diff --git a/src/CMakeLists.txt b/src/CMakeLists.txt
index 4f4fdd167b2d105b52f860fdec88de10baa954a4..3cf2f97327ea1ce0e8a7dd40bd63d8116361d6cd 100644
--- a/src/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/src/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -106,6 +106,7 @@ INSTALL(TARGETS ${PYTHON_MODULE}
+    dynamic_graph/attrpath.py
diff --git a/src/dynamic_graph/attrpath.py b/src/dynamic_graph/attrpath.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d10778d44d6d1f94ee61125e763c571ff1162399
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/dynamic_graph/attrpath.py
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+# This module define the three functions:
+#   - getattrpath
+#   - setattrpath
+#   - existattrpath
+# that work similarly as the get/setattr, but given path ("a.b.c.d")
+# in input. Consider the following example:
+#  >>> setattrpath( e.__class__,"a.b.c.d",fun)
+# with fun a function (self,*arg). Then, it is next possible to launch
+#  >>> e.a.b.c.d( ...)
+# as if it was a classical member function of e.
+class CommandPath(object):
+    """
+    This class is only defined to implement a path of attribute
+    to store entity commands. It has no members except those automatically
+    defined at run time (which should be CommandPath or functions).
+    """
+    mother=None
+    def __getattr__(self,name):
+        privateName=name+'_obj'
+        if privateName in self.__dict__:
+            obj=getattr(self,privateName)
+            obj.mother=self.mother
+            return obj
+        return object.__getattr__(self,name)
+def createCommandModule( target,name ):
+    def createGetter( name ):
+        def __( self ):
+            obj = getattr(self,name)
+            obj.mother=self
+            return obj
+        return __
+    privateName = name+'_obj'
+    setattr( target,privateName, CommandPath() )
+    module = getattr( target,privateName )
+    if not isinstance(target,CommandPath) :
+        setattr( target,name, property(createGetter(privateName)) )
+class CommandLauncher(object):
+    """
+    """
+    mother=None
+    fun=None
+    def __init__(self,fun): self.fun=fun
+    def __call__(self,*arg):
+        return self.fun(self.mother,*arg)
+def createCommandLauncher( target,name,fun ):
+    if isinstance(target,CommandPath) :
+        privateName = name+'_obj'
+        setattr( target,privateName, CommandLauncher(fun) )
+    else:
+        setattr( target,name,fun )
+def setattrpath( target,path,attribute ):
+    """
+    Create in target an new attribute with value path (available at
+    target.path1. ... .pathn).
+    """
+    pathk=target
+    read=True
+    if type(path)==type(str()): path=path.split('.')
+    for tokenk in path[0:-1]:
+        if (not read) | (tokenk not in pathk.__dict__):
+            read=False
+            createCommandModule(pathk,tokenk)
+        pathk = getattr(pathk,tokenk+"_obj")
+    if callable(attribute):
+        createCommandLauncher( pathk,path[-1],attribute )
+    else:
+        print "Should not happen"
+        setattr(pathk,path[-1],attribute )
+def getattrpath( target,path ):
+    """
+    Get in target the value located at path (available at
+    target.path1. ... .pathn).
+    """
+    pathk=target
+    if type(path)==type(str()): path=path.split('.')
+    for tokenk in path:
+        privateName=tokenk+"_obj"
+        if (privateName in pathk.__dict__): pathk = getattr(pathk,privateName)
+        else:
+            if ( tokenk in pathk.__dict__): pathk = getattr(pathk,tokenk)
+            else:
+                raise Exception('Path does not exist -- while accessing "'+tokenk+'" in '+'.'.join(path))
+    return pathk
+def existattrpath( target,path ):
+    """
+    Check for the existence in target of a value located at path (available at
+    target.path1. ... .pathn).
+    """
+    pathk=target
+    if type(path)==type(str()): path=path.split('.')
+    for tokenk in path[0:-1]:
+        print 'check ',tokenk
+        privateName=tokenk+"_obj"
+        if (privateName not in pathk.__dict__):
+            return False
+        pathk = getattr(pathk,privateName)
+    name=path[-1]
+    privateName=name+"_obj"
+    return (name in pathk.__dict__)|(privateName in pathk.__dict__)
diff --git a/src/dynamic_graph/entity.py b/src/dynamic_graph/entity.py
index 7019ad152f7c0cec23e97c80666c568c9e3dc477..6c8e828d7885b5b3c1528b69af920fb4bc4ee9ea 100644
--- a/src/dynamic_graph/entity.py
+++ b/src/dynamic_graph/entity.py
@@ -1,37 +1,18 @@
   Copyright (C) 2010 CNRS
-  Author: Florent Lamiraux
+  Author: Florent Lamiraux, Nicolas Mansard
 import wrap, signal_base, new
+from attrpath import setattrpath
-entityClassNameList = []
 if 'display' not in globals().keys():
     def display(s):
-def commandMethod(name, docstring) :
-    def method(self, *arg):
-        return wrap.entity_execute_command(self.obj, name, arg)
-    method.__doc__ = docstring
-    return method
-def initEntity(self, name):
-    """
-    Common constructor of Entity classes
-    """
-    Entity.__init__(self, self.className, name)
-    if not self.__class__.commandCreated:
-        # Get list of commands of the Entity object
-        commands = wrap.entity_list_commands(self.obj)
-        # for each command, add a method with the name of the command
-        for command in commands:
-            docstring = wrap.entity_get_command_docstring(self.obj, command)
-            setattr(self.__class__, command, commandMethod(command, docstring))
-        self.__class__.commandCreated = True
+# --- FACTORY ------------------------------------------------------------------
+# --- FACTORY ------------------------------------------------------------------
+# --- FACTORY ------------------------------------------------------------------
 class PyEntityFactoryClass(type):
@@ -41,7 +22,7 @@ class PyEntityFactoryClass(type):
     def __new__(factory, className ):
         EntityClass = type.__new__(factory, className, (Entity,), {})
         EntityClass.className = className
-        EntityClass.__init__ = initEntity
+        EntityClass.__init__ = Entity.initEntity
         EntityClass.commandCreated = False
         return EntityClass
@@ -56,16 +37,20 @@ def PyEntityFactory( className, context ):
 def updateEntityClasses(dictionary):
-    For all c++entity types that are not in the pyentity class list (entityClassNameList)
-    run the factory and store the new type in the given context (dictionary).
+    For all c++entity types that are not in the pyentity class list
+    (entityClassNameList) run the factory and store the new type in the given
+    context (dictionary).
     cxx_entityList = wrap.factory_get_entity_class_list()
-    for e in filter(lambda x: not x in entityClassNameList, cxx_entityList):
+    for e in filter(lambda x: not x in Entity.entityClassNameList, cxx_entityList):
         # Store new class in dictionary with class name
         PyEntityFactory( e,dictionary )
         # Store class name in local list
-        entityClassNameList.append(e)
+        Entity.entityClassNameList.append(e)
+# --- ENTITY -------------------------------------------------------------------
+# --- ENTITY -------------------------------------------------------------------
+# --- ENTITY -------------------------------------------------------------------
 class Entity (object) :
@@ -81,6 +66,18 @@ class Entity (object) :
         object.__setattr__(self, 'obj', wrap.create_entity(className, instanceName) )
+    @staticmethod
+    def initEntity(self, name):
+        """
+        Common constructor of specialized Entity classes. This function is bound
+        by the factory to each new class derivated from the Entity class as the
+        constructor of the new class.
+        """
+        Entity.__init__(self, self.className, name)
+        if not self.__class__.commandCreated:
+            self.boundClassCommands()
+            self.__class__.commandCreated = True
     def name(self) :
         return wrap.entity_get_name(self.obj)
@@ -148,6 +145,39 @@ class Entity (object) :
             object.__getattr__(self, name)
+    def __setattr__(self, name, value):
+        if name in map(lambda s: s.getName().split(':')[-1],self.signals()):
+            raise NameError(name+" already designates a signal. "
+                            "It is not advised to set a new attribute of the same name.")
+        object.__setattr__(self, name, value)
+    # --- COMMANDS BINDER -----------------------------------------------------
+    # List of all the entity classes from the c++ factory, that have been bound
+    # bind the py factory.
+    entityClassNameList = []
+    # This function dynamically create the function object that runs the command.
+    @staticmethod
+    def createCommandBind(name, docstring) :
+        def commandBind(self, *arg):
+            return wrap.entity_execute_command(self.obj, name, arg)
+        commandBind.__doc__ = docstring
+        return commandBind
+    def boundClassCommands(self):
+        """
+        This static function has to be called from a class heritating from Entity.
+        It should be called only once. It parses the list of commands obtained from
+        c++, and bind each of them to a python class method.
+        """
+        # Get list of commands of the Entity object
+        commands = wrap.entity_list_commands(self.obj)
+        # for each command, add a method with the name of the command
+        for cmdstr in commands:
+            docstr = wrap.entity_get_command_docstring(self.obj, cmdstr)
+            cmdpy = Entity.createCommandBind(cmdstr, docstr)
+            setattrpath(self.__class__, cmdstr, cmdpy)
     def boundNewCommand(self,cmdName):
         At construction, all existing commands are bound directly in the class.
@@ -157,7 +187,8 @@ class Entity (object) :
         if (cmdName in self.__dict__) | (cmdName in self.__class__.__dict__):
             print "Warning: command ",cmdName," will overwrite an object attribute."
         docstring = wrap.entity_get_command_docstring(self.obj, cmdName)
-        cmd = commandMethod(cmdName,docstring)
+        cmd = Entity.createCommandBind(cmdName,docstring)
+        # Limitation (todo): does not handle for path attribute name (see setattrpath).
         setattr(self,cmdName,new.instancemethod( cmd, self,self.__class__))
     def boundAllNewCommands(self):
@@ -170,9 +201,3 @@ class Entity (object) :
         cmdList = filter(lambda x: not x in self.__class__.__dict__, cmdList)
         for cmd in cmdList:
             self.boundNewCommand( cmd )
-   # Script short-cuts: don't use this syntaxt in python coding,
-    # use it for debuging online only!
-    @property
-    def sigs(self):
-        self.displaySignals()
diff --git a/src/dynamic_graph/script_shortcuts.py b/src/dynamic_graph/script_shortcuts.py
index cd6648ab52a6dddb0c173daa05f7f081666154d9..e7ca93172f28de99aad6bc142de4e4b11f3c38aa 100644
--- a/src/dynamic_graph/script_shortcuts.py
+++ b/src/dynamic_graph/script_shortcuts.py
@@ -77,9 +77,20 @@ class SignalDepPrint:
 # Changing prompt
 import sys
 sys.ps1 = '% '
+# Enable function that can be call without()def optionalparentheses(f):
+def optionalparentheses(f):
+    class decoclass:
+        def __repr__(self):
+            res=f()
+            if isinstance(res,str): return res
+            else: return ''
+        def __call__(self,*arg):
+            return f(*arg)
+    return decoclass()
diff --git a/src/dynamic_graph/signal_base.py b/src/dynamic_graph/signal_base.py
index fade3a9b5ecbb72dc33c3091af813ce94557f477..dc3e144ded6ce70b8355cf112847ec587b77d40c 100644
--- a/src/dynamic_graph/signal_base.py
+++ b/src/dynamic_graph/signal_base.py
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ def stringToTuple (vector) :
     # check size
     if len(vector) != size:
         raise TypeError('displayed size ' +
-                        size + ' of vector does not fit actual size: '
+                        str(size) + ' of vector does not fit actual size: '
                         + str(len(vector)))
     res = map(float, vector)
     return tuple (res)
@@ -238,14 +238,4 @@ class SignalBase (object) :
-    # Script short-cuts: don't use this syntaxt in python coding,
-    # use it for debuging online only!
-    @property
-    def m(self):
-        """
-        m stands for matlab: display the content of the
-        signal with matlab style, for debuging and transfert.
-        matlab-style to be coded ...
-        """
-        print(self.value)