diff --git a/include/eigenpy/quaternion.hpp b/include/eigenpy/quaternion.hpp
index 4b5120b4ef6ca169e253a6045de7b6ee81bec2d0..8feebb51a6ac09875dba868719d51ef29e7d1000 100644
--- a/include/eigenpy/quaternion.hpp
+++ b/include/eigenpy/quaternion.hpp
@@ -69,17 +69,17 @@ namespace eigenpy
     void visit(PyClass& cl) const 
-      .def(bp::init<>("Default constructor"))
-      .def(bp::init<Vector4>((bp::arg("vec4")),
+      .def(bp::init<>(bp::arg("self"),"Default constructor"))
+      .def(bp::init<Vector4>((bp::arg("self"),bp::arg("vec4")),
                              "Initialize from a vector 4D.\n"
                              "\tvec4 : a 4D vector representing quaternion coefficients in the order xyzw."))
-      .def(bp::init<Matrix3>((bp::arg("R")),
+      .def(bp::init<Matrix3>((bp::arg("self"),bp::arg("R")),
                              "Initialize from rotation matrix.\n"
                              "\tR : a rotation matrix 3x3."))
-      .def(bp::init<AngleAxis>((bp::arg("aa")),
+      .def(bp::init<AngleAxis>((bp::arg("self"),bp::arg("aa")),
                                "Initialize from an angle axis.\n"
                                "\taa: angle axis object."))
-      .def(bp::init<Quaternion>((bp::arg("quat")),
+      .def(bp::init<Quaternion>((bp::arg("self"),bp::arg("quat")),
                                 "Copy constructor.\n"
                                 "\tquat: a quaternion."))
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ namespace eigenpy
                                            (bp::arg("u: a 3D vector"),bp::arg("v: a 3D vector"))),
            "Initialize from two vectors u and v")
-           ((bp::arg("w"),bp::arg("x"),bp::arg("y"),bp::arg("z")),
+           ((bp::arg("self"),bp::arg("w"),bp::arg("x"),bp::arg("y"),bp::arg("z")),
             "Initialize from coefficients.\n\n"
             "... note:: The order of coefficients is *w*, *x*, *y*, *z*. "
             "The [] operator numbers them differently, 0...4 for *x* *y* *z* *w*!"))
@@ -107,30 +107,61 @@ namespace eigenpy
-           isApproxQuaternion_overload(bp::args("other","prec"),
+           isApproxQuaternion_overload(bp::args("self","other","prec"),
                                        "Returns true if *this is approximately equal to other, within the precision determined by prec."))
       /* --- Methods --- */
       .def("coeffs",(const Vector4 & (Quaternion::*)()const)&Quaternion::coeffs,
+           bp::arg("self"),
+           "Returns a vector of the coefficients (x,y,z,w)",
-      .def("matrix",&Quaternion::matrix,"Returns an equivalent 3x3 rotation matrix. Similar to toRotationMatrix.")
-      .def("toRotationMatrix",&Quaternion::toRotationMatrix,"Returns an equivalent 3x3 rotation matrix.")
+      .def("matrix",&Quaternion::matrix,
+           bp::arg("self"),
+           "Returns an equivalent 3x3 rotation matrix. Similar to toRotationMatrix.")
+      .def("toRotationMatrix",&Quaternion::toRotationMatrix,
+           bp::arg("self"),
+           "Returns an equivalent 3x3 rotation matrix.")
-      .def("setFromTwoVectors",&setFromTwoVectors,((bp::arg("a"),bp::arg("b"))),"Set *this to be the quaternion which transforms a into b through a rotation."
+      .def("setFromTwoVectors",&setFromTwoVectors,((bp::arg("self"),bp::arg("a"),bp::arg("b"))),
+           "Set *this to be the quaternion which transforms a into b through a rotation."
-      .def("conjugate",&Quaternion::conjugate,"Returns the conjugated quaternion. The conjugate of a quaternion represents the opposite rotation.")
-      .def("inverse",&Quaternion::inverse,"Returns the quaternion describing the inverse rotation.")
-      .def("setIdentity",&Quaternion::setIdentity,bp::return_self<>(),"Set *this to the idendity rotation.")
-      .def("norm",&Quaternion::norm,"Returns the norm of the quaternion's coefficients.")
-      .def("normalize",&Quaternion::normalize,"Normalizes the quaternion *this.")
-      .def("normalized",&Quaternion::normalized,"Returns a normalized copy of *this.")
-      .def("squaredNorm",&Quaternion::squaredNorm,"Returns the squared norm of the quaternion's coefficients.")
-      .def("dot",&Quaternion::template dot<Quaternion>,bp::arg("other"),"Returns the dot product of *this with other"
+      .def("conjugate",&Quaternion::conjugate,
+           bp::arg("self"),
+           "Returns the conjugated quaternion.\n"
+           "The conjugate of a quaternion represents the opposite rotation.")
+      .def("inverse",&Quaternion::inverse,
+           bp::arg("self"),
+           "Returns the quaternion describing the inverse rotation.")
+      .def("setIdentity",&Quaternion::setIdentity,
+           bp::arg("self"),
+           "Set *this to the idendity rotation.",bp::return_self<>())
+      .def("norm",&Quaternion::norm,
+           bp::arg("self"),
+           "Returns the norm of the quaternion's coefficients.")
+      .def("normalize",&Quaternion::normalize,
+           bp::arg("self"),
+           "Normalizes the quaternion *this.")
+      .def("normalized",&Quaternion::normalized,
+           bp::arg("self"),
+           "Returns a normalized copy of *this.")
+      .def("squaredNorm",&Quaternion::squaredNorm,
+           bp::arg("self"),
+           "Returns the squared norm of the quaternion's coefficients.")
+      .def("dot",&Quaternion::template dot<Quaternion>,
+           (bp::arg("self"),bp::arg("other")),
+           "Returns the dot product of *this with an other Quaternion.\n"
            "Geometrically speaking, the dot product of two unit quaternions corresponds to the cosine of half the angle between the two rotations.")
-      .def("_transformVector",&Quaternion::_transformVector,bp::arg("vector"),"Rotation of a vector by a quaternion.")
-      .def("vec",&vec,"Returns a vector expression of the imaginary part (x,y,z).")
-      .def("angularDistance",&Quaternion::template angularDistance<Quaternion>,"Returns the angle (in radian) between two rotations.")
-      .def("slerp",&slerp,bp::args("t","other"),
+      .def("_transformVector",&Quaternion::_transformVector,
+           (bp::arg("self"),bp::arg("vector")),
+           "Rotation of a vector by a quaternion.")
+      .def("vec",&vec,
+           bp::arg("self"),
+           "Returns a vector expression of the imaginary part (x,y,z).")
+      .def("angularDistance",
+           (bp::arg("self"),bp::arg("other")),
+           &Quaternion::template angularDistance<Quaternion>,
+           "Returns the angle (in radian) between two rotations.")
+      .def("slerp",&slerp,bp::args("self","t","other"),
            "Returns the spherical linear interpolation between the two quaternions *this and other at the parameter t in [0;1].")
       /* --- Operators --- */
@@ -144,9 +175,9 @@ namespace eigenpy
-           bp::arg("quat"),"Set *this from an quaternion quat and returns a reference to *this.",bp::return_self<>())
+           bp::args("self","quat"),"Set *this from an quaternion quat and returns a reference to *this.",bp::return_self<>())
       .def("assign",(Quaternion & (Quaternion::*)(const AngleAxis &))&Quaternion::operator=,
-           bp::arg("aa"),"Set *this from an angle-axis aa and returns a reference to *this.",bp::return_self<>())
+           bp::args("self","aa"),"Set *this from an angle-axis aa and returns a reference to *this.",bp::return_self<>())
@@ -158,7 +189,8 @@ namespace eigenpy
            "Returns the quaternion which transforms a into b through a rotation.",
-      .def("Identity",&Quaternion::Identity,"Returns a quaternion representing an identity rotation.")
+      .def("Identity",&Quaternion::Identity,
+           "Returns a quaternion representing an identity rotation.")