# Matlab-Simulink Model

## Description 

This is a repository for the OwnTech matlab-simulink models.
It contains all the tools necessary to its usage. 

## Getting started

Make sure you have : 

- Matlab
- Simulink
- Simscape

## How to use

- Run the config script
- Run the Simulink model
- Enjoy

## Contributing

- You can fork this git project
- ALWAYS work on a different branch from the main 
- Pull regularly from the original project to keep your model up to date
- You are welcome to make pull requests to the original model, to do so please reach out to the OwnTech team. 

## Authors and acknowledgment

This work would not be possible without the help of: 

- Ayoub Hassan Farrah 
- Regis Ruelland
- Jean Alinei
- Luiz Villa

## License
These models are distributed under GLPV3.0 license. 

## Project status
This model is a work in progress and is still not stable.