diff --git a/src/robot_model.cpp b/src/robot_model.cpp
index e2e8d31768b03f70d464add19a4a79f6ebd1831d..d849dfea36f57711a4532c0a39c4f968bddc690f 100644
--- a/src/robot_model.cpp
+++ b/src/robot_model.cpp
@@ -1,309 +1,170 @@
-#include <limits>
-#include <boost/bind.hpp>
-#include <ros/ros.h>
+#include "robot_model.hh"
-#include <dynamic-graph/command-getter.h>
+#include <dynamic-graph/all-commands.h>
 #include <dynamic-graph/factory.h>
-#include <dynamic-graph/null-ptr.hh>
 #include <jrl/dynamics/urdf/parser.hh>
 #include "dynamic_graph_bridge/ros_init.hh"
-#include "robot_model.hh"
 namespace dynamicgraph
-  namespace dg = dynamicgraph;
-  using ::dynamicgraph::command::Getter;
-  namespace
-  {
-    void convert (ml::Vector& dst, const vector3d& src)
-    {
-      dst(0) = src[0];
-      dst(1) = src[1];
-      dst(2) = src[2];
-    }
-  } // end of anonymous namespace.
-  namespace command
-  {
-    LoadFromParameterServer::LoadFromParameterServer
-    (RosRobotModel& entity,
-     const std::string& docstring)
-      : Command (entity, std::vector<Value::Type>(), docstring)
-    {}
-    Value
-    LoadFromParameterServer::doExecute()
-    {
-      RosRobotModel& entity =
-	static_cast<RosRobotModel&>(owner ());
-      entity.loadFromParameterServer ();
-      return Value ();
-    }
-    LoadUrdf::LoadUrdf(RosRobotModel& entity, const std::string& docstring)
-      : Command (entity, std::vector<Value::Type>(), docstring)
-    {}
-    Value
-    LoadUrdf::doExecute()
-    {
-      RosRobotModel& entity =
-	static_cast<RosRobotModel&>(owner ());
+RosRobotModel::RosRobotModel(const std::string& name)
+    : Dynamic(name,false),
+      jointsParameterName_("jrl_map"),
+      ns_("sot_controller")
+    std::string docstring;
-      const std::vector<Value>& values = getParameterValues ();
-      std::string resourceName = values[0].value ();
+    docstring =
+            "\n"
+            "  Load the robot model from the parameter server.\n"
+            "\n"
+            "  This is the recommended method.\n"
+            "\n";
+    addCommand("loadFromParameterServer", command::makeCommandVoid0(*this,&RosRobotModel::loadFromParameterServer,docstring));
-      entity.loadUrdf (resourceName);
-      return Value ();
-    }
-  } // end of namespace command.
-  RosRobotModel::RosRobotModel (const std::string& name)
-    : Entity(name),
-      robot_ (0),
-      lastComputation_ (std::numeric_limits<int>::min()),
-      q_ (dynamicgraph::nullptr,
-	  "RosRobotModel(" + name + ")::input(vector)::position"),
-      dq_ (dynamicgraph::nullptr,
-	   "RosRobotModel(" + name + ")::input(vector)::velocity"),
-      ddq_ (dynamicgraph::nullptr,
-	    "RosRobotModel(" + name + ")::input(vector)::acceleration"),
-      zmp_ (boost::bind (&RosRobotModel::computeZmp, this, _1, _2),
-	    0,
-	    "RosRobotModel(" + name + ")::output(vector)::zmp"),
-      com_ (boost::bind (&RosRobotModel::computeCom, this, _1, _2),
-	    0,
-	    "RosRobotModel(" + name + ")::output(vector)::com"),
-      jcom_ (boost::bind (&RosRobotModel::computeJCom, this, _1, _2),
-	     0,
-	     "RosRobotModel(" + name + ")::output(vector)::Jcom"),
-      lowerJointLimits_
-      (boost::bind
-       (&RosRobotModel::computeLowerJointLimits, this, _1, _2),
-       0,
-       "RosRobotModel(" + name + ")::output(vector)::lowerJl"),
-      upperJointLimits_
-      (boost::bind
-       (&RosRobotModel::computeUpperJointLimits, this, _1, _2),
-       0,
-       "RosRobotModel(" + name + ")::output(vector)::upperJl")
-  {
-    signalRegistration(q_);
-    signalRegistration(dq_);
-    signalRegistration(ddq_);
-    signalRegistration(zmp_);
-    signalRegistration(com_);
-    signalRegistration(jcom_);
-    signalRegistration(lowerJointLimits_);
-    signalRegistration(upperJointLimits_);
-    zmp_.addDependency (q_);
-    zmp_.addDependency (dq_);
-    zmp_.addDependency (ddq_);
-    com_.addDependency (q_);
-    com_.addDependency (dq_);
-    com_.addDependency (ddq_);
-    jcom_.addDependency (q_);
-    jcom_.addDependency (dq_);
-    jcom_.addDependency (ddq_);
+    docstring =
+            "\n"
+            "  Load the robot model from an URDF file.\n"
+            "\n";
+    addCommand("loadUrdf", command::makeCommandVoid1(*this,&RosRobotModel::loadUrdf,docstring));
-    std::string docstring;
+    docstring =
+            "\n"
+            "  Set the controller namespace."
+            "\n";
+    addCommand("setNamespace", command::makeCommandVoid1(*this,&RosRobotModel::setNamespace,docstring));
     docstring =
-      "\n"
-      "  Load the robot model from the parameter server.\n"
-      "\n"
-      "  This is the recommended method.\n"
-      "\n";
-    addCommand ("loadFromParameterServer",
-		new command::LoadFromParameterServer (*this, docstring));
+            "\n"
+            "  Get current configuration of the robot.\n"
+            "\n";
+    addCommand ("curConf", new command::Getter<RosRobotModel,Vector> (*this,&RosRobotModel::curConf,docstring));
     docstring =
-      "\n"
-      "  Load the robot model from an URDF file.\n"
-      "\n";
-    addCommand ("loadUrdf", new command::LoadUrdf (*this, docstring));
-    docstring = "    \n"
-      "    Get the dimension of the robot configuration.\n"
-      "    \n"
-      "      Return:\n"
-      "        an unsigned int: the dimension.\n"
-      "    \n";
-    addCommand ("getDimension",
-		new Getter<RosRobotModel, unsigned>
-		(*this,
-		 &RosRobotModel::getDimension, docstring));
-  }
-  RosRobotModel::~RosRobotModel ()
-  {}
-  void
-  RosRobotModel::loadUrdf (const std::string& filename)
-  {
+            "\n"
+            "  Maps a link name in the URDF parser to actual robot link name.\n"
+            "\n";
+    addCommand ("addJointMapping", command::makeCommandVoid2(*this,&RosRobotModel::addJointMapping,docstring));
+void RosRobotModel::loadUrdf (const std::string& filename)
     jrl::dynamics::urdf::Parser parser;
-    robot_ = parser.parse(filename);
-    buildSignals ();
-  }
-  void
-  RosRobotModel::loadFromParameterServer ()
-  {
+    std::map<std::string, std::string>::const_iterator it = specialJoints_.begin();
+    for (;it!=specialJoints_.end();++it) {
+        parser.specifyREPName(it->first, it->second);
+    }
+    m_HDR = parser.parse(filename);
+    ros::NodeHandle nh(ns_);
+    nh.setParam(jointsParameterName_, parser.JointsNamesByRank_);
+void RosRobotModel::setNamespace (const std::string& ns)
+    ns_ = ns;
+void RosRobotModel::loadFromParameterServer()
     jrl::dynamics::urdf::Parser parser;
+    std::map<std::string, std::string>::const_iterator it = specialJoints_.begin();
+    for (;it!=specialJoints_.end();++it) {
+        parser.specifyREPName(it->first, it->second);
+    }
     rosInit (false);
     std::string robotDescription;
-    ros::param::param<std::string>
-      ("robot_description", robotDescription, "");
+    ros::param::param<std::string> ("/robot_description", robotDescription, "");
     if (robotDescription.empty ())
-      throw std::runtime_error
-	("No model available as ROS parameter. Fail.");
-    robot_ = parser.parseStream (robotDescription);
-    buildSignals ();
-  }
-  void
-  RosRobotModel::buildSignals ()
-  {
-    // iterate on tree nodes and add signals
-    typedef dg::SignalTimeDependent<MatrixHomogeneous, int> signal_t;
-    ::std::vector<CjrlJoint*> jointsVect = robot_->jointVector();
-    for (uint i=0; i<jointsVect.size(); ++i)
-      {
-	CjrlJoint* currentJoint = jointsVect[i];
-	std::string signame = currentJoint->getName();
-	signal_t* sig
-	  = new signal_t
-	  (boost::bind
-	   (&RosRobotModel::computeBodyPosition, this, currentJoint, _1, _2),
-	   0,
-	   "RosRobotModel(" + getName () + ")::output(matrix)::" + signame);
-	sig->addDependency (q_);
-	sig->addDependency (dq_);
-	sig->addDependency (ddq_);
-	genericSignalRefs_.push_back (sig);
-	signalRegistration (*sig);
-      }
-    // force recomputation as the model has changed.
-    lastComputation_ = std::numeric_limits<int>::min();
-  }
-  RosRobotModel::MatrixHomogeneous&
-  RosRobotModel::computeBodyPosition (CjrlJoint* joint,
-				      MatrixHomogeneous& position,
-				      int t)
-  {
-    update (t);
-    for(unsigned i = 0; i < position.nbRows(); ++i)
-      for(unsigned j = 0; j < position.nbCols(); ++j)
-	position.elementAt(i,j) =
-	  joint->currentTransformation().m[i * position.nbCols() + j];
-    return position;
-  }
-  namespace
-  {
-    vectorN convertVector (const ml::Vector& v)
+        throw std::runtime_error("No model available as ROS parameter. Fail.");
+    m_HDR = parser.parseStream (robotDescription);
+    ros::NodeHandle nh(ns_);
+    nh.setParam(jointsParameterName_, parser.JointsNamesByRank_);
+vectorN convertVector(const ml::Vector& v)
+    vectorN res (v.size());
+    for (unsigned i = 0; i < v.size(); ++i)
+        res[i] = v(i);
+    return res;
+ml::Vector convertVector(const vectorN& v)
+    ml::Vector res;
+    res.resize(v.size());
+    for (unsigned i = 0; i < v.size(); ++i)
+        res(i) = v[i];
+    return res;
+} // end of anonymous namespace.
+Vector RosRobotModel::curConf() const
+    // The first 6 dofs are associated to the Freeflyer frame
+    // Freeflyer reference frame should be the same as global
+    // frame so that operational point positions correspond to
+    // position in freeflyer frame.
+    XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue ffpose;
+    ros::NodeHandle nh(ns_);
+    std::string param_name = "ffpose";
+    if (nh.hasParam(param_name)){
+        nh.getParam(param_name, ffpose);
+        ROS_ASSERT(ffpose.getType() == XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue::TypeArray);
+        ROS_ASSERT(ffpose.size() == 6);
+        for (int32_t i = 0; i < ffpose.size(); ++i)
+        {
+            ROS_ASSERT(ffpose[i].getType() == XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue::TypeDouble);
+        }
+    }
+    else
-      vectorN res (v.size());
-      for (unsigned i = 0; i < v.size(); ++i)
-	res[i] = v(i);
-      return res;
+        ffpose.setSize(6);
+        for (int32_t i = 0; i < ffpose.size(); ++i)
+            ffpose[i] = 0.0;
-  } // end of anonymous namespace.
-  void
-  RosRobotModel::update (int t)
-  {
-    if (t <= lastComputation_)
-      return;
-    vectorN q = convertVector (q_ (t));
-    vectorN dq = convertVector (dq_ (t));
-    vectorN ddq = convertVector (dq_ (t));
-    if (!robot_->currentConfiguration(q))
-      throw std::runtime_error ("failed to update current configuration");
-    if (!robot_->currentVelocity(dq))
-      throw std::runtime_error ("failed to update current velocity");
-    if (!robot_->currentAcceleration(ddq))
-      throw std::runtime_error ("failed to update current acceleration");
-    robot_->computeForwardKinematics();
-    lastComputation_ = t;
-  }
-  ml::Vector&
-  RosRobotModel::computeZmp (ml::Vector& zmp, int t)
-  {
-    zmp.resize(3);
-    if (!robot_)
-      throw std::runtime_error ("no robot");
-    update (t);
-    convert (zmp, robot_->zeroMomentumPoint());
-    return zmp;
-  }
-  ml::Vector&
-  RosRobotModel::computeCom (ml::Vector& com, int t)
-  {
-    com.resize(3);
-    if (!robot_)
-      throw std::runtime_error ("no robot");
-    update (t);
-    convert (com, robot_->positionCenterOfMass());
-    return com;
-  }
-  ml::Matrix&
-  RosRobotModel::computeJCom (ml::Matrix& jcom, int t)
-  {
-    jcom.resize(3, getDimension ());
-    if (!robot_)
-      throw std::runtime_error ("no robot");
-    update (t);
-    CjrlJoint* rootJoint = robot_->rootJoint();
-    if (!rootJoint)
-      throw std::runtime_error ("no root joint");
-    matrixNxP jacobian;
-    robot_->getJacobianCenterOfMass (*rootJoint, jacobian);
-    jcom.initFromMotherLib (jacobian);
-    return jcom;
-  }
-  ml::Vector&
-  RosRobotModel::computeLowerJointLimits (ml::Vector& lowerJointLimits, int t)
-  {
-    if (!robot_)
-      throw std::runtime_error ("no robot");
-    const unsigned int& ndofs = robot_->numberDof ();
-    lowerJointLimits.resize (ndofs);
-    for (unsigned int i = 0; i< ndofs; ++i)
-      lowerJointLimits (i) = robot_->lowerBoundDof (i);
-    return lowerJointLimits;
-  }
-  ml::Vector&
-  RosRobotModel::computeUpperJointLimits (ml::Vector& upperJointLimits, int t)
-  {
-    if (!robot_)
-      throw std::runtime_error ("no robot");
-    const unsigned int& ndofs = robot_->numberDof ();
-    upperJointLimits.resize (ndofs);
-    for (unsigned int i = 0; i< ndofs; ++i)
-      upperJointLimits (i) = robot_->upperBoundDof (i);
-    return upperJointLimits;
-  }
+    if (!m_HDR )
+        throw std::runtime_error ("no robot loaded");
+    else {
+        vectorN currConf = m_HDR->currentConfiguration();
+        Vector res;
+        res = convertVector(currConf);
+        for (int32_t i = 0; i < ffpose.size(); ++i)
+            res(i) = static_cast<double>(ffpose[i]);
+        return res;
+    }
+RosRobotModel::addJointMapping(const std::string &link, const std::string &repName)
+    specialJoints_[link] = repName;
 } // end of namespace dynamicgraph.
diff --git a/src/robot_model.hh b/src/robot_model.hh
index 1bd498d1fca1eb342e0e184db28649d8570c07cd..b456b4e4f78a3b93d97e7ea416d8f045fde65b5d 100644
--- a/src/robot_model.hh
+++ b/src/robot_model.hh
@@ -1,128 +1,55 @@
-# include <list>
-# include <string>
-# include <jrl/mal/boost.hh>
-# include "jrl/mal/matrixabstractlayer.hh"
-namespace ml = maal::boost;
-# include <jrl/dynamics/dynamicsfactory.hh>
+# include <string>
-//# include <sot/core/flags.hh>
-# include <dynamic-graph/command.h>
-# include <dynamic-graph/entity.h>
-//# include <dynamic-graph/pool.h>
-# include <dynamic-graph/signal-ptr.h>
-# include <dynamic-graph/signal-time-dependent.h>
-//# include <sot/core/exception-dynamic.hh>
-# include <sot/core/matrix-homogeneous.hh>
+#include <sot-dynamic/dynamic.h>
+#include <dynamic-graph/linear-algebra.h>
+#include "XmlRpcValue.h"
 namespace dynamicgraph
   class RosRobotModel;
-  namespace command
-  {
-    using ::dynamicgraph::command::Command;
-    using ::dynamicgraph::command::Value;
-    /// \brief Load from the robot_description parameter of the
-    /// parameter server.
-    ///
-    /// This is the recommended method as it ensures model consistency
-    /// between the control and the other nodes.
-    class LoadFromParameterServer : public Command
-    {
-    public:
-      explicit LoadFromParameterServer(RosRobotModel& entity,
-				       const std::string& docstring);
-      Value doExecute();
-    };
-    /// \brief Load model from an URDF file.
-    class LoadUrdf : public Command
-    {
-    public:
-      explicit LoadUrdf(RosRobotModel& entity, const std::string& docstring);
-      Value doExecute();
-    };
-  } // end of namespace command.
   /// \brief This entity load either the current model available in
-  /// the robot_description parameter or a specified file and provides
-  /// various data such as body positions, jacobians, etc.
+  /// the robot_description parameter or a specified file and build
+  /// a Dynamic entity
   /// This relies on jrl_dynamics_urdf to load the model and jrl-dynamics
   /// to realize the computation.
-  class RosRobotModel : public dynamicgraph::Entity
+  class RosRobotModel : public sot::Dynamic
-    typedef ::dynamicgraph::sot::MatrixHomogeneous MatrixHomogeneous;
     RosRobotModel(const std::string& n);
     virtual ~RosRobotModel();
     void loadUrdf(const std::string& filename);
+    void setNamespace (const std::string& ns);
     void loadFromParameterServer();
+    Vector curConf() const;
-  protected:
-    void buildSignals();
-    /// \brief Callback Computing the position of the body attached
-    /// to the provided joint.
-    ///
-    MatrixHomogeneous&
-    computeBodyPosition (CjrlJoint* joint,
-			 MatrixHomogeneous& position,
-			 int t);
+    void addJointMapping(const std::string& link, const std::string& repName);
-    /// \brief Update data if necessary by updating the robot
-    /// configuration/velocity/acceleration.
-    ///
-    /// \param t current time
-    void update (int t);
+  protected:
     unsigned getDimension () const
-      if (!robot_)
+      if (!m_HDR)
 	throw std::runtime_error ("no robot loaded");
-      return robot_->numberDof();
+      return m_HDR->numberDof();
-    ml::Vector& computeZmp (ml::Vector& zmp, int time);
-    ml::Vector& computeCom (ml::Vector& com, int time);
-    ml::Matrix& computeJCom (ml::Matrix& jcom, int time);
-    ml::Vector& computeLowerJointLimits (ml::Vector&, int time);
-    ml::Vector& computeUpperJointLimits (ml::Vector&, int time);
-    CjrlHumanoidDynamicRobot* robot_;
-    std::list< ::dynamicgraph::SignalBase<int>* > genericSignalRefs_;
-    /// \brief When did the last computation occur?
-    int lastComputation_;
-    /// \brief Robot current configuration.
-    dynamicgraph::SignalPtr<ml::Vector,int> q_;
-    /// \brief Robot current velocity.
-    dynamicgraph::SignalPtr<ml::Vector,int> dq_;
-    /// \brief Robot current acceleration.
-    dynamicgraph::SignalPtr<ml::Vector,int> ddq_;
+    /// \brief Name of the parameter where the joints list will be published
+    std::string jointsParameterName_;
-    /// \brief Zero Momentum Point
-    dynamicgraph::SignalTimeDependent<ml::Vector,int> zmp_;
-    /// \brief Center of mass
-    dynamicgraph::SignalTimeDependent<ml::Vector,int> com_;
-    /// \brief Center of mass jacobian
-    dynamicgraph::SignalTimeDependent<ml::Matrix,int> jcom_;
+    /// \brief Name of the controller namespace
+    std::string ns_;
-    /// \brief Lower joints limits
-    dynamicgraph::SignalTimeDependent<ml::Vector,int> lowerJointLimits_;
-    /// \brief Upper joints limits
-    dynamicgraph::SignalTimeDependent<ml::Vector,int> upperJointLimits_;
+    /// \brief Special joints map for the parser
+    std::map<std::string, std::string> specialJoints_;
 } // end of namespace dynamicgraph.
diff --git a/src/ros_publish.cpp b/src/ros_publish.cpp
index 5ef54875e81c8365e1e8ba2336b2950102f000c6..489f5962ec5f0356c7611c8aa901aa5c109bb8c3 100644
--- a/src/ros_publish.cpp
+++ b/src/ros_publish.cpp
@@ -20,7 +20,6 @@
 namespace dynamicgraph
   const double RosPublish::ROS_JOINT_STATE_PUBLISHER_RATE = 0.01;
   namespace command