diff --git a/src/converter.hh b/src/converter.hh
index 93c84c9d5fe1d3fc322d30ddf82cdc2beab34119..bd4443fa01be52db58ad9b0a8df95e8cf8d44cb2 100644
--- a/src/converter.hh
+++ b/src/converter.hh
@@ -7,6 +7,13 @@
 namespace dynamicgraph
+  /// \brief Handle ROS <-> dynamic-graph conversion.
+  ///
+  /// Implements all ROS/dynamic-graph conversions required by the
+  /// bridge.
+  ///
+  ///Relies on the SotToRos type trait to make sure valid pair of
+  /// types are used.
   template <typename D, typename S>
   void converter (D& dst, const S& src);
@@ -55,6 +62,16 @@ namespace dynamicgraph
     dst.rotation.w = quaternion.w ();
+  template <>
+  inline void converter
+  (SotToRos<std::pair<sot::MatrixHomogeneous, ml::Vector> >::ros_t& dst,
+   const SotToRos<std::pair<sot::MatrixHomogeneous, ml::Vector> >::sot_t& src)
+  {
+    converter
+      <SotToRos<sot::MatrixHomogeneous>::ros_t,
+      SotToRos<sot::MatrixHomogeneous>::sot_t> (dst.transform, src);
+  }
   template <>
   inline void converter (SotToRos<ml::Vector>::ros_t& dst,
 			 const SotToRos<ml::Vector>::sot_t& src)
@@ -104,6 +121,16 @@ namespace dynamicgraph
     dst(2, 3) = src.translation.z;
+  template <>
+  inline void converter
+  (SotToRos<std::pair<sot::MatrixHomogeneous, ml::Vector> >::sot_t& dst,
+   const SotToRos<std::pair<sot::MatrixHomogeneous, ml::Vector> >::ros_t& src)
+  {
+    converter
+      <SotToRos<sot::MatrixHomogeneous>::sot_t,
+      SotToRos<sot::MatrixHomogeneous>::ros_t> (dst, src.transform);
+  }
   template <>
   inline void converter
   (SotToRos<ml::Vector>::sot_t& dst,
@@ -134,6 +161,17 @@ namespace dynamicgraph
       SotToRos<sot::MatrixHomogeneous>::ros_t> (dst, *src);
+  template <>
+  inline void converter
+   (SotToRos<std::pair<sot::MatrixHomogeneous, ml::Vector> >::sot_t& dst,
+    const boost::shared_ptr
+    <SotToRos<std::pair<sot::MatrixHomogeneous, ml::Vector> >::ros_t const>& src)
+  {
+    converter
+      <SotToRos<sot::MatrixHomogeneous>::sot_t,
+      SotToRos<sot::MatrixHomogeneous>::ros_t> (dst, src->transform);
+  }
 } // end of namespace dynamicgraph.
diff --git a/src/ros_export.cpp b/src/ros_export.cpp
index 8cd110f618e75bc0945da51b6e35f315c698fc1d..51b7cb7ad0b78c01bc07661b2cd0a779b6e611bb 100644
--- a/src/ros_export.cpp
+++ b/src/ros_export.cpp
@@ -79,6 +79,9 @@ namespace dynamicgraph
 	  entity.add<ml::Vector> (signal, topic);
 	else if (type == "matrixHomo")
 	  entity.add<sot::MatrixHomogeneous> (signal, topic);
+	else if (type == "matrixHomoStamped")
+	  entity.add<std::pair<sot::MatrixHomogeneous, ml::Vector> >
+	    (signal, topic);
 	  throw std::runtime_error("bad type");
 	return Value ();
diff --git a/src/ros_export.hh b/src/ros_export.hh
index b93083491e66f7fb58f777024e0a9349bf65a761..800df9cbf73211b1ba0235c033d800f1c192bf8d 100644
--- a/src/ros_export.hh
+++ b/src/ros_export.hh
@@ -47,6 +47,13 @@ namespace dynamicgraph
   } // end of namespace command.
+  namespace internal
+  {
+    template <typename T>
+    struct Add;
+  } // end of internal namespace.
+  /// \brief Publish ROS information in the dynamic-graph.
   class RosExport : public dynamicgraph::Entity
@@ -68,12 +75,30 @@ namespace dynamicgraph
     template <typename T>
     void add (const std::string& signal, const std::string& topic);
-  private:
+    std::map<std::string, bindedSignal_t>&
+    bindedSignal ()
+    {
+      return bindedSignal_;
+    }
+    ros::NodeHandle& nh ()
+    {
+      return nh_;
+    }
     template <typename R, typename S>
     void callback
     (boost::shared_ptr<dynamicgraph::SignalPtr<S, int> > signal,
      const R& data);
+    template <typename R>
+    void callbackTimestamp
+    (boost::shared_ptr<dynamicgraph::SignalPtr<ml::Vector, int> > signal,
+     const R& data);
+    template <typename T>
+    friend class internal::Add;
+  private:
     ros::NodeHandle nh_;
     std::map<std::string, bindedSignal_t> bindedSignal_;
     ros::AsyncSpinner spinner_;
diff --git a/src/ros_export.hxx b/src/ros_export.hxx
index 0970efb5f783d1d7c21086ef869eb1d373472244..be9eab92c9c23b8eff8a11351f17f698fefd0956 100644
--- a/src/ros_export.hxx
+++ b/src/ros_export.hxx
@@ -7,8 +7,6 @@
 # include "dynamic_graph_bridge/Matrix.h"
 # include "dynamic_graph_bridge/Vector.h"
-#include <iostream>//FIXME:
 namespace ml = ::maal::boost;
 namespace dynamicgraph
@@ -25,36 +23,139 @@ namespace dynamicgraph
     signal->setConstant (value);
+  template <typename R>
+  void
+  RosExport::callbackTimestamp
+  (boost::shared_ptr<dynamicgraph::SignalPtr<ml::Vector, int> > signal,
+   const R& data)
+  {
+    ml::Vector time (2);
+    time (0) = data->header.stamp.sec;
+    // Convert nanoseconds into microseconds (i.e. timeval structure).
+    time (1) = data->header.stamp.nsec / 1000.;
+    signal->setConstant(time);
+  }
-  template <typename T>
-  void RosExport::add (const std::string& signal, const std::string& topic)
+  namespace internal
-    typedef typename SotToRos<T>::sot_t sot_t;
-    typedef typename SotToRos<T>::ros_const_ptr_t ros_const_ptr_t;
-    typedef typename SotToRos<T>::signalIn_t signal_t;
+    template <typename T>
+    struct Add
+    {
+      void operator () (RosExport& rosExport,
+			const std::string& signal,
+			const std::string& topic)
+      {
+	typedef typename SotToRos<T>::sot_t sot_t;
+	typedef typename SotToRos<T>::ros_const_ptr_t ros_const_ptr_t;
+	typedef typename SotToRos<T>::signalIn_t signal_t;
+	// Initialize the bindedSignal object.
+	RosExport::bindedSignal_t bindedSignal;
+	// Initialize the signal.
+	boost::format signalName ("RosExport(%1%)::%2%");
+	signalName % rosExport.getName () % signal;
+	boost::shared_ptr<signal_t> signal_
+	  (new signal_t (0, signalName.str ()));
+	signal_->setConstant (sot_t ());
+	bindedSignal.first = signal_;
+	rosExport.signalRegistration (*bindedSignal.first);
+	// Initialize the publisher.
+	typedef boost::function<void (const ros_const_ptr_t& data)> callback_t;
+	callback_t callback = boost::bind
+	  (&RosExport::callback<ros_const_ptr_t, sot_t>,
+	   &rosExport, signal_, _1);
+	bindedSignal.second =
+	  boost::make_shared<ros::Subscriber>
+	  (rosExport.nh ().subscribe (topic, 1, callback));
+	rosExport.bindedSignal ()[signal] = bindedSignal;
+      }
+    };
+    template <typename T>
+    struct Add<std::pair<T, ml::Vector> >
+    {
+      void operator () (RosExport& rosExport,
+			const std::string& signal,
+			const std::string& topic)
+      {
+	typedef std::pair<T, ml::Vector> type_t;
-    // Initialize the bindedSignal object.
-    bindedSignal_t bindedSignal;
+	typedef typename SotToRos<type_t>::sot_t sot_t;
+	typedef typename SotToRos<type_t>::ros_const_ptr_t ros_const_ptr_t;
+	typedef typename SotToRos<type_t>::signalIn_t signal_t;
-    // Initialize the signal.
-    boost::format signalName ("RosExport(%1%)::%2%");
-    signalName % name % signal;
+	// Initialize the bindedSignal object.
+	RosExport::bindedSignal_t bindedSignal;
-    boost::shared_ptr<signal_t> signal_ (new signal_t (0, signalName.str ()));
-    signal_->setConstant (sot_t ());
-    bindedSignal.first = signal_;
-    signalRegistration (*bindedSignal.first);
+	// Initialize the signal.
+	boost::format signalName ("RosExport(%1%)::%2%");
+	signalName % rosExport.getName () % signal;
-    // Initialize the publisher.
-    typedef boost::function<void (const ros_const_ptr_t& data)> callback_t;
-    callback_t callback = boost::bind
-      (&RosExport::callback<ros_const_ptr_t, sot_t>,
-       this, signal_, _1);
+	boost::shared_ptr<signal_t> signal_
+	  (new signal_t (0, signalName.str ()));
+	signal_->setConstant (sot_t ());
+	bindedSignal.first = signal_;
+	rosExport.signalRegistration (*bindedSignal.first);
-    bindedSignal.second =
-      boost::make_shared<ros::Subscriber> (nh_.subscribe (topic, 1, callback));
+	// Initialize the publisher.
+	typedef boost::function<void (const ros_const_ptr_t& data)> callback_t;
+	callback_t callback = boost::bind
+	  (&RosExport::callback<ros_const_ptr_t, sot_t>,
+	   &rosExport, signal_, _1);
-    bindedSignal_[signal] = bindedSignal;
+	bindedSignal.second =
+	  boost::make_shared<ros::Subscriber>
+	  (rosExport.nh ().subscribe (topic, 1, callback));
+	rosExport.bindedSignal ()[signal] = bindedSignal;
+	// Timestamp.
+	typedef dynamicgraph::SignalPtr<ml::Vector, int>
+	  signalTimestamp_t;
+	std::string signalTimestamp =
+	  (boost::format ("%1%%2%") % signal % "Timestamp").str ();
+	// Initialize the bindedSignal object.
+	RosExport::bindedSignal_t bindedSignalTimestamp;
+	// Initialize the signal.
+	boost::format signalNameTimestamp ("RosExport(%1%)::%2%");
+	signalNameTimestamp % rosExport.name % signalTimestamp;
+	boost::shared_ptr<signalTimestamp_t> signalTimestamp_
+	  (new signalTimestamp_t (0, signalNameTimestamp.str ()));
+	ml::Vector zero (2);
+	zero.setZero ();
+	signalTimestamp_->setConstant (zero);
+	bindedSignalTimestamp.first = signalTimestamp_;
+	rosExport.signalRegistration (*bindedSignalTimestamp.first);
+	// Initialize the publisher.
+	typedef boost::function<void (const ros_const_ptr_t& data)> callback_t;
+	callback_t callbackTimestamp = boost::bind
+	  (&RosExport::callbackTimestamp<ros_const_ptr_t>,
+	   &rosExport, signalTimestamp_, _1);
+	bindedSignalTimestamp.second =
+	  boost::make_shared<ros::Subscriber>
+	  (rosExport.nh ().subscribe (topic, 1, callbackTimestamp));
+	rosExport.bindedSignal ()[signalTimestamp] = bindedSignalTimestamp;
+      }
+    };
+  } // end of namespace internal.
+  template <typename T>
+  void RosExport::add (const std::string& signal, const std::string& topic)
+  {
+    internal::Add<T> () (*this, signal, topic);
 } // end of namespace dynamicgraph.
diff --git a/src/ros_import.hh b/src/ros_import.hh
index 6f2a17a8d68ec3e6a0abdbeec848b9dc4c4ddedf..e45695a8bc6ac0ee6dd6f3d4e10e524197a8ccb1 100644
--- a/src/ros_import.hh
+++ b/src/ros_import.hh
@@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ namespace dynamicgraph
   } // end of namespace command.
+  /// \brief Publish dynamic-graph information into ROS.
   class RosImport : public dynamicgraph::Entity
diff --git a/src/sot_to_ros.hh b/src/sot_to_ros.hh
index 2008815370920d6c23c642832e6763736d09b994..c228799bbd04046c259ed76a825a6d3e347793f5 100644
--- a/src/sot_to_ros.hh
+++ b/src/sot_to_ros.hh
@@ -1,12 +1,15 @@
 # include <vector>
+# include <utility>
 # include <jrl/mal/boost.hh>
 # include <std_msgs/Float64.h>
 # include "dynamic_graph_bridge/Matrix.h"
 # include "dynamic_graph_bridge/Vector.h"
 # include "geometry_msgs/Transform.h"
+# include "geometry_msgs/TransformStamped.h"
 # include <dynamic-graph/signal-time-dependent.h>
 # include <dynamic-graph/signal-ptr.h>
@@ -16,6 +19,12 @@ namespace dynamicgraph
   namespace ml = maal::boost;
+  /// \brief SotToRos trait type.
+  ///
+  /// This trait provides types associated to a dynamic-graph type:
+  /// - ROS corresponding type,
+  /// - signal type / input signal type,
+  /// - ROS callback type.
   template <typename SotType>
   class SotToRos;
@@ -63,6 +72,18 @@ namespace dynamicgraph
     typedef boost::function<sot_t& (sot_t&, int)> callback_t;
+  // Stamped transformation
+  template <>
+  struct SotToRos<std::pair<sot::MatrixHomogeneous, ml::Vector> >
+  {
+    typedef sot::MatrixHomogeneous sot_t;
+    typedef geometry_msgs::TransformStamped ros_t;
+    typedef geometry_msgs::TransformStampedConstPtr ros_const_ptr_t;
+    typedef dynamicgraph::SignalTimeDependent<sot_t, int> signal_t;
+    typedef dynamicgraph::SignalPtr<sot_t, int> signalIn_t;
+    typedef boost::function<sot_t& (sot_t&, int)> callback_t;
+  };
 } // end of namespace dynamicgraph.