optim, effector, mu)
+    if(not res[0]):       
+        print "lp failed"
+        createPtBox(viewer.client.gui, 0, res[1][0], 0.01, [1,0,0,1.])
+        createPtBox(viewer.client.gui, 0, res[2][0], 0.01, [1,0,0,1.])
+        found = False
+        for j in range(1):
+            res = test(s1, s2, True, True, ine_curve, num_optim, effector, mu)               
+            createPtBox(viewer.client.gui, 0, res[1][0], 0.01, [0,1,0,1.])
+            createPtBox(viewer.client.gui, 0, res[2][0], 0.01, [0,1,0,1.])
+            if res[0]:
+                break
+        if not res[0]:
+            n_fail += 1
     print "n_fail ", n_fail
         a = gen_trajectory_to_play(fullBody, ppl, allpaths, flatten([[s*0.2, s* 0.6, s* 0.2] for _ in range(len(allpaths) / 3)]))
+        #~ a = gen_trajectory_to_play(fullBody, ppl, allpaths, flatten([[s] for _ in range(len(allpaths) )]))
         return a
@@ -432,83 +437,23 @@ com_acc = [0.,0.,0.]
 vels = []
 accs = []
-#~ test_ineq(0,{ rLegId : {'file': "hrp2/RL_com.ineq", 'effector' : 'RLEG_JOINT5'}}, 1000, [1,0,0,1])
-#~ test_ineq(0,{ lLegId : {'file': "hrp2/LL_com.ineq", 'effector' : 'LLEG_JOINT5'}}, 1000, [0,0,1,1])
-#~ gen(0,1)
 path = []
 a_s = []
-def go(sid, rg = 2, num_optim = 0, mu = 0.6, window = 2, s = None):
-    global com_vel
-    global com_acc
-    global vels
-    global accs
-    global path
-    global a_s
-    a = []
-    for l in range(sid,sid+rg):
-        print "STATE ", l
-        s = max(norm(array(fullBody.getConfigAtState(sid+1)) - array(fullBody.getConfigAtState(sid))), 1.) * 1
-        a,com_vel,com_acc = gen_several_states_partial(l,window,mu=mu,num_optim=num_optim, s=s,init_vel=com_vel, init_acc=com_acc, path=True)
-        a_s+=[a]
-        vels += [com_vel[:]]
-        accs += [com_acc[:]]
-    print "STATE ", sid+rg
-    #~ path,com_vel,com_acc = gen_several_states(sid+rg,1,mu=mu,num_optim=num_optim, s=s,init_vel=com_vel, init_acc=com_acc)
-    vels += [com_vel[:]]
-    accs += [com_acc[:]]
-    return a
-def go_stop(sid, rg = 2, num_optim = 0, mu = 0.6, window = 2, s = None):
-	global com_vel
-	global com_acc
-	global vels
-	global accs
-	global path
-	global a_s
-	a = []
-	for l in range(sid,sid+rg):
-		print "STATE ", l		
-		s = max(norm(array(fullBody.getConfigAtState(sid+1)) - array(fullBody.getConfigAtState(sid))), 1.) * 1
-		a,com_vel,com_acc = gen_several_states_partial(l,window,mu=mu,num_optim=num_optim, s=s,init_vel=com_vel, init_acc=com_acc, path=True)
-		a_s+=[a]
-		vels += [com_vel[:]]
-		accs += [com_acc[:]]
-	print "STATE ", sid+rg
-	s = max(norm(array(configs[sid+rg+1]) - array(configs[sid+rg])), 1.) * 1
-	a,com_vel,com_acc = gen_several_states(sid+rg,1,mu=mu,num_optim=num_optim, s=s,init_vel=com_vel, init_acc=com_acc)
-	a_s+=[a]
-	vels += [com_vel[:]]
-	accs += [com_acc[:]]
-	return a
-def go0(sid, rg, num_optim = 0, mu = 0.6, s =None):
-    global com_vel
-    global com_acc
-    global vels
-    global accs
-    global path
-    if s == None:
-        s = max(norm(array(fullBody.getConfigAtState(sid+1)) - array(fullBody.getConfigAtState(sid))), 1.) * 1.5
-        print "$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ S $$$$$$$$ *********************444444444444444444444444444 ", s
-    for i in range(rg):
-        path = gen(sid+i,1,mu=mu,num_optim=num_optim, s=s)
-    return path
-def go2(sid, rg = 1, num_optim = 0, mu = 0.5, t =2, s =None):
+def go0(states, num_optim = 0, mu = 0.6, s =None):
     global com_vel
     global com_acc
     global vels
     global accs
-    global path
-    for i in range(rg):
-		if s == None:
-			s = max(norm(array(fullBody.getConfigAtState(sid+1)) - array(fullBody.getConfigAtState(sid))), 1.) * 0.6
-			print "$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ S $$$$$$$$ ", s
-		path,com_vel,com_acc = gen_several_states(sid+i,sid+i+t,mu=mu,num_optim=num_optim, s=s,init_vel=com_vel, init_acc=com_acc)
-		vels += [com_vel[:]]
-		accs += [com_acc[:]]
+    global path    
+    sc = s
+    for i, el in enumerate(states[:-1]):
+        if s == None:
+            sc = max(norm(array(states[i+1].q()) - array(el.q())), 1.) * 1
+        path = gen(el,states[i+1],mu=mu,num_optim=num_optim, s=sc)
     return path
 def reset():
     global com_vel
diff --git a/script/scenarios/demos/siggraph_asia/twister/twister_spidey.py b/script/scenarios/demos/siggraph_asia/twister/twister_spidey.py
index da4764fa39aa11f3e32285497cec8a0bb4f1d92c..5ebb8f1c9c1d023f2b24083af71f8054f60815e7 100644
--- a/script/scenarios/demos/siggraph_asia/twister/twister_spidey.py
+++ b/script/scenarios/demos/siggraph_asia/twister/twister_spidey.py
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ q_0 = fullBody.getCurrentConfig(); r(q_0)
 q_init = fullBody.getCurrentConfig(); q_init[0:7] = path_planner.q_init[0:7]
 q_goal = fullBody.getCurrentConfig(); q_goal[0:7] = path_planner.q_goal[0:7]
-#~ q_init = fullBody.generateContacts(q_init, [0,0,1])
+q_init = fullBody.generateContacts(q_init, [0,0,1])
 qs = []
 fb = fullBody
 ttp = path_planner
@@ -45,45 +45,44 @@ s1 = State(fullBody,q=q_init, limbsIncontact = [rLegId])
 q0 = s1.q()[:]
-def test(p, n):
-    global s1
-    t0 = time.clock()
-    a, success = addNewContact(s1,rLegId,p, n)
-    print "projecttion successfull ? ", success
-    t1 = time.clock()
-    val, com = isContactReachable(s1, rLegId,p, n,  limbsCOMConstraints)
-    t2 = time.clock()
-    print 'is reachable ? ', val, com
-    if(val):
-        com[2]+=0.1
-        if(success > 0):
-            print 'a > 0'
-            t3 = time.clock()
-            q = fullBody.projectStateToCOM(a.sId, com.tolist())
-            t4=  time.clock()
-            r(a.q())
-        else:
-            print "using s1 ", s1.sId
-            t3 = time.clock()
-            q = fullBody.projectStateToCOM(s1.sId, com.tolist())
-            t4=  time.clock()
-            a, succ = addNewContact(s1,rLegId,p, n)
-            print "success projection ??", succ
-            if (succ):
-                r(a.q())
-        print "time to addnc", t2 - t1
-        print "projectcom succesfull ?", q
-        print "time to check reachable", t3- t2
-        print "time to project", t4- t3
+#~ def test(p, n):
+    #~ global s1
+    #~ t0 = time.clock()
+    #~ a, success = addNewContact(s1,rLegId,p, n)
+    #~ print "projecttion successfull ? ", success
+    #~ t1 = time.clock()
+    #~ val, com = isContactReachable(s1, rLegId,p, n,  limbsCOMConstraints)
+    #~ t2 = time.clock()
+    #~ print 'is reachable ? ', val, com
+    #~ if(val):
+        #~ com[2]+=0.1
+        #~ if(success > 0):
+            #~ print 'a > 0'
+            #~ t3 = time.clock()
+            #~ q = fullBody.projectStateToCOM(a.sId, com.tolist())
+            #~ t4=  time.clock()
+            #~ r(a.q())
+        #~ else:
+            #~ print "using s1 ", s1.sId
+            #~ t3 = time.clock()
+            #~ q = fullBody.projectStateToCOM(s1.sId, com.tolist())
+            #~ t4=  time.clock()
+            #~ a, succ = addNewContact(s1,rLegId,p, n)
+            #~ if (succ):
+                #~ r(a.q())
+        #~ print "time to addnc", t2 - t1
+        #~ print "projectcom succesfull ?", q
+        #~ print "time to check reachable", t3- t2
+        #~ print "time to project", t4- t3
 a = computeAffordanceCentroids(tp.afftool, ["Support"]) 
-def computeNext(state, limb, max_num_samples = 10):
+def computeNext(state, limb, projectToCom = False, max_num_samples = 10):
     global a
     t1 = time.clock()
     #~ candidates = [el for el in a if isContactReachable(state, limb, el[0], el[1], limbsCOMConstraints)[0] ]
     #~ print "num candidates", len(candidates)
     #~ t3 = time.clock()
-    results = [addNewContactIfReachable(state, limb, el[0], el[1], limbsCOMConstraints, max_num_samples) for el in a]
+    results = [addNewContactIfReachable(state, limb, el[0], el[1], limbsCOMConstraints, projectToCom, max_num_samples) for el in a]
     t2 = time.clock()
     #~ t4 = time.clock()
     resultsFinal = [el[0] for el in results if el[1]]
@@ -114,11 +113,34 @@ def plot_feasible(state):
 i = 0
 s0 = removeContact(s1,rLegId)[0]
-res = computeNext(s1, rLegId)
-s1 = res[2]
-s2 = removeContact(s1,lLegId)[0]
-res = computeNext(s0,larmId)
+s_init =  computeNext(s0,rLegId, True,20)
+res = computeNext(s0,larmId, True,20)
+s1 = res[0]
+#~ res2 = computeNext(s1,rarmId, True,20)
+s2 = computeNext(s1,rarmId, True,100)[0]
 #~ s2 = removeContact(s2,rLegId)[0]
 #~ s3 = computeNext(s2, larmId)[0]
 #~ go0(s2.sId,1, s=1)
 #~ plot_feasible(s1)
+from time import sleep
+def play():
+    for i,el in enumerate(all_states):
+        r(el.q())
+        sleep(0.5)
+    i = len(all_states)-1;
+    for j in range(i+1):
+        print "ij,sum", i, j, i-j
+        r(all_states[i-j].q())
+        sleep(0.5)
+print "init valid ?", fullBody.isConfigValid(s1.q())
+print "end valid ?", fullBody.isConfigValid(s2.q())
+path = go0([s2,s1], mu=0.3,num_optim=1)
diff --git a/src/hpp/corbaserver/rbprm/rbprmfullbody.py b/src/hpp/corbaserver/rbprm/rbprmfullbody.py
index eb01bde4c1cd5db4e834ab4058dcaeb839790a8f..16271ea497d5792a26074af2a61d2d6cbd429304 100755
--- a/src/hpp/corbaserver/rbprm/rbprmfullbody.py
+++ b/src/hpp/corbaserver/rbprm/rbprmfullbody.py
@@ -572,6 +572,21 @@ class FullBody (object):
      def comRRTFromPos(self, state1, comPos1, comPos2, comPos3, numOptim = 10):
           return self.client.rbprm.rbprm.comRRTFromPos(state1, comPos1, comPos2, comPos3, numOptim)
+     ## Provided a path has already been computed and interpolated, generate a continuous path
+     # between two indicated states. The states do not need to be consecutive, but increasing in Id.
+     # Will fail if the index of the states do not exist
+     # The path of the COM of thr robot and limbs not considered by the contact transitions between
+     # two states is assumed to be already computed, and registered in the solver under the id specified by the user.
+     # It must be valid in the sense of the active PathValidation.
+     # \param state1 index of first state.
+     # \param rootPositions1 com positions to track for 1st phase
+     # \param rootPositions1 com positions to track for 2nd phase
+     # \param rootPositions1 com positions to track for 3rd phase
+     # \param numOptimizations Number of iterations of the shortcut algorithm to apply between each states
+     # \return id of the root path computed
+     def comRRTFromPosBetweenState(self, state1, state2, comPos1, comPos2, comPos3, numOptim = 10):
+          return self.client.rbprm.rbprm.comRRTFromPosBetweenState(state1, state2, comPos1, comPos2, comPos3, numOptim)
      ## Provided a path has already been computed and interpolated, generate a continuous path
      # between two indicated states. The states do not need to be consecutive, but increasing in Id.
@@ -610,8 +625,8 @@ class FullBody (object):
      # \param state index of first state.
      # \param targetCom 3D vector for the com position
      # \return projected configuration
-     def projectToCom(self, state, targetCom):
-          return self.client.rbprm.rbprm.projectToCom(state, targetCom)     
+     def projectToCom(self, state, targetCom, maxNumSample = 0):
+          return self.client.rbprm.rbprm.projectToCom(state, targetCom, maxNumSample)     
      ## Returns the configuration at a given state
      # Will fail if the index of the state does not exist.
@@ -625,8 +640,8 @@ class FullBody (object):
      # \param state index of first state.
      # \param targetCom 3D vector for the com position
      # \return whether the projection was successful
-     def projectStateToCOM(self, state, targetCom):
-          return self.client.rbprm.rbprm.projectStateToCOM(state, targetCom)     > 0
+     def projectStateToCOM(self, state, targetCom, maxNumSample = 0):
+          return self.client.rbprm.rbprm.projectStateToCOM(state, targetCom, maxNumSample)     > 0
      ## Project a given state into a given COM position
      # and update the state configuration.
diff --git a/src/hpp/corbaserver/rbprm/rbprmstate.py b/src/hpp/corbaserver/rbprm/rbprmstate.py
index 81c0a218da27eaf46b990492438bed70f960285f..93c1b6796dca090aa87d9b9e6f3e25c8a0d38578 100644
--- a/src/hpp/corbaserver/rbprm/rbprmstate.py
+++ b/src/hpp/corbaserver/rbprm/rbprmstate.py
@@ -132,5 +132,11 @@ class State (object):
             self.H_h =  array(rawdata)
         return self.H_h[:,:-1], self.H_h[:, -1]
+    def projectToCOM(self, targetCom, toNewState=False):
+        if toNewState:
+            return self.client.rbprm.rbprm.projectToCom(self.sId, targetCom)     
+        else:
+            return self.client.rbprm.rbprm.projectStateToCOM(self.sId, targetCom)     > 0
     def getComConstraint(self, limbsCOMConstraints, exceptList = []):
         return get_com_constraint(self.fullBody, self.sId, self.cl.getConfigAtState(self.sId), limbsCOMConstraints, interm = self.isIntermediate, exceptList = exceptList)
diff --git a/src/hpp/corbaserver/rbprm/state_alg.py b/src/hpp/corbaserver/rbprm/state_alg.py
index 6566e0732ac3125ec60d5cf24fce7912d478194d..e27db3552c34e4608734138cb15227eb68db01f3 100644
--- a/src/hpp/corbaserver/rbprm/state_alg.py
+++ b/src/hpp/corbaserver/rbprm/state_alg.py
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
 # <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
 from hpp.corbaserver.rbprm.rbprmstate import State
-from lp_find_point import find_valid_c_cwc, lp_ineq_4D
+from lp_find_point import find_valid_c_cwc, find_valid_c_cwc_qp, lp_ineq_4D
 from hpp.corbaserver.rbprm.tools.com_constraints import *
 ## algorithmic methods on state
@@ -57,6 +57,15 @@ def isContactReachable(state, limbName, p, n, limbsCOMConstraints):
     return (res[3] >= 0), res[0:3]
+## Computes the intermediary state between two states
+## that is the state where the broken configuration have been remove
+# \param sfrom init state
+# \param sto target state
+# \return whether the creation was successful, as well as the new state
+def computeIntermediateState(sfrom, sto):
+    sid = sfrom.cl.computeIntermediary(sfrom.sId, sto.sId)
+    return State(sfrom.fullBody, sid, False)
 ## tries to add a new contact to the state
 ## if the limb is already in contact, replace the 
 ## previous contact. Only considers kinematic limitations.
@@ -66,8 +75,8 @@ def isContactReachable(state, limbName, p, n, limbsCOMConstraints):
 # \param p 3d position of the point
 # \param n 3d normal of the contact location center
 # \return (State, success) whether the creation was successful, as well as the new state
-def addNewContact(state, limbName, p, n):
-    sId = state.cl.addNewContact(state.sId, limbName, p, n)
+def addNewContact(state, limbName, p, n, num_max_sample = 0):
+    sId = state.cl.addNewContact(state.sId, limbName, p, n, num_max_sample)
     if(sId != -1):
         return State(state.fullBody, sId = sId), True
     return state, False
@@ -79,10 +88,14 @@ def addNewContact(state, limbName, p, n):
 # \param state State considered
 # \param limbName name of the considered limb to create contact with
 # \return (State, success) whether the removal was successful, as well as the new state
-def removeContact(state, limbName):
+def removeContact(state, limbName, projectToCOM = False):
     sId = state.cl.removeContact(state.sId, limbName)
-    if(sId != -1):
-        return State(state.fullBody, sId = sId), True
+    if(sId != -1):        
+        s = State(state.fullBody, sId = sId)
+        if projectToCOM:
+            return s, projectToFeasibleCom(s, ddc =[0.,0.,0.], max_num_samples = 10, friction = 0.6)
+        else:
+            return s, True
     return state, False
 ## tries to add a new contact to the state
@@ -94,10 +107,37 @@ def removeContact(state, limbName):
 # \param limbName name of the considered limb to create contact with
 # \param p 3d position of the point
 # \param n 3d normal of the contact location center
+# \param max_num_samples max number of sampling in case projection ends up in collision
 # \return (State, success) whether the creation was successful, as well as the new state
-def addNewContactIfReachable(state, limbName, p, n, limbsCOMConstraints):
+def addNewContactIfReachable(state, limbName, p, n, limbsCOMConstraints, projectToCom = False, max_num_samples = 0):
     ok, res  = isContactReachable(state, limbName, p, n, limbsCOMConstraints)
-        return addNewContact(state, limbName, p, n)
+        s, success = addNewContact(state, limbName, p, n, max_num_samples)
+        if success and projectToCom:
+            success = projectToFeasibleCom(s, ddc =[0.,0.,0.], max_num_samples = max_num_samples, friction = 0.6)
+        return s, success
         return state, False
+## Project a state to a static equilibrium location
+# \param state State considered
+# \param ddc name considered acceleeration (null by default)
+# \param max_num_samples max number of sampling in case projection ends up in collision
+# \param friction considered friction coefficient
+# \return whether the projection was successful
+def projectToFeasibleCom(state, ddc =[0.,0.,0.], max_num_samples = 10, friction = 0.6):
+    H, h = state.getContactCone(friction)
+    c_ref = state.getCenterOfMass()
+    res = find_valid_c_cwc_qp(H, c_ref, ddc, state.fullBody.getMass())
+    if res['success']:
+        x = res['x'].tolist()
+        x[2] += 0.5
+        for i in range(10):
+            if state.fullBody.projectStateToCOM(state.sId ,x, max_num_samples):
+                print "success after " + str(i) + " trials"
+                return True
+            else:
+                x[2]-=0.05
+    else:
+        print "qp failed"
+    return False;
diff --git a/src/rbprmbuilder.impl.cc b/src/rbprmbuilder.impl.cc
index e13e7aea7f829e5d646d2b626e277df5bee1530c..449c21bd15174d71308f9bced523870c44e40fd4 100755
--- a/src/rbprmbuilder.impl.cc
+++ b/src/rbprmbuilder.impl.cc
@@ -605,7 +605,26 @@ namespace hpp {
-    double RbprmBuilder::projectStateToCOMEigen(unsigned short stateId, const model::Configuration_t& com_target) throw (hpp::Error)
+    rbprm::T_Limb GetFreeLimbs(const RbPrmFullBodyPtr_t fullBody, const hpp::rbprm::State &from, const hpp::rbprm::State &to)
+    {
+        rbprm::T_Limb res;
+        std::vector<std::string> fixedContacts = to.fixedContacts(from);
+        std::vector<std::string> variations = to.contactVariations(from);
+        for(rbprm::CIT_Limb cit = fullBody->GetLimbs().begin();
+            cit != fullBody->GetLimbs().end(); ++cit)
+        {
+            if(std::find(fixedContacts.begin(), fixedContacts.end(), cit->first) == fixedContacts.end())
+            {
+                if(std::find(variations.begin(), variations.end(), cit->first) != variations.end())
+                {
+                    res.insert(*cit);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        return res;
+    }
+    double RbprmBuilder::projectStateToCOMEigen(unsigned short stateId, const model::Configuration_t& com_target, unsigned short maxNumeSamples) throw (hpp::Error)
@@ -614,9 +633,27 @@ namespace hpp {
                 throw std::runtime_error ("Unexisting state " + std::string(""+(stateId)));
             State s = lastStatesComputed_[stateId];
-            bool succes (false);
-            hpp::model::Configuration_t c = rbprm::interpolation::projectOnCom(fullBody_, problemSolver_->problem(),s,com_target,succes);
-            if(succes)
+//            /hpp::model::Configuration_t c = rbprm::interpolation::projectOnCom(fullBody_, problemSolver_->problem(),s,com_target,succes);
+            rbprm::projection::ProjectionReport rep = rbprm::projection::projectToComPosition(fullBody_,com_target,s);
+            hpp::model::Configuration_t& c = rep.result_.configuration_;
+            ValidationReportPtr_t rport (ValidationReportPtr_t(new CollisionValidationReport));
+            CollisionValidationPtr_t val = fullBody_->GetCollisionValidation();
+            rep.success_ =  rep.success_ &&  val->validate(rep.result_.configuration_,rport);
+            if (! rep.success_ && maxNumeSamples>0)
+            {
+                Configuration_t head = s.configuration_.head<7>();
+                BasicConfigurationShooterPtr_t shooter = BasicConfigurationShooter::create(fullBody_->device_);
+                for(std::size_t i =0; !rep.success_ && i< maxNumeSamples; ++i)
+                {
+                    s.configuration_ = *shooter->shoot();
+                    s.configuration_.head<7>() = head;
+                    //c = rbprm::interpolation::projectOnCom(fullBody_, problemSolver_->problem(),s,com_target,succes);
+                    rep = rbprm::projection::projectToComPosition(fullBody_,com_target,s);
+                    rep.success_ = rep.success_ && val->validate(rep.result_.configuration_,rport);
+                    c = rep.result_.configuration_;
+                }
+            }
+            if(rep.success_)
                 lastStatesComputed_[stateId].configuration_ = c;
                 lastStatesComputedTime_[stateId].second.configuration_ = c;
@@ -655,10 +692,10 @@ namespace hpp {
         return lastStatesComputed_.size()-1;
-    double RbprmBuilder::projectStateToCOM(unsigned short stateId, const hpp::floatSeq& com) throw (hpp::Error)
+    double RbprmBuilder::projectStateToCOM(unsigned short stateId, const hpp::floatSeq& com, unsigned short max_num_sample) throw (hpp::Error)
         model::Configuration_t com_target = dofArrayToConfig (3, com);
-        return projectStateToCOMEigen(stateId, com_target);
+        return projectStateToCOMEigen(stateId, com_target, max_num_sample);
     hpp::floatSeq* RbprmBuilder::generateContacts(const hpp::floatSeq& configuration,
@@ -1779,25 +1816,30 @@ assert(s2 == s1 +1);
-    core::Configuration_t project_or_throw(rbprm::RbPrmFullBodyPtr_t fulllBody, ProblemPtr_t problem, const State& state, const fcl::Vec3f& targetCom)
+    core::Configuration_t project_or_throw(rbprm::RbPrmFullBodyPtr_t fulllBody, const State& state, const fcl::Vec3f& targetCom, const bool checkCollision = false)
-        bool success(false);
-        core::Configuration_t res = rbprm::interpolation::projectOnCom(fulllBody, problem,state,targetCom, success);
-        if(!success)
+        rbprm::projection::ProjectionReport rep;
+        if(checkCollision)
+            rep =rbprm::projection::projectToColFreeComPosition(fulllBody, targetCom, state);
+        else
+            rep= rbprm::projection::projectToComPosition(fulllBody, targetCom, state);
+        core::Configuration_t res = rep.result_.configuration_;
+        if(!rep.success_)
+            std::cout << "projection failed in project or throw " << std::endl;
             throw std::runtime_error("could not project state on COM constraint");
         return res;
-    hpp::floatSeq* RbprmBuilder::rrt(t_rrt functor,  double state1,
+    hpp::floatSeq* RbprmBuilder::rrt(t_rrt functor,  double state1, double state2,
                                     unsigned short cT1, unsigned short cT2, unsigned short cT3,
                                     unsigned short numOptimizations)  throw (hpp::Error)
             std::vector<CORBA::Short> pathsIds;
-            std::size_t s1((std::size_t)state1), s2((std::size_t)state1+1);
+            std::size_t s1((std::size_t)state1), s2((std::size_t)state2);
             if(lastStatesComputed_.size () < s1 || lastStatesComputed_.size () < s2 )
                 throw std::runtime_error ("did not find a states at indicated indices: " + std::string(""+s1) + ", " + std::string(""+s2));
@@ -1807,24 +1849,60 @@ assert(s2 == s1 +1);
                 throw std::runtime_error("in comRRTFromPos, at least one com trajectory is not present in problem solver");
+            std::cout << "com 0 " << paths[cT1]->initial().head<3>().transpose() << std::endl;
+            std::cout << "com 1 " << paths[cT1]->end().head<3>().transpose() << std::endl;
+            std::cout << "com 2 " << paths[cT2]->initial().head<3>().transpose() << std::endl;
+            std::cout << "com 3 " << paths[cT2]->end().head<3>().transpose() << std::endl;
+            std::cout << "com 4 " << paths[cT3]->initial().head<3>().transpose() << std::endl;
+            std::cout << "com 5 " << paths[cT3]->end().head<3>().transpose() << std::endl;
             State& state1=lastStatesComputed_[s1], state2=lastStatesComputed_[s2];
             State s1Bis(state1);
-            s1Bis.configuration_ = project_or_throw(fullBody_, problemSolver_->problem(),s1Bis,paths[cT1]->end().head<3>());
+            s1Bis.configuration_ = project_or_throw(fullBody_, s1Bis,paths[cT1]->end().head<3>(), true);
+            std::cout << "projection succeedded " << paths[cT1]->end().head<3>() << std::endl;
             State s2Bis(state2);
-            s2Bis.configuration_ = project_or_throw(fullBody_, problemSolver_->problem(),s2Bis,paths[cT2]->end().head<3>());
+            s2Bis.configuration_ = project_or_throw(fullBody_, s2Bis,paths[cT2]->end().head<3>(), true);
             core::PathVectorPtr_t resPath = core::PathVector::create(fullBody_->device_->configSize(), fullBody_->device_->numberDof());
+            std::cout << "projection succeedded " << paths[cT2]->end().head<3>() << std::endl;
+           /* ValidationReportPtr_t rport (ValidationReportPtr_t(new CollisionValidationReport));
-            ValidationReportPtr_t rport (ValidationReportPtr_t(new CollisionValidationReport));
-            fullBody_->device_->currentConfiguration(s1Bis.configuration_);
-            if(!(problemSolver_->problem()->configValidations()->validate(s1Bis.configuration_, rport)
-                    && problemSolver_->problem()->configValidations()->validate(s2Bis.configuration_, rport)))
+            BasicConfigurationShooterPtr_t shooter = BasicConfigurationShooter::create(fullBody_->device_);
+            bool found = false;
+            for (int i = 0; i< 100 && !found;  ++i)
+            {
+                fullBody_->device_->currentConfiguration(s1Bis.configuration_);
+                found =problemSolver_->problem()->configValidations()->validate(s1Bis.configuration_, rport);
+                if(!found)
+                {
+                    std::cout << "collission " << *rport << std::endl;
+                    s1Bis.configuration_ = *shooter->shoot();
+                    s1Bis.configuration_ = project_or_throw(fullBody_, s1Bis,paths[cT1]->end().head<3>());
+                    std::cout << "projection succeedded " << paths[cT1]->end().head<3>() << std::endl;
+                }
+            }
+            if(found)
+                std::cout << "got out ! " << std::endl;
+            bool found2 = false;
+            for (int i = 0; i< 100 && found && !found2; ++i)
+            {
+                fullBody_->device_->currentConfiguration(s2Bis.configuration_);
+                found2 =problemSolver_->problem()->configValidations()->validate(s2Bis.configuration_, rport);
+                if(!found2)
+                {
+                    std::cout << "collission " << *rport << std::endl;
+                    s2Bis.configuration_ = *shooter->shoot();
+                    s2Bis.configuration_ = project_or_throw(fullBody_, s2Bis,paths[cT2]->end().head<3>());
+                    std::cout << "projection succeedded " << paths[cT2]->end().head<3>() << std::endl;
+                }
+            }
+            if(!found || !found2)
                 std::cout << "could not project without collision at state " << s1  << std::endl;
 //throw std::runtime_error ("could not project without collision at state " + s1 );
-            }
+            }*/
                 core::PathPtr_t p1 = interpolation::comRRT(fullBody_,problemSolver_->problem(), paths[cT1],
@@ -1836,6 +1914,7 @@ assert(s2 == s1 +1);
                 PathPtr_t reducedPath = core::SubchainPath::create(p1,intervals);
+                std::cout << "PATH 1 OK " << std::endl;
@@ -1849,6 +1928,7 @@ assert(s2 == s1 +1);
                 PathPtr_t reducedPath = core::SubchainPath::create(p2,intervals);
+                std::cout << "PATH 2 OK " << std::endl;
             //if(s2Bis.configuration_ != state2.configuration_)
@@ -1862,6 +1942,7 @@ assert(s2 == s1 +1);
                 PathPtr_t reducedPath = core::SubchainPath::create(p3,intervals);
+                std::cout << "PATH 3 OK " << std::endl;
@@ -1885,7 +1966,17 @@ assert(s2 == s1 +1);
                                                unsigned short cT3,
                                                unsigned short numOptimizations) throw (hpp::Error)
-        return rrt(&interpolation::comRRT, state1, cT1, cT2, cT3, numOptimizations);
+        return rrt(&interpolation::comRRT, state1,state1+1, cT1, cT2, cT3, numOptimizations);
+    }
+    hpp::floatSeq* RbprmBuilder::comRRTFromPosBetweenState(double state1, double state2,
+                                               unsigned short cT1,
+                                               unsigned short cT2,
+                                               unsigned short cT3,
+                                               unsigned short numOptimizations) throw (hpp::Error)
+    {
+        return rrt(&interpolation::comRRT, state1,state2, cT1, cT2, cT3, numOptimizations);
@@ -1895,7 +1986,7 @@ assert(s2 == s1 +1);
                                              unsigned short cT3,
                                              unsigned short numOptimizations) throw (hpp::Error)
-        return rrt(&interpolation::effectorRRT, state1, cT1, cT2, cT3, numOptimizations);
+        return rrt(&interpolation::effectorRRT, state1, state1+1, cT1, cT2, cT3, numOptimizations);
     hpp::floatSeq* RbprmBuilder::effectorRRTFromPath(double state1,
@@ -1954,7 +2045,7 @@ assert(s2 == s1 +1);
-    hpp::floatSeq* RbprmBuilder::projectToCom(double state, const hpp::floatSeq& targetCom) throw (hpp::Error)
+    hpp::floatSeq* RbprmBuilder::projectToCom(double state, const hpp::floatSeq& targetCom, unsigned short max_num_sample) throw (hpp::Error)
@@ -1964,7 +2055,7 @@ assert(s2 == s1 +1);
             model::Configuration_t config = dofArrayToConfig (std::size_t(3), targetCom);
             fcl::Vec3f comTarget; for(int i =0; i<3; ++i) comTarget[i] = config[i];
-            model::Configuration_t  res = project_or_throw(fullBody_,problemSolver_->problem(), lastStatesComputed_[state],comTarget);
+            model::Configuration_t  res = project_or_throw(fullBody_, lastStatesComputed_[state],comTarget);
             hpp::floatSeq* dofArray = new hpp::floatSeq();
             for(std::size_t i=0; i< res.rows(); ++i)
@@ -2201,6 +2292,30 @@ assert(s2 == s1 +1);
+    CORBA::Short  RbprmBuilder::computeIntermediary(unsigned short stateFrom, unsigned short stateTo) throw (hpp::Error)
+    try
+    {
+        std::size_t s((std::size_t)stateFrom);
+        std::size_t s2((std::size_t)stateTo);
+        if(lastStatesComputed_.size () < s+1 || lastStatesComputed_.size () < s2+1)
+        {
+            throw std::runtime_error ("did not find a states at indicated indices: " + std::string(""+s));
+        }
+        const State& state1 = lastStatesComputed_[s];
+        const State& state2 = lastStatesComputed_[s2];
+        bool unused;
+        short unsigned cId = s;
+        const State state = intermediary(state1, state2,cId,unused);
+        lastStatesComputed_.push_back(state);
+        lastStatesComputedTime_.push_back(std::make_pair(-1., state));
+        return lastStatesComputed_.size() -1;
+    }
+    catch(std::runtime_error& e)
+    {
+        throw Error(e.what());
+    }
     hpp::floatSeq* RbprmBuilder::getOctreeTransform(const char* limbName, const hpp::floatSeq& configuration) throw (hpp::Error)
@@ -2418,13 +2533,19 @@ assert(s2 == s1 +1);
             fcl::Vec3f n; for(int i =0; i<3; ++i) n[i] = config[i];
             projection::ProjectionReport rep = projection::projectStateToObstacle(fullBody_,limb, fullBody_->GetLimbs().at(limb), ns, n,p);
+            ValidationReportPtr_t rport (ValidationReportPtr_t(new CollisionValidationReport));
+            CollisionValidationPtr_t val = fullBody_->GetCollisionValidation();
+            rep.success_ =  rep.success_ &&  val->validate(rep.result_.configuration_,rport);
             if (!rep.success_ && max_num_sample > 0)
                 BasicConfigurationShooterPtr_t shooter = BasicConfigurationShooter::create(fullBody_->device_);
+                Configuration_t head = ns.configuration_.head<7>();
                 for(std::size_t i =0; !rep.success_ && i< max_num_sample; ++i)
                     ns.configuration_ = *shooter->shoot();
+                    ns.configuration_.head<7>() = head;
                     rep = projection::projectStateToObstacle(fullBody_,limb, fullBody_->GetLimbs().at(limb), ns, n,p);
+                    rep.success_ = rep.success_ && val->validate(rep.result_.configuration_,rport);
diff --git a/src/rbprmbuilder.impl.hh b/src/rbprmbuilder.impl.hh
index 4f290f2ef5a2ac8f70106828c6d9419ee8758f45..43fc6fba098f57ec0bffb1e84a49c344eb2ce68c 100755
--- a/src/rbprmbuilder.impl.hh
+++ b/src/rbprmbuilder.impl.hh
@@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ namespace hpp {
             (RbPrmFullBodyPtr_t, core::ProblemPtr_t, const core::PathPtr_t,
              const  State &, const State &, const  std::size_t, const bool);
-        hpp::floatSeq* rrt(t_rrt functor ,double state1,
+        hpp::floatSeq* rrt(t_rrt functor ,double state1,double state2,
                            unsigned short comTraj1, unsigned short comTraj2, unsigned short comTraj3,
                            unsigned short numOptimizations) throw (hpp::Error);
@@ -187,6 +187,11 @@ namespace hpp {
                                            unsigned short comTraj2,
                                            unsigned short comTraj3,
                                            unsigned short numOptimizations) throw (hpp::Error);
+        virtual hpp::floatSeq* comRRTFromPosBetweenState(double state1,double state2,
+                                           unsigned short comTraj1,
+                                           unsigned short comTraj2,
+                                           unsigned short comTraj3,
+                                           unsigned short numOptimizations) throw (hpp::Error);
         virtual hpp::floatSeq* effectorRRT(double state1,
                                            unsigned short comTraj1,
                                            unsigned short comTraj2,
@@ -201,17 +206,18 @@ namespace hpp {
                                            unsigned short comTraj3,
                                            unsigned short numOptimizations,
                                            const hpp::Names_t& trackedEffectors) throw (hpp::Error);
-        virtual hpp::floatSeq* projectToCom(double state, const hpp::floatSeq& targetCom) throw (hpp::Error);
+        virtual hpp::floatSeq* projectToCom(double state, const hpp::floatSeq& targetCom, unsigned short max_num_sample) throw (hpp::Error);
         virtual CORBA::Short createState(const hpp::floatSeq& configuration, const hpp::Names_t& contactLimbs) throw (hpp::Error);
         virtual hpp::floatSeq* getConfigAtState(unsigned short stateId) throw (hpp::Error);
         virtual double setConfigAtState(unsigned short stateId, const hpp::floatSeq& config) throw (hpp::Error);
-        double projectStateToCOMEigen(unsigned short stateId, const model::Configuration_t& com_target)throw (hpp::Error);
-        virtual double projectStateToCOM(unsigned short stateId, const hpp::floatSeq& com) throw (hpp::Error);
+        double projectStateToCOMEigen(unsigned short stateId, const model::Configuration_t& com_target, unsigned short maxNumeSamples)throw (hpp::Error);
+        virtual double projectStateToCOM(unsigned short stateId, const hpp::floatSeq& com, unsigned short max_num_sample) throw (hpp::Error);
         virtual void saveComputedStates(const char* filepath) throw (hpp::Error);
         virtual void saveLimbDatabase(const char* limbname,const char* filepath) throw (hpp::Error);
         virtual hpp::floatSeq* getOctreeBox(const char* limbName, double sampleId) throw (hpp::Error);
         virtual CORBA::Short  isLimbInContact(const char* limbName, double state) throw (hpp::Error);
         virtual CORBA::Short  isLimbInContactIntermediary(const char* limbName, double state) throw (hpp::Error);
+        virtual CORBA::Short  computeIntermediary(unsigned short state1, unsigned short state2) throw (hpp::Error);
         virtual hpp::floatSeqSeq* getOctreeBoxes(const char* limbName, const hpp::floatSeq& configuration) throw (hpp::Error);
         virtual hpp::floatSeq* getOctreeTransform(const char* limbName, const hpp::floatSeq& configuration) throw (hpp::Error);
         virtual CORBA::Short isConfigBalanced(const hpp::floatSeq& config, const hpp::Names_t& contactLimbs, double robustnessTreshold) throw (hpp::Error);