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Malaurie Bernard authored

Pousse Seringue / Arduino / ESP8266 / LAAS-HW

Données préliminaires

  • Hardware

    • A4988 breakout
    • A4988 wiring
    • Stepper: 17HS19-2004S1
    • Stepper: 11HS18-0674S
      • 200steps 1.8°/step 2A/φ 1.4Ω/φ
      • WIRING: 1A/A-/grn 1B/A+/blk 2A/B-/blu 2B/B+/red
  • Arduino libraries (git-clone dans le répertoires des librairies Arduino)

Installation des drivers et outils de compilation

Installer toutes les dépendences:

Créer un espace de travail: mkdir -p ~/devel/workspace/src

Cloner les paquets suivant dans le dossier ~/devel/workspace/src.

Pour compiler sur la cible :

Pour compiler sur le PC (pour test) :

mkdir -p ~/devel/workspace/src
cd ~/devel/workspace/src

git clone --recursive arduino_esp8266
git clone --recursive
git clone --recursive
# pour l'esp8266 seulement
git clone --recursive
git clone --recursive
# pour emulation sur PC seulement
git clone --recursive
git clone --recursive

On récupère la chaine d'outil pour compiler sur arduino

cd ~/devel/workspace/src/arduino_esp8266/tools/

Pensez à verifier l'installation en suivant les instruction du paragraph suivant.

Vérification de l'installation:

Emulation de l'interface graphique

Pour verifier sir l'émulateur fonction on fait tourner un test unitaire d'ESPUI.

export ESP8266ARDUINO=~/devel/workspace/src/arduino_esp8266
export ARDUINOLIB=~/devel/workspace/src/
cd ~/devel/workspace/src/

Cela devrait compiler le test et creer un executable gui. Celui ci se trouve afficher dans le terminal entre deux flèches:

----> ~/devel/workspace/src/arduino_esp8266/tests/host/bin/gui/gui <----

Vous l'éxecuter:


Et vous ouvrez firefox sur localhost:9080:

firefox localhost:9080

Compiler et flasher la carte:

IDE Arduino



  1. Visual Studio Code: Download Visual Studio Code, either from or from the repository manager of your OS. Install it.

Getting started step1 - Download VSCode

  1. PlatformIO: Launch Visual Studio Code. On the left side menu, click on the extension icon extension_icon.

In the search engine, type "PlatformIO IDE", and click install. Finally, restart Visual Studio Code when you are prompted to do so.

Getting started step 2 - PlatformIO installation

Now we will download the code from Git to Visual Studio, and compile it.

  1. In Visual Studio code, on the left side menu, click on PlatformIO icon platformio_icon! Pro tip: if the alien icon does not show up spontaneously, wait for a few more seconds, then press F1 key and type platformio home.
  2. In, select "Clone Git Project ". PlatformIO will automatically open a field in which you can type and press enter. PlatformIO will ask you in which folder to clone the project. Choose the folder you have created previously. A pop up will appear asking if you trust the authors. You can trust us. 😄

Getting started step4 - clone the git repository

⚠️ Make sure that the name of the cloned project has no space in its path as it would create issues.

  1. Make sure you are on the main branch of the Git project. You should see the following file tree.

Getting started step 5 - File tree and main branch

Step-by-step implementation

  1. Connect hardware

Now we will connect the serynge to the PC with a micro USB cable.

  1. Build and Upload
  • In the bottom menu, click on the Build icon build_icon. This will launch the compilation of the code. If this is the first time that you compile, Visual Studio Code will download several extensions that are required to write the code onto the serynge microcontroller. When the compilation is completed, you should see [SUCCESS] in the terminal.
  • In the bottom menu, click on the Upload icon flash_icon. This will flash the compiled code on the microcontroller of serynge. When the process is completed, you should see [SUCCESS] in the terminal.

⚠️ For Linux users, you may have the LIBUSB_ERROR_ACCESS error when uploading to the board, check your udev permissions:

  1. In the bottom toolbar, click on the Serial Monitor icon serial_icon. You will be able to see the messages from the serynge in the terminal.

That’s it!



Visualization locale de l'interface utilisateur sans l'arduino.

Compiler l'application localement:

# se positionner dans pousseseringue-arduino/
export ESP8266ARDUINO=~/devel/workspace/src/arduino_esp8266
export ARDUINOLIB=~/devel/workspace/src/
cd host_gui

lancer le server:


Some code details explanation


Ce CORE_MOCK permet d'ignorer les ligne qui sont spécifique au micro-controller afin de compiler le driver sur le PC local. Cela permet notamment de visualiser le gui sans avoir la carte éléctronique physiquement et de la flasher.

  // on the target
#else // !CORE_MOCK
  // on host
#endif // !CORE_MOCK