#include "web.h" void web_setup () { set_theme(1); //Create tabs uint16_t configurations = ESPUI.addControl(ControlType::Tab, "Configurations", "Configurations"); uint16_t new_syringe = ESPUI.addControl(ControlType::Tab, "Nouvelle Seringue", "Nouvelle seringue"); uint16_t features = ESPUI.addControl(ControlType::Tab, "Caracteristiques du pousse-seringue", "Caracteristiques du pousse-seringue"); //***ABOVE***// //***Syringe-pump***// status_syringe_pump = ESPUI.label("Etat du pousse-seringue :", ControlColor::None, "A l'arrêt"); activation_syringe_pump = ESPUI.addControl(ControlType::Switcher, "Mise en marche", "Arrêt", ControlColor::None, status_syringe_pump, activation_syringe_pump_callback, (void*)19); //***Syringe-filled***// status_syringe_filled = ESPUI.label("Etat de la seringue :", ControlColor::None, "Pas en place"); syringe_filled_placement = ESPUI.addControl(ControlType::Switcher, "Mise en marche", "Arrêt", ControlColor::None, status_syringe_filled, syringe_filled_placement_callback, (void*)19); ESPUI.addControl(ControlType::Separator, "", "", ControlColor::None); //***Initialisation***// initialisation = ESPUI.button("Initialisation", initialisation_callback, ControlColor::None, ""); //Volume restant label_remaining_volume_mL = ESPUI.label("Volume restant en mL", ControlColor::None, "Volume restant en mL"); ESPUI.addControl(ControlType::Slider, "Distance", "0", ControlColor::None, label_remaining_volume_mL, remaining_volume_mL_callback, (void*)19); ESPUI.sliderContinuous = true; //Configurations //Choix de la seringue 1 //ESPUI.addControl(ControlType::Separator, "Seringue 1", "", ControlColor::None, configurations); select_syringe_maj(configurations); //tests float diametre = 10; std::string temp = "internal diameter : " + std::to_string(diametre); syringe_ref = ESPUI.addControl( ControlType::Label, "Caractéristiques de la seringue 1 : ", "Reférence : ? " , ControlColor::None, configurations); syringe_brand =ESPUI.addControl( ControlType::Label, "Caractéristiques de la seringue 1 : ", "Marque : ? " , ControlColor::None, syringe_ref); syringe_volume_mL =ESPUI.addControl( ControlType::Label, "Caractéristiques de la seringue 1 : ", "Volume total = ? mL" , ControlColor::None, syringe_ref); syringe_diameter_mm =ESPUI.addControl( ControlType::Label, "Caractéristiques de la seringue 1 : ", temp.c_str(), ControlColor::None, syringe_ref); choose_syringe = ESPUI.addControl(ControlType::Button, "Choisir cette seringue", "Utiliser cette seringue", ControlColor::None, syringe_selection, choose_syringe_callback, (void*)19); ESPUI.addControl(ControlType::Separator, "", "", ControlColor::None, configurations); //Deplacement demandé du pousse-seringue volume_exchange_mL = ESPUI.addControl(ControlType::Number,"Choix du volume à echanger en mL", "", ControlColor::None, configurations, volume_exchange_mL_callback, (void*)19); label_push_pull_choice = ESPUI.addControl(ControlType::Label, "Delivrer ou recupérer", "Délivrer", ControlColor::None, volume_exchange_mL); switch_push_pull_choice = ESPUI.addControl(ControlType::Switcher, "Delivrer ou recupérer", "Délivrer", ControlColor::None, volume_exchange_mL, switch_push_pull_choice_callback, (void*)19); ESPUI.updateSwitcher(switch_push_pull_choice, true); //pour mettre a "Delivrer" par défaut au début //new_syringe : Nouvelle seringue name_new_syringe_label = ESPUI.addControl(ControlType::Label, "Nouvelle seringue", "Nom de la seringue :", ControlColor::None, new_syringe); name_new_syringe = ESPUI.addControl(ControlType::Text, "Nouvelle seringue", "", ControlColor::None, name_new_syringe_label, name_new_syringe_callback); internal_diameter_mm_new_syringe_label =ESPUI.addControl(ControlType::Label, "Nouvelle seringue", "Diamètre interne de la seringue en mm :", ControlColor::None, name_new_syringe_label); internal_diameter_mm_new_syringe = ESPUI.addControl(ControlType::Number, "Diamètre interne de la seringue en mm", "5", ControlColor::None, name_new_syringe_label, number_callback); total_volume_mL_new_syringe_label =ESPUI.addControl(ControlType::Label, "Nouvelle seringue", "Volume total de la seringue en µL :", ControlColor::None, name_new_syringe_label); total_volume_mL_new_syringe = ESPUI.addControl(ControlType::Number, "Volume total de la seringue en µL", "5", ControlColor::None, name_new_syringe_label, number_callback); add_syringe_label =ESPUI.addControl(ControlType::Label, "Nouvelle seringue", "Ajouter la seringue", ControlColor::None, name_new_syringe_label); add_syringe = ESPUI.addControl(ControlType::Button, "Ajouter la seringue", "Valider", ControlColor::None, name_new_syringe_label, add_syringe_callback, (void*)19); //features : Configurations avancées //Diamètre de la vis worm_diameter_mm = ESPUI.addControl(ControlType::Number, "Diamètre de la vis sans fin", "5", ControlColor::None, features, number_callback); //Sens de rotation du moteur clockwise_equals_push_label = ESPUI.addControl(ControlType::Label, "Sens de rotation du moteur", "Horaire = Delivrer", ControlColor::None, features); clockwise_equals_push = ESPUI.addControl(ControlType::Switcher, "Sens de rotation du moteur", "Horaire =", ControlColor::None, clockwise_equals_push_label, clockwise_equals_push_callback); ESPUI.updateSwitcher(clockwise_equals_push, true); //pour mettre a "Horaire = Delivrer" par défaut au début //Lancement set_init_style(); ESPUI.begin("ESPUI Control"); } /************CALLBACK_METHODS****************/ //GENERAL CALLBACKS// void number_callback(Control* sender, int type) /*** -Argument : Pointer to the controller calling the function, integer according to the controller type. -Return : / -Action : Print the value of the number controller via the serial port. ***/ { Serial.println(sender->value); } //SPECIFIC CALLBACKS// //***ABOVE***// void activation_syringe_pump_callback (Control* sender, int value, void* param) /*** -Argument : Pointer to the controller calling the function, integer according to the controller type. -Return : / -Action : Linking the switch of the syringe pump status and the actions. ***/ { Serial.println(String("param: ") + String(long(param))); switch (value) { case S_ACTIVE: syringe_pump_on(); break; case S_INACTIVE: syringe_pump_off(); break; } Serial.print(" "); Serial.println(sender->id); } void syringe_filled_placement_callback (Control* sender, int value, void* param) /*** -Argument : Pointer to the controller calling the function, integer according to the controller type. -Return : / -Action : Linking the switch of the syringe filled status(placed or not) and the actions. ***/ { Serial.println(String("param: ") + String(long(param))); switch (value) { case S_ACTIVE: syringe_filled_placement_on(); break; case S_INACTIVE: syringe_filled_placement_off(); break; } Serial.print(" "); Serial.println(sender->id); } void initialisation_callback (Control *sender, int type) /*** -Argument : Pointer to the controller calling the function, integer according to the controller type. -Return : / -Action : Enable the syringe-pump initialisation and change the style appropriately. ***/ { if((type == B_UP)) { Serial.printf("Go to zero"); syringe_filled.go_to_zero(); Serial.print("Active:"); ESPUI.print(status_syringe_pump, "En marche"); ESPUI.updateSwitcher(activation_syringe_pump, true); style (status_syringe_pump, 1); style (activation_syringe_pump, 1); } } void volume_exchange_mL_callback (Control* sender, int value, void* param) /*** -Argument : Pointer to the controller calling the function, integer according to the controller type. -Return : / -Action : Enable to choose the volume that woud be exchanged. ***/ { Serial.printf("val=%s\n", sender->value.c_str()); syringe_filled.set_exchange_volume_mL(atof(sender->value.c_str())); } void switch_push_pull_choice_callback (Control* sender, int value, void* param) /*** -Argument : Pointer to the controller calling the function, integer according to the controller type. -Return : / -Action : Change the label_push_pull_choice to display the choice. Change the style of the controller involved. ***/ { Serial.println(String("param: ") + String(long(param))); switch (value) { case S_ACTIVE: ESPUI.print(label_push_pull_choice, "Délivrer"); style (volume_exchange_mL, 1); style (label_push_pull_choice, 1); style (switch_push_pull_choice, 1); break; case S_INACTIVE: ESPUI.print(label_push_pull_choice, "Recupérer"); style (volume_exchange_mL, 2); style (label_push_pull_choice, 2); style (switch_push_pull_choice, 2); break; } Serial.print(" "); Serial.println(sender->id); } void remaining_volume_mL_callback (Control* sender, int value, void* param) /*** -Argument : Pointer to the controller calling the function, integer according to the controller type. -Return : / -Action : Linking the display with the current volume remaining. ***/ { } //configurations = Configurations void choose_syringe_callback (Control* sender, int value, void* param) /*** -Argument : Pointer to the controller calling the function, integer according to the controller type. -Return : / -Action : Print the value of the button state via the serial port. ***/ { switch (value) { case B_DOWN: Serial.println("Button DOWN"); break; case B_UP: Serial.println("Button UP"); break; } } void name_new_syringe_callback(Control* sender, int type) /*** -Argument : Pointer to the controller calling the function, integer according to the controller type. -Return : / -Action : Print the value of the new syringe name chosen via the serial port. ***/ { Serial.print("Text: ID: "); Serial.print(sender->id); Serial.print(", Value: "); Serial.println(sender->value); } void add_syringe_callback (Control* sender, int value, void* param) /*** -Argument : Pointer to the controller calling the function, integer according to the controller type. -Return : / -Action : Print the value of the button state via the serial port. Enable to save data in the syringe_json file. ***/ { switch (value) { case B_DOWN: Serial.println("Button DOWN"); syringe.write_Json(); break; case B_UP: Serial.println("Button UP"); break; } } //features : Configurations avancées void clockwise_equals_push_callback(Control* sender, int value) /*** -Argument : Pointer to the controller calling the function, integer according to the controller type. -Return : / -Action : Print the value of the convention chosen via the serial port. Change the clockwise_equals_push_label to display the information. ***/ { switch (value) { case S_ACTIVE: Serial.print("Clockwise equals push"); ESPUI.print(clockwise_equals_push_label, "Horaire = Delivrer"); break; case S_INACTIVE: Serial.print("Clockwise equals pull"); ESPUI.print(clockwise_equals_push_label, "Horaire = Récupérer"); break; } Serial.print(" "); Serial.println(sender->id); } // void syringe_selection_callback(Control* sender, int value) /*** -Argument : Pointer to the controller calling the function, integer according to the controller type. -Return : / -Action : Print the value of the syringe name chosen via the serial port. ***/ { Serial.print("Select: ID: "); Serial.print(sender->id); Serial.print(", Value: "); Serial.println(sender->value); select_value = sender->value; } //ON_OFF METHODS void syringe_pump_on_off() /*** -Argument : / -Return : / -Action : Update the display of the syringe-pump status to match when the motor runs or not (so when we initialize, it stop by itself) ***/ { if (syringe_filled.is_running()) { ESPUI.updateControlValue(activation_syringe_pump, "1"); } ESPUI.updateControlValue(activation_syringe_pump, "0"); } void syringe_pump_on() /*** -Argument : / -Return : / -Action : Change the status_syringe_pump label to display the information. Change the style of the controller involved. Causes the movement of the syringe pump. ***/ { ESPUI.print(status_syringe_pump, "En marche"); ESPUI.updateSwitcher(activation_syringe_pump, true); style (status_syringe_pump, 1); style (activation_syringe_pump, 1); syringe_filled.move(); } void syringe_pump_off() /*** -Argument : / -Return : / -Action : Change the status_syringe_pump label to display the information. Change the style of the controller involved. Causes the stop of the syringe pump. ***/ { ESPUI.print(status_syringe_pump, "A l'arrêt"); ESPUI.updateSwitcher(activation_syringe_pump, false); style (status_syringe_pump, 2); style (activation_syringe_pump, 2); syringe_filled.stop(); } void syringe_filled_placement_on() /*** -Argument : / -Return : / -Action : Change the status_syringe_filled label to display the information. Change the style of the controller involved. Disable the initialisation. ***/ { ESPUI.print(status_syringe_filled, "En place"); style (status_syringe_filled, 1); style (syringe_filled_placement, 1); ESPUI.setEnabled(initialisation, false); style (initialisation, 2); syringe_pump_on(); } void syringe_filled_placement_off() /*** -Argument : / -Return : / -Action : Change the status_syringe_filled label to display the information. Change the style of the controller involved. Enable the initialisation. ***/ { ESPUI.print(status_syringe_filled, "Enlevée"); style (status_syringe_filled, 2); style (syringe_filled_placement, 2); ESPUI.setEnabled(initialisation, true); style (initialisation, 1); } /*************OTHER_METHODS****************/ void style (uint16_t id, int style) /*** -Argument : The controller id and the style wanted. -Return : / -Action : Change style (1 is active, green; 2 is inactive, red; 3 is neutral, brown) ***/ { switch (style) { case 1: ESPUI.setPanelStyle(id, couleurs[0]); ESPUI.setElementStyle(id, couleurs[1]); break; case 2: ESPUI.setPanelStyle(id, couleurs[2]); ESPUI.setElementStyle(id, couleurs[3]); break; case 3: ESPUI.setPanelStyle(id, couleurs[4]); ESPUI.setElementStyle(id, couleurs[5]); break; } } void set_init_style() /*** -Argument : / -Return : / -Action : Set up the initial style of every controller. ***/ { //***ABOVE***// style (status_syringe_pump, 2); style (activation_syringe_pump, 2); style (status_syringe_filled, 2); style (syringe_filled_placement, 2); style (initialisation, 2); style (volume_exchange_mL, 3); style (label_push_pull_choice, 3); style (switch_push_pull_choice, 3); style (label_remaining_volume_mL, 3); //configurations = Configurations style (syringe_ref, 3); style (syringe_brand, 3); style (syringe_volume_mL, 3); style (syringe_diameter_mm, 3); style (choose_syringe, 3); style (name_new_syringe, 3); style (internal_diameter_mm_new_syringe, 3); style (total_volume_mL_new_syringe, 3); style (add_syringe, 3); style (name_new_syringe_label, 3); style (internal_diameter_mm_new_syringe_label, 3); style (total_volume_mL_new_syringe_label, 3); style (add_syringe_label, 3); //features : Configurations avancées style (worm_diameter_mm, 3); style (clockwise_equals_push_label, 3); style (clockwise_equals_push, 3); } void set_theme(int theme) /*** -Argument : Integer defining the theme wanted. -Return : / -Action : Change the interface theme for dark, light of colorful theme. ***/ { if (theme ==1) { //Creation des différents styles //Les verts pour la mise en mrche de la seringue sprintf(couleur1, "background-color: #%06X;", (unsigned int) 0xb2dbbf); sprintf(couleur2, "background-color: #%06X;", (unsigned int) 0x5a8668); //Le rouge pour la seringue a l'arrêt sprintf(couleur3, "background-color: #%06X;", (unsigned int) 0xc97064); sprintf(couleur4, "background-color: #%06X;", (unsigned int) 0x762419); //Les marrons pour la config des seringues sprintf(couleur5, "background-color: #%06X;", (unsigned int) 0xce9f6f); sprintf(couleur6, "background-color: #%06X;", (unsigned int) 0x926448); //Pas utilisé pour le moment sprintf(couleur7, "background-color: #%06X;", (unsigned int) 0x0a7477); sprintf(couleur8, "background-color: #%06X;", (unsigned int) 0x052a38); sprintf(couleur9, "background-color: #%06X;", (unsigned int) 0x044365); sprintf(couleur10, "background-color: #%06X;", (unsigned int) 0x58b8c3); } } void select_syringe_maj(uint16_t tab) /*** -Argument : The page on which the info must display. -Return : / -Action : Read the syringe_json file so it get/recover all the syringe models registered. ***/ { syringe_selection = ESPUI.addControl(ControlType::Select, "Choix de la seringue :", "", ControlColor::None, tab, syringe_selection_callback); JsonObject root = syringe.get_syringe_database_object(); for (JsonPair kv : root) { ESPUI.addControl(ControlType::Option, kv.key().c_str(), kv.key().c_str(), ControlColor::None, syringe_selection); } style (syringe_selection, 3); } //WEB_LOOP// void web_loop () { //bool switchi = syringe.isRunning(); //bool a = syringe.isRunning(); if(millis() > last_time + 500) { //ESPUI.updateSlider(slider, syringe_filled.current_position()); last_time = millis(); //on_off(); if (syringe_filled.is_running()) syringe_pump_on(); else syringe_pump_off(); } }