diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml
index cd20da55293c44f7a21fbf7c2603772bf33d26cf..bd30eed06e51b5fcb071d4fd14851ca1e30ae2d3 100644
--- a/.travis.yml
+++ b/.travis.yml
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ env:
   - secure: ECiHIh0aT5ml/MdKifvFIM2UpDWiPsJPEZpafLYM8U0VAPYThSfUe8JWhMsky8amOwm38akbSbr6C7iBKVpzjAqpgNdOdufO1RUZ6pUvtlVXiXTw2KlqPqbDVlD3QroVDhnX/rIRcg5ezEHAIb594uEaHdf8tlikhjdTc3aAgMA=
   - APT_DEPENDENCIES="doxygen doxygen-latex libboost-all-dev libeigen3-dev liblapack-dev libblas-dev gfortran python-dev python-sphinx"
-  - GIT_DEPENDENCIES="stack-of-tasks/dynamic-graph"
+  - GIT_DEPENDENCIES="proyan/dynamic-graph"
   - LCOV_IGNORE_RULES="*unitTesting*"
   - compiler: clang
diff --git a/cmake b/cmake
index d54df3bc05bc19f3aa56d7b7cb15fca48127861a..8e9b46446f92899025173f047b3950fcd21b89f4 160000
--- a/cmake
+++ b/cmake
@@ -1 +1 @@
-Subproject commit d54df3bc05bc19f3aa56d7b7cb15fca48127861a
+Subproject commit 8e9b46446f92899025173f047b3950fcd21b89f4
diff --git a/src/dynamic_graph/signal_base.py b/src/dynamic_graph/signal_base.py
index c0dbfa29e6f95f4f4ea623c779659d4a34468d80..55e53109eaed944bc7a653b3228ffd6a5294a8ef 100644
--- a/src/dynamic_graph/signal_base.py
+++ b/src/dynamic_graph/signal_base.py
@@ -190,26 +190,26 @@ class SignalBase (object) :
     def value(self) :
         Setter and getter for the value of a signal
         Binds C++ SignalBase<int>::get() and set() methods. Values are passed
         through string streams.
         A string is interpreted as respectively:
-            * a matrix (tuple of tuple) if string fits '[n,m]((x_11,x_12,...,x_1m),...,(x_n1,x_n2,...,x_nm))' format where n and m are integers, x_ij are floating point numbers,
-            * a tuple if string fits '[n](x_1, x_2, ..., x_n)' format,
-            * an integer,
-            * a floating point number.
+        * a matrix (tuple of tuple) if string fits '[n,m]((x_11,x_12,...,x_1m),...,(x_n1,x_n2,...,x_nm))' format where n and m are integers, x_ij are floating point numbers,
+        * a tuple if string fits '[n](x_1, x_2, ..., x_n)' format,
+        * an integer,
+        * a floating point number.
         If string fits none of the above formats, no conversion is performed.
         For instance, is s binds a signal of type vector,
-            >>> s.value = (2.5, .1, 1e2)
+        >>> s.value = (2.5, .1, 1e2)
         will call SignalBase<int>::set("[3](2.5,0.1,100.0)") and
-            >>> s.value
-            (2.5, 0.1, 100.0)
+        >>> s.value
+        (2.5, 0.1, 100.0)
         string = wrap.signal_base_get_value(self.obj)
         return stringToObject(string)
     def value(self, val) :