diff --git a/config/walk_parameters.yaml b/config/walk_parameters.yaml
index 952737187aff256964bb4ec61ebbb775e10719eb..11c1c53cf3495585ca460893281c1f9bba282519 100644
--- a/config/walk_parameters.yaml
+++ b/config/walk_parameters.yaml
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ robot:
     envID: 0  # Identifier of the environment to choose in which one the simulation will happen
     use_flat_plane: true  # If True the ground is flat, otherwise it has bumps
     predefined_vel: true  # If we are using a predefined reference velocity (True) or a joystick (False)
-    N_SIMULATION: 10000  # Number of simulated wbc time steps
+    N_SIMULATION: 5000  # Number of simulated wbc time steps
     enable_corba_viewer: false  # Enable/disable Corba Viewer
     enable_multiprocessing: true  # Enable/disable running the MPC in another process in parallel of the main loop
     perfect_estimator: true  # Enable/disable perfect estimator by using data directly from PyBullet
@@ -25,17 +25,18 @@ robot:
     dt_mpc: 0.01  # Time step of the model predictive control
     type_MPC: 3  # Which MPC solver you want to use: 0 for OSQP MPC, 1, 2, 3 for Crocoddyl MPCs
     save_guess: false # true to interpolate the impedance quantities between nodes of the MPC
-    movement: "circle" # name of the movement to perform
+    movement: "step" # name of the movement to perform
     interpolate_mpc: true # true to interpolate the impedance quantities between nodes of the MPC
     interpolation_type: 3 # 0,1,2,3 decide which kind of interpolation is used
+    closed_loop: false # true to close the loop on the MPC
     Kp_main: [3, 3, 3]  # Proportional gains for the PD+
     Kd_main: [0.3, 0.3, 0.3]  # Derivative gains for the PD+
     Kff_main: 1.0  # Feedforward torques multiplier for the PD+
     # Parameters of Gait
     N_periods: 1
-    gait: [5, 1, 1, 1, 1,
-           45, 1, 0, 1, 1]
+    gait: [16, 1, 1, 1, 1,
+           16, 1, 0, 1, 1]
     # Parameters of Joystick
     gp_alpha_vel: 0.003  # Coefficient of the low pass filter applied to gamepad velocity
@@ -55,7 +56,7 @@ robot:
     k_feedback: 0.03  # Value of the gain for the feedback heuristic
     # Parameters of FootTrajectoryGenerator
-    max_height: 0.05  # Apex height of the swinging trajectory [m]
+    max_height: 0.03  # Apex height of the swinging trajectory [m]
     lock_time: 0.04  # Target lock before the touchdown [s]
     vert_time: 0.0  # Duration during which feet move only along Z when taking off and landing
diff --git a/include/qrw/Params.hpp b/include/qrw/Params.hpp
index 4202a401fb299cbb6109cd8a88a3ec0ecc278d9e..45d92909e8a4dc93c5d5cd0a16639f7b11b28be1 100644
--- a/include/qrw/Params.hpp
+++ b/include/qrw/Params.hpp
@@ -96,6 +96,7 @@ class Params {
   std::string movement;         // Name of the mmovemnet to perform
   bool interpolate_mpc;         // true to interpolate the impedance quantities, otherwise integrate
   int interpolation_type;       // type of interpolation used
+  bool closed_loop;             // true to close the MPC loop
   bool kf_enabled;              // Use complementary filter (False) or kalman filter (True) for the estimator
   std::vector<double> Kp_main;  // Proportional gains for the PD+
   std::vector<double> Kd_main;  // Derivative gains for the PD+
diff --git a/python/Params.cpp b/python/Params.cpp
index 60740528acd840e45442523cb8365343d4d1c9c9..81da7557b104da140e60f8d81a63a0c50080851a 100644
--- a/python/Params.cpp
+++ b/python/Params.cpp
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ struct ParamsVisitor : public bp::def_visitor<ParamsVisitor<Params>> {
         .def_readwrite("movement", &Params::movement)
         .def_readwrite("interpolate_mpc", &Params::interpolate_mpc)
         .def_readwrite("interpolation_type", &Params::interpolation_type)
+        .def_readwrite("closed_loop", &Params::closed_loop)
         .def_readwrite("kf_enabled", &Params::kf_enabled)
         .def_readwrite("Kp_main", &Params::Kp_main)
         .def_readwrite("Kd_main", &Params::Kd_main)
diff --git a/python/quadruped_reactive_walking/Controller.py b/python/quadruped_reactive_walking/Controller.py
index df97a879b0be0223d612e23320013939bd9545ac..04f747484a6f8e5351e79d6f954fce1ecb0bb4c7 100644
--- a/python/quadruped_reactive_walking/Controller.py
+++ b/python/quadruped_reactive_walking/Controller.py
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ from . import WB_MPC_Wrapper
 from .WB_MPC.Target import Target
 from .tools.Utils import init_robot, quaternionToRPY
 from .WB_MPC.ProblemData import ProblemData, ProblemDataFull
+from .tools.kinematics_utils import get_translation_array
 COLORS = ["#1f77b4", "#ff7f0e", "#2ca02c"]
@@ -170,7 +171,11 @@ class Controller:
         self.result.q_des = self.pd.q0[7:].copy()
         self.result.v_des = self.pd.v0[6:].copy()
-        self.target = Target(params)
+        pin.forwardKinematics(self.pd.model, self.pd.rdata, self.pd.q0, np.zeros(18))
+        pin.updateFramePlacements(self.pd.model, self.pd.rdata)
+        foot_pose = self.pd.rdata.oMf[self.pd.feet_ids[1]].translation.copy()
+        self.target = Target(params, foot_pose)
         self.footsteps = []
         for k in range(self.params.T * self.params.mpc_wbc_ratio):
             self.target_footstep = self.target.compute(k).copy()
@@ -224,37 +229,36 @@ class Controller:
                 self.k_solve = self.k
                 self.mpc_solved = False
-            try:
-                self.mpc.solve(
-                    self.k,
-                    m["x_m"],
-                    self.target_footstep.copy(),
-                    self.gait,
-                    self.xs_init,
-                    self.us_init,
-                )
-                # if self.initialized:
-                #     self.mpc.solve(
-                #         self.k,
-                #         self.mpc_result.xs[1],
-                #         self.target_footstep.copy(),
-                #         self.gait,
-                #         self.xs_init,
-                #         self.us_init,
-                #     )
-                # else:
-                #     self.mpc.solve(
-                #         self.k,
-                #         m["x_m"],
-                #         self.target_footstep.copy(),
-                #         self.gait,
-                #         self.xs_init,
-                #         self.us_init,
-                #     )
-            except ValueError:
-                self.error = True
-                print("MPC Problem")
-            self.gait = np.vstack((self.gait[1:, :], self.gait[-1, :]))
+            if self.params.closed_loop or not self.initialized:
+                try:
+                    self.mpc.solve(
+                        self.k,
+                        m["x_m"],
+                        self.target_footstep.copy(),
+                        self.gait,
+                        self.xs_init,
+                        self.us_init,
+                    )
+                except ValueError:
+                    self.error = True
+                    print("MPC Problem")
+            else:
+                try:
+                    self.mpc.solve(
+                        self.k,
+                        self.mpc_result.xs[1],
+                        self.target_footstep.copy(),
+                        self.gait,
+                        self.xs_init,
+                        self.us_init,
+                    )
+                except ValueError:
+                    self.error = True
+                    print("MPC Problem")
+            if self.params.movement == "step":
+                self.gait = np.vstack((self.gait[1:, :], self.gait[0, :]))
+            else:
+                self.gait = np.vstack((self.gait[1:, :], self.gait[-1, :]))
         t_mpc = time.time()
         self.t_mpc = t_mpc - t_measures
@@ -293,8 +297,8 @@ class Controller:
         t_send = time.time()
         self.t_send = t_send - t_mpc
-        # self.clamp_result(device)
-        # self.security_check(m)
+        self.clamp_result(device)
+        self.security_check(m)
         if self.error:
@@ -510,7 +514,10 @@ class Controller:
             axs[0].set_title("Base position")
-            [axs[1].plot(np.array(self.mpc_result.xs)[:, 19 + axis]) for axis in range(3)]
+            [
+                axs[1].plot(np.array(self.mpc_result.xs)[:, 19 + axis])
+                for axis in range(3)
+            ]
             axs[1].set_title("Base velocity")
@@ -519,11 +526,15 @@ class Controller:
             _, axs = plt.subplots(3, 4, sharex=True)
             for foot in range(4):
-                    axs[0, foot].plot(np.array(self.mpc_result.xs)[:, 7 + 3 * foot + joint])
+                    axs[0, foot].plot(
+                        np.array(self.mpc_result.xs)[:, 7 + 3 * foot + joint]
+                    )
                     for joint in range(3)
                 axs[0, foot].legend(legend)
-                axs[0, foot].set_title("Joint positions for " + self.pd.feet_names[foot])
+                axs[0, foot].set_title(
+                    "Joint positions for " + self.pd.feet_names[foot]
+                )
                     axs[1, foot].plot(
@@ -539,6 +550,8 @@ class Controller:
                     for joint in range(3)
                 axs[2, foot].legend(legend)
-                axs[2, foot].set_title("Joint torques for foot " + self.pd.feet_names[foot])
+                axs[2, foot].set_title(
+                    "Joint torques for foot " + self.pd.feet_names[foot]
+                )
diff --git a/python/quadruped_reactive_walking/WB_MPC/CrocoddylOCP.py b/python/quadruped_reactive_walking/WB_MPC/CrocoddylOCP.py
index caa644d451c404e0cc00abe3b3c8254d533bc4f7..9543ec261584c12e10f85a396de70ab2b05c3285 100644
--- a/python/quadruped_reactive_walking/WB_MPC/CrocoddylOCP.py
+++ b/python/quadruped_reactive_walking/WB_MPC/CrocoddylOCP.py
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ class OCP:
     def __init__(self, pd: ProblemData, params, footsteps, gait):
         self.pd = pd
         self.params = params
-        self.max_iter = 500 if params.save_guess else 1
+        self.max_iter = 1000 if params.save_guess else 1
         self.state = crocoddyl.StateMultibody(self.pd.model)
         self.initialized = False
diff --git a/python/quadruped_reactive_walking/WB_MPC/ProblemData.py b/python/quadruped_reactive_walking/WB_MPC/ProblemData.py
index ca63488d46d4689c0e4031494c358ddec2ddd014..48e91ad3fced5470e132f0ff65e035a3d195d469 100644
--- a/python/quadruped_reactive_walking/WB_MPC/ProblemData.py
+++ b/python/quadruped_reactive_walking/WB_MPC/ProblemData.py
@@ -62,7 +62,11 @@ class ProblemData(problemDataAbstract):
         # Cost function weights
         self.mu = 0.7
-        self.foot_tracking_w = 2. * 1e1
+        if params.movement == "step":
+            self.foot_tracking_w = 2.0 * 1e3
+        else:
+            self.foot_tracking_w = 1.5 * 1e1
         self.friction_cone_w = 1e4
         self.control_bound_w = 1e3
         self.control_reg_w = 1e0
diff --git a/python/quadruped_reactive_walking/WB_MPC/Target.py b/python/quadruped_reactive_walking/WB_MPC/Target.py
index ce90c06f94f41cfbde9728ecb85cb248331f78fb..f087bf9e51cec3363b5ea55c1b891cfe0764c8e6 100644
--- a/python/quadruped_reactive_walking/WB_MPC/Target.py
+++ b/python/quadruped_reactive_walking/WB_MPC/Target.py
@@ -2,10 +2,11 @@ from tracemalloc import take_snapshot
 import numpy as np
 from .ProblemData import ProblemData
 import pinocchio as pin
+from scipy.interpolate import KroghInterpolator
 class Target:
-    def __init__(self, params):
+    def __init__(self, params, foot_pose):
         self.params = params
         self.dt_wbc = params.dt_wbc
         self.k_per_step = 160
@@ -20,15 +21,21 @@ class Target:
             self.freq = np.array([0.5, 0., 0.5])
             self.phase = np.array([-np.pi/2-0.5, 0., -np.pi/2])
         elif params.movement == "step":
-            self.initial = self.position[:, 1].copy()
-            self.target = self.position[:, 1].copy() + np.array([0.1, 0.0, 0.0])
+            self.p0 = foot_pose
+            self.p1 = foot_pose.copy() + np.array([0.025, 0.0, 0.03])
+            self.v1 = np.array([0.5, 0., 0.])
+            self.p2 = foot_pose.copy() + np.array([0.05, 0.0, 0.0])
-            self.vert_time = params.vert_time
-            self.max_height = params.max_height
             self.T = self.k_per_step * self.dt_wbc
-            self.A = np.zeros((6, 3))
+            self.ts = np.repeat(np.linspace(0, self.T, 3), 2)
             self.update_time = -1
+    def interpolate(self, t):
+        if self.type == 3:
+            q = self.krog(t)
+            v = self.krog.derivative(t)
+            return q, v
             self.target_footstep = self.position
             self.ramp_length = 100
@@ -40,6 +47,7 @@ class Target:
             footstep[:, 1] = self.evaluate_circle(k)
         elif self.params.movement == "step":
             footstep[:, 1] = self.evaluate_step(1, k)
+            footstep[2, 1] += 0.015
             footstep = self.target_footstep.copy()
             footstep[2, 1] = self.target_ramp[k] if k < self.ramp_length else self.target_ramp[-1] 
@@ -56,89 +64,32 @@ class Target:
     def evaluate_step(self, j, k):
         n_step = k // self.k_per_step
         if n_step % 2 == 0:
-            return self.initial.copy() if (n_step % 4 == 0) else self.target.copy()
+            return self.p0.copy() if (n_step % 4 == 0) else self.p2.copy()
         if n_step % 4 == 1:
-            initial = self.initial
-            target = self.target
+            initial = self.p0
+            target = self.p2
+            velocity = self.v1
-            initial = self.target
-            target = self.initial
+            initial = self.p2
+            target = self.p0
+            velocity = -self.v1
         k_step = k % self.k_per_step
         if n_step != self.update_time:
-            self.update_polynomial(initial, target)
+            self.update_interpolator(initial, target, velocity)
             self.update_time = n_step
         t = k_step * self.dt_wbc
-        return self.compute_position(j, t)
-    def update_polynomial(self, initial, target):
-        x0 = initial[0]
-        y0 = initial[1]
-        x1 = target[0]
-        y1 = target[1]
-        # elapsed time
-        t = 0
-        d = self.T - 2 * self.vert_time
-        A = np.zeros((6, 3))
-        A[0, 0] = 12 * (x0 - x1) / (2 * (t - d) ** 5)
-        A[1, 0] = 30 * (x1 - x0) * (t + d) / (2 * (t - d) ** 5)
-        A[2, 0] = 20 * (x0 - x1) * (t**2 + d**2 + 4 * t * d) / (2 * (t - d) ** 5)
-        A[3, 0] = 60 * (x1 - x0) * (t * d**2 + t**2 * d) / (2 * (t - d) ** 5)
-        A[4, 0] = 60 * (x0 - x1) * (t**2 * d**2) / (2 * (t - d) ** 5)
-        A[5, 0] = (
-            2 * x1 * t**5
-            - 10 * x1 * t**4 * d
-            + 20 * x1 * t**3 * d**2
-            - 20 * x0 * t**2 * d**3
-            + 10 * x0 * t * d**4
-            - 2 * x0 * d**5
-        ) / (2 * (t - d) ** 5)
-        A[0, 1] = 12 * (y0 - y1) / (2 * (t - d) ** 5)
-        A[1, 1] = 30 * (y1 - y0) * (t + d) / (2 * (t - d) ** 5)
-        A[2, 1] = 20 * (y0 - y1) * (t**2 + d**2 + 4 * t * d) / (2 * (t - d) ** 5)
-        A[3, 1] = 60 * (y1 - y0) * (t * d**2 + t**2 * d) / (2 * (t - d) ** 5)
-        A[4, 1] = 60 * (y0 - y1) * (t**2 * d**2) / (2 * (t - d) ** 5)
-        A[5, 1] = (
-            2 * y1 * t**5
-            - 10 * y1 * t**4 * d
-            + 20 * y1 * t**3 * d**2
-            - 20 * y0 * t**2 * d**3
-            + 10 * y0 * t * d**4
-            - 2 * y0 * d**5
-        ) / (2 * (t - d) ** 5)
-        A[0, 2] = -self.max_height / ((self.T / 2) ** 6)
-        A[1, 2] = 3 * self.T * self.max_height / ((self.T / 2) ** 6)
-        A[2, 2] = -3 * self.T**2 * self.max_height / ((self.T / 2) ** 6)
-        A[3, 2] = self.T**3 * self.max_height / ((self.T / 2) ** 6)
-        self.A = A
-    def compute_position(self, j, t):
-        A = self.A.copy()
-        t_xy = t - self.vert_time
-        t_xy = max(0.0, t_xy)
-        t_xy = min(t_xy, self.T - 2 * self.vert_time)
-        self.position[:2, j] = (
-            A[5, :2]
-            + A[4, :2] * t_xy
-            + A[3, :2] * t_xy**2
-            + A[2, :2] * t_xy**3
-            + A[1, :2] * t_xy**4
-            + A[0, :2] * t_xy**5
-        )
+        return self.compute_position(t)
-        self.position[2, j] = (
-            A[3, 2] * t**3 + A[2, 2] * t**4 + A[1, 2] * t**5 + A[0, 2] * t**6
-        )
+    def update_interpolator(self, initial, target, velocity):
+        self.y = [initial, np.zeros(3), self.p1, velocity, target, np.zeros(3)]
+        self.krog = KroghInterpolator(self.ts, np.array(self.y))
-        return self.position[:, j]
+    def compute_position(self, t):
+        p = self.krog(t)
+        # v = self.krog.derivative(t)
+        return p
diff --git a/python/quadruped_reactive_walking/tools/LoggerControl.py b/python/quadruped_reactive_walking/tools/LoggerControl.py
index 0370937b3c573e0e1212a4fef76e978497bd60ae..65d6068bc8c5cc86448f7db9882eea8ee5558072 100644
--- a/python/quadruped_reactive_walking/tools/LoggerControl.py
+++ b/python/quadruped_reactive_walking/tools/LoggerControl.py
@@ -230,6 +230,14 @@ class LoggerControl:
         # Target plot
+        _, axs = plt.subplots(3, sharex=True)
+        legend = ["x", "y", "z"]
+        for p in range(3):
+            axs[p].set_title("Base position on " + legend[p])
+            axs[p].plot([self.pd.xref[p]] * self.log_size)
+            axs[p].plot(self.q[:, p])
+            axs[p].legend(["Target", "Measured"])
         _, axs = plt.subplots(3, sharex=True)
         legend = ["x", "y", "z"]
         for p in range(3):
@@ -270,7 +278,9 @@ class LoggerControl:
     def plot_controller_times(self):
         import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
-        t_range = np.array([k * self.params.dt_mpc for k in range(self.tstamps.shape[0])])
+        t_range = np.array(
+            [k * self.params.dt_mpc for k in range(self.tstamps.shape[0])]
+        )
         plt.plot(t_range, self.t_measures, "r+")
@@ -287,7 +297,9 @@ class LoggerControl:
     def plot_OCP_times(self):
         import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
-        t_range = np.array([k * self.params.dt_mpc for k in range(self.tstamps.shape[0])])
+        t_range = np.array(
+            [k * self.params.dt_mpc for k in range(self.tstamps.shape[0])]
+        )
         plt.plot(t_range, self.t_ocp_update, "r+")
diff --git a/src/Params.cpp b/src/Params.cpp
index e20658378d5d2d85033a8738697f45e2a616715b..21a1632ee5093dc587c51343e337dc0c5c852f38 100644
--- a/src/Params.cpp
+++ b/src/Params.cpp
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ Params::Params()
+      closed_loop(true),
       Kp_main(3, 0.0),
       Kd_main(3, 0.0),
@@ -154,6 +155,9 @@ void Params::initialize(const std::string& file_path) {
   assert_yaml_parsing(robot_node, "robot", "interpolation_type");
   interpolation_type = robot_node["interpolation_type"].as<int>();
+  assert_yaml_parsing(robot_node, "robot", "closed_loop");
+  closed_loop = robot_node["closed_loop"].as<bool>();
   assert_yaml_parsing(robot_node, "robot", "Kp_main");
   Kp_main = robot_node["Kp_main"].as<std::vector<double> >();