// Copyright 2010 Thomas Moulard. // #include <sstream> #include <iostream> #include <dynamic-graph/entity.h> #include <dynamic-graph/factory.h> #include <dynamic-graph/exception-factory.h> #include <dynamic-graph/pool.h> #include <dynamic-graph/signal-ptr.h> #include <dynamic-graph/signal-time-dependent.h> #define BOOST_TEST_MODULE pool #include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp> #include <boost/test/output_test_stream.hpp> using boost::test_tools::output_test_stream; struct MyEntity : public dynamicgraph::Entity { static const std::string CLASS_NAME; dynamicgraph::SignalPtr<double, int> m_sigdSIN; dynamicgraph::SignalTimeDependent<double, int> m_sigdTimeDepSOUT; MyEntity(const std::string &name) : Entity(name), m_sigdSIN(NULL, "MyEntity(" + name + ")::input(double)::in_double"), m_sigdTimeDepSOUT(boost::bind(&MyEntity::update, this, _1, _2), m_sigdSIN, "MyEntity(" + name + ")::input(double)::out_double") { signalRegistration(m_sigdSIN << m_sigdTimeDepSOUT); } virtual void display(std::ostream &os) const { os << "Hello! My name is " << getName() << " !" << std::endl; } virtual const std::string &getClassName() const { return CLASS_NAME; } double &update(double &res, const int &inTime) { const double &aDouble = m_sigdSIN(inTime); res = aDouble; return res; } }; DYNAMICGRAPH_FACTORY_ENTITY_PLUGIN(MyEntity, "MyEntity"); namespace dg = dynamicgraph; BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(pool_display) { /// Create Entity dg::Entity *entity = dg::FactoryStorage::getInstance()-> newEntity("MyEntity", "MyEntityInst"); /// Test exception catching when registering Entity bool res = false; try { dg::Entity *entity2 = dg::FactoryStorage::getInstance()-> newEntity("MyEntity", "MyEntityInst"); bool res2 = (entity2 == entity); BOOST_CHECK(res2); } catch (const dg::ExceptionFactory &aef) { res = (aef.getCode() == dg::ExceptionFactory::OBJECT_CONFLICT); } BOOST_CHECK(res); /// Test exception catching when deregistering Entity res = false; try { dg::FactoryStorage::getInstance()-> deregisterEntity("MyEntityInstFailure"); } catch (const dg::ExceptionFactory &aef) { res = (aef.getCode() == dg::ExceptionFactory::OBJECT_CONFLICT); } BOOST_CHECK(res); /// Search for an entity inside the map output_test_stream output; dg::Entity &e = dg::PoolStorage::getInstance()->getEntity("MyEntityInst"); e.display(output); BOOST_CHECK(output.is_equal("Hello! My name is MyEntityInst !\n")); /// Search for an entity inside the map res = false; try { dg::PoolStorage::getInstance()->getEntity("MyEntityInstFailure"); } catch (const dg::ExceptionFactory &aef) { res = (aef.getCode() == dg::ExceptionFactory::UNREFERED_OBJECT); } BOOST_CHECK(res); /// Testing entityMap const dg::PoolStorage::Entities &anEntityMap = dg::PoolStorage::getInstance()->getEntityMap(); bool testExistence = anEntityMap.find("MyEntityInst") == anEntityMap.end(); BOOST_CHECK(!testExistence); /// Testing the existence of an entity testExistence = dg::PoolStorage::getInstance()-> existEntity("MyEntityInst", entity); BOOST_CHECK(testExistence); /// Testing the completion list of pool storage dg::PoolStorage::getInstance()->writeCompletionList(output); BOOST_CHECK(output.is_equal ("MyEntityInst.in_double\nMyEntityInst.out_double\n" "print\nsignals\nsignalDep\n")); /// Checking the graph generated by the pool dg::PoolStorage::getInstance()->writeGraph("output.dot"); std::fstream the_debug_file; the_debug_file.open("output.dot"); std::ostringstream oss_output_wgph; oss_output_wgph << the_debug_file.rdbuf(); the_debug_file.close(); /// Use a predefined output std::string str_to_test = "/* This graph has been automatically generated.\n" " 2019 Month: 2 Day: 28 Time: 11:28 */\n" "digraph \"output\" { \t graph [ label=\"output\" " "bgcolor = white rankdir=LR ]\n" "\t node [ fontcolor = black, color = black,fillcolor = gold1," " style=filled, shape=box ] ; \n" "\tsubgraph cluster_Entities { \n" "\t} \n" "\"MyEntityInst\" [ label = \"MyEntityInst\" ,\n" " fontcolor = black, color = black, fillcolor=cyan, style=filled," " shape=box ]\n" "}\n"; /// Check the two substring (remove the date) - std::string s_output_wgph = oss_output_wgph.str(); std::string s_crmk = "*/"; std::size_t find_s_output_wgph = s_output_wgph.find(s_crmk); std::string sub_s_output_wgph = s_output_wgph.substr (find_s_output_wgph, s_output_wgph.length()); std::size_t find_str_to_test = str_to_test.find(s_crmk); std::string sub_str_to_test = str_to_test.substr (find_str_to_test, str_to_test.length()); bool two_sub_string_identical; two_sub_string_identical = sub_str_to_test == sub_s_output_wgph; std::cout << sub_str_to_test << std::endl; std::cout << sub_s_output_wgph << std::endl; std::cout << sub_str_to_test.compare(sub_s_output_wgph) << std::endl; BOOST_CHECK(two_sub_string_identical); /// Test name of a valid signal. std::istringstream an_iss("MyEntityInst.in_double"); dg::SignalBase<int> &aSignal = dg::PoolStorage::getInstance()->getSignal(an_iss); std::string aSignalName = aSignal.getName(); testExistence = aSignalName == "MyEntity(MyEntityInst)::input(double)::in_double"; BOOST_CHECK(testExistence); /// Test name of an unvalid signal. an_iss.str("MyEntityInst.in2double"); try { dg::PoolStorage::getInstance()->getSignal(an_iss); } catch (const dg::ExceptionFactory &aef) { res = (aef.getCode() == dg::ExceptionFactory::UNREFERED_SIGNAL); } BOOST_CHECK(res); /// Deregister the entity. dg::PoolStorage::getInstance()->deregisterEntity(entity->getName()); /// Testing the existance of an entity testExistence = dg::PoolStorage::getInstance()-> existEntity("MyEntityInst", entity); BOOST_CHECK(!testExistence); /// Create Entity std::string name_entity("MyEntityInst2"); dg::PoolStorage::getInstance()->clearPlugin(name_entity); dg::PoolStorage::destroy(); }