// Copyright (c) 2019 CNRS // Authors: Joseph Mirabel // // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are // met: // // 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // // 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the // documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS // "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT // LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR // A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT // HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, // SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT // LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, // DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY // THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT // (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE // OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH // DAMAGE. # include <hpp/manipulation/path-planner/end-effector-trajectory.hh> # include <pinocchio/multibody/data.hpp> # include <hpp/util/exception-factory.hh> # include <hpp/pinocchio/util.hh> # include <hpp/pinocchio/device-sync.hh> # include <hpp/pinocchio/liegroup-element.hh> # include <hpp/constraints/differentiable-function.hh> # include <hpp/constraints/implicit.hh> # include <hpp/core/config-projector.hh> # include <hpp/core/config-validations.hh> # include <hpp/core/configuration-shooter.hh> # include <hpp/core/path-validation.hh> # include <hpp/core/problem.hh> # include <hpp/core/roadmap.hh> # include <hpp/manipulation/steering-method/end-effector-trajectory.hh> namespace hpp { namespace manipulation { namespace pathPlanner { typedef manipulation::steeringMethod::EndEffectorTrajectory SM_t; typedef manipulation::steeringMethod::EndEffectorTrajectoryPtr_t SMPtr_t; EndEffectorTrajectoryPtr_t EndEffectorTrajectory::create (const core::ProblemConstPtr_t& problem) { EndEffectorTrajectoryPtr_t ptr (new EndEffectorTrajectory(problem)); ptr->init(ptr); return ptr; } EndEffectorTrajectoryPtr_t EndEffectorTrajectory::createWithRoadmap ( const core::ProblemConstPtr_t& problem, const core::RoadmapPtr_t& roadmap) { EndEffectorTrajectoryPtr_t ptr (new EndEffectorTrajectory(problem, roadmap)); ptr->init(ptr); return ptr; } void EndEffectorTrajectory::tryConnectInitAndGoals () {} void EndEffectorTrajectory::startSolve () { //core::PathPlanner::startSolve(); //problem().checkProblem (); if (!problem()->robot ()) { std::string msg ("No device in problem."); hppDout (error, msg); throw std::runtime_error (msg); } if (!problem()->initConfig ()) { std::string msg ("No init config in problem."); hppDout (error, msg); throw std::runtime_error (msg); } // Tag init and goal configurations in the roadmap roadmap()->resetGoalNodes (); SMPtr_t sm (HPP_DYNAMIC_PTR_CAST (SM_t, problem()->steeringMethod())); if (!sm) throw std::invalid_argument ("Steering method must be of type hpp::manipulation::steeringMethod::EndEffectorTrajectory"); if (!sm->constraints() || !sm->constraints()->configProjector()) throw std::invalid_argument ("Steering method constraint has no ConfigProjector."); core::ConfigProjectorPtr_t constraints (sm->constraints()->configProjector()); const constraints::ImplicitPtr_t& trajConstraint = sm->trajectoryConstraint (); if (!trajConstraint) throw std::invalid_argument ("EndEffectorTrajectory has no trajectory constraint."); if (!sm->trajectory()) throw std::invalid_argument ("EndEffectorTrajectory has no trajectory."); const core::NumericalConstraints_t& ncs = constraints->numericalConstraints(); bool ok = false; for (std::size_t i = 0; i < ncs.size(); ++i) { if (ncs[i] == trajConstraint) { ok = true; break; // Same pointer } // Here, we do not check the right hand side on purpose. // if (*ncs[i] == *trajConstraint) { if (ncs[i]->functionPtr() == trajConstraint->functionPtr() && ncs[i]->comparisonType() == trajConstraint->comparisonType()) { ok = true; // TODO We should only modify the path constraint. // However, only the pointers to implicit constraints are copied // while we would like the implicit constraints to be copied as well. ncs[i]->rightHandSideFunction (sm->trajectory()); break; // logically identical } } if (!ok) { HPP_THROW (std::logic_error, "EndEffectorTrajectory could not find " "constraint " << trajConstraint->function()); } } void EndEffectorTrajectory::oneStep () { SMPtr_t sm (HPP_DYNAMIC_PTR_CAST (SM_t, problem()->steeringMethod())); if (!sm) throw std::invalid_argument ("Steering method must be of type hpp::manipulation::steeringMethod::EndEffectorTrajectory"); if (!sm->trajectoryConstraint ()) throw std::invalid_argument ("EndEffectorTrajectory has no trajectory constraint."); if (!sm->trajectory()) throw std::invalid_argument ("EndEffectorTrajectory has no trajectory."); if (!sm->constraints() || !sm->constraints()->configProjector()) throw std::invalid_argument ("Steering method constraint has no ConfigProjector."); core::ConfigProjectorPtr_t constraints (sm->constraints()->configProjector()); core::ConfigValidationPtr_t cfgValidation (problem()->configValidations()); core:: PathValidationPtr_t pathValidation (problem()->pathValidation()); core:: ValidationReportPtr_t cfgReport; core::PathValidationReportPtr_t pathReport; core::interval_t timeRange (sm->timeRange()); std::vector<core::Configuration_t> qs (configurations(*problem()->initConfig())); if (qs.empty()) { hppDout (info, "Failed to generate initial configs."); return; } // Generate a valid initial configuration. bool success = false; bool resetRightHandSide = true; std::size_t i; vector_t times (nDiscreteSteps_+1); matrix_t steps (problem()->robot()->configSize(), nDiscreteSteps_+1); times[0] = timeRange.first; for (int j = 1; j < nDiscreteSteps_; ++j) times[j] = timeRange.first + j * (timeRange.second - timeRange.first) / nDiscreteSteps_; times[nDiscreteSteps_] = timeRange.second; for (i = 0; i < qs.size(); ++i) { if (resetRightHandSide) { constraints->rightHandSideAt (times[0]); resetRightHandSide = false; } Configuration_t& q (qs[i]); if (!constraints->apply (q)) continue; if (!cfgValidation->validate (q, cfgReport)) continue; resetRightHandSide = true; steps.col(0) = q; success = true; for (int j = 1; j <= nDiscreteSteps_; ++j) { constraints->rightHandSideAt (times[j]); hppDout (info, "RHS: " << setpyformat << constraints->rightHandSide().transpose()); steps.col(j) = steps.col(j-1); if (!constraints->apply (steps.col(j))) { hppDout (info, "Failed to generate destination config.\n" << setpyformat << *constraints << "\nq=" << one_line (q)); success = false; break; } } if (!success) continue; success = false; if (!cfgValidation->validate (steps.col(nDiscreteSteps_), cfgReport)) { hppDout (info, "Destination config is in collision."); continue; } core::PathPtr_t path = sm->projectedPath(times, steps); if (!path) { hppDout (info, "Steering method failed.\n" << setpyformat << "times: " << one_line(times) << '\n' << "configs:\n" << condensed(steps.transpose()) << '\n' ); continue; } core::PathPtr_t validPart; if (!pathValidation->validate (path, false, validPart, pathReport)) { hppDout (info, "Path is in collision."); continue; } roadmap()->initNode (make_shared<Configuration_t>(steps.col(0))); core::NodePtr_t init = roadmap()-> initNode (); core::NodePtr_t goal = roadmap()->addGoalNode ( make_shared<Configuration_t>(steps.col(nDiscreteSteps_))); roadmap()->addEdge (init, goal, path); success = true; if (feasibilityOnly_) break; } } std::vector<core::Configuration_t> EndEffectorTrajectory::configurations(const core::Configuration_t& q_init) { if (!ikSolverInit_) { std::vector<core::Configuration_t> configs(nRandomConfig_ + 1); configs[0] = q_init; for (int i = 1; i < nRandomConfig_ + 1; ++i) problem()->configurationShooter()->shoot(configs[i]); return configs; } // TODO Compute the target and call ikSolverInit_ // See https://gepgitlab.laas.fr/airbus-xtct/hpp_airbus_xtct for an // example using IKFast. throw std::runtime_error ("Using an IkSolverInitialization is not implemented yet"); } EndEffectorTrajectory::EndEffectorTrajectory (const core::ProblemConstPtr_t& problem) : core::PathPlanner (problem) {} EndEffectorTrajectory::EndEffectorTrajectory (const core::ProblemConstPtr_t& problem, const core::RoadmapPtr_t& roadmap) : core::PathPlanner (problem, roadmap) {} void EndEffectorTrajectory::checkFeasibilityOnly (bool enable) { feasibilityOnly_ = enable; } void EndEffectorTrajectory::init (const EndEffectorTrajectoryWkPtr_t& weak) { core::PathPlanner::init (weak); weak_ = weak; nRandomConfig_ = 10; nDiscreteSteps_ = 1; feasibilityOnly_ = true; } } // namespace pathPlanner } // namespace manipulation } // namespace hpp