diff --git a/include/qrw/Estimator.hpp b/include/qrw/Estimator.hpp
index 0a789cb39c36e5029db08a0ccaad72bf95be6a27..8cb1dfd2aec683a14542682c9082851f77cb9265 100644
--- a/include/qrw/Estimator.hpp
+++ b/include/qrw/Estimator.hpp
@@ -106,10 +106,10 @@ public:
     /// \param[in] baseLinearAcceleration Linear acceleration of the IMU (gravity compensated)
     /// \param[in] baseAngularVelocity Angular velocity of the IMU
-    /// \param[in] baseOrientation Quaternion orientation of the IMU
+    /// \param[in] baseOrientation Euler orientation of the IMU
-    void get_data_IMU(Vector3 const& baseLinearAcceleration, Vector3 const& baseAngularVelocity, Vector4 const& baseOrientation);
+    void get_data_IMU(Vector3 const& baseLinearAcceleration, Vector3 const& baseAngularVelocity, Vector3 const& baseOrientation);
diff --git a/scripts/Controller.py b/scripts/Controller.py
index aacc38a78bd3309fc447803f43b75409a09ae450..14e632fc1d44013b8dba48c87f76b2300e484b09 100644
--- a/scripts/Controller.py
+++ b/scripts/Controller.py
@@ -38,6 +38,23 @@ class dummyHardware:
         return 0.0
+class dummyIMU:
+    """Fake IMU for initialisation purpose"""
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.linear_acceleration = np.zeros(3)
+        self.gyroscope = np.zeros(3)
+        self.attitude_euler = np.zeros(3)
+        self.attitude_quaternion = np.zeros(4)
+class dummyJoints:
+    """Fake joints for initialisation purpose"""
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.positions = np.zeros(12)
+        self.velocities = np.zeros(12)
 class dummyDevice:
     """Fake device for initialisation purpose"""
@@ -45,6 +62,8 @@ class dummyDevice:
     def __init__(self):
         self.hardware = dummyHardware()
+        self.imu = dummyIMU()
+        self.joints = dummyJoints()
 class Controller:
@@ -181,13 +200,7 @@ class Controller:
         # Run the control loop once with a dummy device for initialization
         dDevice = dummyDevice()
-        dDevice.q_mes = q_init
-        dDevice.v_mes = np.zeros(12)
-        dDevice.baseLinearAcceleration = np.zeros(3)
-        dDevice.baseAngularVelocity = np.zeros(3)
-        dDevice.baseOrientation = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0])
-        dDevice.dummyPos = np.array([0.0, 0.0, q_init[2]])
-        dDevice.b_baseVel = np.zeros(3)
+        dDevice.joints.positions = q_init
     def compute(self, device):
@@ -205,11 +218,11 @@ class Controller:
         # Process state estimator
-                                  device.baseLinearAcceleration.reshape((-1, 1)),
-                                  device.baseAngularVelocity.reshape((-1, 1)),
-                                  device.baseOrientation.reshape((-1, 1)),
-                                  device.q_mes.reshape((-1, 1)),
-                                  device.v_mes.reshape((-1, 1)),
+                                  device.imu.linear_acceleration.reshape((-1, 1)),
+                                  device.imu.gyroscope.reshape((-1, 1)),
+                                  device.imu.attitude_euler.reshape((-1, 1)),
+                                  device.joints.positions.reshape((-1, 1)),
+                                  device.joints.velocities.reshape((-1, 1)),
                                   np.zeros((3, 1)),  # device.dummyPos.reshape((-1, 1)),  # TODO: Case of real device
                                   np.zeros((3, 1)))  # device.b_baseVel.reshape((-1, 1)))
diff --git a/scripts/Estimator.py b/scripts/Estimator.py
index c3241c4bd58e02ced9c30776758f9d95de20a0e3..060f63ce9b73195a46d4b9b451e06517b04c242e 100644
--- a/scripts/Estimator.py
+++ b/scripts/Estimator.py
@@ -352,16 +352,16 @@ class Estimator:
         # Linear acceleration of the trunk (base frame)
-        self.IMU_lin_acc[:] = device.baseLinearAcceleration
+        self.IMU_lin_acc[:] = device.imu.linear_acceleration
         # Angular velocity of the trunk (base frame)
-        self.IMU_ang_vel[:] = device.baseAngularVelocity
+        self.IMU_ang_vel[:] = device.imu.gyroscope
         # Angular position of the trunk (local frame)
-        self.RPY = pin.rpy.matrixToRpy(pin.Quaternion(device.baseOrientation).toRotationMatrix())
+        self.RPY = device.imu.attitude_euler
         if (self.k_log <= 1):
-            self.offset_yaw_IMU = self.RPY[2]
+            self.offset_yaw_IMU = self.RPY[2].copy()
         self.RPY[2] -= self.offset_yaw_IMU  # Remove initial offset of IMU
         self.IMU_ang_pos[:] = pin.Quaternion(pin.rpy.rpyToMatrix(self.RPY[0],
@@ -379,8 +379,8 @@ class Estimator:
             device (object): Interface with the masterboard or the simulation
-        self.actuators_pos[:] = device.q_mes
-        self.actuators_vel[:] = device.v_mes
+        self.actuators_pos[:] = device.joints.positions
+        self.actuators_vel[:] = device.joints.velocities
         return 0
diff --git a/scripts/LoggerControl.py b/scripts/LoggerControl.py
index 2ccedc2fc988b929295507cacc3e9c777bf975c3..8ac0db675d10fc6da4f7b8b1f36fe805a5b4e40a 100644
--- a/scripts/LoggerControl.py
+++ b/scripts/LoggerControl.py
@@ -543,6 +543,26 @@ class LoggerControl():
             plt.legend([lgd_Y[i]], prop={'size': 8})
         plt.suptitle("Evolution of the quantities of the position complementary filter")
+        # Power supply profile
+        plt.figure()
+        for i in range(3):
+            if i == 0:
+                ax0 = plt.subplot(3, 1, i+1)
+            else:
+                plt.subplot(3, 1, i+1, sharex=ax0)
+            if i == 0:
+                plt.plot(t_range, loggerSensors.current[:], linewidth=2)
+                plt.ylabel("Bus current [A]")
+            elif i == 1:
+                plt.plot(t_range, loggerSensors.voltage[:], linewidth=2)
+                plt.ylabel("Bus voltage [V]")
+            else:
+                plt.plot(t_range, loggerSensors.energy[:], linewidth=2)
+                plt.ylabel("Bus energy [J]")
+                plt.xlabel("Time [s]")
+        # Display all graphs and wait
         from IPython import embed
diff --git a/scripts/LoggerSensors.py b/scripts/LoggerSensors.py
index ad71096846aeb753e58f906fd909fc07d6193fc9..c2aaf2bac93301316c4011f47efd9681bc111bd7 100644
--- a/scripts/LoggerSensors.py
+++ b/scripts/LoggerSensors.py
@@ -10,20 +10,20 @@ class LoggerSensors():
         logSize = np.int(logSize)
         self.logSize = logSize
         self.i = 0
-        if device is not None:
-            nb_motors = device.nb_motors
-        else:
-            nb_motors = 12
+        nb_motors = 12
         # Allocate the data:
         # IMU and actuators:
         self.q_mes = np.zeros([logSize, nb_motors])
         self.v_mes = np.zeros([logSize, nb_motors])
         self.torquesFromCurrentMeasurment = np.zeros([logSize, nb_motors])
-        self.baseOrientation = np.zeros([logSize, 4])
+        self.baseOrientation = np.zeros([logSize, 3])
         self.baseAngularVelocity = np.zeros([logSize, 3])
         self.baseLinearAcceleration = np.zeros([logSize, 3])
         self.baseAccelerometer = np.zeros([logSize, 3])
+        self.current = np.zeros(logSize)
+        self.voltage = np.zeros(logSize)
+        self.energy = np.zeros(logSize)
         # Motion capture:
         self.mocapPosition = np.zeros([logSize, 3])
@@ -43,13 +43,13 @@ class LoggerSensors():
         # Logging from the device (data coming from the robot)
-        self.q_mes[self.i] = device.q_mes
-        self.v_mes[self.i] = device.v_mes
-        self.baseOrientation[self.i] = device.baseOrientation
-        self.baseAngularVelocity[self.i] = device.baseAngularVelocity
-        self.baseLinearAcceleration[self.i] = device.baseLinearAcceleration
-        self.baseAccelerometer[self.i] = device.baseAccelerometer
-        self.torquesFromCurrentMeasurment[self.i] = device.torquesFromCurrentMeasurment
+        self.q_mes[self.i] = device.joints.positions
+        self.v_mes[self.i] = device.joints.velocities
+        self.baseOrientation[self.i] = device.imu.attitude_euler
+        self.baseAngularVelocity[self.i] = device.imu.gyroscope
+        self.baseLinearAcceleration[self.i] = device.imu.linear_acceleration
+        self.baseAccelerometer[self.i] = device.imu.accelerometer
+        self.torquesFromCurrentMeasurment[self.i] = device.joints.measured_torques
         # Logging from qualisys (motion capture)
         if qualisys is not None:
diff --git a/scripts/config_solo12.yaml b/scripts/config_solo12.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1b39a7a81fd113629468560ec9e0a5d6e3f61a40
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/config_solo12.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+    interface: enp2s0
+    joint_modules:
+        motor_numbers: [0, 3, 2, 1, 5, 4, 6, 9, 8, 7, 11, 10]
+        motor_constants: 0.025
+        gear_ratios: 9.
+        max_currents: 12.
+        reverse_polarities: [
+            true, true, true, false, false, false,
+            true, true, true, false, false, false
+        ]
+        lower_joint_limits: [
+            -1.2, -1.7, -3.4, -1.2, -1.7, -3.4,
+            -1.2, -1.7, -3.4, -1.2, -1.7, -3.4
+        ]
+        upper_joint_limits: [
+            1.2,  1.7, +3.4, +1.2, +1.7, +3.4,
+            1.2,  1.7, +3.4, +1.2, +1.7, +3.4
+        ]
+        max_joint_velocities: 80.
+        safety_damping: 0.5
+    imu:
+        rotate_vector: [1, 2, 3]
+        orientation_vector: [-4, 3, -2, 1]
+    # Can be either POS, NEG, ALT or AUTO
+    search_methods: [
+    ]
+    position_offsets: [
+        -0.19501629,  -0.31352305,  -0.03753992, -0.20769028,  0.28213935,
+        -0.2759672 ,  -0.1941794 ,   0.24587372,  0.21717513,  0.23665195,
+         0.1188744 ,   0.3867009
+    ]
+    Kp: 3.
+    Kd: 0.05
+    T: 1.
+    dt: 0.002
diff --git a/scripts/main_solo12_control.py b/scripts/main_solo12_control.py
index 7b57a7b78ce285fbb928a167d71120f397c9c5fd..2e81685c8fa4b807d607022fa3293bb5398281f0 100644
--- a/scripts/main_solo12_control.py
+++ b/scripts/main_solo12_control.py
@@ -12,26 +12,20 @@ import argparse
 from LoggerSensors import LoggerSensors
 from LoggerControl import LoggerControl
 import libquadruped_reactive_walking as lqrw
+import time
 params = lqrw.Params()  # Object that holds all controller parameters
 if params.SIMULATION:
     from PyBulletSimulator import PyBulletSimulator
-    # from pynput import keyboard
-    from solopython.solo12 import Solo12
+    import libodri_control_interface_pywrap as oci
     from solopython.utils.qualisysClient import QualisysClient
-key_pressed = False
 def get_input():
-    global key_pressed
-    keystrk = input('Put the robot on the floor and press Enter \n')
+    keystrk = input()
     # thread doesn't continue until key is pressed
-    key_pressed = True
+    # and so it remains alive
 def put_on_the_floor(device, q_init):
     """Make the robot go to the default initial position and wait for the user
@@ -41,25 +35,26 @@ def put_on_the_floor(device, q_init):
         device (robot wrapper): a wrapper to communicate with the robot
         q_init (array): the default position of the robot
-    global key_pressed
-    key_pressed = False
-    Kp_pos = 3.
-    Kd_pos = 0.01
-    imax = 3.0
-    pos = np.zeros(device.nb_motors)
-    for motor in range(device.nb_motors):
-        pos[motor] = q_init[device.motorToUrdf[motor]] * device.gearRatioSigned[motor]
+    print("PUT ON THE FLOOR.")
+    Kp_pos = 5.
+    Kd_pos = 0.2
+    device.joints.set_position_gains(Kp_pos * np.ones(12))
+    device.joints.set_velocity_gains(Kd_pos * np.ones(12))
+    device.joints.set_desired_positions(q_init)
+    device.joints.set_desired_velocities(np.zeros(12))
+    device.joints.set_torques(np.zeros(12))
     i = threading.Thread(target=get_input)
-    while not key_pressed:
-        device.UpdateMeasurment()
-        for motor in range(device.nb_motors):
-            ref = Kp_pos*(pos[motor] - device.hardware.GetMotor(motor).GetPosition() -
-                          Kd_pos*device.hardware.GetMotor(motor).GetVelocity())
-            ref = min(imax, max(-imax, ref))
-            device.hardware.GetMotor(motor).SetCurrentReference(ref)
-        device.SendCommand(WaitEndOfCycle=True)
+    print("Put the robot on the floor and press Enter")
+    while i.is_alive():
+        device.parse_sensor_data()
+        device.send_command_and_wait_end_of_cycle()
     print("Start the motion.")
@@ -129,7 +124,8 @@ def control_loop(name_interface, name_interface_clone=None, des_vel_analysis=Non
         device = PyBulletSimulator()
         qc = None
-        device = Solo12(name_interface, dt=params.dt_wbc)
+        device = oci.robot_from_yaml_file('config_solo12.yaml')
+        joint_calibrator = oci.joint_calibrator_from_yaml_file('config_solo12.yaml', device.joints)
         qc = QualisysClient(ip="", body_id=0)
     if name_interface_clone is not None:
@@ -156,14 +152,22 @@ def control_loop(name_interface, name_interface_clone=None, des_vel_analysis=Non
     # Number of motors
-    nb_motors = device.nb_motors
+    nb_motors = 12
     # Initiate communication with the device and calibrate encoders
     if params.SIMULATION:
         device.Init(calibrateEncoders=True, q_init=q_init, envID=params.envID,
                     use_flat_plane=params.use_flat_plane, enable_pyb_GUI=params.enable_pyb_GUI, dt=params.dt_wbc)
-        device.Init(calibrateEncoders=True, q_init=q_init)
+        # Initialize the communication and the session.
+        device.start()
+        device.wait_until_ready()
+        # Calibrate the robot if needed.
+        device.run_calibration(joint_calibrator, q_init)
+        device.joints.set_zero_commands()
+        device.parse_sensor_data()
         # Wait for Enter input before starting the control loop
         put_on_the_floor(device, q_init)
@@ -172,10 +176,15 @@ def control_loop(name_interface, name_interface_clone=None, des_vel_analysis=Non
     t = 0.0
     t_max = (params.N_SIMULATION-2) * params.dt_wbc
-    while ((not device.hardware.IsTimeout()) and (t < t_max) and (not controller.error)):
+    t_log_whole = np.zeros((params.N_SIMULATION))
+    k_log_whole = 0
+    t_start_whole = 0.0
+    while ((not device.is_timeout) and (t < t_max) and (not controller.error)):
+        t_start_whole = time.time()
         # Update sensor data (IMU, encoders, Motion capture)
-        device.UpdateMeasurment()
+        device.parse_sensor_data()
         # Desired torques
@@ -183,17 +192,18 @@ def control_loop(name_interface, name_interface_clone=None, des_vel_analysis=Non
         # Check that the initial position of actuators is not too far from the
         # desired position of actuators to avoid breaking the robot
         if (t <= 10 * params.dt_wbc):
-            if np.max(np.abs(controller.result.q_des - device.q_mes)) > 0.15:
-                print("DIFFERENCE: ", controller.result.q_des - device.q_mes)
+            if np.max(np.abs(controller.result.q_des - device.joints.positions)) > 0.15:
+                print("DIFFERENCE: ", controller.result.q_des - device.joints.positions)
                 print("q_des: ", controller.result.q_des)
-                print("q_mes: ", device.q_mes)
+                print("q_mes: ", device.joints.positions)
         # Set desired quantities for the actuators
-        device.SetDesiredJointPDgains(controller.result.P, controller.result.D)
-        device.SetDesiredJointPosition(controller.result.q_des)
-        device.SetDesiredJointVelocity(controller.result.v_des)
-        device.SetDesiredJointTorque(controller.result.tau_ff.ravel())
+        device.joints.set_position_gains(controller.result.P)
+        device.joints.set_velocity_gains(controller.result.D)
+        device.joints.set_desired_positions(controller.result.q_des)
+        device.joints.set_desired_velocities(controller.result.v_des)
+        device.joints.set_torques(controller.result.tau_ff.ravel())
         # Call logger
         if params.LOGGING or params.PLOTTING:
@@ -203,11 +213,16 @@ def control_loop(name_interface, name_interface_clone=None, des_vel_analysis=Non
                                  controller.footstepPlanner, controller.footTrajectoryGenerator,
+        t_end_whole = time.time()
         # Send command to the robot
         for i in range(1):
-            device.SendCommand(WaitEndOfCycle=True)
-        """if ((device.cpt % 100) == 0):
-            device.Print()"""
+            device.send_command_and_wait_end_of_cycle()
+        """if (t % 1) < 5e-5:
+            print('IMU attitude:', device.imu.attitude_euler)
+            print('joint pos   :', device.joints.positions)
+            print('joint vel   :', device.joints.velocities)
+            device.robot_interface.PrintStats()"""
         """import os
         from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
@@ -236,6 +251,9 @@ def control_loop(name_interface, name_interface_clone=None, des_vel_analysis=Non
         t += params.dt_wbc  # Increment loop time
+        t_log_whole[k_log_whole] = t_end_whole - t_start_whole
+        k_log_whole += 1
     # ****************************************************************
     if (t >= t_max):
@@ -256,33 +274,36 @@ def control_loop(name_interface, name_interface_clone=None, des_vel_analysis=Non
     t = 0.0
     t_max = 2.5
-    while ((not device.hardware.IsTimeout()) and (t < t_max)):
+    while ((not device.is_timeout) and (t < t_max)):
-        device.UpdateMeasurment()  # Retrieve data from IMU and Motion capture
+        device.parse_sensor_data()  # Retrieve data from IMU and Motion capture
         # Set desired quantities for the actuators
-        device.SetDesiredJointPDgains(np.zeros(12), 0.1 * np.ones(12))
-        device.SetDesiredJointPosition(np.zeros(12))
-        device.SetDesiredJointVelocity(np.zeros(12))
-        device.SetDesiredJointTorque(np.zeros(12))
+        device.joints.set_position_gains(np.zeros(nb_motors))
+        device.joints.set_velocity_gains(0.1 * np.ones(nb_motors))
+        device.joints.set_desired_positions(np.zeros(nb_motors))
+        device.joints.set_desired_velocities(np.zeros(nb_motors))
+        device.joints.set_torques(np.zeros(nb_motors))
         # Send command to the robot
-        device.SendCommand(WaitEndOfCycle=True)
-        if ((device.cpt % 1000) == 0):
-            device.Print()
+        device.send_command_and_wait_end_of_cycle()
+        if (t % 1) < 5e-5:
+            print('IMU attitude:', device.imu.attitude_euler)
+            print('joint pos   :', device.joints.positions)
+            print('joint vel   :', device.joints.velocities)
+            device.robot_interface.PrintStats()
         t += params.dt_wbc
     # FINAL SHUTDOWN *************************************************
     # Whatever happened we send 0 torques to the motors.
-    device.SetDesiredJointTorque([0]*nb_motors)
-    device.SendCommand(WaitEndOfCycle=True)
+    device.joints.set_torques(np.zeros(nb_motors))
+    device.send_command_and_wait_end_of_cycle()
-    if device.hardware.IsTimeout():
+    if device.is_timeout:
         print("Masterboard timeout detected.")
         print("Either the masterboard has been shut down or there has been a connection issue with the cable/wifi.")
-    device.hardware.Stop()  # Shut down the interface between the computer and the master board
     # Plot estimated computation time for each step for the control architecture
     from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
@@ -292,16 +313,10 @@ def control_loop(name_interface, name_interface_clone=None, des_vel_analysis=Non
     plt.plot(controller.t_list_mpc[1:], 'b+')
     plt.plot(controller.t_list_wbc[1:], '+', color="violet")
     plt.plot(controller.t_list_loop[1:], 'k+')
-    plt.plot(controller.t_list_InvKin[1:], 'o', color="darkgreen")
-    plt.plot(controller.t_list_QPWBC[1:], 'o', color="royalblue")
-    plt.legend(["Estimator", "Planner", "MPC", "WBC", "Whole loop", "InvKin", "QP WBC"])
+    plt.plot(t_log_whole, 'x')
+    plt.legend(["Estimator", "Planner", "MPC", "WBC", "Whole loop", "Whole loop + Interface"])
     plt.title("Loop time [s]")
-    """plt.figure()
-    for i in range(3):
-        plt.subplot(3, 1, i+1)
-        plt.plot(controller.o_log_foot[:, i, 0])
-    plt.show(block=True)"""
     # Plot recorded data
     if params.PLOTTING:
@@ -345,7 +360,7 @@ def main():
                         help='Name of the clone interface that will reproduce the movement of the first one \
                               (use ifconfig in a terminal), for instance "enp1s0"')
-    f, v = control_loop(parser.parse_args().interface, parser.parse_args().clone, np.array([1.5, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]))
+    f, v = control_loop(parser.parse_args().interface, parser.parse_args().clone) # , np.array([1.5, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]))
     print(f, v)
diff --git a/scripts/utils_mpc.py b/scripts/utils_mpc.py
index 563cae75774a284228bac52ec71a49165a0c21df..52c7a5af508befaf8c99e47b92c7c7cc24f60653 100644
--- a/scripts/utils_mpc.py
+++ b/scripts/utils_mpc.py
@@ -143,9 +143,9 @@ def init_robot(q_init, params, enable_viewer):
         if ('viewer' in solo.viz.__dict__):
-            solo.viewer.gui.setRefreshIsSynchronous(False)"""
+            solo.viewer.gui.setRefreshIsSynchronous(False)
     if enable_viewer:
-        solo.display(q)
+        solo.display(q)"""
     # Initialisation of model quantities
     pin.centerOfMass(solo.model, solo.data, q, np.zeros((18, 1)))
diff --git a/src/Estimator.cpp b/src/Estimator.cpp
index 8ee057f89ed0874948df2e388765ffc1a99cfe13..1756e574098116f0558c629895784a0c74b9eeec 100644
--- a/src/Estimator.cpp
+++ b/src/Estimator.cpp
@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ void Estimator::initialize(Params& params)
-void Estimator::get_data_IMU(Vector3 const& baseLinearAcceleration, Vector3 const& baseAngularVelocity, Vector4 const& baseOrientation)
+void Estimator::get_data_IMU(Vector3 const& baseLinearAcceleration, Vector3 const& baseAngularVelocity, Vector3 const& baseOrientation)
     // Linear acceleration of the trunk (base frame)
     IMU_lin_acc_ = baseLinearAcceleration;
@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ void Estimator::get_data_IMU(Vector3 const& baseLinearAcceleration, Vector3 cons
     IMU_ang_vel_ = baseAngularVelocity;
     // Angular position of the trunk (local frame)
-    IMU_RPY_ = pinocchio::rpy::matrixToRpy(pinocchio::SE3::Quaternion(baseOrientation).toRotationMatrix());
+    IMU_RPY_ = baseOrientation;
     if(k_log_ <= 1) {
         offset_yaw_IMU_ = IMU_RPY_(2, 0);