/* * Copyright 2011, * Olivier Stasse, * * CNRS * */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* --- INCLUDES ------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include <dynamic_graph_bridge/sot_loader.hh> #include "dynamic_graph_bridge/ros_init.hh" // POSIX.1-2001 #include <dlfcn.h> #include <boost/thread/condition.hpp> boost::condition_variable cond; using namespace std; using namespace dynamicgraph::sot; namespace po = boost::program_options; struct DataToLog { const std::size_t N; std::size_t idx; std::vector<double> times; DataToLog(std::size_t N_) : N(N_), idx(0), times(N, 0) {} void record(const double t) { times[idx] = t; ++idx; if (idx == N) idx = 0; } void save(const char *prefix) { std::ostringstream oss; oss << prefix << "-times.log"; std::ofstream aof(oss.str().c_str()); if (aof.is_open()) { for (std::size_t k = 0; k < N; ++k) { aof << times[(idx + k) % N] << '\n'; } } aof.close(); } }; void workThreadLoader(SotLoader *aSotLoader) { unsigned period = 1000; // micro seconds if (ros::param::has("/sot_controller/dt")) { double periodd; ros::param::get("/sot_controller/dt", periodd); period = unsigned(1e6 * periodd); } DataToLog dataToLog(5000); while (aSotLoader->isDynamicGraphStopped()) { usleep(period); } struct timeval start, stop; ros::NodeHandle nh("/geometric_simu"); bool paused; unsigned long long dt; while (!aSotLoader->isDynamicGraphStopped()) { nh.param<bool>("paused", paused, false); if (!paused) { gettimeofday(&start, 0); aSotLoader->oneIteration(); gettimeofday(&stop, 0); dt = 1000000 * (stop.tv_sec - start.tv_sec) + (stop.tv_usec - start.tv_usec); dataToLog.record((double)dt * 1e-6); } else dt = 0; if (period > dt) { usleep(period - (unsigned)dt); } } dataToLog.save("/tmp/geometric_simu"); cond.notify_all(); ros::waitForShutdown(); } SotLoader::SotLoader() : sensorsIn_(), controlValues_(), angleEncoder_(), angleControl_(), forces_(), torques_(), baseAtt_(), accelerometer_(3), gyrometer_(3), thread_() { readSotVectorStateParam(); initPublication(); } SotLoader::~SotLoader() { dynamic_graph_stopped_ = true; thread_.join(); } void SotLoader::startControlLoop() { thread_ = boost::thread(workThreadLoader, this); } void SotLoader::initializeRosNode(int argc, char *argv[]) { SotLoaderBasic::initializeRosNode(argc, argv); // Temporary fix. TODO: where should nbOfJoints_ be initialized from? if (ros::param::has("/sot/state_vector_map")) { angleEncoder_.resize(nbOfJoints_); angleControl_.resize(nbOfJoints_); } startControlLoop(); } void SotLoader::fillSensors(map<string, dgs::SensorValues> &sensorsIn) { // Update joint values.w assert(angleControl_.size() == angleEncoder_.size()); sensorsIn["joints"].setName("angle"); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < angleControl_.size(); i++) angleEncoder_[i] = angleControl_[i]; sensorsIn["joints"].setValues(angleEncoder_); } void SotLoader::readControl(map<string, dgs::ControlValues> &controlValues) { // Update joint values. angleControl_ = controlValues["control"].getValues(); // Debug std::map<std::string, dgs::ControlValues>::iterator it = controlValues.begin(); sotDEBUG(30) << "ControlValues to be broadcasted:" << std::endl; for (; it != controlValues.end(); it++) { sotDEBUG(30) << it->first << ":"; std::vector<double> ctrlValues_ = it->second.getValues(); std::vector<double>::iterator it_d = ctrlValues_.begin(); for (; it_d != ctrlValues_.end(); it_d++) sotDEBUG(30) << *it_d << " "; sotDEBUG(30) << std::endl; } sotDEBUG(30) << "End ControlValues" << std::endl; // Check if the size if coherent with the robot description. if (angleControl_.size() != (unsigned int)nbOfJoints_) { std::cerr << " angleControl_" << angleControl_.size() << " and nbOfJoints" << (unsigned int)nbOfJoints_ << " are different !" << std::endl; exit(-1); } // Publish the data. joint_state_.header.stamp = ros::Time::now(); for (int i = 0; i < nbOfJoints_; i++) { joint_state_.position[i] = angleControl_[i]; } for (unsigned int i = 0; i < parallel_joints_to_state_vector_.size(); i++) { joint_state_.position[i + nbOfJoints_] = coefficient_parallel_joints_[i] * angleControl_[parallel_joints_to_state_vector_[i]]; } joint_pub_.publish(joint_state_); // Publish robot pose // get the robot pose values std::vector<double> poseValue_ = controlValues["baseff"].getValues(); freeFlyerPose_.setOrigin( tf::Vector3(poseValue_[0], poseValue_[1], poseValue_[2])); tf::Quaternion poseQ_(poseValue_[4], poseValue_[5], poseValue_[6], poseValue_[3]); freeFlyerPose_.setRotation(poseQ_); // Publish freeFlyerPublisher_.sendTransform(tf::StampedTransform( freeFlyerPose_, ros::Time::now(), "odom", "base_link")); } void SotLoader::setup() { fillSensors(sensorsIn_); sotController_->setupSetSensors(sensorsIn_); sotController_->getControl(controlValues_); readControl(controlValues_); } void SotLoader::oneIteration() { fillSensors(sensorsIn_); try { sotController_->nominalSetSensors(sensorsIn_); sotController_->getControl(controlValues_); } catch (std::exception &e) { throw e; } readControl(controlValues_); }