// Copyright (c) 2016, Joseph Mirabel // Authors: Joseph Mirabel (joseph.mirabel@laas.fr) // // This file is part of hpp-manipulation. // hpp-manipulation is free software: you can redistribute it // and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public // License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version // 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // hpp-manipulation is distributed in the hope that it will be // useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty // of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // General Lesser Public License for more details. You should have // received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with // hpp-manipulation. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. #include <hpp/manipulation/graph/helper.hh> #include <tr1/unordered_map> #include <tr1/unordered_set> #include <boost/array.hpp> #include <boost/regex.hpp> #include <boost/foreach.hpp> #include <boost/assign/list_of.hpp> #include <hpp/util/debug.hh> #include <hpp/model/gripper.hh> #include <hpp/constraints/differentiable-function.hh> #include <hpp/manipulation/handle.hh> #include <hpp/manipulation/graph/node.hh> #include <hpp/manipulation/graph/edge.hh> #include <hpp/manipulation/graph/node-selector.hh> #include <hpp/manipulation/graph/guided-node-selector.hh> #include <hpp/manipulation/problem-solver.hh> namespace hpp { namespace manipulation { namespace graph { namespace helper { template <bool forPath> void NumericalConstraintsAndPassiveDofs::addToComp (GraphComponentPtr_t comp) const { if (nc.empty ()) return; NodePtr_t n; if (forPath) { n = HPP_DYNAMIC_PTR_CAST (Node, comp); if (!n) throw std::logic_error ("Wrong type: expect a Node"); } NumericalConstraints_t::const_iterator it; IntervalsContainer_t::const_iterator itpdof = pdof.begin (); for (it = nc.begin (); it != nc.end (); ++it) { if (*it) { if (forPath) n->addNumericalConstraintForPath (*it, *itpdof); else comp->addNumericalConstraint (*it, *itpdof); } ++itpdof; } assert (itpdof == pdof.end ()); } template <bool param> void NumericalConstraintsAndPassiveDofs::specifyFoliation (LevelSetEdgePtr_t lse) const { NumericalConstraints_t::const_iterator it; IntervalsContainer_t::const_iterator itpdof = pdof.begin (); for (it = nc.begin (); it != nc.end (); ++it) { if (*it) { if (param) lse->insertParamConstraint (*it, *itpdof); else lse->insertConditionConstraint (*it, *itpdof); } ++itpdof; } assert (itpdof == pdof.end ()); } void FoliatedManifold::addToNode (NodePtr_t comp) const { nc.addToComp <false> (comp); for (LockedJoints_t::const_iterator it = lj.begin (); it != lj.end (); ++it) if (*it && (*it)->numberDof() > 0) comp->addLockedJointConstraint (*it); nc_path.addToComp <true> (comp); } void FoliatedManifold::addToEdge (EdgePtr_t comp) const { nc_fol.addToComp <false> (comp); for (LockedJoints_t::const_iterator it = lj_fol.begin (); it != lj_fol.end (); ++it) if (*it && (*it)->numberDof() > 0) comp->addLockedJointConstraint (*it); } void FoliatedManifold::specifyFoliation (LevelSetEdgePtr_t lse) const { nc.specifyFoliation <false> (lse); for (LockedJoints_t::const_iterator it = lj.begin (); it != lj.end (); ++it) if (*it && (*it)->numberDof() > 0) lse->insertConditionConstraint (*it); nc_fol.specifyFoliation <true> (lse); for (LockedJoints_t::const_iterator it = lj_fol.begin (); it != lj_fol.end (); ++it) lse->insertParamConstraint (*it); } namespace { template <int gCase> struct CaseTraits { static const bool pregrasp = (gCase & WithPreGrasp); static const bool preplace = (gCase & WithPrePlace); /// FIXME // It should be // static const bool intersec = !((gCase & NoGrasp) || (gCase & NoPlace)); // but when NoPlace | WithPreGrasp, we need a LevelSetEdge after // the pregrasp waypoint node. Sadly the current implementation of // WaypointEdge does not allow the last edge of type other than Edge. static const bool intersec = pregrasp || preplace || ((gCase & GraspOnly) && (gCase & PlaceOnly)); static const bool valid = ( (gCase & WithPreGrasp) || (gCase & GraspOnly) || (gCase & NoGrasp) ) && ( (gCase & WithPrePlace) || (gCase & PlaceOnly) || (gCase & NoPlace) ) && !((gCase & NoGrasp) && (gCase & NoPlace)); static const std::size_t nbWaypoints = (pregrasp?1:0) + (intersec?1:0) + (preplace?1:0); static const std::size_t Nnodes = 2 + nbWaypoints; static const std::size_t Nedges = 1 + nbWaypoints; // static const std::size_t iNpregrasp = pregrasp?1 + 1:nbWaypoints; // static const std::size_t iNpreplace = pregrasp?1 + 1:nbWaypoints; typedef boost::array <NodePtr_t, Nnodes> NodeArray; typedef boost::array <EdgePtr_t, Nedges> EdgeArray; static inline const NodePtr_t& Npregrasp (const NodeArray& n) { assert (pregrasp); return n[1]; } static inline const NodePtr_t& Nintersec (const NodeArray& n) { assert (intersec); return n[1 + (pregrasp?1:0)]; } static inline const NodePtr_t& Npreplace (const NodeArray& n) { assert (preplace); return n[1 + (pregrasp?1:0) + (intersec?1:0)]; } static inline EdgePtr_t makeWE ( const std::string& name, const NodePtr_t& from, const NodePtr_t& to, const size_type& w) { if (Nedges > 1) { WaypointEdgePtr_t we = boost::static_pointer_cast <WaypointEdge> (from->linkTo (name, to, w, WaypointEdge::create)); we->nbWaypoints (nbWaypoints); return we; } else return from->linkTo (name, to, w, Edge::create); } static inline NodeArray makeWaypoints ( const NodePtr_t& from, const NodePtr_t& to, const std::string& name) { NodeSelectorPtr_t ns = from->parentGraph ()->nodeSelector (); NodeArray nodes; std::size_t r = 0; nodes[r] = from; ++r; if (pregrasp) { nodes[r] = ns->createNode (name + "_pregrasp", true); ++r; } if (intersec) { nodes[r] = ns->createNode (name + "_intersec", true); ++r; } if (preplace) { nodes[r] = ns->createNode (name + "_preplace", true); ++r; } nodes[r] = to; return nodes; } static inline EdgePtr_t makeLSEgrasp (const std::string& name, const NodeArray& n, const EdgeArray& e, const size_type w, LevelSetEdgePtr_t& gls) { if (Nedges > 1) { const std::size_t T = (pregrasp?1:0) + (intersec?1:0); WaypointEdgePtr_t we = boost::static_pointer_cast <WaypointEdge> (n.front()->linkTo (name + "_ls", n.back(), w, WaypointEdge::create)); we->nbWaypoints (nbWaypoints); gls = linkWaypoint <LevelSetEdge> (n, T-1, T, name, "ls"); for (std::size_t i = 0; i < Nedges - 1; ++i) we->setWaypoint (i, e[i], n[i]); we->setWaypoint (T-1, gls, n[T]); gls->node (n.front()); gls->setShort (pregrasp); return we; } else { assert (gCase == (GraspOnly | NoPlace) && "Cannot implement a LevelSetEdge for grasping"); gls = boost::static_pointer_cast <LevelSetEdge> (n.front()->linkTo (name + "_ls", n.back(), w, LevelSetEdge::create)); return gls; } } static inline EdgePtr_t makeLSEplace (const std::string& name, const NodeArray& n, const EdgeArray& e, const size_type w, LevelSetEdgePtr_t& pls) { if (Nedges > 1) { const std::size_t T = (pregrasp?1:0) + (intersec?1:0); WaypointEdgePtr_t we = boost::static_pointer_cast <WaypointEdge> (n.back()->linkTo (name + "_ls", n.front(), w, WaypointEdge::create)); we->nbWaypoints (nbWaypoints); pls = linkWaypoint <LevelSetEdge> (n, T+1, T, name, "ls"); for (std::size_t i = Nedges - 1; i != 0; --i) we->setWaypoint (Nedges - 1 - i, e[i], n[i]); we->setWaypoint (Nedges - 1 - T, pls, n[T]); pls->node (n.back ()); pls->setShort (preplace); return we; } else { assert (gCase == (NoGrasp | PlaceOnly) && "Cannot implement a LevelSetEdge for placement"); pls = boost::static_pointer_cast <LevelSetEdge> (n.back()->linkTo (name + "_ls", n.front(), w, LevelSetEdge::create)); return pls; } } template <typename EdgeType> static inline boost::shared_ptr<EdgeType> linkWaypoint ( const NodeArray& nodes, const std::size_t& iF, const std::size_t& iT, const std::string& prefix, const std::string& suffix = "") { std::stringstream ss; ss << prefix << "_" << iF << iT; if (suffix.length () > 0) ss << "_" << suffix; return boost::static_pointer_cast <EdgeType> (nodes[iF]->linkTo (ss.str(), nodes[iT], -1, EdgeType::create)); } template <bool forward> static inline EdgeArray linkWaypoints ( const NodeArray& nodes, const EdgePtr_t& edge, const std::string& name) { EdgeArray e; WaypointEdgePtr_t we = HPP_DYNAMIC_PTR_CAST(WaypointEdge, edge); if (forward) for (std::size_t i = 0; i < Nedges - 1; ++i) { e[i] = linkWaypoint <Edge> (nodes, i, i + 1, name); we->setWaypoint (i, e[i], nodes[i+1]); } else for (std::size_t i = Nedges - 1; i != 0; --i) { e[i] = linkWaypoint <Edge> (nodes, i + 1, i, name); we->setWaypoint (Nedges - 1 - i, e[i], nodes[i]); } e[(forward?Nedges - 1:0)] = we; return e; } static inline void setNodeConstraints (const NodeArray& n, const FoliatedManifold& g, const FoliatedManifold& pg, const FoliatedManifold& p, const FoliatedManifold& pp, const FoliatedManifold& m) { // From and to are not populated automatically // to avoid duplicates. if (pregrasp) { p .addToNode (Npregrasp (n)); pg.addToNode (Npregrasp (n)); m .addToNode (Npregrasp (n)); } if (intersec) { p .addToNode (Nintersec (n)); g .addToNode (Nintersec (n)); m .addToNode (Nintersec (n)); } if (preplace) { pp.addToNode (Npreplace (n)); g .addToNode (Npreplace (n)); m .addToNode (Npreplace (n)); } } static inline void setEdgeConstraints (const EdgeArray& e, const FoliatedManifold& g, const FoliatedManifold& p, const FoliatedManifold& m) { // The border B const std::size_t B = (pregrasp?1:0) + (intersec?1:0); for (std::size_t i = 0; i < B ; ++i) p.addToEdge (e[i]); for (std::size_t i = B; i < Nedges; ++i) g.addToEdge (e[i]); for (std::size_t i = 0; i < Nedges; ++i) m.addToEdge (e[i]); } template <bool forward> static inline void setEdgeProp (const EdgeArray& e, const NodeArray& n) { /// Last is short const std::size_t K = (forward?1:0); for (std::size_t i = K; i < Nedges - 1 + K; ++i) e[i]->setShort (true); // The border B std::size_t B; if ((gCase & NoGrasp)) // There is no grasp B = 0; else // There is a grasp B = 1 + (pregrasp?1:0); for (std::size_t i = 0; i < B ; ++i) e[i]->node (n[0]); for (std::size_t i = B; i < Nedges; ++i) e[i]->node (n[Nnodes-1]); } }; } template <int gCase> Edges_t createEdges ( const std::string& forwName, const std::string& backName, const NodePtr_t& from, const NodePtr_t& to, const size_type& wForw, const size_type& wBack, const FoliatedManifold& grasp, const FoliatedManifold& pregrasp, const FoliatedManifold& place, const FoliatedManifold& preplace, const bool levelSetGrasp, const bool levelSetPlace, const FoliatedManifold& submanifoldDef) { typedef CaseTraits<gCase> T; assert (T::valid && "Not a valid case."); typedef typename T::NodeArray NodeArray; typedef typename T::EdgeArray EdgeArray; // Create the edges EdgePtr_t weForw = T::makeWE (forwName, from, to, wForw), weBack = T::makeWE (backName, to, from, wBack), weForwLs, weBackLs; std::string name = forwName; NodeArray n = T::makeWaypoints (from, to, name); EdgeArray eF = T::template linkWaypoints <true> (n, weForw, name); // Set the nodes constraints // Note that submanifold is not taken into account for nodes // because the edges constraints will enforce configuration to stay // in a leaf, and so in the manifold itself. T::setNodeConstraints (n, grasp, pregrasp, place, preplace, submanifoldDef); // Set the edges properties T::template setEdgeProp <true> (eF, n); // Set the edges constraints T::setEdgeConstraints (eF, grasp, place, submanifoldDef); LevelSetEdgePtr_t gls; if (levelSetGrasp) weForwLs = T::makeLSEgrasp (name, n, eF, 10*wForw, gls); // Populate bacward edge name = backName; EdgeArray eB = T::template linkWaypoints <false> (n, weBack, name); T::template setEdgeProp <false> (eB, n); T::setEdgeConstraints (eB, grasp, place, submanifoldDef); LevelSetEdgePtr_t pls; if (levelSetPlace) weBackLs = T::makeLSEplace (name, n, eB, 10*wBack, pls); Edges_t ret = boost::assign::list_of (weForw)(weBack); if (levelSetPlace) { if (!place.foliated ()) { hppDout (warning, "You asked for a LevelSetEdge for placement, " "but did not specify the target foliation. " "It will have no effect"); } grasp.addToEdge (pls); place.specifyFoliation (pls); submanifoldDef.addToEdge (pls); pls->buildHistogram (); place.addToEdge (weBackLs); submanifoldDef.addToEdge (weBackLs); ret.push_back (weBackLs); } if (levelSetGrasp) { if (!grasp.foliated ()) { hppDout (warning, "You asked for a LevelSetEdge for grasping, " "but did not specify the target foliation. " "It will have no effect"); } place.addToEdge (gls); grasp.specifyFoliation (gls); submanifoldDef.addToEdge (gls); gls->buildHistogram (); grasp.addToEdge (weForwLs); submanifoldDef.addToEdge (weForwLs); ret.push_back (weForwLs); } return ret; } EdgePtr_t createLoopEdge ( const std::string& loopName, const NodePtr_t& node, const size_type& w, const bool levelSet, const FoliatedManifold& submanifoldDef) { // Create the edges EdgePtr_t loop; if (levelSet) loop = node->linkTo (loopName, node, w, LevelSetEdge::create); else loop = node->linkTo (loopName, node, w, Edge::create); loop->node (node); submanifoldDef.addToEdge (loop); if (levelSet) { if (!submanifoldDef.foliated ()) { hppDout (warning, "You asked for a LevelSetEdge for looping, " "but did not specify the target foliation. " "It will have no effect"); } LevelSetEdgePtr_t ls = HPP_DYNAMIC_PTR_CAST (LevelSetEdge, loop); submanifoldDef.specifyFoliation (ls); ls->buildHistogram (); } return loop; } void graspManifold ( const GripperPtr_t& gripper, const HandlePtr_t& handle, FoliatedManifold& grasp, FoliatedManifold& pregrasp) { NumericalConstraintPtr_t gc = handle->createGrasp (gripper); grasp.nc.nc.push_back (gc); grasp.nc.pdof.push_back (SizeIntervals_t ()); grasp.nc_path.nc.push_back (gc); // TODO: see function declaration grasp.nc_path.pdof.push_back (SizeIntervals_t ()); NumericalConstraintPtr_t gcc = handle->createGraspComplement (gripper); if (gcc->function ().outputSize () > 0) { grasp.nc_fol.nc.push_back (gcc); grasp.nc_fol.pdof.push_back (SizeIntervals_t()); } const value_type c = handle->clearance () + gripper->clearance (); NumericalConstraintPtr_t pgc = handle->createPreGrasp (gripper, c); pregrasp.nc.nc.push_back (pgc); pregrasp.nc.pdof.push_back (SizeIntervals_t()); pregrasp.nc_path.nc.push_back (pgc); pregrasp.nc_path.pdof.push_back (SizeIntervals_t()); } void strictPlacementManifold ( const NumericalConstraintPtr_t placement, const NumericalConstraintPtr_t preplacement, const NumericalConstraintPtr_t placementComplement, FoliatedManifold& place, FoliatedManifold& preplace) { place.nc.nc.push_back (placement); place.nc.pdof.push_back (SizeIntervals_t()); place.nc_path.nc.push_back (placement); place.nc_path.pdof.push_back (SizeIntervals_t()); if (placementComplement && placementComplement->function().outputSize () > 0) { place.nc_fol.nc.push_back (placementComplement); place.nc_fol.pdof.push_back (SizeIntervals_t()); } preplace.nc.nc.push_back (preplacement); preplace.nc.pdof.push_back (SizeIntervals_t()); preplace.nc_path.nc.push_back (preplacement); preplace.nc_path.pdof.push_back (SizeIntervals_t()); } void relaxedPlacementManifold ( const NumericalConstraintPtr_t placement, const NumericalConstraintPtr_t preplacement, const LockedJoints_t objectLocks, FoliatedManifold& place, FoliatedManifold& preplace) { if (placement) { place.nc.nc.push_back (placement); place.nc.pdof.push_back (SizeIntervals_t()); // The placement constraints are not required in the path, as long as // they are satisfied at both ends and the object does not move. The // former condition is ensured by the placement constraints on both // ends and the latter is ensure by the LockedJoint constraints. place.nc_path.nc.push_back (placement); place.nc_path.pdof.push_back (SizeIntervals_t()); } std::copy (objectLocks.begin(), objectLocks.end(), std::back_inserter(place.lj_fol)); if (placement && preplacement) { preplace.nc.nc.push_back (preplacement); preplace.nc.pdof.push_back (SizeIntervals_t()); // preplace.nc_path.nc.push_back (preplacement); // preplace.nc_path.pdof.push_back (SizeIntervals_t()); } } namespace { typedef std::size_t index_t; typedef std::vector <index_t> IndexV_t; typedef std::list <index_t> IndexL_t; typedef std::pair <index_t, index_t> Grasp_t; typedef boost::tuple <NodePtr_t, FoliatedManifold> NodeAndManifold_t; //typedef std::vector <index_t, index_t> GraspV_t; /// GraspV_t corresponds to a unique ID of a permutation. /// - its size is the number of grippers, /// - the values correpond to the index of the handle (0..nbHandle-1), or /// nbHandle to mean no handle. typedef std::vector <index_t> GraspV_t; struct CompiledRule { enum Result { Accept, Refuse, NoMatch, Undefined }; boost::regex gripper, handle; bool link; CompiledRule (const Rule& r) : gripper (r.gripper_), handle (r.handle_), link (r.link_) {} Result check (const std::string& g, const std::string& h) const { if (boost::regex_match(g, gripper)) if (boost::regex_match(h, handle)) return (link ? Accept : Refuse); return NoMatch; } }; typedef std::vector<CompiledRule> CompiledRules_t; struct Result { GraphPtr_t graph; typedef unsigned long nodeid_type; std::tr1::unordered_map<nodeid_type, NodeAndManifold_t> nodes; typedef std::pair<nodeid_type, nodeid_type> edgeid_type; struct edgeid_hash { std::tr1::hash<edgeid_type::first_type> first; std::tr1::hash<edgeid_type::second_type> second; std::size_t operator() (const edgeid_type& eid) const { return first(eid.first) + second(eid.second); } }; std::tr1::unordered_set<edgeid_type, edgeid_hash> edges; std::vector< boost::array<NumericalConstraintPtr_t,3> > graspCs; index_t nG, nOH; GraspV_t dims; const Grippers_t& gs; const Objects_t& ohs; CompiledRules_t rules; mutable Eigen::MatrixXi rulesCache; Result (const Grippers_t& grippers, const Objects_t& objects, GraphPtr_t g) : graph (g), nG (grippers.size ()), nOH (0), gs (grippers), ohs (objects) { BOOST_FOREACH (const Object_t& o, objects) { nOH += o.get<1>().size(); } dims.resize (nG); dims[0] = nOH + 1; for (index_t i = 1; i < nG; ++i) dims[i] = dims[i-1] * (nOH + 1); graspCs.resize (nG * nOH); rulesCache = Eigen::MatrixXi::Constant(nG, nOH + 1, CompiledRule::Undefined); } void setRules (const Rules_t& r) { for (Rules_t::const_iterator _r = r.begin(); _r != r.end(); ++_r) rules.push_back (CompiledRule(*_r)); } bool graspIsAllowed (const GraspV_t& idxOH) const { assert (idxOH.size () == nG); for (std::size_t i = 0; i < nG; ++i) { const std::string& g = gs[i]->name(), h = (idxOH[i] == nOH) ? "" : handle (idxOH[i])->name (); if ((CompiledRule::Result)rulesCache(i, idxOH[i]) == CompiledRule::Undefined) { CompiledRule::Result status = CompiledRule::Accept; for (std::size_t r = 0; r < rules.size(); ++r) { status = rules[r].check(g,h); if (status == CompiledRule::Accept) break; else if (status == CompiledRule::Refuse) break; status = CompiledRule::Accept; } rulesCache(i, idxOH[i]) = status; } bool keep = ((CompiledRule::Result)rulesCache(i, idxOH[i]) == CompiledRule::Accept); if (!keep) return false; } return true; } inline nodeid_type nodeid (const GraspV_t& iG) { nodeid_type iGOH = iG[0]; nodeid_type res; for (index_t i = 1; i < nG; ++i) { res = iGOH + dims[i] * (iG[i]); if (res < iGOH) { hppDout (info, "Node ID overflowed. There are too many states..."); } iGOH = res; // iGOH += dims[i] * (iG[i]); } return iGOH; } bool hasNode (const GraspV_t& iG) { return nodes.count(nodeid(iG)) > 0; } NodeAndManifold_t& operator() (const GraspV_t& iG) { return nodes [nodeid(iG)]; } bool hasEdge (const GraspV_t& g1, const GraspV_t& g2) { return edges.count(edgeid_type(nodeid(g1), nodeid(g2))) > 0; } void addEdge (const GraspV_t& g1, const GraspV_t& g2) { edges.insert(edgeid_type(nodeid(g1), nodeid(g2))); } inline boost::array<NumericalConstraintPtr_t,3>& graspConstraint ( const index_t& iG, const index_t& iOH) { boost::array<NumericalConstraintPtr_t,3>& gcs = graspCs [iG * nOH + iOH]; if (!gcs[0]) { hppDout (info, "Create grasps constraints for (" << iG << ", " << iOH << ")"); const GripperPtr_t& g (gs[iG]); const HandlePtr_t& h (handle (iOH)); gcs[0] = h->createGrasp (g); gcs[1] = h->createGraspComplement (g); const value_type c = h->clearance () + g->clearance (); gcs[2] = h->createPreGrasp (g, c); } return gcs; } const Object_t& object (const index_t& iOH) const { index_t iH = iOH; BOOST_FOREACH (const Object_t& o, ohs) { if (iH < o.get<1>().size()) return o; iH -= o.get<1>().size(); } throw std::out_of_range ("Handle index"); } const HandlePtr_t& handle (const index_t& iOH) const { index_t iH = iOH; BOOST_FOREACH (const Object_t& o, ohs) { if (iH < o.get<1>().size()) return o.get<1>()[iH]; iH -= o.get<1>().size(); } throw std::out_of_range ("Handle index"); } /// Check if an object can be placed bool objectCanBePlaced (const Object_t& o) const { return true; // o.get<0>().get<0>(); } /// Check is an object is grasped by the GraspV_t bool isObjectGrasped (const GraspV_t& idxOH, const Object_t& o) const { assert (idxOH.size () == nG); for (std::size_t i = 0; i < idxOH.size (); ++i) if (idxOH[i] < nOH) // This grippers grasps an object if (o.get<2>() == object(idxOH[i]).get<2>()) return true; return false; } /// Get a node name from a set of grasps std::string name (const GraspV_t& idxOH, bool abbrev = false) const { assert (idxOH.size () == nG); std::stringstream ss; bool first = true; std::string sepGOH = (abbrev?"-":" grasps "), sep = (abbrev?":":" : "); for (std::size_t i = 0; i < idxOH.size (); ++i) { if (idxOH[i] < nOH) { // This grippers grasps an object if (first) first = false; else ss << sep; if (abbrev) ss << i << sepGOH << idxOH[i]; else ss << gs[i]->name() << sepGOH << handle (idxOH[i])->name (); } } if (first) return (abbrev?"f":"free"); return ss.str(); } /// Get an edge name from a set of grasps std::pair<std::string, std::string> name (const GraspV_t& gFrom, const GraspV_t& gTo, const index_t iG) { const std::string nf (name (gFrom, true)), nt (name (gTo, true)); std::stringstream ssForw, ssBack; const char sep[] = " | "; ssForw << gs[iG]->name() << " > " << handle (gTo[iG])->name () << sep << nf; ssBack << gs[iG]->name() << " < " << handle (gTo[iG])->name () << sep << nt; return std::make_pair (ssForw.str(), ssBack.str ()); } std::string nameLoopEdge (const GraspV_t& gFrom) { const std::string nf (name (gFrom, true)); std::stringstream ss; const char sep[] = " | "; ss << "Loop" << sep << nf; return ss.str(); } void graspManifold (const index_t& iG, const index_t& iOH, FoliatedManifold& grasp, FoliatedManifold& pregrasp) { boost::array<NumericalConstraintPtr_t,3>& gcs = graspConstraint (iG, iOH); grasp.nc.nc.push_back (gcs[0]); grasp.nc.pdof.push_back (SizeIntervals_t ()); grasp.nc_path.nc.push_back (gcs[0]); // TODO: see function declaration grasp.nc_path.pdof.push_back (SizeIntervals_t ()); if (gcs[1]->function ().outputSize () > 0) { grasp.nc_fol.nc.push_back (gcs[1]); grasp.nc_fol.pdof.push_back (SizeIntervals_t()); } pregrasp.nc.nc.push_back (gcs[2]); pregrasp.nc.pdof.push_back (SizeIntervals_t()); pregrasp.nc_path.nc.push_back (gcs[2]); pregrasp.nc_path.pdof.push_back (SizeIntervals_t()); } }; const NodeAndManifold_t& makeNode (Result& r, const GraspV_t& g, const int priority) { NodeAndManifold_t& nam = r (g); if (!nam.get<0>()) { hppDout (info, "Creating node " << r.name (g)); nam.get<0>() = r.graph->nodeSelector ()->createNode (r.name (g), false, priority); // Loop over the grippers and create grasping constraints if required FoliatedManifold unused; std::set <index_t> idxsOH; for (index_t i = 0; i < r.nG; ++i) { if (g[i] < r.nOH) { idxsOH.insert (g[i]); r.graspManifold (i, g[i], nam.get<1>(), unused); } } index_t iOH = 0; BOOST_FOREACH (const Object_t& o, r.ohs) { if (!r.objectCanBePlaced(o)) continue; bool oIsGrasped = false; // TODO: use the fact that the set is sorted. // BOOST_FOREACH (const HandlePtr_t& h, o.get<1>()) for (index_t i = 0; i < o.get<1>().size(); ++i) { if (idxsOH.erase (iOH) == 1) oIsGrasped = true; ++iOH; } if (!oIsGrasped) relaxedPlacementManifold (o.get<0>().get<0>(), o.get<0>().get<1>(), o.get<0>().get<2>(), nam.get<1>(), unused); } nam.get<1>().addToNode (nam.get<0>()); createLoopEdge (r.nameLoopEdge (g), nam.get<0>(), 0, false, // TODO nam.get<1>().foliated(), nam.get<1>()); } return nam; } /// Arguments are such that /// \li gTo[iG] != gFrom[iG] /// \li for all i != iG, gTo[iG] == gFrom[iG] void makeEdge (Result& r, const GraspV_t& gFrom, const GraspV_t& gTo, const index_t iG, const int priority) { if (r.hasEdge(gFrom, gTo)) { hppDout (warning, "Prevented creation of duplicated edge\nfrom " << r.name (gFrom) << "\nto " << r.name (gTo)); return; } const NodeAndManifold_t& from = makeNode (r, gFrom, priority), to = makeNode (r, gTo, priority+1); const Object_t& o = r.object (gTo[iG]); // Detect when grasping an object already grasped. // or when there is no placement information for it. bool noPlace = !r.objectCanBePlaced(o) || r.isObjectGrasped (gFrom, o); FoliatedManifold grasp, pregrasp, place, preplace, submanifold; r.graspManifold (iG, gTo[iG], grasp, pregrasp); if (!noPlace) { relaxedPlacementManifold (o.get<0>().get<0>(), o.get<0>().get<1>(), o.get<0>().get<2>(), place, preplace); } std::pair<std::string, std::string> names = r.name (gFrom, gTo, iG); { FoliatedManifold unused; std::set <index_t> idxsOH; for (index_t i = 0; i < r.nG; ++i) { if (gFrom[i] < r.nOH) { idxsOH.insert (gFrom[i]); r.graspManifold (i, gFrom[i], submanifold, unused); } } index_t iOH = 0; BOOST_FOREACH (const Object_t& o, r.ohs) { if (!r.objectCanBePlaced(o)) continue; bool oIsGrasped = false; const index_t iOHstart = iOH; for (; iOH < iOHstart + o.get<1>().size(); ++iOH) { if (iOH == gTo [iG]) { oIsGrasped = true; iOH = iOHstart + o.get<1>().size(); break; } if (idxsOH.erase (iOH) == 1) oIsGrasped = true; } if (!oIsGrasped) relaxedPlacementManifold (o.get<0>().get<0>(), o.get<0>().get<1>(), o.get<0>().get<2>(), submanifold, unused); } } if (pregrasp.empty ()) { if (noPlace) createEdges <GraspOnly | NoPlace> ( names.first , names.second, from.get<0> () , to.get<0>(), 1 , 1, grasp , pregrasp, place , preplace, grasp.foliated () , place.foliated(), submanifold); else if (preplace.empty ()) createEdges <GraspOnly | PlaceOnly> ( names.first , names.second, from.get<0> () , to.get<0>(), 1 , 1, grasp , pregrasp, place , preplace, grasp.foliated () , place.foliated(), submanifold); else { hppDout (error, "GraspOnly | WithPrePlace not implemeted yet"); /* createEdges <GraspOnly | WithPrePlace> ( names.first , names.second, from.get<0> () , to.get<0>(), 1 , 1, grasp , pregrasp, place , preplace, grasp.foliated () , place.foliated(), submanifold); // */ } } else { if (noPlace) createEdges <WithPreGrasp | NoPlace> ( names.first , names.second, from.get<0> () , to.get<0>(), 1 , 1, grasp , pregrasp, place , preplace, grasp.foliated () , place.foliated(), submanifold); else if (preplace.empty ()) createEdges <WithPreGrasp | PlaceOnly> ( names.first , names.second, from.get<0> () , to.get<0>(), 1 , 1, grasp , pregrasp, place , preplace, grasp.foliated () , place.foliated(), submanifold); else createEdges <WithPreGrasp | WithPrePlace> ( names.first , names.second, from.get<0> () , to.get<0>(), 1 , 1, grasp , pregrasp, place , preplace, grasp.foliated () , place.foliated(), submanifold); } r.addEdge(gFrom, gTo); } /// idx are the available grippers void recurseGrippers (Result& r, const IndexV_t& idx_g, const IndexV_t& idx_oh, const GraspV_t& grasps, const int depth) { if (idx_g.empty () || idx_oh.empty ()) return; IndexV_t nIdx_g (idx_g.size() - 1); IndexV_t nIdx_oh (idx_oh.size() - 1); bool curGraspIsAllowed = r.graspIsAllowed(grasps); if (curGraspIsAllowed) makeNode (r, grasps, depth); for (IndexV_t::const_iterator itx_g = idx_g.begin (); itx_g != idx_g.end (); ++itx_g) { // Copy all element except itx_g std::copy (boost::next (itx_g), idx_g.end (), std::copy (idx_g.begin (), itx_g, nIdx_g.begin ()) ); for (IndexV_t::const_iterator itx_oh = idx_oh.begin (); itx_oh != idx_oh.end (); ++itx_oh) { // Create the edge for the selected grasp GraspV_t nGrasps = grasps; nGrasps [*itx_g] = *itx_oh; bool nextGraspIsAllowed = r.graspIsAllowed(nGrasps); if (nextGraspIsAllowed) makeNode (r, nGrasps, depth + 1); if (curGraspIsAllowed && nextGraspIsAllowed) makeEdge (r, grasps, nGrasps, *itx_g, depth); // Copy all element except itx_oh std::copy (boost::next (itx_oh), idx_oh.end (), std::copy (idx_oh.begin (), itx_oh, nIdx_oh.begin ()) ); // Do all the possible combination below this new grasp recurseGrippers (r, nIdx_g, nIdx_oh, nGrasps, depth + 2); } } } } void graphBuilder ( const Objects_t& objects, const Grippers_t& grippers, GraphPtr_t graph, const Rules_t& rules) { if (!graph) throw std::logic_error ("The graph must be initialized"); NodeSelectorPtr_t ns = graph->nodeSelector (); if (!ns) throw std::logic_error ("The graph does not have a NodeSelector"); Result r (grippers, objects, graph); r.setRules (rules); IndexV_t availG (r.nG), availOH (r.nOH); for (index_t i = 0; i < r.nG; ++i) availG[i] = i; for (index_t i = 0; i < r.nOH; ++i) availOH[i] = i; GraspV_t iG (r.nG, r.nOH); recurseGrippers (r, availG, availOH, iG, 0); hppDout (info, "Created a graph with " << r.nodes.size() << " states " "and " << r.edges.size() << " edges."); } GraphPtr_t graphBuilder ( const ProblemSolverPtr_t& ps, const std::string& graphName, const StringList_t& griNames, const std::list <ObjectDef_t>& objs, const StringList_t& envNames, const std::vector <Rule>& rules, const value_type& prePlaceWidth) { const Device& robot = *(ps->robot ()); Grippers_t grippers (griNames.size()); index_t i = 0; BOOST_FOREACH (const std::string& gn, griNames) { grippers[i] = robot.get <GripperPtr_t> (gn); ++i; } Objects_t objects (objs.size()); i = 0; const value_type margin = 1e-3; bool prePlace = (prePlaceWidth > 0); BOOST_FOREACH (const ObjectDef_t& od, objs) { // Create handles objects[i].get<2> () = i; objects[i].get<1> ().resize (od.handles.size()); Handles_t::iterator it = objects[i].get<1> ().begin(); BOOST_FOREACH (const std::string hn, od.handles) { *it = robot.get <HandlePtr_t> (hn); ++it; } // Create placement if (!envNames.empty() && !od.shapes.empty ()) { const std::string placeN = "place_" + od.name; ps->createPlacementConstraint (placeN, od.shapes, envNames, margin); objects[i].get<0> ().get<0> () = ps->core::ProblemSolver::get <NumericalConstraintPtr_t> (placeN); if (prePlace) { ps->createPrePlacementConstraint ("pre" + placeN, od.shapes, envNames, margin, prePlaceWidth); objects[i].get<0> ().get<1> () = ps->core::ProblemSolver::get <NumericalConstraintPtr_t> ("pre" + placeN); } } // Create object lock using model::JointVector_t; assert (robot.has <JointVector_t> (od.name)); BOOST_FOREACH (const JointPtr_t& oj, robot.get<JointVector_t> (od.name)) { LockedJointPtr_t lj = core::LockedJoint::create (oj, robot.currentConfiguration() .segment (oj->rankInConfiguration (), oj->configSize ())); ps->ProblemSolver::ThisC_t::add <LockedJointPtr_t> ("lock_" + oj->name (), lj); objects[i].get<0> ().get<2> ().push_back (lj); } ++i; } GraphPtr_t graph = Graph::create (graphName, ps->robot(), ps->problem()); graph->nodeSelector ( GuidedNodeSelector::create ("nodeSelector", ps->roadmap ())); graph->maxIterations (ps->maxIterations ()); graph->errorThreshold (ps->errorThreshold ()); graphBuilder (objects, grippers, graph, rules); ps->constraintGraph (graph); return graph; } } // namespace helper } // namespace graph } // namespace manipulation } // namespace hpp