diff --git a/scripts/place_com_with_invkin.py b/scripts/place_com_with_invkin.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fc2090dd516a8b42361e2968941b1273071867bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/place_com_with_invkin.py
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+from IPython import embed
+import numpy as np
+from example_robot_data.robots_loader import Solo12Loader
+import pinocchio as pin
+# Parameters of the Invkin 
+l = 0.1946 * 2
+L = 0.14695 * 2
+h = 0.218
+q_init = [0.0, 0.7, -1.4, -0.0, 0.7, -1.4, 0.0, 0.7, -1.4, -0.0, 0.7, -1.4]
+# Load robot model and data
+# Initialisation of the Gepetto viewer
+Solo12Loader.free_flyer = True
+solo = Solo12Loader().robot
+q = solo.q0.reshape((-1, 1))
+q[7:, 0] = q_init  # Initial angular positions of actuators
+# Get foot indexes
+BASE_ID = solo.model.getFrameId('base_link')
+foot_ids = [solo.model.getFrameId('FL_FOOT'),
+            solo.model.getFrameId('FR_FOOT'),
+            solo.model.getFrameId('HL_FOOT'),
+            solo.model.getFrameId('HR_FOOT')]
+# Init variables
+Jf = np.zeros((12, 18))
+posf = np.zeros((4, 3))
+pos_ref = np.array([0.0, 0.0, h])
+rot_ref = np.eye(3)
+posf_ref = np.array([[l * 0.5, l * 0.5, -l * 0.5, -l * 0.5],
+                     [L * 0.5, -L * 0.5, L * 0.5, -L * 0.5],
+                     [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]])
+e_basispos = 1.0
+while np.any(np.abs(e_basispos) > 0.001):
+    # Update model and data of the robot
+    pin.computeJointJacobians(solo.model, solo.data, q)
+    pin.forwardKinematics(solo.model, solo.data, q, np.zeros(
+        solo.model.nv), np.zeros(solo.model.nv))
+    pin.updateFramePlacements(solo.model, solo.data)
+    # Get data required by IK with Pinocchio
+    pos = solo.com()
+    rot = solo.data.oMf[BASE_ID].rotation
+    Jbasis = pin.getFrameJacobian( solo.model, solo.data, BASE_ID, pin.LOCAL_WORLD_ALIGNED)[:3]
+    Jwbasis = pin.getFrameJacobian(solo.model, solo.data, BASE_ID, pin.LOCAL_WORLD_ALIGNED)[3:]
+    for i_ee in range(4):
+        idx = int(foot_ids[i_ee])
+        posf[i_ee, :] = solo.data.oMf[idx].translation
+        Jf[(3*i_ee):(3*(i_ee+1)), :] = pin.getFrameJacobian(solo.model, solo.data, idx, pin.LOCAL_WORLD_ALIGNED)[:3]
+    # Compute errors
+    e_basispos = pos_ref - pos
+    e_basisrot = -rot_ref @ pin.log3(rot_ref.T @ rot)
+    pfeet_err = []
+    for i in range(4):
+        pfeet_err.append(posf_ref[:, i] - posf[i, :])
+    # Set up matrices
+    J = np.vstack([Jbasis, Jwbasis, Jf])
+    x_err = np.concatenate([e_basispos, e_basisrot]+pfeet_err)
+    # Loop
+    q = pin.integrate(solo.model, q, 0.01 * np.linalg.pinv(J) @ x_err)
+# Compute final position of CoM
+q[7:] = np.array([0.0, 0.764, -1.407, 0.0, 0.76407, -1.4, 0.0, 0.76407, -1.407, 0.0, 0.764, -1.407])
+pin.forwardKinematics(solo.model, solo.data, q, np.zeros(
+        solo.model.nv), np.zeros(solo.model.nv))
+pos = solo.com()
+for i_ee in range(4):
+    idx = int(foot_ids[i_ee])
+    posf[i_ee, :] = solo.data.oMf[idx].translation
+print("Final error: ", pos_ref - pos)
+print("Com: ", pos)
+print("Feet: ", posf)
+print("Joints: ", q[7:])
+if ('viewer' in solo.viz.__dict__):
+    solo.viewer.gui.addFloor('world/floor')
+    solo.viewer.gui.setRefreshIsSynchronous(False)