diff --git a/trunk/fcl/include/fcl/collision.h b/trunk/fcl/include/fcl/collision.h
index 2b53a291f464a6647bfd27547c88b3dbfc508606..985d7fe01e33c28bfdea762e6d7c3c408bb56f97 100644
--- a/trunk/fcl/include/fcl/collision.h
+++ b/trunk/fcl/include/fcl/collision.h
@@ -51,9 +51,24 @@ namespace fcl
  * performs the collision between them. 
  * Return value is the number of contacts returned 
+template<typename NarrowPhaseSolver>
 int collide(const CollisionObject* o1, const CollisionObject* o2,
-             int num_max_contacts, bool exhaustive, bool enable_contact,
-             std::vector<Contact>& contacts);
+            const NarrowPhaseSolver* nsolver,
+            int num_max_contacts, bool exhaustive, bool enable_contact,
+            std::vector<Contact>& contacts);
+template<typename NarrowPhaseSolver>
+int collide(const CollisionGeometry* o1, const SimpleTransform& tf1,
+            const CollisionGeometry* o2, const SimpleTransform& tf2,
+            const NarrowPhaseSolver* nsolver,
+            int num_max_contacts, bool exhaustive, bool enable_contact,
+            std::vector<Contact>& contacts);
+int collide(const CollisionObject* o1, const CollisionObject* o2,
+            int num_max_contacts, bool exhaustive, bool enable_contact,
+            std::vector<Contact>& contacts);
 int collide(const CollisionGeometry* o1, const SimpleTransform& tf1,
             const CollisionGeometry* o2, const SimpleTransform& tf2,
diff --git a/trunk/fcl/include/fcl/collision_func_matrix.h b/trunk/fcl/include/fcl/collision_func_matrix.h
index f675ffe0e0e80c00cdafbbeab954e1846a4cf034..c8dfa442a1bd0a42ad10db3507753366f350effe 100644
--- a/trunk/fcl/include/fcl/collision_func_matrix.h
+++ b/trunk/fcl/include/fcl/collision_func_matrix.h
@@ -45,12 +45,11 @@
 namespace fcl
-typedef int (*CollisionFunc)(const CollisionGeometry* o1, const SimpleTransform& tf1, const CollisionGeometry* o2, const SimpleTransform& tf2, int num_max_contacts, bool exhaustive, bool enable_contact, std::vector<Contact>& contacts);
+template<typename NarrowPhaseSolver>
 struct CollisionFunctionMatrix
+  typedef int (*CollisionFunc)(const CollisionGeometry* o1, const SimpleTransform& tf1, const CollisionGeometry* o2, const SimpleTransform& tf2, const NarrowPhaseSolver* nsolver, int num_max_contacts, bool exhaustive, bool enable_contact, std::vector<Contact>& contacts);
   CollisionFunc collision_matrix[16][16];
diff --git a/trunk/fcl/include/fcl/distance.h b/trunk/fcl/include/fcl/distance.h
index f13fc532574e8a61b21390f8814fb69791ae9faf..5e5285b731e1e49b2cfbf1abe1065f085d31cff2 100644
--- a/trunk/fcl/include/fcl/distance.h
+++ b/trunk/fcl/include/fcl/distance.h
@@ -41,11 +41,21 @@
 namespace fcl
+template<typename NarrowPhaseSolver>
+BVH_REAL distance(const CollisionObject* o1, const CollisionObject* o2, const NarrowPhaseSolver* nsolver);
+template<typename NarrowPhaseSolver>
+BVH_REAL distance(const CollisionGeometry* o1, const SimpleTransform& tf1,
+                  const CollisionGeometry* o2, const SimpleTransform& tf2,
+                  const NarrowPhaseSolver* nsolver);
 BVH_REAL distance(const CollisionObject* o1, const CollisionObject* o2);
 BVH_REAL distance(const CollisionGeometry* o1, const SimpleTransform& tf1,
                   const CollisionGeometry* o2, const SimpleTransform& tf2);
diff --git a/trunk/fcl/include/fcl/distance_func_matrix.h b/trunk/fcl/include/fcl/distance_func_matrix.h
index 75c899f6c0cba583783dff173ca901cc6df927f2..6f9e05035352e2cbbe4d26f3df64f532c78e7768 100644
--- a/trunk/fcl/include/fcl/distance_func_matrix.h
+++ b/trunk/fcl/include/fcl/distance_func_matrix.h
@@ -42,10 +42,12 @@
 namespace fcl
-typedef BVH_REAL (*DistanceFunc)(const CollisionGeometry* o1, const SimpleTransform& tf1, const CollisionGeometry* o2, const SimpleTransform& tf2);
+template<typename NarrowPhaseSolver>
 struct DistanceFunctionMatrix
+  typedef BVH_REAL (*DistanceFunc)(const CollisionGeometry* o1, const SimpleTransform& tf1, const CollisionGeometry* o2, const SimpleTransform& tf2, const NarrowPhaseSolver* nsolver);
   DistanceFunc distance_matrix[16][16];
diff --git a/trunk/fcl/include/fcl/narrowphase/gjk.h b/trunk/fcl/include/fcl/narrowphase/gjk.h
index 8e67c7b301186a655d8f5e0f12891dfb181720a5..fc38a1199ff01fe873e24eac3c42f4eaf34e66d9 100644
--- a/trunk/fcl/include/fcl/narrowphase/gjk.h
+++ b/trunk/fcl/include/fcl/narrowphase/gjk.h
@@ -89,10 +89,6 @@ BVH_REAL projectOrigin(const Vec3f& a, const Vec3f& b, const Vec3f& c, BVH_REAL*
 BVH_REAL projectOrigin(const Vec3f& a, const Vec3f& b, const Vec3f& c, const Vec3f& d, BVH_REAL* w, size_t& m);
-static const BVH_REAL GJK_EPS = 0.000001;
-static const size_t GJK_MAX_ITERATIONS = 128;
 struct GJK
   struct SimplexV
@@ -116,7 +112,13 @@ struct GJK
   Simplex simplices[2];
-  GJK() { initialize(); }
+  GJK(unsigned int max_iterations_, BVH_REAL tolerance_) 
+  {
+    max_iterations = max_iterations_;
+    tolerance = tolerance_;
+    initialize(); 
+  }
   void initialize();
@@ -142,6 +144,9 @@ private:
   size_t current;
   Simplex* simplex;
   Status status;
+  BVH_REAL tolerance;
+  unsigned int max_iterations;
@@ -202,6 +207,12 @@ private:
     SimplexHorizon() : cf(NULL), ff(NULL), nf(0) {}
+  unsigned int max_face_num;
+  unsigned int max_vertex_num;
+  unsigned int max_iterations;
+  BVH_REAL tolerance;
   enum Status {Valid, Touching, Degenerated, NonConvex, InvalidHull, OutOfFaces, OutOfVertices, AccuracyReached, FallBack, Failed};
@@ -210,16 +221,27 @@ public:
   GJK::Simplex result;
   Vec3f normal;
   BVH_REAL depth;
-  SimplexV sv_store[EPA_MAX_VERTICES];
-  SimplexF fc_store[EPA_MAX_FACES];
+  SimplexV* sv_store;
+  SimplexF* fc_store;
   size_t nextsv;
   SimplexList hull, stock;
-  EPA()
+  EPA(unsigned int max_face_num_, unsigned int max_vertex_num_, unsigned int max_iterations_, BVH_REAL tolerance_)
+    max_face_num = max_face_num_;
+    max_vertex_num = max_vertex_num_;
+    max_iterations = max_iterations_;
+    tolerance = tolerance_;
+  ~EPA()
+  {
+    delete [] sv_store;
+    delete [] fc_store;
+  }
   void initialize();
   bool getEdgeDist(SimplexF* face, SimplexV* a, SimplexV* b, BVH_REAL& dist);
diff --git a/trunk/fcl/include/fcl/narrowphase/gjk_libccd.h b/trunk/fcl/include/fcl/narrowphase/gjk_libccd.h
index b14faa8ebc8d956cc511d5a72c1fe101bba67911..cc2658dc3164b36dbbc2b24694a976cae7d0c182 100644
--- a/trunk/fcl/include/fcl/narrowphase/gjk_libccd.h
+++ b/trunk/fcl/include/fcl/narrowphase/gjk_libccd.h
@@ -155,10 +155,12 @@ void triDeleteGJKObject(void* o);
 /** \brief GJK collision algorithm */
 bool GJKCollide(void* obj1, ccd_support_fn supp1, ccd_center_fn cen1,
                 void* obj2, ccd_support_fn supp2, ccd_center_fn cen2,
+                unsigned int max_iterations, BVH_REAL tolerance,
                 Vec3f* contact_points, BVH_REAL* penetration_depth, Vec3f* normal);
 bool GJKDistance(void* obj1, ccd_support_fn supp1,
                  void* obj2, ccd_support_fn supp2,
+                 unsigned int max_iterations, BVH_REAL tolerance,
                  BVH_REAL* dist);
diff --git a/trunk/fcl/include/fcl/narrowphase/narrowphase.h b/trunk/fcl/include/fcl/narrowphase/narrowphase.h
index 736ef0c7565810176bd588f51841ef9dd21f56a8..a0526a4a8931d7e3bc73871b747e08b1adc68397 100644
--- a/trunk/fcl/include/fcl/narrowphase/narrowphase.h
+++ b/trunk/fcl/include/fcl/narrowphase/narrowphase.h
@@ -40,259 +40,420 @@
 #include "fcl/narrowphase/gjk.h"
 #include "fcl/narrowphase/gjk_libccd.h"
 namespace fcl
-/** intersection checking between two shapes */
-template<typename S1, typename S2>
-bool shapeIntersect(const S1& s1, const SimpleTransform& tf1,
-                    const S2& s2, const SimpleTransform& tf2,
-                    Vec3f* contact_points = NULL, BVH_REAL* penetration_depth = NULL, Vec3f* normal = NULL)
+struct GJKSolver_libccd
-  void* o1 = details::GJKInitializer<S1>::createGJKObject(s1, tf1);
-  void* o2 = details::GJKInitializer<S2>::createGJKObject(s2, tf2);
+  /** intersection checking between two shapes */
+  template<typename S1, typename S2>
+  bool shapeIntersect(const S1& s1, const SimpleTransform& tf1,
+                      const S2& s2, const SimpleTransform& tf2,
+                      Vec3f* contact_points, BVH_REAL* penetration_depth, Vec3f* normal) const
+  {
+    void* o1 = details::GJKInitializer<S1>::createGJKObject(s1, tf1);
+    void* o2 = details::GJKInitializer<S2>::createGJKObject(s2, tf2);
-  bool res = details::GJKCollide(o1, details::GJKInitializer<S1>::getSupportFunction(), details::GJKInitializer<S1>::getCenterFunction(),
-                                 o2, details::GJKInitializer<S2>::getSupportFunction(), details::GJKInitializer<S2>::getCenterFunction(),
-                                 contact_points, penetration_depth, normal);
+    bool res = details::GJKCollide(o1, details::GJKInitializer<S1>::getSupportFunction(), details::GJKInitializer<S1>::getCenterFunction(),
+                                   o2, details::GJKInitializer<S2>::getSupportFunction(), details::GJKInitializer<S2>::getCenterFunction(),
+                                   max_collision_iterations, collision_tolerance,
+                                   contact_points, penetration_depth, normal);
-  details::GJKInitializer<S1>::deleteGJKObject(o1);
-  details::GJKInitializer<S2>::deleteGJKObject(o2);
+    details::GJKInitializer<S1>::deleteGJKObject(o1);
+    details::GJKInitializer<S2>::deleteGJKObject(o2);
-  return res;
+    return res;
+  }
-/** \brief intersection checking between one shape and a triangle */
-template<typename S>
-bool shapeTriangleIntersect(const S& s, const SimpleTransform& tf,
-                            const Vec3f& P1, const Vec3f& P2, const Vec3f& P3, Vec3f* contact_points = NULL, BVH_REAL* penetration_depth = NULL, Vec3f* normal = NULL)
-  void* o1 = details::GJKInitializer<S>::createGJKObject(s, tf);
-  void* o2 = details::triCreateGJKObject(P1, P2, P3);
+  /** \brief intersection checking between one shape and a triangle */
+  template<typename S>
+  bool shapeTriangleIntersect(const S& s, const SimpleTransform& tf,
+                              const Vec3f& P1, const Vec3f& P2, const Vec3f& P3, Vec3f* contact_points, BVH_REAL* penetration_depth, Vec3f* normal) const
+  {
+    void* o1 = details::GJKInitializer<S>::createGJKObject(s, tf);
+    void* o2 = details::triCreateGJKObject(P1, P2, P3);
-  bool res = details::GJKCollide(o1, details::GJKInitializer<S>::getSupportFunction(), details::GJKInitializer<S>::getCenterFunction(),
-                                 o2, details::triGetSupportFunction(), details::triGetCenterFunction(),
-                                 contact_points, penetration_depth, normal);
+    bool res = details::GJKCollide(o1, details::GJKInitializer<S>::getSupportFunction(), details::GJKInitializer<S>::getCenterFunction(),
+                                   o2, details::triGetSupportFunction(), details::triGetCenterFunction(),
+                                   max_collision_iterations, collision_tolerance,
+                                   contact_points, penetration_depth, normal);
-  details::GJKInitializer<S>::deleteGJKObject(o1);
-  details::triDeleteGJKObject(o2);
+    details::GJKInitializer<S>::deleteGJKObject(o1);
+    details::triDeleteGJKObject(o2);
-  return res;
+    return res;
+  }
-/** \brief intersection checking between one shape and a triangle with transformation */
-template<typename S>
-bool shapeTriangleIntersect(const S& s, const SimpleTransform& tf,
-                            const Vec3f& P1, const Vec3f& P2, const Vec3f& P3, const Matrix3f& R, const Vec3f& T,
-                            Vec3f* contact_points = NULL, BVH_REAL* penetration_depth = NULL, Vec3f* normal = NULL)
-  void* o1 = details::GJKInitializer<S>::createGJKObject(s, tf);
-  void* o2 = details::triCreateGJKObject(P1, P2, P3, R, T);
+  /** \brief intersection checking between one shape and a triangle with transformation */
+  template<typename S>
+  bool shapeTriangleIntersect(const S& s, const SimpleTransform& tf,
+                              const Vec3f& P1, const Vec3f& P2, const Vec3f& P3, const Matrix3f& R, const Vec3f& T,
+                              Vec3f* contact_points, BVH_REAL* penetration_depth, Vec3f* normal) const
+  {
+    void* o1 = details::GJKInitializer<S>::createGJKObject(s, tf);
+    void* o2 = details::triCreateGJKObject(P1, P2, P3, R, T);
-  bool res = details::GJKCollide(o1, details::GJKInitializer<S>::getSupportFunction(), details::GJKInitializer<S>::getCenterFunction(),
-                                 o2, details::triGetSupportFunction(), details::triGetCenterFunction(),
-                                 contact_points, penetration_depth, normal);
+    bool res = details::GJKCollide(o1, details::GJKInitializer<S>::getSupportFunction(), details::GJKInitializer<S>::getCenterFunction(),
+                                   o2, details::triGetSupportFunction(), details::triGetCenterFunction(),
+                                   max_collision_iterations, collision_tolerance,
+                                   contact_points, penetration_depth, normal);
-  details::GJKInitializer<S>::deleteGJKObject(o1);
-  details::triDeleteGJKObject(o2);
+    details::GJKInitializer<S>::deleteGJKObject(o1);
+    details::triDeleteGJKObject(o2);
-  return res;
+    return res;
+  }
-/** \brief distance computation between two shapes */
-template<typename S1, typename S2>
-bool shapeDistance(const S1& s1, const SimpleTransform& tf1,
-                   const S2& s2, const SimpleTransform& tf2,
-                   BVH_REAL* dist)
-  void* o1 = details::GJKInitializer<S1>::createGJKObject(s1, tf1);
-  void* o2 = details::GJKInitializer<S2>::createGJKObject(s2, tf2);
+  /** \brief distance computation between two shapes */
+  template<typename S1, typename S2>
+  bool shapeDistance(const S1& s1, const SimpleTransform& tf1,
+                     const S2& s2, const SimpleTransform& tf2,
+                     BVH_REAL* dist) const
+  {
+    void* o1 = details::GJKInitializer<S1>::createGJKObject(s1, tf1);
+    void* o2 = details::GJKInitializer<S2>::createGJKObject(s2, tf2);
-  bool res =  details::GJKDistance(o1, details::GJKInitializer<S1>::getSupportFunction(),
-                                   o2, details::GJKInitializer<S2>::getSupportFunction(),
-                                   dist);
+    bool res =  details::GJKDistance(o1, details::GJKInitializer<S1>::getSupportFunction(),
+                                     o2, details::GJKInitializer<S2>::getSupportFunction(),
+                                     max_distance_iterations, distance_tolerance,
+                                     dist);
-  if(*dist > 0) *dist = std::sqrt(*dist);
+    if(*dist > 0) *dist = std::sqrt(*dist);
-  details::GJKInitializer<S1>::deleteGJKObject(o1);
-  details::GJKInitializer<S2>::deleteGJKObject(o2);
+    details::GJKInitializer<S1>::deleteGJKObject(o1);
+    details::GJKInitializer<S2>::deleteGJKObject(o2);
-  return res;
+    return res;
+  }
+  /** \brief distance computation between one shape and a triangle */
+  template<typename S>
+  bool shapeTriangleDistance(const S& s, const SimpleTransform& tf,
+                             const Vec3f& P1, const Vec3f& P2, const Vec3f& P3, 
+                             BVH_REAL* dist) const
+  {
+    void* o1 = details::GJKInitializer<S>::createGJKObject(s, tf);
+    void* o2 = details::triCreateGJKObject(P1, P2, P3);
+    bool res = details::GJKDistance(o1, details::GJKInitializer<S>::getSupportFunction(), 
+                                    o2, details::triGetSupportFunction(),
+                                    max_distance_iterations, distance_tolerance,
+                                    dist);
+    if(*dist > 0) *dist = std::sqrt(*dist);
+    details::GJKInitializer<S>::deleteGJKObject(o1);
+    details::triDeleteGJKObject(o2);
-namespace fcl
+    return res;
+  }
+  /** \brief distance computation between one shape and a triangle with transformation */
+  template<typename S>
+  bool shapeTriangleDistance(const S& s, const SimpleTransform& tf,
+                             const Vec3f& P1, const Vec3f& P2, const Vec3f& P3, const Matrix3f& R, const Vec3f& T,
+                             BVH_REAL* dist) const
+  {
+    void* o1 = details::GJKInitializer<S>::createGJKObject(s, tf);
+    void* o2 = details::triCreateGJKObject(P1, P2, P3, R, T);
+    bool res = details::GJKDistance(o1, details::GJKInitializer<S>::getSupportFunction(),
+                                    o2, details::triGetSupportFunction(),
+                                    max_distance_iterations, distance_tolerance,
+                                    dist);
+    if(*dist > 0) *dist = std::sqrt(*dist);
+    details::GJKInitializer<S>::deleteGJKObject(o1);
+    details::triDeleteGJKObject(o2);
+    return res;
+  }
+  GJKSolver_libccd()
+  {
+    max_collision_iterations = 500;
+    max_distance_iterations = 500;
+    collision_tolerance = 1e-6;
+    distance_tolerance = 1e-6;
+  }
+  unsigned int max_collision_iterations;
+  unsigned int max_distance_iterations;
+  BVH_REAL collision_tolerance;
+  BVH_REAL distance_tolerance;
-template<typename S1, typename S2>
-bool shapeDistance2(const S1& s1, const SimpleTransform& tf1,
-                    const S2& s2, const SimpleTransform& tf2,
-                    BVH_REAL* distance)
+struct GJKSolver_indep
-  Vec3f guess(1, 0, 0);
-  details::MinkowskiDiff shape;
-  shape.shapes[0] = &s1;
-  shape.shapes[1] = &s2;
-  shape.toshape1 = tf2.getRotation().transposeTimes(tf1.getRotation());
-  shape.toshape0 = tf1.inverseTimes(tf2);
-  details::GJK gjk;
-  details::GJK::Status gjk_status = gjk.evaluate(shape, -guess);
-  if(gjk_status == details::GJK::Valid)
+  template<typename S1, typename S2>
+  bool shapeIntersect(const S1& s1, const SimpleTransform& tf1,
+                      const S2& s2, const SimpleTransform& tf2,
+                      Vec3f* contact_points, BVH_REAL* penetration_depth, Vec3f* normal) const
-    Vec3f w0, w1;
-    for(size_t i = 0; i < gjk.getSimplex()->rank; ++i)
+    Vec3f guess(1, 0, 0);
+    details::MinkowskiDiff shape;
+    shape.shapes[0] = &s1;
+    shape.shapes[1] = &s2;
+    shape.toshape1 = tf2.getRotation().transposeTimes(tf1.getRotation());
+    shape.toshape0 = tf1.inverseTimes(tf2);
+    details::GJK gjk(gjk_max_iterations, gjk_tolerance);
+    details::GJK::Status gjk_status = gjk.evaluate(shape, -guess);
+    switch(gjk_status)
-      BVH_REAL p = gjk.getSimplex()->p[i];
-      w0 += shape.support(gjk.getSimplex()->c[i]->d, 0) * p;
-      w1 += shape.support(-gjk.getSimplex()->c[i]->d, 1) * p;
+    case details::GJK::Inside:
+      {
+        details::EPA epa(epa_max_face_num, epa_max_vertex_num, epa_max_iterations, epa_tolerance);
+        details::EPA::Status epa_status = epa.evaluate(gjk, -guess);
+        if(epa_status != details::EPA::Failed)
+        {
+          Vec3f w0;
+          for(size_t i = 0; i < epa.result.rank; ++i)
+          {
+            w0 += shape.support(epa.result.c[i]->d, 0) * epa.result.p[i];
+          }
+          if(penetration_depth) *penetration_depth = -epa.depth;
+          if(normal) *normal = -epa.normal;
+          if(contact_points) *contact_points = tf1.transform(w0 - epa.normal*(epa.depth *0.5));
+          return true;
+        }
+        else return false;
+      }
+      break;
+    default:
+      ;
-    *distance = (w0 - w1).length();
-    return true;
+    return false;
-  else
+  template<typename S>
+  bool shapeTriangleIntersect(const S& s, const SimpleTransform& tf,
+                              const Vec3f& P1, const Vec3f& P2, const Vec3f& P3,
+                              Vec3f* contact_points, BVH_REAL* penetration_depth, Vec3f* normal) const
-    *distance = -1;
+    Triangle2 tri(P1, P2, P3);
+    Vec3f guess(1, 0, 0);
+    details::MinkowskiDiff shape;
+    shape.shapes[0] = &s;
+    shape.shapes[1] = &tri;
+    shape.toshape1 = tf.getRotation();
+    shape.toshape0 = tf.inverse();
+    details::GJK gjk(gjk_max_iterations, gjk_tolerance);
+    details::GJK::Status gjk_status = gjk.evaluate(shape, -guess);
+    switch(gjk_status)
+    {
+    case details::GJK::Inside:
+      {
+        details::EPA epa(epa_max_face_num, epa_max_vertex_num, epa_max_iterations, epa_tolerance);
+        details::EPA::Status epa_status = epa.evaluate(gjk, -guess);
+        if(epa_status != details::EPA::Failed)
+        {
+          Vec3f w0;
+          for(size_t i = 0; i < epa.result.rank; ++i)
+          {
+            w0 += shape.support(epa.result.c[i]->d, 0) * epa.result.p[i];
+          }
+          if(penetration_depth) *penetration_depth = -epa.depth;
+          if(normal) *normal = -epa.normal;
+          if(contact_points) *contact_points = tf.transform(w0 - epa.normal*(epa.depth *0.5));
+          return true;
+        }
+        else return false;
+      }
+      break;
+    default:
+      ;
+    }
     return false;
-template<typename S1, typename S2>
-bool shapeIntersect2(const S1& s1, const SimpleTransform& tf1,
-                     const S2& s2, const SimpleTransform& tf2,
-                     Vec3f* contact_points = NULL, BVH_REAL* penetration_depth = NULL, Vec3f* normal = NULL)
-  Vec3f guess(1, 0, 0);
-  details::MinkowskiDiff shape;
-  shape.shapes[0] = &s1;
-  shape.shapes[1] = &s2;
-  shape.toshape1 = tf2.getRotation().transposeTimes(tf1.getRotation());
-  shape.toshape0 = tf1.inverseTimes(tf2);
-  details::GJK gjk;
-  details::GJK::Status gjk_status = gjk.evaluate(shape, -guess);
-  switch(gjk_status)
+  template<typename S>
+  bool shapeTriangleIntersect(const S& s, const SimpleTransform& tf,
+                              const Vec3f& P1, const Vec3f& P2, const Vec3f& P3, const Matrix3f& R, const Vec3f& T,
+                              Vec3f* contact_points, BVH_REAL* penetration_depth, Vec3f* normal) const
-  case details::GJK::Inside:
+    Triangle2 tri(P1, P2, P3);
+    SimpleTransform tf2(R, T);
+    Vec3f guess(1, 0, 0);
+    details::MinkowskiDiff shape;
+    shape.shapes[0] = &s;
+    shape.shapes[1] = &tri;
+    shape.toshape1 = tf2.getRotation().transposeTimes(tf.getRotation());
+    shape.toshape0 = tf.inverseTimes(tf2);
+    details::GJK gjk(gjk_max_iterations, gjk_tolerance);
+    details::GJK::Status gjk_status = gjk.evaluate(shape, -guess);
+    switch(gjk_status)
-      details::EPA epa;
-      details::EPA::Status epa_status = epa.evaluate(gjk, -guess);
-      if(epa_status != details::EPA::Failed)
+    case details::GJK::Inside:
-        Vec3f w0;
-        for(size_t i = 0; i < epa.result.rank; ++i)
+        details::EPA epa(epa_max_face_num, epa_max_vertex_num, epa_max_iterations, epa_tolerance);
+        details::EPA::Status epa_status = epa.evaluate(gjk, -guess);
+        if(epa_status != details::EPA::Failed)
-          w0 += shape.support(epa.result.c[i]->d, 0) * epa.result.p[i];
+          Vec3f w0;
+          for(size_t i = 0; i < epa.result.rank; ++i)
+          {
+            w0 += shape.support(epa.result.c[i]->d, 0) * epa.result.p[i];
+          }
+          if(penetration_depth) *penetration_depth = -epa.depth;
+          if(normal) *normal = -epa.normal;
+          if(contact_points) *contact_points = tf.transform(w0 - epa.normal*(epa.depth *0.5));
+          return true;
-        if(penetration_depth) *penetration_depth = -epa.depth;
-        if(normal) *normal = -epa.normal;
-        if(contact_points) *contact_points = tf1.transform(w0 - epa.normal*(epa.depth *0.5));
-        return true;
+        else return false;
-      else return false;
+      break;
+    default:
+      ;
-    break;
-  default:
-    ;
+    return false;
-  return false;
+  template<typename S1, typename S2>
+  bool shapeDistance(const S1& s1, const SimpleTransform& tf1,
+                     const S2& s2, const SimpleTransform& tf2,
+                     BVH_REAL* distance) const
+  {
+    Vec3f guess(1, 0, 0);
+    details::MinkowskiDiff shape;
+    shape.shapes[0] = &s1;
+    shape.shapes[1] = &s2;
+    shape.toshape1 = tf2.getRotation().transposeTimes(tf1.getRotation());
+    shape.toshape0 = tf1.inverseTimes(tf2);
+    details::GJK gjk(gjk_max_iterations, gjk_tolerance);
+    details::GJK::Status gjk_status = gjk.evaluate(shape, -guess);
+    if(gjk_status == details::GJK::Valid)
+    {
+      Vec3f w0, w1;
+      for(size_t i = 0; i < gjk.getSimplex()->rank; ++i)
+      {
+        BVH_REAL p = gjk.getSimplex()->p[i];
+        w0 += shape.support(gjk.getSimplex()->c[i]->d, 0) * p;
+        w1 += shape.support(-gjk.getSimplex()->c[i]->d, 1) * p;
+      }
+      *distance = (w0 - w1).length();
+      return true;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      *distance = -1;
+      return false;
+    }
+  }
-template<typename S>
-bool shapeTriangleIntersect2(const S& s, const SimpleTransform& tf,
+  template<typename S>
+  bool shapeTriangleDistance(const S& s, const SimpleTransform& tf,
                              const Vec3f& P1, const Vec3f& P2, const Vec3f& P3,
-                             Vec3f* contact_points = NULL, BVH_REAL* penetration_depth = NULL, Vec3f* normal = NULL)
-  Triangle2 tri(P1, P2, P3);
-  Vec3f guess(1, 0, 0);
-  details::MinkowskiDiff shape;
-  shape.shapes[0] = &s;
-  shape.shapes[1] = &tri;
-  shape.toshape1 = tf.getRotation();
-  shape.toshape0 = tf.inverse();
-  details::GJK gjk;
-  details::GJK::Status gjk_status = gjk.evaluate(shape, -guess);
-  switch(gjk_status)
+                             BVH_REAL* distance) const
-  case details::GJK::Inside:
+    Triangle2 tri(P1, P2, P3);
+    Vec3f guess(1, 0, 0);
+    details::MinkowskiDiff shape;
+    shape.shapes[0] = &s;
+    shape.shapes[1] = &tri;
+    shape.toshape1 = tf.getRotation();
+    shape.toshape0 = tf.inverse();
+    details::GJK gjk(gjk_max_iterations, gjk_tolerance);
+    details::GJK::Status gjk_status = gjk.evaluate(shape, -guess);
+    if(gjk_status == details::GJK::Valid)
-      details::EPA epa;
-      details::EPA::Status epa_status = epa.evaluate(gjk, -guess);
-      if(epa_status != details::EPA::Failed)
+      Vec3f w0, w1;
+      for(size_t i = 0; i < gjk.getSimplex()->rank; ++i)
-        Vec3f w0;
-        for(size_t i = 0; i < epa.result.rank; ++i)
-        {
-          w0 += shape.support(epa.result.c[i]->d, 0) * epa.result.p[i];
-        }
-        if(penetration_depth) *penetration_depth = -epa.depth;
-        if(normal) *normal = -epa.normal;
-        if(contact_points) *contact_points = tf.transform(w0 - epa.normal*(epa.depth *0.5));
-        return true;
+        BVH_REAL p = gjk.getSimplex()->p[i];
+        w0 += shape.support(gjk.getSimplex()->c[i]->d, 0) * p;
+        w1 += shape.support(-gjk.getSimplex()->c[i]->d, 1) * p;
-      else return false;
+      *distance = (w0 - w1).length();
+      return true;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      *distance = -1;
+      return false;
-    break;
-  default:
-    ;
-  return false;
-template<typename S>
-bool shapeTriangleIntersect2(const S& s, const SimpleTransform& tf,
+  template<typename S>
+  bool shapeTriangleDistance(const S& s, const SimpleTransform& tf,
                              const Vec3f& P1, const Vec3f& P2, const Vec3f& P3, const Matrix3f& R, const Vec3f& T,
-                             Vec3f* contact_points = NULL, BVH_REAL* penetration_depth = NULL, Vec3f* normal = NULL)
-  Triangle2 tri(P1, P2, P3);
-  SimpleTransform tf2(R, T);
-  Vec3f guess(1, 0, 0);
-  details::MinkowskiDiff shape;
-  shape.shapes[0] = &s;
-  shape.shapes[1] = &tri;
-  shape.toshape1 = tf2.getRotation().transposeTimes(tf.getRotation());
-  shape.toshape0 = tf.inverseTimes(tf2);
-  details::GJK gjk;
-  details::GJK::Status gjk_status = gjk.evaluate(shape, -guess);
-  switch(gjk_status)
+                             BVH_REAL* distance) const
-  case details::GJK::Inside:
+    Triangle2 tri(P1, P2, P3);
+    SimpleTransform tf2(R, T);
+    Vec3f guess(1, 0, 0);
+    details::MinkowskiDiff shape;
+    shape.shapes[0] = &s;
+    shape.shapes[1] = &tri;
+    shape.toshape1 = tf2.getRotation().transposeTimes(tf.getRotation());
+    shape.toshape0 = tf.inverseTimes(tf2);
+    details::GJK gjk(gjk_max_iterations, gjk_tolerance);
+    details::GJK::Status gjk_status = gjk.evaluate(shape, -guess);
+    if(gjk_status == details::GJK::Valid)
-      details::EPA epa;
-      details::EPA::Status epa_status = epa.evaluate(gjk, -guess);
-      if(epa_status != details::EPA::Failed)
+      Vec3f w0, w1;
+      for(size_t i = 0; i < gjk.getSimplex()->rank; ++i)
-        Vec3f w0;
-        for(size_t i = 0; i < epa.result.rank; ++i)
-        {
-          w0 += shape.support(epa.result.c[i]->d, 0) * epa.result.p[i];
-        }
-        if(penetration_depth) *penetration_depth = -epa.depth;
-        if(normal) *normal = -epa.normal;
-        if(contact_points) *contact_points = tf.transform(w0 - epa.normal*(epa.depth *0.5));
-        return true;
+        BVH_REAL p = gjk.getSimplex()->p[i];
+        w0 += shape.support(gjk.getSimplex()->c[i]->d, 0) * p;
+        w1 += shape.support(-gjk.getSimplex()->c[i]->d, 1) * p;
-      else return false;
+      *distance = (w0 - w1).length();
+      return true;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      *distance = -1;
+      return false;
-    break;
-  default:
-    ;
-  return false;
+  GJKSolver_indep()
+  {
+    gjk_max_iterations = 128;
+    gjk_tolerance = 1e-6;
+    epa_max_face_num = 128;
+    epa_max_vertex_num = 64;
+    epa_max_iterations = 255;
+    epa_tolerance = 1e-6;
+  }
+  unsigned int epa_max_face_num;
+  unsigned int epa_max_vertex_num;
+  unsigned int epa_max_iterations;
+  BVH_REAL epa_tolerance;
+  BVH_REAL gjk_tolerance;
+  BVH_REAL gjk_max_iterations;
diff --git a/trunk/fcl/include/fcl/simple_setup.h b/trunk/fcl/include/fcl/simple_setup.h
index 35369ea8d8f2edc1b0a09e8eb0e139d0d0bab29b..ee9647b35a0817c50c3be2c16a82819ae7992dcd 100644
--- a/trunk/fcl/include/fcl/simple_setup.h
+++ b/trunk/fcl/include/fcl/simple_setup.h
@@ -48,10 +48,11 @@ namespace fcl
 /** \brief Initialize traversal node for collision between two geometric shapes */
-template<typename S1, typename S2>
-bool initialize(ShapeCollisionTraversalNode<S1, S2>& node,
+template<typename S1, typename S2, typename NarrowPhaseSolver>
+bool initialize(ShapeCollisionTraversalNode<S1, S2, NarrowPhaseSolver>& node,
                 const S1& shape1, const SimpleTransform& tf1,
                 const S2& shape2, const SimpleTransform& tf2,
+                const NarrowPhaseSolver* nsolver,
                 bool enable_contact = false)
   node.enable_contact = enable_contact;
@@ -59,14 +60,16 @@ bool initialize(ShapeCollisionTraversalNode<S1, S2>& node,
   node.tf1 = tf1;
   node.model2 = &shape2;
   node.tf2 = tf2;
+  node.nsolver = nsolver;
   return true;
 /** \brief Initialize traversal node for collision between one mesh and one shape, given current object transform */
-template<typename BV, typename S>
-bool initialize(MeshShapeCollisionTraversalNode<BV, S>& node,
+template<typename BV, typename S, typename NarrowPhaseSolver>
+bool initialize(MeshShapeCollisionTraversalNode<BV, S, NarrowPhaseSolver>& node,
                 BVHModel<BV>& model1, SimpleTransform& tf1,
                 const S& model2, const SimpleTransform& tf2,
+                const NarrowPhaseSolver* nsolver,
                 int num_max_contacts = 1, bool exhaustive = false, bool enable_contact = false,
                 bool use_refit = false, bool refit_bottomup = false)
@@ -94,6 +97,7 @@ bool initialize(MeshShapeCollisionTraversalNode<BV, S>& node,
   node.tf1 = tf1;
   node.model2 = &model2;
   node.tf2 = tf2;
+  node.nsolver = nsolver;
   computeBV(model2, tf2, node.model2_bv);
@@ -108,10 +112,11 @@ bool initialize(MeshShapeCollisionTraversalNode<BV, S>& node,
 /** \brief Initialize traversal node for collision between one mesh and one shape, given current object transform */
-template<typename S, typename BV>
-bool initialize(ShapeMeshCollisionTraversalNode<S, BV>& node,
+template<typename S, typename BV, typename NarrowPhaseSolver>
+bool initialize(ShapeMeshCollisionTraversalNode<S, BV, NarrowPhaseSolver>& node,
                 const S& model1, const SimpleTransform& tf1,
                 BVHModel<BV>& model2, SimpleTransform& tf2,
+                const NarrowPhaseSolver* nsolver,
                 int num_max_contacts = 1, bool exhaustive = false, bool enable_contact = false,
                 bool use_refit = false, bool refit_bottomup = false)
@@ -139,6 +144,7 @@ bool initialize(ShapeMeshCollisionTraversalNode<S, BV>& node,
   node.tf1 = tf1;
   node.model2 = &model2;
   node.tf2 = tf2;
+  node.nsolver = nsolver;
   computeBV(model1, tf1, node.model1_bv);
@@ -154,10 +160,11 @@ bool initialize(ShapeMeshCollisionTraversalNode<S, BV>& node,
 /** \brief Initialize the traversal node for collision between one mesh and one shape, specialized for OBB type */
-template<typename S>
-bool initialize(MeshShapeCollisionTraversalNodeOBB<S>& node,
+template<typename S, typename NarrowPhaseSolver>
+bool initialize(MeshShapeCollisionTraversalNodeOBB<S, NarrowPhaseSolver>& node,
                 const BVHModel<OBB>& model1, const SimpleTransform& tf1,
                 const S& model2, const SimpleTransform& tf2,
+                const NarrowPhaseSolver* nsolver,
                 int num_max_contacts = 1, bool exhaustive = false, bool enable_contact = false)
   if(model1.getModelType() != BVH_MODEL_TRIANGLES)
@@ -167,6 +174,7 @@ bool initialize(MeshShapeCollisionTraversalNodeOBB<S>& node,
   node.tf1 = tf1;
   node.model2 = &model2;
   node.tf2 = tf2;
+  node.nsolver = nsolver;
   computeBV(model2, tf2, node.model2_bv);
@@ -184,10 +192,11 @@ bool initialize(MeshShapeCollisionTraversalNodeOBB<S>& node,
 /** \brief Initialize the traversal node for collision between one mesh and one shape, specialized for OBB type */
-template<typename S>
-bool initialize(ShapeMeshCollisionTraversalNodeOBB<S>& node,
+template<typename S, typename NarrowPhaseSolver>
+bool initialize(ShapeMeshCollisionTraversalNodeOBB<S, NarrowPhaseSolver>& node,
                 const S& model1, const SimpleTransform& tf1,
                 const BVHModel<OBB>& model2, const SimpleTransform& tf2,
+                const NarrowPhaseSolver* nsolver,
                 int num_max_contacts = 1, bool exhaustive = false, bool enable_contact = false)
   if(model2.getModelType() != BVH_MODEL_TRIANGLES)
@@ -197,6 +206,7 @@ bool initialize(ShapeMeshCollisionTraversalNodeOBB<S>& node,
   node.tf1 = tf1;
   node.model2 = &model2;
   node.tf2 = tf2;
+  node.nsolver = nsolver;
   computeBV(model1, tf1, node.model1_bv);
@@ -212,6 +222,201 @@ bool initialize(ShapeMeshCollisionTraversalNodeOBB<S>& node,
   return true;
+/** \brief Initialize the traversal node for collision between one mesh and one shape, specialized for RSS type */
+template<typename S, typename NarrowPhaseSolver>
+bool initialize(MeshShapeCollisionTraversalNodeRSS<S, NarrowPhaseSolver>& node,
+                const BVHModel<RSS>& model1, const SimpleTransform& tf1,
+                const S& model2, const SimpleTransform& tf2,
+                const NarrowPhaseSolver* nsolver,
+                int num_max_contacts = 1, bool exhaustive = false, bool enable_contact = false)
+  if(model1.getModelType() != BVH_MODEL_TRIANGLES)
+    return false;
+  node.model1 = &model1;
+  node.tf1 = tf1;
+  node.model2 = &model2;
+  node.tf2 = tf2;
+  node.nsolver = nsolver;
+  computeBV(model2, tf2, node.model2_bv);
+  node.vertices = model1.vertices;
+  node.tri_indices = model1.tri_indices;
+  node.num_max_contacts = num_max_contacts;
+  node.exhaustive = exhaustive;
+  node.enable_contact = enable_contact;
+  node.R = tf1.getRotation();
+  node.T = tf1.getTranslation();
+  return true;
+/** \brief Initialize the traversal node for collision between one mesh and one shape, specialized for RSS type */
+template<typename S, typename NarrowPhaseSolver>
+bool initialize(ShapeMeshCollisionTraversalNodeRSS<S, NarrowPhaseSolver>& node,
+                const S& model1, const SimpleTransform& tf1,
+                const BVHModel<RSS>& model2, const SimpleTransform& tf2,
+                const NarrowPhaseSolver* nsolver,
+                int num_max_contacts = 1, bool exhaustive = false, bool enable_contact = false)
+  if(model2.getModelType() != BVH_MODEL_TRIANGLES)
+    return false;
+  node.model1 = &model1;
+  node.tf1 = tf1;
+  node.model2 = &model2;
+  node.tf2 = tf2;
+  node.nsolver = nsolver;
+  computeBV(model1, tf1, node.model1_bv);
+  node.vertices = model2.vertices;
+  node.tri_indices = model2.tri_indices;
+  node.num_max_contacts = num_max_contacts;
+  node.exhaustive = exhaustive;
+  node.enable_contact = enable_contact;
+  node.R = tf2.getRotation();
+  node.T = tf2.getTranslation();
+  return true;
+/** \brief Initialize the traversal node for collision between one mesh and one shape, specialized for kIOS type */
+template<typename S, typename NarrowPhaseSolver>
+bool initialize(MeshShapeCollisionTraversalNodekIOS<S, NarrowPhaseSolver>& node,
+                const BVHModel<kIOS>& model1, const SimpleTransform& tf1,
+                const S& model2, const SimpleTransform& tf2,
+                const NarrowPhaseSolver* nsolver,
+                int num_max_contacts = 1, bool exhaustive = false, bool enable_contact = false)
+  if(model1.getModelType() != BVH_MODEL_TRIANGLES)
+    return false;
+  node.model1 = &model1;
+  node.tf1 = tf1;
+  node.model2 = &model2;
+  node.tf2 = tf2;
+  node.nsolver = nsolver;
+  computeBV(model2, tf2, node.model2_bv);
+  node.vertices = model1.vertices;
+  node.tri_indices = model1.tri_indices;
+  node.num_max_contacts = num_max_contacts;
+  node.exhaustive = exhaustive;
+  node.enable_contact = enable_contact;
+  node.R = tf1.getRotation();
+  node.T = tf1.getTranslation();
+  return true;
+/** \brief Initialize the traversal node for collision between one mesh and one shape, specialized for kIOS type */
+template<typename S, typename NarrowPhaseSolver>
+bool initialize(ShapeMeshCollisionTraversalNodekIOS<S, NarrowPhaseSolver>& node,
+                const S& model1, const SimpleTransform& tf1,
+                const BVHModel<kIOS>& model2, const SimpleTransform& tf2,
+                const NarrowPhaseSolver* nsolver,
+                int num_max_contacts = 1, bool exhaustive = false, bool enable_contact = false)
+  if(model2.getModelType() != BVH_MODEL_TRIANGLES)
+    return false;
+  node.model1 = &model1;
+  node.tf1 = tf1;
+  node.model2 = &model2;
+  node.tf2 = tf2;
+  node.nsolver = nsolver;
+  computeBV(model1, tf1, node.model1_bv);
+  node.vertices = model2.vertices;
+  node.tri_indices = model2.tri_indices;
+  node.num_max_contacts = num_max_contacts;
+  node.exhaustive = exhaustive;
+  node.enable_contact = enable_contact;
+  node.R = tf2.getRotation();
+  node.T = tf2.getTranslation();
+  return true;
+/** \brief Initialize the traversal node for collision between one mesh and one shape, specialized for OBBRSS type */
+template<typename S, typename NarrowPhaseSolver>
+bool initialize(MeshShapeCollisionTraversalNodeOBBRSS<S, NarrowPhaseSolver>& node,
+                const BVHModel<OBBRSS>& model1, const SimpleTransform& tf1,
+                const S& model2, const SimpleTransform& tf2,
+                const NarrowPhaseSolver* nsolver,
+                int num_max_contacts = 1, bool exhaustive = false, bool enable_contact = false)
+  if(model1.getModelType() != BVH_MODEL_TRIANGLES)
+    return false;
+  node.model1 = &model1;
+  node.tf1 = tf1;
+  node.model2 = &model2;
+  node.tf2 = tf2;
+  node.nsolver = nsolver;
+  computeBV(model2, tf2, node.model2_bv);
+  node.vertices = model1.vertices;
+  node.tri_indices = model1.tri_indices;
+  node.num_max_contacts = num_max_contacts;
+  node.exhaustive = exhaustive;
+  node.enable_contact = enable_contact;
+  node.R = tf1.getRotation();
+  node.T = tf1.getTranslation();
+  return true;
+/** \brief Initialize the traversal node for collision between one mesh and one shape, specialized for OBBRSS type */
+template<typename S, typename NarrowPhaseSolver>
+bool initialize(ShapeMeshCollisionTraversalNodeOBBRSS<S, NarrowPhaseSolver>& node,
+                const S& model1, const SimpleTransform& tf1,
+                const BVHModel<OBBRSS>& model2, const SimpleTransform& tf2,
+                const NarrowPhaseSolver* nsolver,
+                int num_max_contacts = 1, bool exhaustive = false, bool enable_contact = false)
+  if(model2.getModelType() != BVH_MODEL_TRIANGLES)
+    return false;
+  node.model1 = &model1;
+  node.tf1 = tf1;
+  node.model2 = &model2;
+  node.tf2 = tf2;
+  node.nsolver = nsolver;
+  computeBV(model1, tf1, node.model1_bv);
+  node.vertices = model2.vertices;
+  node.tri_indices = model2.tri_indices;
+  node.num_max_contacts = num_max_contacts;
+  node.exhaustive = exhaustive;
+  node.enable_contact = enable_contact;
+  node.R = tf2.getRotation();
+  node.T = tf2.getTranslation();
+  return true;
 /** \brief Initialize traversal node for collision between two meshes, given the current transforms */
 template<typename BV>
 bool initialize(MeshCollisionTraversalNode<BV>& node,
@@ -496,6 +701,22 @@ bool initialize(PointCloudMeshCollisionTraversalNodeRSS& node,
+/** \brief Initialize traversal node for distance between two geometric shapes */
+template<typename S1, typename S2, typename NarrowPhaseSolver>
+bool initialize(ShapeDistanceTraversalNode<S1, S2, NarrowPhaseSolver>& node,
+                const S1& shape1, const SimpleTransform& tf1,
+                const S2& shape2, const SimpleTransform& tf2,
+                const NarrowPhaseSolver* nsolver)
+  node.model1 = &shape1;
+  node.tf1 = tf1;
+  node.model2 = &shape2;
+  node.tf2 = tf2;
+  node.nsolver = nsolver;
+  return true;
 /** \brief Initialize traversal node for distance computation between two meshes, given the current transforms */
 template<typename BV>
 bool initialize(MeshDistanceTraversalNode<BV>& node,
@@ -570,6 +791,249 @@ bool initialize(MeshDistanceTraversalNodeOBBRSS& node,
                 const BVHModel<OBBRSS>& model2, const SimpleTransform& tf2);
+template<typename BV, typename S, typename NarrowPhaseSolver>
+bool initialize(MeshShapeDistanceTraversalNode<BV, S, NarrowPhaseSolver>& node,
+                BVHModel<BV>& model1, SimpleTransform& tf1,
+                const S& model2, const SimpleTransform& tf2,
+                const NarrowPhaseSolver* nsolver,
+                bool use_refit = false, bool refit_bottomup = false)
+  if(model1.getModelType() != BVH_MODEL_TRIANGLES)
+    return false;
+  if(!tf1.isIdentity())
+  {
+    std::vector<Vec3f> vertices_transformed1(model1.num_vertices);
+    for(int i = 0; i < model1.num_vertices; ++i)
+    {
+      Vec3f& p = model1.vertices[i];
+      Vec3f new_v = tf1.transform(p);
+      vertices_transformed1[i] = new_v;
+    }
+    model1.beginReplaceModel();
+    model1.replaceSubModel(vertices_transformed1);
+    model1.endReplaceModel(use_refit, refit_bottomup);
+    tf1.setIdentity();
+  }
+  node.model1 = &model1;
+  node.tf1 = tf1;
+  node.model2 = &model2;
+  node.tf2 = tf2;
+  node.nsolver = nsolver;
+  node.vertices = model1.vertices;
+  node.tri_indices = model1.tri_indices;
+  computeBV(model2, tf2, node.model2_bv);
+  return true;
+template<typename S, typename BV, typename NarrowPhaseSolver>
+bool initialize(ShapeMeshDistanceTraversalNode<S, BV, NarrowPhaseSolver>& node,
+                const S& model1, const SimpleTransform& tf1,
+                BVHModel<BV>& model2, SimpleTransform& tf2,
+                const NarrowPhaseSolver* nsolver,
+                bool use_refit = false, bool refit_bottomup = false)
+  if(model2.getModelType() != BVH_MODEL_TRIANGLES)
+    return false;
+  if(!tf2.isIdentity())
+  {
+    std::vector<Vec3f> vertices_transformed(model2.num_vertices);
+    for(int i = 0; i < model2.num_vertices; ++i)
+    {
+      Vec3f& p = model2.vertices[i];
+      Vec3f new_v = tf2.transform(p);
+      vertices_transformed[i] = new_v;
+    }
+    model2.beginReplaceModel();
+    model2.replaceSubModel(vertices_transformed);
+    model2.endReplaceModel(use_refit, refit_bottomup);
+    tf2.setIdentity();
+  }
+  node.model1 = &model1;
+  node.tf1 = tf1;
+  node.model2 = &model2;
+  node.tf2 = tf2;
+  node.nsolver = nsolver;
+  node.vertices = model2.vertices;
+  node.tri_indices = model2.tri_indices;
+  computeBV(model1, tf1, node.model1_bv);
+  return true;
+template<typename S, typename NarrowPhaseSolver>
+bool initialize(MeshShapeDistanceTraversalNodeRSS<S, NarrowPhaseSolver>& node,
+                const BVHModel<RSS>& model1, const SimpleTransform& tf1,
+                const S& model2, const SimpleTransform& tf2,
+                const NarrowPhaseSolver* nsolver)
+  if(model1.getModelType() != BVH_MODEL_TRIANGLES)
+    return false;
+  node.model1 = &model1;
+  node.tf1 = tf1;
+  node.model2 = &model2;
+  node.tf2 = tf2;
+  node.nsolver = nsolver;
+  computeBV(model2, tf2, node.model2_bv);
+  node.vertices = model1.vertices;
+  node.tri_indices = model1.tri_indices;
+  node.R = tf1.getRotation();
+  node.T = tf1.getTranslation();
+  return true;
+template<typename S, typename NarrowPhaseSolver>
+bool initialize(ShapeMeshDistanceTraversalNodeRSS<S, NarrowPhaseSolver>& node,
+                const S& model1, const SimpleTransform& tf1,
+                const BVHModel<RSS>& model2, const SimpleTransform& tf2,
+                const NarrowPhaseSolver* nsolver)
+  if(model2.getModelType() != BVH_MODEL_TRIANGLES)
+    return false;
+  node.model1 = &model1;
+  node.tf1 = tf1;
+  node.model2 = &model2;
+  node.tf2 = tf2;
+  node.nsolver = nsolver;
+  computeBV(model1, tf1, node.model1_bv);
+  node.vertices = model2.vertices;
+  node.tri_indices = model2.tri_indices;
+  node.R = tf2.getRotation();
+  node.T = tf2.getTranslation();
+  return true;
+template<typename S, typename NarrowPhaseSolver>
+bool initialize(MeshShapeDistanceTraversalNodekIOS<S, NarrowPhaseSolver>& node,
+                const BVHModel<kIOS>& model1, const SimpleTransform& tf1,
+                const S& model2, const SimpleTransform& tf2,
+                const NarrowPhaseSolver* nsolver)
+  if(model1.getModelType() != BVH_MODEL_TRIANGLES)
+    return false;
+  node.model1 = &model1;
+  node.tf1 = tf1;
+  node.model2 = &model2;
+  node.tf2 = tf2;
+  node.nsolver = nsolver;
+  computeBV(model2, tf2, node.model2_bv);
+  node.vertices = model1.vertices;
+  node.tri_indices = model1.tri_indices;
+  node.R = tf1.getRotation();
+  node.T = tf1.getTranslation();
+  return true;
+template<typename S, typename NarrowPhaseSolver>
+bool initialize(ShapeMeshDistanceTraversalNodekIOS<S, NarrowPhaseSolver>& node,
+                const S& model1, const SimpleTransform& tf1,
+                const BVHModel<kIOS>& model2, const SimpleTransform& tf2,
+                const NarrowPhaseSolver* nsolver)
+  if(model2.getModelType() != BVH_MODEL_TRIANGLES)
+    return false;
+  node.model1 = &model1;
+  node.tf1 = tf1;
+  node.model2 = &model2;
+  node.tf2 = tf2;
+  node.nsolver = nsolver;
+  computeBV(model1, tf1, node.model1_bv);
+  node.vertices = model2.vertices;
+  node.tri_indices = model2.tri_indices;
+  node.R = tf2.getRotation();
+  node.T = tf2.getTranslation();
+  return true;
+template<typename S, typename NarrowPhaseSolver>
+bool initialize(MeshShapeDistanceTraversalNodeOBBRSS<S, NarrowPhaseSolver>& node,
+                const BVHModel<OBBRSS>& model1, const SimpleTransform& tf1,
+                const S& model2, const SimpleTransform& tf2,
+                const NarrowPhaseSolver* nsolver)
+  if(model1.getModelType() != BVH_MODEL_TRIANGLES)
+    return false;
+  node.model1 = &model1;
+  node.tf1 = tf1;
+  node.model2 = &model2;
+  node.tf2 = tf2;
+  node.nsolver = nsolver;
+  computeBV(model2, tf2, node.model2_bv);
+  node.vertices = model1.vertices;
+  node.tri_indices = model1.tri_indices;
+  node.R = tf1.getRotation();
+  node.T = tf1.getTranslation();
+  return true;
+template<typename S, typename NarrowPhaseSolver>
+bool initialize(ShapeMeshDistanceTraversalNodeOBBRSS<S, NarrowPhaseSolver>& node,
+                const S& model1, const SimpleTransform& tf1,
+                const BVHModel<OBBRSS>& model2, const SimpleTransform& tf2,
+                const NarrowPhaseSolver* nsolver)
+  if(model2.getModelType() != BVH_MODEL_TRIANGLES)
+    return false;
+  node.model1 = &model1;
+  node.tf1 = tf1;
+  node.model2 = &model2;
+  node.tf2 = tf2;
+  node.nsolver = nsolver;
+  computeBV(model1, tf1, node.model1_bv);
+  node.vertices = model2.vertices;
+  node.tri_indices = model2.tri_indices;
+  node.R = tf2.getRotation();
+  node.T = tf2.getTranslation();
+  return true;
 /** \brief Initialize traversal node for continuous collision detection between two meshes */
 template<typename BV>
 bool initialize(MeshContinuousCollisionTraversalNode<BV>& node,
diff --git a/trunk/fcl/include/fcl/traversal_node_bvh_shape.h b/trunk/fcl/include/fcl/traversal_node_bvh_shape.h
index 6a9ffbbbb893b9cb8f490b10f72810eafab21b8f..ccbeae927ecc1ea67acc9f03a64b32ba645be510 100644
--- a/trunk/fcl/include/fcl/traversal_node_bvh_shape.h
+++ b/trunk/fcl/include/fcl/traversal_node_bvh_shape.h
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ template<typename BV, typename S>
 class BVHShapeCollisionTraversalNode : public CollisionTraversalNodeBase
-  BVHShapeCollisionTraversalNode()
+  BVHShapeCollisionTraversalNode() : CollisionTraversalNodeBase()
     model1 = NULL;
     model2 = NULL;
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ template<typename S, typename BV>
 class ShapeBVHCollisionTraversalNode : public CollisionTraversalNodeBase
-  ShapeBVHCollisionTraversalNode()
+  ShapeBVHCollisionTraversalNode() : CollisionTraversalNodeBase()
     model1 = NULL;
     model2 = NULL;
@@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ struct BVHShapeCollisionPairComp
-template<typename BV, typename S>
+template<typename BV, typename S, typename NarrowPhaseSolver>
 class MeshShapeCollisionTraversalNode : public BVHShapeCollisionTraversalNode<BV, S>
@@ -186,6 +186,8 @@ public:
     num_max_contacts = 1;
     exhaustive = false;
     enable_contact = false;
+    nsolver = NULL;
   void leafTesting(int b1, int b2) const
@@ -207,14 +209,14 @@ public:
     if(!enable_contact) // only interested in collision or not
-      if(shapeTriangleIntersect(*(this->model2), this->tf2, p1, p2, p3))
+      if(nsolver->shapeTriangleIntersect(*(this->model2), this->tf2, p1, p2, p3, NULL, NULL, NULL))
-      if(shapeTriangleIntersect(*(this->model2), this->tf2, p1, p2, p3, &contactp, &penetration, &normal))
+      if(nsolver->shapeTriangleIntersect(*(this->model2), this->tf2, p1, p2, p3, &contactp, &penetration, &normal))
         pairs.push_back(BVHShapeCollisionPair(primitive_id, normal, contactp, penetration));
@@ -234,13 +236,62 @@ public:
   bool enable_contact;
   mutable std::vector<BVHShapeCollisionPair> pairs;
+  const NarrowPhaseSolver* nsolver;
-template<typename S>
-class MeshShapeCollisionTraversalNodeOBB : public MeshShapeCollisionTraversalNode<OBB, S>
+template<typename BV, typename S, typename NarrowPhaseSolver>
+static inline void meshShapeCollisionLeafTesting(int b1, int b2,
+                                                 const BVHModel<BV>* model1, const S& model2,
+                                                 Vec3f* vertices, Triangle* tri_indices,
+                                                 const Matrix3f& R, const Vec3f& T,
+                                                 const SimpleTransform& tf2,
+                                                 const NarrowPhaseSolver* nsolver,
+                                                 bool enable_statistics, 
+                                                 bool enable_contact,
+                                                 bool exhaustive,
+                                                 int num_max_contacts,
+                                                 int& num_leaf_tests,
+                                                 std::vector<BVHShapeCollisionPair>& pairs)
+  if(enable_statistics) num_leaf_tests++;
+  const BVNode<BV>& node = model1->getBV(b1);
+  int primitive_id = node.primitiveId();
+  const Triangle& tri_id = tri_indices[primitive_id];
+  const Vec3f& p1 = vertices[tri_id[0]];
+  const Vec3f& p2 = vertices[tri_id[1]];
+  const Vec3f& p3 = vertices[tri_id[2]];
+  BVH_REAL penetration;
+  Vec3f normal;
+  Vec3f contactp;
+  if(!enable_contact) // only interested in collision or not
+  {
+    if(nsolver->shapeTriangleIntersect(model2, tf2, p1, p2, p3, R, T, NULL, NULL, NULL))
+    {
+      pairs.push_back(BVHShapeCollisionPair(primitive_id));
+    }
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    if(nsolver->shapeTriangleIntersect(model2, tf2, p1, p2, p3, R, T, &contactp, &penetration, &normal))
+    {
+      pairs.push_back(BVHShapeCollisionPair(primitive_id, normal, contactp, penetration));
+    }
+  }
+template<typename S, typename NarrowPhaseSolver>
+class MeshShapeCollisionTraversalNodeOBB : public MeshShapeCollisionTraversalNode<OBB, S, NarrowPhaseSolver>
-  MeshShapeCollisionTraversalNodeOBB() : MeshShapeCollisionTraversalNode<OBB, S>()
+  MeshShapeCollisionTraversalNodeOBB() : MeshShapeCollisionTraversalNode<OBB, S, NarrowPhaseSolver>()
@@ -253,44 +304,98 @@ public:
   void leafTesting(int b1, int b2) const
-    if(this->enable_statistics) this->num_leaf_tests++;
-    const BVNode<OBB>& node = this->model1->getBV(b1);
+    meshShapeCollisionLeafTesting(b1, b2, this->model1, *(this->model2), this->vertices, this->tri_indices,
+                                  R, T, this->tf2, this->nsolver, this->enable_statistics, this->enable_contact,
+                                  this->exhaustive, this->num_max_contacts, this->num_leaf_tests, this->pairs);
+  }
-    int primitive_id = node.primitiveId();
+  // R, T is the transform of bvh model
+  Matrix3f R;
+  Vec3f T;
-    const Triangle& tri_id = this->tri_indices[primitive_id];
+template<typename S, typename NarrowPhaseSolver>
+class MeshShapeCollisionTraversalNodeRSS : public MeshShapeCollisionTraversalNode<RSS, S, NarrowPhaseSolver>
+  MeshShapeCollisionTraversalNodeRSS() : MeshShapeCollisionTraversalNode<RSS, S, NarrowPhaseSolver>()
+  {
+    R.setIdentity();
+  }
-    const Vec3f& p1 = this->vertices[tri_id[0]];
-    const Vec3f& p2 = this->vertices[tri_id[1]];
-    const Vec3f& p3 = this->vertices[tri_id[2]];
+  bool BVTesting(int b1, int b2) const
+  {
+    if(this->enable_statistics) this->num_bv_tests++;
+    return !overlap(R, T, this->model2_bv, this->model1->getBV(b1).bv);
+  }
-    BVH_REAL penetration;
-    Vec3f normal;
-    Vec3f contactp;
+  void leafTesting(int b1, int b2) const
+  {
+    meshShapeCollisionLeafTesting(b1, b2, this->model1, *(this->model2), this->vertices, this->tri_indices,
+                                  R, T, this->tf2, this->nsolver, this->enable_statistics, this->enable_contact,
+                                  this->exhaustive, this->num_max_contacts, this->num_leaf_tests, this->pairs);
+  }
-    if(!this->enable_contact) // only interested in collision or not
-    {
-      if(shapeTriangleIntersect(*(this->model2), this->tf2, p1, p2, p3, R, T))
-      {
-        this->pairs.push_back(BVHShapeCollisionPair(primitive_id));
-      }
-    }
-    else
-    {
-      if(shapeTriangleIntersect(*(this->model2), this->tf2, p1, p2, p3, R, T, &contactp, &penetration, &normal))
-      {
-        this->pairs.push_back(BVHShapeCollisionPair(primitive_id, normal, contactp, penetration));
-      }
-    }
+  // R, T is the transform of bvh model
+  Matrix3f R;
+  Vec3f T;
+template<typename S, typename NarrowPhaseSolver>
+class MeshShapeCollisionTraversalNodekIOS : public MeshShapeCollisionTraversalNode<kIOS, S, NarrowPhaseSolver>
+  MeshShapeCollisionTraversalNodekIOS() : MeshShapeCollisionTraversalNode<kIOS, S, NarrowPhaseSolver>()
+  {
+    R.setIdentity();
-  // R, T is the transformation of bvh model
+  bool BVTesting(int b1, int b2) const
+  {
+    if(this->enable_statistics) this->num_bv_tests++;
+    return !overlap(R, T, this->model2_bv, this->model1->getBV(b1).bv);
+  }
+  void leafTesting(int b1, int b2) const
+  {
+    meshShapeCollisionLeafTesting(b1, b2, this->model1, *(this->model2), this->vertices, this->tri_indices,
+                                  R, T, this->tf2, this->nsolver, this->enable_statistics, this->enable_contact,
+                                  this->exhaustive, this->num_max_contacts, this->num_leaf_tests, this->pairs);
+  }
+  // R, T is the transform of bvh model
   Matrix3f R;
   Vec3f T;
+template<typename S, typename NarrowPhaseSolver>
+class MeshShapeCollisionTraversalNodeOBBRSS : public MeshShapeCollisionTraversalNode<OBBRSS, S, NarrowPhaseSolver>
+  MeshShapeCollisionTraversalNodeOBBRSS() : MeshShapeCollisionTraversalNode<OBBRSS, S, NarrowPhaseSolver>()
+  {
+    R.setIdentity();
+  }
-template<typename S, typename BV>
+  bool BVTesting(int b1, int b2) const
+  {
+    if(this->enable_statistics) this->num_bv_tests++;
+    return !overlap(R, T, this->model2_bv, this->model1->getBV(b1).bv);
+  }
+  void leafTesting(int b1, int b2) const
+  {
+    meshShapeCollisionLeafTesting(b1, b2, this->model1, *(this->model2), this->vertices, this->tri_indices,
+                                  R, T, this->tf2, this->nsolver, this->enable_statistics, this->enable_contact,
+                                  this->exhaustive, this->num_max_contacts, this->num_leaf_tests, this->pairs);
+  }
+  // R, T is the transform of bvh model
+  Matrix3f R;
+  Vec3f T;
+template<typename S, typename BV, typename NarrowPhaseSolver>
 class ShapeMeshCollisionTraversalNode : public ShapeBVHCollisionTraversalNode<S, BV>
@@ -302,6 +407,8 @@ public:
     num_max_contacts = 1;
     exhaustive = false;
     enable_contact = false;
+    nsolver = NULL;
   void leafTesting(int b1, int b2) const
@@ -323,14 +430,14 @@ public:
     if(!enable_contact) // only interested in collision or not
-      if(shapeTriangleIntersect(*(this->model1), this->tf1, p1, p2, p3))
+      if(nsolver->shapeTriangleIntersect(*(this->model1), this->tf1, p1, p2, p3, NULL, NULL, NULL))
-      if(shapeTriangleIntersect(*(this->model1), this->tf1, p1, p2, p3, &contactp, &penetration, &normal))
+      if(nsolver->shapeTriangleIntersect(*(this->model1), this->tf1, p1, p2, p3, &contactp, &penetration, &normal))
         pairs.push_back(BVHShapeCollisionPair(primitive_id, normal, contactp, penetration));
@@ -350,13 +457,15 @@ public:
   bool enable_contact;
   mutable std::vector<BVHShapeCollisionPair> pairs;
+  const NarrowPhaseSolver* nsolver;
-template<typename S>
-class ShapeMeshCollisionTraversalNodeOBB : public ShapeMeshCollisionTraversalNode<S, OBB>
+template<typename S, typename NarrowPhaseSolver>
+class ShapeMeshCollisionTraversalNodeOBB : public ShapeMeshCollisionTraversalNode<S, OBB, NarrowPhaseSolver>
-  ShapeMeshCollisionTraversalNodeOBB() : ShapeMeshCollisionTraversalNode<S, OBB>()
+  ShapeMeshCollisionTraversalNodeOBB() : ShapeMeshCollisionTraversalNode<S, OBB, NarrowPhaseSolver>()
@@ -369,45 +478,599 @@ public:
   void leafTesting(int b1, int b2) const
-    if(this->enable_statistics) this->num_leaf_tests++;
-    const BVNode<OBB>& node = this->model2->getBV(b2);
+    meshShapeCollisionLeafTesting(b2, b1, *(this->model2), this->model1, this->vertices, this->tri_indices, 
+                                  R, T, this->tf1, this->nsolver, this->enable_statistics, this->enable_contact, 
+                                  this->exhaustive, this->num_max_contacts, this->num_leaf_tests, this->pairs);
-    int primitive_id = node.primitiveId();
+    // may need to change the order in pairs
+  }
-    const Triangle& tri_id = this->tri_indices[primitive_id];
+  // R, T is the transform of bvh model
+  Matrix3f R;
+  Vec3f T;
-    const Vec3f& p1 = this->vertices[tri_id[0]];
-    const Vec3f& p2 = this->vertices[tri_id[1]];
-    const Vec3f& p3 = this->vertices[tri_id[2]];
-    BVH_REAL penetration;
-    Vec3f normal;
-    Vec3f contactp;
+template<typename S, typename NarrowPhaseSolver>
+class ShapeMeshCollisionTraversalNodeRSS : public ShapeMeshCollisionTraversalNode<S, RSS, NarrowPhaseSolver>
+  ShapeMeshCollisionTraversalNodeRSS() : ShapeMeshCollisionTraversalNode<S, RSS, NarrowPhaseSolver>()
+  {
+    R.setIdentity();
+  }
+  bool BVTesting(int b1, int b2) const
+  {
+    if(this->enable_statistics) this->num_bv_tests++;
+    return !overlap(R, T, this->model1_bv, this->model2->getBV(b2).bv);
+  }
+  void leafTesting(int b1, int b2) const
+  {
+    meshShapeCollisionLeafTesting(b2, b1, *(this->model2), this->model1, this->vertices, this->tri_indices, 
+                                  R, T, this->tf1, this->nsolver, this->enable_statistics, this->enable_contact, 
+                                  this->exhaustive, this->num_max_contacts, this->num_leaf_tests, this->pairs);
+    // may need to change the order in pairs
+  }
+  // R, T is the transform of bvh model
+  Matrix3f R;
+  Vec3f T;
+template<typename S, typename NarrowPhaseSolver>
+class ShapeMeshCollisionTraversalNodekIOS : public ShapeMeshCollisionTraversalNode<S, kIOS, NarrowPhaseSolver>
+  ShapeMeshCollisionTraversalNodekIOS() : ShapeMeshCollisionTraversalNode<S, kIOS, NarrowPhaseSolver>()
+  {
+    R.setIdentity();
+  }
+  bool BVTesting(int b1, int b2) const
+  {
+    if(this->enable_statistics) this->num_bv_tests++;
+    return !overlap(R, T, this->model1_bv, this->model2->getBV(b2).bv);
+  }
+  void leafTesting(int b1, int b2) const
+  {
+    meshShapeCollisionLeafTesting(b2, b1, *(this->model2), this->model1, this->vertices, this->tri_indices, 
+                                  R, T, this->tf1, this->nsolver, this->enable_statistics, this->enable_contact, 
+                                  this->exhaustive, this->num_max_contacts, this->num_leaf_tests, this->pairs);
+    // may need to change the order in pairs
+  }
+  // R, T is the transform of bvh model
+  Matrix3f R;
+  Vec3f T;
+template<typename S, typename NarrowPhaseSolver>
+class ShapeMeshCollisionTraversalNodeOBBRSS : public ShapeMeshCollisionTraversalNode<S, OBBRSS, NarrowPhaseSolver>
+  ShapeMeshCollisionTraversalNodeOBBRSS() : ShapeMeshCollisionTraversalNode<S, OBBRSS, NarrowPhaseSolver>()
+  {
+    R.setIdentity();
+  }
+  bool BVTesting(int b1, int b2) const
+  {
+    if(this->enable_statistics) this->num_bv_tests++;
+    return !overlap(R, T, this->model1_bv, this->model2->getBV(b2).bv);
+  }
+  void leafTesting(int b1, int b2) const
+  {
+    meshShapeCollisionLeafTesting(b2, b1, *(this->model2), this->model1, this->vertices, this->tri_indices, 
+                                  R, T, this->tf1, this->nsolver, this->enable_statistics, this->enable_contact, 
+                                  this->exhaustive, this->num_max_contacts, this->num_leaf_tests, this->pairs);
+    // may need to change the order in pairs
+  }
+  // R, T is the transform of bvh model
+  Matrix3f R;
+  Vec3f T;
+template<typename BV, typename S>
+class BVHShapeDistanceTraversalNode : public DistanceTraversalNodeBase
+  BVHShapeDistanceTraversalNode() : DistanceTraversalNodeBase()
+  {
+    model1 = NULL;
+    model2 = NULL;
+    num_bv_tests = 0;
+    num_leaf_tests = 0;
+    query_time_seconds = 0.0;
+  }
+  bool isFirstNodeLeaf(int b) const 
+  {
+    return model1->getBV(b).isLeaf();
+  }
+  int getFirstLeftChild(int b) const
+  {
+    return model1->getBV(b).leftChild();
+  }
+  int getFirstRightChild(int b) const
+  {
+    return model1->getBV(b).rightChild();
+  }
+  BVH_REAL BVTesting(int b1, int b2) const
+  {
+    return model1->getBV(b1).bv.distance(model2_bv);
+  }
+  const BVHModel<BV>* model1;
+  const S* model2;
+  BV model2_bv;
+  mutable int num_bv_tests;
+  mutable int num_leaf_tests;
+  mutable BVH_REAL query_time_seconds;
+template<typename S, typename BV>
+class ShapeBVHDistanceTraversalNode : public DistanceTraversalNodeBase
+  ShapeBVHDistanceTraversalNode() : DistanceTraversalNodeBase()
+  {
+    model1 = NULL;
+    model2 = NULL;
+    num_bv_tests = 0;
+    num_leaf_tests = 0;
+    query_time_seconds = 0.0;
+  }
+  bool isSecondNodeLeaf(int b) const
+  {
+    return model2->getBV(b).isLeaf();
+  }
+  int getSecondLeftChild(int b) const
+  {
+    return model2->getBV(b).leftChild();
+  }
+  int getSecondRightChild(int b) const
+  {
+    return model2->getBV(b).rightChild();
+  }
+  BVH_REAL BVTesting(int b1, int b2) const
+  {
+    return model1_bv.distance(model2->getBV(b2).bv);
+  }
-    if(!this->enable_contact) // only interested in collision or not
+  const S* model1;
+  const BVHModel<BV>* model2;
+  BV model1_bv;
+  mutable int num_bv_tests;
+  mutable int num_leaf_tests;
+  mutable BVH_REAL query_time_seconds;
+template<typename BV, typename S, typename NarrowPhaseSolver>
+class MeshShapeDistanceTraversalNode : public BVHShapeDistanceTraversalNode<BV, S>
+  MeshShapeDistanceTraversalNode() : BVHShapeDistanceTraversalNode<BV, S>()
+  {
+    vertices = NULL;
+    tri_indices = NULL;
+    last_tri_id = 0;
+    rel_err = 0;
+    abs_err = 0;
+    min_distance = std::numeric_limits<BVH_REAL>::max();
+    nsolver = NULL;
+  }
+  void leafTesting(int b1, int b2) const
+  {
+    if(this->enable_statistics) this->num_leaf_tests++;
+    const BVNode<BV>& node = this->model1->getBV(b1);
+    int primitive_id = node.primitiveId();
+    const Triangle& tri_id = tri_indices[primitive_id];
+    const Vec3f& p1 = vertices[tri_id[0]];
+    const Vec3f& p2 = vertices[tri_id[1]];
+    const Vec3f& p3 = vertices[tri_id[2]];
+    BVH_REAL d;
+    nsolver->shapeTriangleDistance(*(this->model2), this->tf2, p1, p2, p3, &d);
+    if(d < min_distance)
-      if(shapeTriangleIntersect(*(this->model1), this->tf1, p1, p2, p3, R, T))
-      {
-        this->pairs.push_back(BVHShapeCollisionPair(primitive_id));
-      }
+      min_distance = d;
+      last_tri_id = primitive_id;
-    else
+  }
+  bool canStop(BVH_REAL c) const
+  {
+    if((c >= min_distance - abs_err) && (c * (1 + rel_err) >= min_distance))
+      return true;
+    return false;
+  }
+  Vec3f* vertices;
+  Triangle* tri_indices;
+  BVH_REAL rel_err;
+  BVH_REAL abs_err;
+  mutable BVH_REAL min_distance;
+  mutable int last_tri_id;
+  const NarrowPhaseSolver* nsolver;
+template<typename BV, typename S, typename NarrowPhaseSolver>
+void meshShapeDistanceLeafTesting(int b1, int b2,
+                                  const BVHModel<BV>* model1, const S& model2,
+                                  Vec3f* vertices, Triangle* tri_indices,
+                                  const Matrix3f&R, const Vec3f& T,
+                                  const SimpleTransform& tf2,
+                                  const NarrowPhaseSolver* nsolver,
+                                  bool enable_statistics,
+                                  int & num_leaf_tests,
+                                  int& last_tri_id,
+                                  BVH_REAL& min_distance)
+  if(enable_statistics) num_leaf_tests++;
+  const BVNode<BV>& node = model1->getBV(b1);
+  int primitive_id = node.primitiveId();
+  const Triangle& tri_id = tri_indices[primitive_id];
+  const Vec3f& p1 = vertices[tri_id[0]];
+  const Vec3f& p2 = vertices[tri_id[1]];
+  const Vec3f& p3 = vertices[tri_id[2]];
+  BVH_REAL dist;
+  nsolver->shapeTriangleDistance(model2, tf2, p1, p2, p3, R, T, &dist);
+  if(dist < min_distance)
+  {
+    min_distance = dist;
+    last_tri_id = primitive_id;
+  }
+template<typename S, typename NarrowPhaseSolver>
+static inline void distance_preprocess(Vec3f* vertices, Triangle* tri_indices, int last_tri_id,
+                                       const Matrix3f& R, const Vec3f& T,
+                                       const S& s, const SimpleTransform& tf,
+                                       const NarrowPhaseSolver* nsolver,
+                                       BVH_REAL& min_distance)
+  const Triangle& last_tri = tri_indices[last_tri_id];
+  const Vec3f& p1 = vertices[last_tri[0]];
+  const Vec3f& p2 = vertices[last_tri[1]];
+  const Vec3f& p3 = vertices[last_tri[2]];
+  Vec3f last_tri_P, last_tri_Q;
+  BVH_REAL dist;
+  nsolver->shapeTriangleDistance(s, tf, p1, p2, p3, R, T, &dist);
+  min_distance = dist;
+static inline void distance_postprocess(const Matrix3f& R, const Vec3f& T, Vec3f& p2)
+  Vec3f u = p2 - T;
+  p2 = R.transposeTimes(u);
+template<typename S, typename NarrowPhaseSolver>
+class MeshShapeDistanceTraversalNodeRSS : public MeshShapeDistanceTraversalNode<RSS, S, NarrowPhaseSolver>
+  MeshShapeDistanceTraversalNodeRSS() : MeshShapeDistanceTraversalNode<RSS, S, NarrowPhaseSolver>()
+  {
+    R.setIdentity();
+  }
+  void preprocess()
+  {
+    distance_preprocess(this->vertices, this->tri_indices, this->last_tri_id, R, T, *(this->model2), this->tf2, this->nsolver, this->min_distance);
+  }
+  void postprocess()
+  {
+  }
+  BVH_REAL BVTesting(int b1, int b2) const
+  {
+    if(this->enable_statistics) this->num_bv_tests++;
+    return distance(R, T, this->model2_bv, this->model1->getBV(b1).bv);
+  }
+  void leafTesting(int b1, int b2) const
+  {
+    meshShapeDistanceLeafTesting(b1, b2, this->model1, *(this->model2), this->vertices, this->tri_indices,
+                                 R, T, this->tf2, this->nsolver, this->enable_statistics, this->num_leaf_tests, this->last_tri_id, this->min_distance);
+  }
+  Matrix3f R;
+  Vec3f T;
+template<typename S, typename NarrowPhaseSolver>
+class MeshShapeDistanceTraversalNodekIOS : public MeshShapeDistanceTraversalNode<kIOS, S, NarrowPhaseSolver>
+  MeshShapeDistanceTraversalNodekIOS() : MeshShapeDistanceTraversalNode<kIOS, S, NarrowPhaseSolver>()
+  {
+    R.setIdentity();
+  }
+  void preprocess()
+  {
+    distance_preprocess(this->vertices, this->tri_indices, this->last_tri_id, R, T, *(this->model2), this->tf2, this->nsolver, this->min_distance);
+  }
+  void postprocess()
+  {
+  }
+  BVH_REAL BVTesting(int b1, int b2) const
+  {
+    if(this->enable_statistics) this->num_bv_tests++;
+    return distance(R, T, this->model2_bv, this->model1->getBV(b1).bv);
+  }
+  void leafTesting(int b1, int b2) const
+  {
+    meshShapeDistanceLeafTesting(b1, b2, this->model1, *(this->model2), this->vertices, this->tri_indices,
+                                 R, T, this->tf2, this->nsolver, this->enable_statistics, this->num_leaf_tests, this->last_tri_id, this->min_distance);
+  }
+  Matrix3f R;
+  Vec3f T;
+template<typename S, typename NarrowPhaseSolver>
+class MeshShapeDistanceTraversalNodeOBBRSS : public MeshShapeDistanceTraversalNode<OBBRSS, S, NarrowPhaseSolver>
+  MeshShapeDistanceTraversalNodeOBBRSS() : MeshShapeDistanceTraversalNode<OBBRSS, S, NarrowPhaseSolver>()
+  {
+    R.setIdentity();
+  }
+  void preprocess()
+  {
+    distance_preprocess(this->vertices, this->tri_indices, this->last_tri_id, R, T, *(this->model2), this->tf2, this->nsolver, this->min_distance);
+  }
+  void postprocess()
+  {
+  }
+  BVH_REAL BVTesting(int b1, int b2) const
+  {
+    if(this->enable_statistics) this->num_bv_tests++;
+    return distance(R, T, this->model2_bv, this->model1->getBV(b1).bv);
+  }
+  void leafTesting(int b1, int b2) const
+  {
+    meshShapeDistanceLeafTesting(b1, b2, this->model1, *(this->model2), this->vertices, this->tri_indices,
+                                 R, T, this->tf2, this->nsolver, this->enable_statistics, this->num_leaf_tests, this->last_tri_id, this->min_distance);
+  }
+  Matrix3f R;
+  Vec3f T;
+template<typename S, typename BV, typename NarrowPhaseSolver>
+class ShapeMeshDistanceTraversalNode : public ShapeBVHDistanceTraversalNode<S, BV>
+  ShapeMeshDistanceTraversalNode() : ShapeBVHDistanceTraversalNode<S, BV>()
+  {
+    vertices = NULL;
+    tri_indices = NULL;
+    last_tri_id = 0;
+    rel_err = 0;
+    abs_err = 0;
+    min_distance = std::numeric_limits<BVH_REAL>::max();
+    nsolver = NULL;
+  }
+  void leafTesting(int b1, int b2) const
+  {
+    if(this->enable_statistics) this->num_leaf_tests++;
+    const BVNode<BV>& node = this->model2->getBV(b2);
+    int primitive_id = node.primitiveId();
+    const Triangle& tri_id = tri_indices[primitive_id];
+    const Vec3f& p1 = vertices[tri_id[0]];
+    const Vec3f& p2 = vertices[tri_id[1]];
+    const Vec3f& p3 = vertices[tri_id[2]];
+    BVH_REAL d;
+    nsolver->shapeTriangleDistance(*(this->model1), this->tf1, p1, p2, p3, &d);
+    if(d < min_distance)
-      if(shapeTriangleIntersect(*(this->model1), this->tf1, p1, p2, p3, R, T, &contactp, &penetration, &normal))
-      {
-        this->pairs.push_back(BVHShapeCollisionPair(primitive_id, normal, contactp, penetration));
-      }
+      min_distance = d;
+      last_tri_id = primitive_id;
-  // R, T is the transformation of bvh model
+  bool canStop(BVH_REAL c) const
+  {
+    if((c >= min_distance - abs_err) && (c * (1 + rel_err) >= min_distance))
+      return true;
+    return false;
+  }
+  Vec3f* vertices;
+  Triangle* tri_indices;
+  BVH_REAL rel_err;
+  BVH_REAL abs_err;
+  mutable BVH_REAL min_distance;
+  mutable int last_tri_id;
+  const NarrowPhaseSolver* nsolver;
+template<typename S, typename NarrowPhaseSolver>
+class ShapeMeshDistanceTraversalNodeRSS : public ShapeMeshDistanceTraversalNode<S, RSS, NarrowPhaseSolver>
+  ShapeMeshDistanceTraversalNodeRSS() : ShapeMeshDistanceTraversalNode<S, RSS, NarrowPhaseSolver>()
+  {
+    R.setIdentity();
+  }
+  void preprocess()
+  {
+    distance_preprocess(this->vertices, this->tri_indices, this->last_tri_id, R, T, *(this->model1), this->tf1, this->nsolver, this->min_distance);
+  }
+  void postprocess()
+  {
+  }
+  BVH_REAL BVTesting(int b1, int b2) const
+  {
+    if(this->enable_statistics) this->num_bv_tests++;
+    return distance(R, T, this->model1_bv, this->model2->getBV(b2).bv);
+  }
+  void leafTesting(int b1, int b2) const
+  {
+    meshShapeDistanceLeafTesting(b2, b1, this->model2, *(this->model1), this->vertices, this->tri_indices,
+                                 R, T, this->tf1, this->nsolver, this->enable_statistics, this->num_leaf_tests, this->last_tri_id, this->min_distance);
+  }
   Matrix3f R;
   Vec3f T;
+template<typename S, typename NarrowPhaseSolver>
+class ShapeMeshDistanceTraversalNodekIOS : public ShapeMeshDistanceTraversalNode<S, kIOS, NarrowPhaseSolver>
+  ShapeMeshDistanceTraversalNodekIOS() : ShapeMeshDistanceTraversalNode<S, kIOS, NarrowPhaseSolver>()
+  {
+    R.setIdentity();
+  }
+  void preprocess()
+  {
+    distance_preprocess(this->vertices, this->tri_indices, this->last_tri_id, R, T, *(this->model1), this->tf1, this->nsolver, this->min_distance);
+  }
+  void postprocess()
+  {
+  }
+  BVH_REAL BVTesting(int b1, int b2) const
+  {
+    if(this->enable_statistics) this->num_bv_tests++;
+    return distance(R, T, this->model1_bv, this->model2->getBV(b2).bv);
+  }
+  void leafTesting(int b1, int b2) const
+  {
+    meshShapeDistanceLeafTesting(b2, b1, this->model2, *(this->model1), this->vertices, this->tri_indices,
+                                 R, T, this->tf1, this->nsolver, this->enable_statistics, this->num_leaf_tests, this->last_tri_id, this->min_distance);
+  }
+  Matrix3f R;
+  Vec3f T;
+template<typename S, typename NarrowPhaseSolver>
+class ShapeMeshDistanceTraversalNodeOBBRSS : public ShapeMeshDistanceTraversalNode<S, OBBRSS, NarrowPhaseSolver>
+  ShapeMeshDistanceTraversalNodeOBBRSS() : ShapeMeshDistanceTraversalNode<S, OBBRSS, NarrowPhaseSolver>()
+  {
+    R.setIdentity();
+  }
+  void preprocess()
+  {
+    distance_preprocess(this->vertices, this->tri_indices, this->last_tri_id, R, T, *(this->model1), this->tf1, this->nsolver, this->min_distance);
+  }
+  void postprocess()
+  {
+  }
+  BVH_REAL BVTesting(int b1, int b2) const
+  {
+    if(this->enable_statistics) this->num_bv_tests++;
+    return distance(R, T, this->model1_bv, this->model2->getBV(b2).bv);
+  }
+  void leafTesting(int b1, int b2) const
+  {
+    meshShapeDistanceLeafTesting(b2, b1, this->model2, *(this->model1), this->vertices, this->tri_indices,
+                                 R, T, this->tf1, this->nsolver, this->enable_statistics, this->num_leaf_tests, this->last_tri_id, this->min_distance);
+  }
+  Matrix3f R;
+  Vec3f T;
diff --git a/trunk/fcl/include/fcl/traversal_node_shapes.h b/trunk/fcl/include/fcl/traversal_node_shapes.h
index 0fde38b951fa446827aa81615752bfac6571b1b9..8063fea9f60ade1614d61642df6d4216152a1970 100644
--- a/trunk/fcl/include/fcl/traversal_node_shapes.h
+++ b/trunk/fcl/include/fcl/traversal_node_shapes.h
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
 namespace fcl
-template<typename S1, typename S2>
+template<typename S1, typename S2, typename NarrowPhaseSolver>
 class ShapeCollisionTraversalNode : public CollisionTraversalNodeBase
@@ -55,6 +55,8 @@ public:
     enable_contact = false;
     is_collision = false;
+    nsolver = NULL;
   bool BVTesting(int, int) const
@@ -65,9 +67,9 @@ public:
   void leafTesting(int, int) const
-      is_collision = shapeIntersect(*model1, tf1, *model2, tf2, &contact_point, &penetration_depth, &normal);
+      is_collision = nsolver->shapeIntersect(*model1, tf1, *model2, tf2, &contact_point, &penetration_depth, &normal);
-      is_collision = shapeIntersect(*model1, tf1, *model2, tf2);
+      is_collision = nsolver->shapeIntersect(*model1, tf1, *model2, tf2, NULL, NULL, NULL);
   const S1* model1;
@@ -83,7 +85,45 @@ public:
   bool enable_contact;
   mutable bool is_collision;
- };
+  const NarrowPhaseSolver* nsolver;
+template<typename S1, typename S2, typename NarrowPhaseSolver>
+class ShapeDistanceTraversalNode : public DistanceTraversalNodeBase
+  ShapeDistanceTraversalNode() : DistanceTraversalNodeBase()
+  {
+    model1 = NULL;
+    model2 = NULL;
+    nsolver = NULL;
+  }
+  BVH_REAL BVTesting(int, int) const
+  {
+    return -1; // should not be used 
+  }
+  void leafTesting(int, int) const
+  {
+    is_collision = !nsolver->shapeDistance(*model1, tf1, *model2, tf2, &min_distance);
+  }
+  const S1* model1;
+  const S2* model2;
+  mutable BVH_REAL min_distance;
+  mutable Vec3f p1;
+  mutable Vec3f p2;
+  mutable bool is_collision;
+  const NarrowPhaseSolver* nsolver;
diff --git a/trunk/fcl/src/collision.cpp b/trunk/fcl/src/collision.cpp
index fc2d2542053771e8b421ad1704295683508529c8..c741d8c850cc22d8c3180954628efbcdcbeec5c8 100644
--- a/trunk/fcl/src/collision.cpp
+++ b/trunk/fcl/src/collision.cpp
@@ -37,62 +37,118 @@
 #include "fcl/collision.h"
 #include "fcl/collision_func_matrix.h"
+#include "fcl/narrowphase/narrowphase.h"
 #include <iostream>
 namespace fcl
-static CollisionFunctionMatrix CollisionFunctionLookTable;
+static CollisionFunctionMatrix<GJKSolver_libccd> CollisionFunctionLookTable_libccd;
+static CollisionFunctionMatrix<GJKSolver_indep> CollisionFunctionLookTable_indep;
+template<typename NarrowPhaseSolver>
 int collide(const CollisionObject* o1, const CollisionObject* o2,
+            const NarrowPhaseSolver* nsolver,
             int num_max_contacts, bool exhaustive, bool enable_contact,
             std::vector<Contact>& contacts)
   return collide(o1->getCollisionGeometry(), o1->getTransform(), o2->getCollisionGeometry(), o2->getTransform(),
+                 nsolver,
                  num_max_contacts, exhaustive, enable_contact, contacts);
+template<typename NarrowPhaseSolver>
+void* getCollisionLookTable() { return NULL; }
+void* getCollisionLookTable<GJKSolver_libccd>() 
+  return &CollisionFunctionLookTable_libccd;
+void* getCollisionLookTable<GJKSolver_indep>()
+  return &CollisionFunctionLookTable_indep;
+template<typename NarrowPhaseSolver>
 int collide(const CollisionGeometry* o1, const SimpleTransform& tf1,
             const CollisionGeometry* o2, const SimpleTransform& tf2,
+            const NarrowPhaseSolver* nsolver_,
             int num_max_contacts, bool exhaustive, bool enable_contact,
             std::vector<Contact>& contacts)
+  const NarrowPhaseSolver* nsolver = nsolver_;
+  if(!nsolver_)
+    nsolver = new NarrowPhaseSolver();
+  const CollisionFunctionMatrix<NarrowPhaseSolver>* looktable = static_cast<const CollisionFunctionMatrix<NarrowPhaseSolver>*>(getCollisionLookTable<NarrowPhaseSolver>());
+  int res; 
   if(num_max_contacts <= 0 && !exhaustive)
     std::cerr << "Warning: should stop early as num_max_contact is " << num_max_contacts << " !" << std::endl;
-    return 0;
-  }
-  OBJECT_TYPE object_type1 = o1->getObjectType();
-  OBJECT_TYPE object_type2 = o2->getObjectType();
-  NODE_TYPE node_type1 = o1->getNodeType();
-  NODE_TYPE node_type2 = o2->getNodeType();
-  if(object_type1 == OT_GEOM & object_type2 == OT_BVH)
-  {  
-    if(!CollisionFunctionLookTable.collision_matrix[node_type2][node_type1])
-    {
-      std::cerr << "Warning: collision function between node type " << node_type1 << " and node type " << node_type2 << " is not supported"<< std::endl;
-      return 0;
-    }
-    return CollisionFunctionLookTable.collision_matrix[node_type2][node_type1](o2, tf2, o1, tf1, num_max_contacts, exhaustive, enable_contact, contacts);
+    res = 0;
-    if(!CollisionFunctionLookTable.collision_matrix[node_type1][node_type2])
+    OBJECT_TYPE object_type1 = o1->getObjectType();
+    OBJECT_TYPE object_type2 = o2->getObjectType();
+    NODE_TYPE node_type1 = o1->getNodeType();
+    NODE_TYPE node_type2 = o2->getNodeType();
+    if(object_type1 == OT_GEOM & object_type2 == OT_BVH)
+    {  
+      if(!looktable->collision_matrix[node_type2][node_type1])
+      {
+        std::cerr << "Warning: collision function between node type " << node_type1 << " and node type " << node_type2 << " is not supported"<< std::endl;
+        res = 0;
+      }
+      else
+        res = looktable->collision_matrix[node_type2][node_type1](o2, tf2, o1, tf1, nsolver, num_max_contacts, exhaustive, enable_contact, contacts);
+    }
+    else
-      std::cerr << "Warning: collision function between node type " << node_type1 << " and node type " << node_type2 << " is not supported"<< std::endl;
-      return 0;
+      if(!looktable->collision_matrix[node_type1][node_type2])
+      {
+        std::cerr << "Warning: collision function between node type " << node_type1 << " and node type " << node_type2 << " is not supported"<< std::endl;
+        res = 0;
+      }
+      else
+        res = looktable->collision_matrix[node_type1][node_type2](o1, tf1, o2, tf2, nsolver, num_max_contacts, exhaustive, enable_contact, contacts);
-    return CollisionFunctionLookTable.collision_matrix[node_type1][node_type2](o1, tf1, o2, tf2, num_max_contacts, exhaustive, enable_contact, contacts);
+  if(!nsolver_)
+    delete nsolver;
+  return res;
+template int collide(const CollisionObject* o1, const CollisionObject* o2, const GJKSolver_libccd* nsolver, int num_max_contacts, bool exhaustive, bool enable_contact, std::vector<Contact>& contacts);
+template int collide(const CollisionObject* o1, const CollisionObject* o2, const GJKSolver_indep* nsolver, int num_max_contacts, bool exhaustive, bool enable_contact, std::vector<Contact>& contacts);
+template int collide(const CollisionGeometry* o1, const SimpleTransform& tf1, const CollisionGeometry* o2, const SimpleTransform& tf2, const GJKSolver_libccd* nsolver, int num_max_contacts, bool exhaustive, bool enable_contact, std::vector<Contact>& contacts);
+template int collide(const CollisionGeometry* o1, const SimpleTransform& tf1, const CollisionGeometry* o2, const SimpleTransform& tf2, const GJKSolver_indep* nsolver, int num_max_contacts, bool exhaustive, bool enable_contact, std::vector<Contact>& contacts);
+int collide(const CollisionObject* o1, const CollisionObject* o2,
+            int num_max_contacts, bool exhaustive, bool enable_contact,
+            std::vector<Contact>& contacts)
+  GJKSolver_libccd solver;
+  return collide<GJKSolver_libccd>(o1, o2, &solver, num_max_contacts, exhaustive, enable_contact, contacts);
+int collide(const CollisionGeometry* o1, const SimpleTransform& tf1,
+            const CollisionGeometry* o2, const SimpleTransform& tf2,
+            int num_max_contacts, bool exhaustive, bool enable_contact,
+            std::vector<Contact>& contacts)
+  GJKSolver_libccd solver;
+  return collide<GJKSolver_libccd>(o1, tf1, o2, tf2, &solver, num_max_contacts, exhaustive, enable_contact, contacts);
diff --git a/trunk/fcl/src/collision_func_matrix.cpp b/trunk/fcl/src/collision_func_matrix.cpp
index 001102eaca56abbe1d05b1ffbd0ac78369ceb90f..669d0101f27aeb4c61dc9dd3a92474f55124c2c0 100644
--- a/trunk/fcl/src/collision_func_matrix.cpp
+++ b/trunk/fcl/src/collision_func_matrix.cpp
@@ -48,13 +48,15 @@
 namespace fcl
-template<typename T_SH1, typename T_SH2>
-int ShapeShapeCollide(const CollisionGeometry* o1, const SimpleTransform& tf1, const CollisionGeometry* o2, const SimpleTransform& tf2, int num_max_contacts, bool exhaustive, bool enable_contact, std::vector<Contact>& contacts)
+template<typename T_SH1, typename T_SH2, typename NarrowPhaseSolver>
+int ShapeShapeCollide(const CollisionGeometry* o1, const SimpleTransform& tf1, const CollisionGeometry* o2, const SimpleTransform& tf2, 
+                      const NarrowPhaseSolver* nsolver,
+                      int num_max_contacts, bool exhaustive, bool enable_contact, std::vector<Contact>& contacts)
-  ShapeCollisionTraversalNode<T_SH1, T_SH2> node;
+  ShapeCollisionTraversalNode<T_SH1, T_SH2, NarrowPhaseSolver> node;
   const T_SH1* obj1 = static_cast<const T_SH1*>(o1);
   const T_SH2* obj2 = static_cast<const T_SH2*>(o2);
-  initialize(node, *obj1, tf1, *obj2, tf2, enable_contact);
+  initialize(node, *obj1, tf1, *obj2, tf2, nsolver, enable_contact);
   if(!node.is_collision) return 0;
@@ -89,18 +91,20 @@ static inline int BVHShapeContactCollection(const std::vector<BVHShapeCollisionP
-template<typename T_BVH, typename T_SH>
+template<typename T_BVH, typename T_SH, typename NarrowPhaseSolver>
 struct BVHShapeCollider
-  static int collide(const CollisionGeometry* o1, const SimpleTransform& tf1, const CollisionGeometry* o2, const SimpleTransform& tf2, int num_max_contacts, bool exhaustive, bool enable_contact, std::vector<Contact>& contacts)
+  static int collide(const CollisionGeometry* o1, const SimpleTransform& tf1, const CollisionGeometry* o2, const SimpleTransform& tf2, 
+                     const NarrowPhaseSolver* nsolver,
+                     int num_max_contacts, bool exhaustive, bool enable_contact, std::vector<Contact>& contacts)
-    MeshShapeCollisionTraversalNode<T_BVH, T_SH> node;
+    MeshShapeCollisionTraversalNode<T_BVH, T_SH, NarrowPhaseSolver> node;
     const BVHModel<T_BVH>* obj1 = static_cast<const BVHModel<T_BVH>* >(o1);
     BVHModel<T_BVH>* obj1_tmp = new BVHModel<T_BVH>(*obj1);
     SimpleTransform tf1_tmp = tf1;
     const T_SH* obj2 = static_cast<const T_SH*>(o2);
-    initialize(node, *obj1_tmp, tf1_tmp, *obj2, tf2, num_max_contacts, exhaustive, enable_contact);
+    initialize(node, *obj1_tmp, tf1_tmp, *obj2, tf2, nsolver, num_max_contacts, exhaustive, enable_contact);
     int num_contacts = BVHShapeContactCollection(node.pairs, obj1, obj2, num_max_contacts, exhaustive, enable_contact, contacts);
@@ -111,33 +115,37 @@ struct BVHShapeCollider
-template<typename T_SH>
-struct BVHShapeCollider<OBB, T_SH>
+template<typename T_SH, typename NarrowPhaseSolver>
+struct BVHShapeCollider<OBB, T_SH, NarrowPhaseSolver>
-  static int collide(const CollisionGeometry* o1, const SimpleTransform& tf1, const CollisionGeometry* o2, const SimpleTransform& tf2, int num_max_contacts, bool exhaustive, bool enable_contact, std::vector<Contact>& contacts)
+  static int collide(const CollisionGeometry* o1, const SimpleTransform& tf1, const CollisionGeometry* o2, const SimpleTransform& tf2, 
+                     const NarrowPhaseSolver* nsolver,
+                     int num_max_contacts, bool exhaustive, bool enable_contact, std::vector<Contact>& contacts)
-    MeshShapeCollisionTraversalNodeOBB<T_SH> node;
+    MeshShapeCollisionTraversalNodeOBB<T_SH, NarrowPhaseSolver> node;
     const BVHModel<OBB>* obj1 = static_cast<const BVHModel<OBB>* >(o1);
     const T_SH* obj2 = static_cast<const T_SH*>(o2);
-    initialize(node, *obj1, tf1, *obj2, tf2, num_max_contacts, exhaustive, enable_contact);
+    initialize(node, *obj1, tf1, *obj2, tf2, nsolver, num_max_contacts, exhaustive, enable_contact);
     return BVHShapeContactCollection(node.pairs, obj1, obj2, num_max_contacts, exhaustive, enable_contact, contacts);
-template<typename T_SH>
-struct BVHShapeCollider<RSS, T_SH>
+template<typename T_SH, typename NarrowPhaseSolver>
+struct BVHShapeCollider<RSS, T_SH, NarrowPhaseSolver>
-  static int collide(const CollisionGeometry* o1, const SimpleTransform& tf1, const CollisionGeometry* o2, const SimpleTransform& tf2, int num_max_contacts, bool exhaustive, bool enable_contact, std::vector<Contact>& contacts)
+  static int collide(const CollisionGeometry* o1, const SimpleTransform& tf1, const CollisionGeometry* o2, const SimpleTransform& tf2, 
+                     const NarrowPhaseSolver* nsolver,
+                     int num_max_contacts, bool exhaustive, bool enable_contact, std::vector<Contact>& contacts)
-    MeshShapeCollisionTraversalNodeRSS<T_SH> node;
+    MeshShapeCollisionTraversalNodeRSS<T_SH, NarrowPhaseSolver> node;
     const BVHModel<RSS>* obj1 = static_cast<const BVHModel<RSS>* >(o1);
     const T_SH* obj2 = static_cast<const T_SH*>(o2);
-    initialize(node, *obj1, tf1, *obj2, tf2, num_max_contacts, exhaustive, enable_contact);
+    initialize(node, *obj1, tf1, *obj2, tf2, nsolver, num_max_contacts, exhaustive, enable_contact);
     return BVHShapeContactCollection(node.pairs, obj1, obj2, num_max_contacts, exhaustive, enable_contact, contacts);
@@ -145,23 +153,43 @@ struct BVHShapeCollider<RSS, T_SH>
-template<typename T_SH>
-struct BVHShapeCollider<kIOS, T_SH>
+template<typename T_SH, typename NarrowPhaseSolver>
+struct BVHShapeCollider<kIOS, T_SH, NarrowPhaseSolver>
-  static int collide(const CollisionGeometry* o1, const SimpleTransform& tf1, const CollisionGeometry* o2, const SimpleTransform& tf2, int num_max_contacts, bool exhaustive, bool enable_contact, std::vector<Contact>& contacts)
+  static int collide(const CollisionGeometry* o1, const SimpleTransform& tf1, const CollisionGeometry* o2, const SimpleTransform& tf2, 
+                     const NarrowPhaseSolver* nsolver,
+                     int num_max_contacts, bool exhaustive, bool enable_contact, std::vector<Contact>& contacts)
-    MeshShapeCollisionTraversalNodekIOS<T_SH> node;
+    MeshShapeCollisionTraversalNodekIOS<T_SH, NarrowPhaseSolver> node;
     const BVHModel<kIOS>* obj1 = static_cast<const BVHModel<kIOS>* >(o1);
     const T_SH* obj2 = static_cast<const T_SH*>(o2);
-    initialize(node, *obj1, tf1, *obj2, tf2, num_max_contacts, exhaustive, enable_contact);
+    initialize(node, *obj1, tf1, *obj2, tf2, nsolver, num_max_contacts, exhaustive, enable_contact);
+    fcl::collide(&node);
+    return BVHShapeContactCollection(node.pairs, obj1, obj2, num_max_contacts, exhaustive, enable_contact, contacts);
+  } 
+template<typename T_SH, typename NarrowPhaseSolver>
+struct BVHShapeCollider<OBBRSS, T_SH, NarrowPhaseSolver>
+  static int collide(const CollisionGeometry* o1, const SimpleTransform& tf1, const CollisionGeometry* o2, const SimpleTransform& tf2, 
+                     const NarrowPhaseSolver* nsolver,
+                     int num_max_contacts, bool exhaustive, bool enable_contact, std::vector<Contact>& contacts)
+  {
+    MeshShapeCollisionTraversalNodeOBBRSS<T_SH, NarrowPhaseSolver> node;
+    const BVHModel<OBBRSS>* obj1 = static_cast<const BVHModel<OBBRSS>* >(o1);
+    const T_SH* obj2 = static_cast<const T_SH*>(o2);
+    initialize(node, *obj1, tf1, *obj2, tf2, nsolver, num_max_contacts, exhaustive, enable_contact);
     return BVHShapeContactCollection(node.pairs, obj1, obj2, num_max_contacts, exhaustive, enable_contact, contacts);
 template<typename T_BVH>
 static inline int BVHContactCollection(const std::vector<BVHCollisionPair>& pairs, const BVHModel<T_BVH>* obj1, const BVHModel<T_BVH>* obj2, int num_max_contacts, bool exhaustive, bool enable_contact, std::vector<Contact>& contacts)
@@ -277,7 +305,17 @@ int BVHCollide<kIOS>(const CollisionGeometry* o1, const SimpleTransform& tf1, co
+template<typename T_BVH, typename NarrowPhaseSolver>
+int BVHCollide(const CollisionGeometry* o1, const SimpleTransform& tf1, const CollisionGeometry* o2, const SimpleTransform& tf2, 
+               const NarrowPhaseSolver* nsolver,
+               int num_max_contacts, bool exhaustive, bool enable_contact, std::vector<Contact>& contacts)
+  return BVHCollide<T_BVH>(o1, tf1, o2, tf2, num_max_contacts, exhaustive, enable_contact, contacts);
+template<typename NarrowPhaseSolver>
   for(int i = 0; i < 16; ++i)
@@ -285,134 +323,139 @@ CollisionFunctionMatrix::CollisionFunctionMatrix()
       collision_matrix[i][j] = NULL;
-  collision_matrix[GEOM_BOX][GEOM_BOX] = &ShapeShapeCollide<Box, Box>;
-  collision_matrix[GEOM_BOX][GEOM_SPHERE] = &ShapeShapeCollide<Box, Sphere>;
-  collision_matrix[GEOM_BOX][GEOM_CAPSULE] = &ShapeShapeCollide<Box, Capsule>;
-  collision_matrix[GEOM_BOX][GEOM_CONE] = &ShapeShapeCollide<Box, Cone>;
-  collision_matrix[GEOM_BOX][GEOM_CYLINDER] = &ShapeShapeCollide<Box, Cylinder>;
-  collision_matrix[GEOM_BOX][GEOM_CONVEX] = &ShapeShapeCollide<Box, Convex>;
-  collision_matrix[GEOM_BOX][GEOM_PLANE] = &ShapeShapeCollide<Box, Plane>;
-  collision_matrix[GEOM_SPHERE][GEOM_BOX] = &ShapeShapeCollide<Sphere, Box>;
-  collision_matrix[GEOM_SPHERE][GEOM_SPHERE] = &ShapeShapeCollide<Sphere, Sphere>;
-  collision_matrix[GEOM_SPHERE][GEOM_CAPSULE] = &ShapeShapeCollide<Sphere, Capsule>;
-  collision_matrix[GEOM_SPHERE][GEOM_CONE] = &ShapeShapeCollide<Sphere, Cone>;
-  collision_matrix[GEOM_SPHERE][GEOM_CYLINDER] = &ShapeShapeCollide<Sphere, Cylinder>;
-  collision_matrix[GEOM_SPHERE][GEOM_CONVEX] = &ShapeShapeCollide<Sphere, Convex>;
-  collision_matrix[GEOM_SPHERE][GEOM_PLANE] = &ShapeShapeCollide<Sphere, Plane>;
-  collision_matrix[GEOM_CAPSULE][GEOM_BOX] = &ShapeShapeCollide<Capsule, Box>;
-  collision_matrix[GEOM_CAPSULE][GEOM_SPHERE] = &ShapeShapeCollide<Capsule, Sphere>;
-  collision_matrix[GEOM_CAPSULE][GEOM_CAPSULE] = &ShapeShapeCollide<Capsule, Capsule>;
-  collision_matrix[GEOM_CAPSULE][GEOM_CONE] = &ShapeShapeCollide<Capsule, Cone>;
-  collision_matrix[GEOM_CAPSULE][GEOM_CYLINDER] = &ShapeShapeCollide<Capsule, Cylinder>;
-  collision_matrix[GEOM_CAPSULE][GEOM_CONVEX] = &ShapeShapeCollide<Capsule, Convex>;
-  collision_matrix[GEOM_CAPSULE][GEOM_PLANE] = &ShapeShapeCollide<Capsule, Plane>;
-  collision_matrix[GEOM_CONE][GEOM_BOX] = &ShapeShapeCollide<Cone, Box>;
-  collision_matrix[GEOM_CONE][GEOM_SPHERE] = &ShapeShapeCollide<Cone, Sphere>;
-  collision_matrix[GEOM_CONE][GEOM_CAPSULE] = &ShapeShapeCollide<Cone, Capsule>;
-  collision_matrix[GEOM_CONE][GEOM_CONE] = &ShapeShapeCollide<Cone, Cone>;
-  collision_matrix[GEOM_CONE][GEOM_CYLINDER] = &ShapeShapeCollide<Cone, Cylinder>;
-  collision_matrix[GEOM_CONE][GEOM_CONVEX] = &ShapeShapeCollide<Cone, Convex>;
-  collision_matrix[GEOM_CONE][GEOM_PLANE] = &ShapeShapeCollide<Cone, Plane>;
-  collision_matrix[GEOM_CYLINDER][GEOM_BOX] = &ShapeShapeCollide<Cylinder, Box>;
-  collision_matrix[GEOM_CYLINDER][GEOM_SPHERE] = &ShapeShapeCollide<Cylinder, Sphere>;
-  collision_matrix[GEOM_CYLINDER][GEOM_CAPSULE] = &ShapeShapeCollide<Cylinder, Capsule>;
-  collision_matrix[GEOM_CYLINDER][GEOM_CONE] = &ShapeShapeCollide<Cylinder, Cone>;
-  collision_matrix[GEOM_CYLINDER][GEOM_CYLINDER] = &ShapeShapeCollide<Cylinder, Cylinder>;
-  collision_matrix[GEOM_CYLINDER][GEOM_CONVEX] = &ShapeShapeCollide<Cylinder, Convex>;
-  collision_matrix[GEOM_CYLINDER][GEOM_PLANE] = &ShapeShapeCollide<Cylinder, Plane>;
-  collision_matrix[GEOM_CONVEX][GEOM_BOX] = &ShapeShapeCollide<Convex, Box>;
-  collision_matrix[GEOM_CONVEX][GEOM_SPHERE] = &ShapeShapeCollide<Convex, Sphere>;
-  collision_matrix[GEOM_CONVEX][GEOM_CAPSULE] = &ShapeShapeCollide<Convex, Capsule>;
-  collision_matrix[GEOM_CONVEX][GEOM_CONE] = &ShapeShapeCollide<Convex, Cone>;
-  collision_matrix[GEOM_CONVEX][GEOM_CYLINDER] = &ShapeShapeCollide<Convex, Cylinder>;
-  collision_matrix[GEOM_CONVEX][GEOM_CONVEX] = &ShapeShapeCollide<Convex, Convex>;
-  collision_matrix[GEOM_CONVEX][GEOM_PLANE] = &ShapeShapeCollide<Convex, Plane>;
-  collision_matrix[GEOM_PLANE][GEOM_BOX] = &ShapeShapeCollide<Plane, Box>;
-  collision_matrix[GEOM_PLANE][GEOM_SPHERE] = &ShapeShapeCollide<Plane, Sphere>;
-  collision_matrix[GEOM_PLANE][GEOM_CAPSULE] = &ShapeShapeCollide<Plane, Capsule>;
-  collision_matrix[GEOM_PLANE][GEOM_CONE] = &ShapeShapeCollide<Plane, Cone>;
-  collision_matrix[GEOM_PLANE][GEOM_CYLINDER] = &ShapeShapeCollide<Plane, Cylinder>;
-  collision_matrix[GEOM_PLANE][GEOM_CONVEX] = &ShapeShapeCollide<Plane, Convex>;
-  collision_matrix[GEOM_PLANE][GEOM_PLANE] = &ShapeShapeCollide<Plane, Plane>;
-  collision_matrix[BV_AABB][GEOM_BOX] = &BVHShapeCollider<AABB, Box>::collide;
-  collision_matrix[BV_AABB][GEOM_SPHERE] = &BVHShapeCollider<AABB, Sphere>::collide;
-  collision_matrix[BV_AABB][GEOM_CAPSULE] = &BVHShapeCollider<AABB, Capsule>::collide;
-  collision_matrix[BV_AABB][GEOM_CONE] = &BVHShapeCollider<AABB, Cone>::collide;
-  collision_matrix[BV_AABB][GEOM_CYLINDER] = &BVHShapeCollider<AABB, Cylinder>::collide;
-  collision_matrix[BV_AABB][GEOM_CONVEX] = &BVHShapeCollider<AABB, Convex>::collide;
-  collision_matrix[BV_AABB][GEOM_PLANE] = &BVHShapeCollider<AABB, Plane>::collide;
-  collision_matrix[BV_OBB][GEOM_BOX] = &BVHShapeCollider<OBB, Box>::collide;
-  collision_matrix[BV_OBB][GEOM_SPHERE] = &BVHShapeCollider<OBB, Sphere>::collide;
-  collision_matrix[BV_OBB][GEOM_CAPSULE] = &BVHShapeCollider<OBB, Capsule>::collide;
-  collision_matrix[BV_OBB][GEOM_CONE] = &BVHShapeCollider<OBB, Cone>::collide;
-  collision_matrix[BV_OBB][GEOM_CYLINDER] = &BVHShapeCollider<OBB, Cylinder>::collide;
-  collision_matrix[BV_OBB][GEOM_CONVEX] = &BVHShapeCollider<OBB, Convex>::collide;
-  collision_matrix[BV_OBB][GEOM_PLANE] = &BVHShapeCollider<OBB, Plane>::collide;
-  collision_matrix[BV_RSS][GEOM_BOX] = &BVHShapeCollider<RSS, Box>::collide;
-  collision_matrix[BV_RSS][GEOM_SPHERE] = &BVHShapeCollider<RSS, Sphere>::collide;
-  collision_matrix[BV_RSS][GEOM_CAPSULE] = &BVHShapeCollider<RSS, Capsule>::collide;
-  collision_matrix[BV_RSS][GEOM_CONE] = &BVHShapeCollider<RSS, Cone>::collide;
-  collision_matrix[BV_RSS][GEOM_CYLINDER] = &BVHShapeCollider<RSS, Cylinder>::collide;
-  collision_matrix[BV_RSS][GEOM_CONVEX] = &BVHShapeCollider<RSS, Convex>::collide;
-  collision_matrix[BV_RSS][GEOM_PLANE] = &BVHShapeCollider<RSS, Plane>::collide;
-  collision_matrix[BV_KDOP16][GEOM_BOX] = &BVHShapeCollider<KDOP<16>, Box>::collide;
-  collision_matrix[BV_KDOP16][GEOM_SPHERE] = &BVHShapeCollider<KDOP<16>, Sphere>::collide;
-  collision_matrix[BV_KDOP16][GEOM_CAPSULE] = &BVHShapeCollider<KDOP<16>, Capsule>::collide;
-  collision_matrix[BV_KDOP16][GEOM_CONE] = &BVHShapeCollider<KDOP<16>, Cone>::collide;
-  collision_matrix[BV_KDOP16][GEOM_CYLINDER] = &BVHShapeCollider<KDOP<16>, Cylinder>::collide;
-  collision_matrix[BV_KDOP16][GEOM_CONVEX] = &BVHShapeCollider<KDOP<16>, Convex>::collide;
-  collision_matrix[BV_KDOP16][GEOM_PLANE] = &BVHShapeCollider<KDOP<16>, Plane>::collide;
-  collision_matrix[BV_KDOP18][GEOM_BOX] = &BVHShapeCollider<KDOP<18>, Box>::collide;
-  collision_matrix[BV_KDOP18][GEOM_SPHERE] = &BVHShapeCollider<KDOP<18>, Sphere>::collide;
-  collision_matrix[BV_KDOP18][GEOM_CAPSULE] = &BVHShapeCollider<KDOP<18>, Capsule>::collide;
-  collision_matrix[BV_KDOP18][GEOM_CONE] = &BVHShapeCollider<KDOP<18>, Cone>::collide;
-  collision_matrix[BV_KDOP18][GEOM_CYLINDER] = &BVHShapeCollider<KDOP<18>, Cylinder>::collide;
-  collision_matrix[BV_KDOP18][GEOM_CONVEX] = &BVHShapeCollider<KDOP<18>, Convex>::collide;
-  collision_matrix[BV_KDOP18][GEOM_PLANE] = &BVHShapeCollider<KDOP<18>, Plane>::collide;
-  collision_matrix[BV_KDOP24][GEOM_BOX] = &BVHShapeCollider<KDOP<24>, Box>::collide;
-  collision_matrix[BV_KDOP24][GEOM_SPHERE] = &BVHShapeCollider<KDOP<24>, Sphere>::collide;
-  collision_matrix[BV_KDOP24][GEOM_CAPSULE] = &BVHShapeCollider<KDOP<24>, Capsule>::collide;
-  collision_matrix[BV_KDOP24][GEOM_CONE] = &BVHShapeCollider<KDOP<24>, Cone>::collide;
-  collision_matrix[BV_KDOP24][GEOM_CYLINDER] = &BVHShapeCollider<KDOP<24>, Cylinder>::collide;
-  collision_matrix[BV_KDOP24][GEOM_CONVEX] = &BVHShapeCollider<KDOP<24>, Convex>::collide;
-  collision_matrix[BV_KDOP24][GEOM_PLANE] = &BVHShapeCollider<KDOP<24>, Plane>::collide;
-  collision_matrix[BV_kIOS][GEOM_BOX] = &BVHShapeCollider<kIOS, Box>::collide;
-  collision_matrix[BV_kIOS][GEOM_SPHERE] = &BVHShapeCollider<kIOS, Sphere>::collide;
-  collision_matrix[BV_kIOS][GEOM_CAPSULE] = &BVHShapeCollider<kIOS, Capsule>::collide;
-  collision_matrix[BV_kIOS][GEOM_CONE] = &BVHShapeCollider<kIOS, Cone>::collide;
-  collision_matrix[BV_kIOS][GEOM_CYLINDER] = &BVHShapeCollider<kIOS, Cylinder>::collide;
-  collision_matrix[BV_kIOS][GEOM_CONVEX] = &BVHShapeCollider<kIOS, Convex>::collide;
-  collision_matrix[BV_kIOS][GEOM_PLANE] = &BVHShapeCollider<kIOS, Plane>::collide;
-  collision_matrix[BV_OBBRSS][GEOM_BOX] = &BVHShapeCollider<OBBRSS, Box>::collide;
-  collision_matrix[BV_OBBRSS][GEOM_SPHERE] = &BVHShapeCollider<OBBRSS, Sphere>::collide;
-  collision_matrix[BV_OBBRSS][GEOM_CAPSULE] = &BVHShapeCollider<OBBRSS, Capsule>::collide;
-  collision_matrix[BV_OBBRSS][GEOM_CONE] = &BVHShapeCollider<OBBRSS, Cone>::collide;
-  collision_matrix[BV_OBBRSS][GEOM_CYLINDER] = &BVHShapeCollider<OBBRSS, Cylinder>::collide;
-  collision_matrix[BV_OBBRSS][GEOM_CONVEX] = &BVHShapeCollider<OBBRSS, Convex>::collide;
-  collision_matrix[BV_OBBRSS][GEOM_PLANE] = &BVHShapeCollider<OBBRSS, Plane>::collide;
-  collision_matrix[BV_AABB][BV_AABB] = &BVHCollide<AABB>;
-  collision_matrix[BV_OBB][BV_OBB] = &BVHCollide<OBB>;
-  collision_matrix[BV_RSS][BV_RSS] = &BVHCollide<RSS>;
-  collision_matrix[BV_KDOP16][BV_KDOP16] = &BVHCollide<KDOP<16> >;
-  collision_matrix[BV_KDOP18][BV_KDOP18] = &BVHCollide<KDOP<18> >;
-  collision_matrix[BV_KDOP24][BV_KDOP24] = &BVHCollide<KDOP<24> >;
-  collision_matrix[BV_kIOS][BV_kIOS] = &BVHCollide<kIOS>;
-  collision_matrix[BV_OBBRSS][BV_OBBRSS] = &BVHCollide<OBBRSS>;
+  collision_matrix[GEOM_BOX][GEOM_BOX] = &ShapeShapeCollide<Box, Box, NarrowPhaseSolver>;
+  collision_matrix[GEOM_BOX][GEOM_SPHERE] = &ShapeShapeCollide<Box, Sphere, NarrowPhaseSolver>;
+  collision_matrix[GEOM_BOX][GEOM_CAPSULE] = &ShapeShapeCollide<Box, Capsule, NarrowPhaseSolver>;
+  collision_matrix[GEOM_BOX][GEOM_CONE] = &ShapeShapeCollide<Box, Cone, NarrowPhaseSolver>;
+  collision_matrix[GEOM_BOX][GEOM_CYLINDER] = &ShapeShapeCollide<Box, Cylinder, NarrowPhaseSolver>;
+  collision_matrix[GEOM_BOX][GEOM_CONVEX] = &ShapeShapeCollide<Box, Convex, NarrowPhaseSolver>;
+  collision_matrix[GEOM_BOX][GEOM_PLANE] = &ShapeShapeCollide<Box, Plane, NarrowPhaseSolver>;
+  collision_matrix[GEOM_SPHERE][GEOM_BOX] = &ShapeShapeCollide<Sphere, Box, NarrowPhaseSolver>;
+  collision_matrix[GEOM_SPHERE][GEOM_SPHERE] = &ShapeShapeCollide<Sphere, Sphere, NarrowPhaseSolver>;
+  collision_matrix[GEOM_SPHERE][GEOM_CAPSULE] = &ShapeShapeCollide<Sphere, Capsule, NarrowPhaseSolver>;
+  collision_matrix[GEOM_SPHERE][GEOM_CONE] = &ShapeShapeCollide<Sphere, Cone, NarrowPhaseSolver>;
+  collision_matrix[GEOM_SPHERE][GEOM_CYLINDER] = &ShapeShapeCollide<Sphere, Cylinder, NarrowPhaseSolver>;
+  collision_matrix[GEOM_SPHERE][GEOM_CONVEX] = &ShapeShapeCollide<Sphere, Convex, NarrowPhaseSolver>;
+  collision_matrix[GEOM_SPHERE][GEOM_PLANE] = &ShapeShapeCollide<Sphere, Plane, NarrowPhaseSolver>;
+  collision_matrix[GEOM_CAPSULE][GEOM_BOX] = &ShapeShapeCollide<Capsule, Box, NarrowPhaseSolver>;
+  collision_matrix[GEOM_CAPSULE][GEOM_SPHERE] = &ShapeShapeCollide<Capsule, Sphere, NarrowPhaseSolver>;
+  collision_matrix[GEOM_CAPSULE][GEOM_CAPSULE] = &ShapeShapeCollide<Capsule, Capsule, NarrowPhaseSolver>;
+  collision_matrix[GEOM_CAPSULE][GEOM_CONE] = &ShapeShapeCollide<Capsule, Cone, NarrowPhaseSolver>;
+  collision_matrix[GEOM_CAPSULE][GEOM_CYLINDER] = &ShapeShapeCollide<Capsule, Cylinder, NarrowPhaseSolver>;
+  collision_matrix[GEOM_CAPSULE][GEOM_CONVEX] = &ShapeShapeCollide<Capsule, Convex, NarrowPhaseSolver>;
+  collision_matrix[GEOM_CAPSULE][GEOM_PLANE] = &ShapeShapeCollide<Capsule, Plane, NarrowPhaseSolver>;
+  collision_matrix[GEOM_CONE][GEOM_BOX] = &ShapeShapeCollide<Cone, Box, NarrowPhaseSolver>;
+  collision_matrix[GEOM_CONE][GEOM_SPHERE] = &ShapeShapeCollide<Cone, Sphere, NarrowPhaseSolver>;
+  collision_matrix[GEOM_CONE][GEOM_CAPSULE] = &ShapeShapeCollide<Cone, Capsule, NarrowPhaseSolver>;
+  collision_matrix[GEOM_CONE][GEOM_CONE] = &ShapeShapeCollide<Cone, Cone, NarrowPhaseSolver>;
+  collision_matrix[GEOM_CONE][GEOM_CYLINDER] = &ShapeShapeCollide<Cone, Cylinder, NarrowPhaseSolver>;
+  collision_matrix[GEOM_CONE][GEOM_CONVEX] = &ShapeShapeCollide<Cone, Convex, NarrowPhaseSolver>;
+  collision_matrix[GEOM_CONE][GEOM_PLANE] = &ShapeShapeCollide<Cone, Plane, NarrowPhaseSolver>;
+  collision_matrix[GEOM_CYLINDER][GEOM_BOX] = &ShapeShapeCollide<Cylinder, Box, NarrowPhaseSolver>;
+  collision_matrix[GEOM_CYLINDER][GEOM_SPHERE] = &ShapeShapeCollide<Cylinder, Sphere, NarrowPhaseSolver>;
+  collision_matrix[GEOM_CYLINDER][GEOM_CAPSULE] = &ShapeShapeCollide<Cylinder, Capsule, NarrowPhaseSolver>;
+  collision_matrix[GEOM_CYLINDER][GEOM_CONE] = &ShapeShapeCollide<Cylinder, Cone, NarrowPhaseSolver>;
+  collision_matrix[GEOM_CYLINDER][GEOM_CYLINDER] = &ShapeShapeCollide<Cylinder, Cylinder, NarrowPhaseSolver>;
+  collision_matrix[GEOM_CYLINDER][GEOM_CONVEX] = &ShapeShapeCollide<Cylinder, Convex, NarrowPhaseSolver>;
+  collision_matrix[GEOM_CYLINDER][GEOM_PLANE] = &ShapeShapeCollide<Cylinder, Plane, NarrowPhaseSolver>;
+  collision_matrix[GEOM_CONVEX][GEOM_BOX] = &ShapeShapeCollide<Convex, Box, NarrowPhaseSolver>;
+  collision_matrix[GEOM_CONVEX][GEOM_SPHERE] = &ShapeShapeCollide<Convex, Sphere, NarrowPhaseSolver>;
+  collision_matrix[GEOM_CONVEX][GEOM_CAPSULE] = &ShapeShapeCollide<Convex, Capsule, NarrowPhaseSolver>;
+  collision_matrix[GEOM_CONVEX][GEOM_CONE] = &ShapeShapeCollide<Convex, Cone, NarrowPhaseSolver>;
+  collision_matrix[GEOM_CONVEX][GEOM_CYLINDER] = &ShapeShapeCollide<Convex, Cylinder, NarrowPhaseSolver>;
+  collision_matrix[GEOM_CONVEX][GEOM_CONVEX] = &ShapeShapeCollide<Convex, Convex, NarrowPhaseSolver>;
+  collision_matrix[GEOM_CONVEX][GEOM_PLANE] = &ShapeShapeCollide<Convex, Plane, NarrowPhaseSolver>;
+  collision_matrix[GEOM_PLANE][GEOM_BOX] = &ShapeShapeCollide<Plane, Box, NarrowPhaseSolver>;
+  collision_matrix[GEOM_PLANE][GEOM_SPHERE] = &ShapeShapeCollide<Plane, Sphere, NarrowPhaseSolver>;
+  collision_matrix[GEOM_PLANE][GEOM_CAPSULE] = &ShapeShapeCollide<Plane, Capsule, NarrowPhaseSolver>;
+  collision_matrix[GEOM_PLANE][GEOM_CONE] = &ShapeShapeCollide<Plane, Cone, NarrowPhaseSolver>;
+  collision_matrix[GEOM_PLANE][GEOM_CYLINDER] = &ShapeShapeCollide<Plane, Cylinder, NarrowPhaseSolver>;
+  collision_matrix[GEOM_PLANE][GEOM_CONVEX] = &ShapeShapeCollide<Plane, Convex, NarrowPhaseSolver>;
+  collision_matrix[GEOM_PLANE][GEOM_PLANE] = &ShapeShapeCollide<Plane, Plane, NarrowPhaseSolver>;
+  collision_matrix[BV_AABB][GEOM_BOX] = &BVHShapeCollider<AABB, Box, NarrowPhaseSolver>::collide;
+  collision_matrix[BV_AABB][GEOM_SPHERE] = &BVHShapeCollider<AABB, Sphere, NarrowPhaseSolver>::collide;
+  collision_matrix[BV_AABB][GEOM_CAPSULE] = &BVHShapeCollider<AABB, Capsule, NarrowPhaseSolver>::collide;
+  collision_matrix[BV_AABB][GEOM_CONE] = &BVHShapeCollider<AABB, Cone, NarrowPhaseSolver>::collide;
+  collision_matrix[BV_AABB][GEOM_CYLINDER] = &BVHShapeCollider<AABB, Cylinder, NarrowPhaseSolver>::collide;
+  collision_matrix[BV_AABB][GEOM_CONVEX] = &BVHShapeCollider<AABB, Convex, NarrowPhaseSolver>::collide;
+  collision_matrix[BV_AABB][GEOM_PLANE] = &BVHShapeCollider<AABB, Plane, NarrowPhaseSolver>::collide;
+  collision_matrix[BV_OBB][GEOM_BOX] = &BVHShapeCollider<OBB, Box, NarrowPhaseSolver>::collide;
+  collision_matrix[BV_OBB][GEOM_SPHERE] = &BVHShapeCollider<OBB, Sphere, NarrowPhaseSolver>::collide;
+  collision_matrix[BV_OBB][GEOM_CAPSULE] = &BVHShapeCollider<OBB, Capsule, NarrowPhaseSolver>::collide;
+  collision_matrix[BV_OBB][GEOM_CONE] = &BVHShapeCollider<OBB, Cone, NarrowPhaseSolver>::collide;
+  collision_matrix[BV_OBB][GEOM_CYLINDER] = &BVHShapeCollider<OBB, Cylinder, NarrowPhaseSolver>::collide;
+  collision_matrix[BV_OBB][GEOM_CONVEX] = &BVHShapeCollider<OBB, Convex, NarrowPhaseSolver>::collide;
+  collision_matrix[BV_OBB][GEOM_PLANE] = &BVHShapeCollider<OBB, Plane, NarrowPhaseSolver>::collide;
+  collision_matrix[BV_RSS][GEOM_BOX] = &BVHShapeCollider<RSS, Box, NarrowPhaseSolver>::collide;
+  collision_matrix[BV_RSS][GEOM_SPHERE] = &BVHShapeCollider<RSS, Sphere, NarrowPhaseSolver>::collide;
+  collision_matrix[BV_RSS][GEOM_CAPSULE] = &BVHShapeCollider<RSS, Capsule, NarrowPhaseSolver>::collide;
+  collision_matrix[BV_RSS][GEOM_CONE] = &BVHShapeCollider<RSS, Cone, NarrowPhaseSolver>::collide;
+  collision_matrix[BV_RSS][GEOM_CYLINDER] = &BVHShapeCollider<RSS, Cylinder, NarrowPhaseSolver>::collide;
+  collision_matrix[BV_RSS][GEOM_CONVEX] = &BVHShapeCollider<RSS, Convex, NarrowPhaseSolver>::collide;
+  collision_matrix[BV_RSS][GEOM_PLANE] = &BVHShapeCollider<RSS, Plane, NarrowPhaseSolver>::collide;
+  collision_matrix[BV_KDOP16][GEOM_BOX] = &BVHShapeCollider<KDOP<16>, Box, NarrowPhaseSolver>::collide;
+  collision_matrix[BV_KDOP16][GEOM_SPHERE] = &BVHShapeCollider<KDOP<16>, Sphere, NarrowPhaseSolver>::collide;
+  collision_matrix[BV_KDOP16][GEOM_CAPSULE] = &BVHShapeCollider<KDOP<16>, Capsule, NarrowPhaseSolver>::collide;
+  collision_matrix[BV_KDOP16][GEOM_CONE] = &BVHShapeCollider<KDOP<16>, Cone, NarrowPhaseSolver>::collide;
+  collision_matrix[BV_KDOP16][GEOM_CYLINDER] = &BVHShapeCollider<KDOP<16>, Cylinder, NarrowPhaseSolver>::collide;
+  collision_matrix[BV_KDOP16][GEOM_CONVEX] = &BVHShapeCollider<KDOP<16>, Convex, NarrowPhaseSolver>::collide;
+  collision_matrix[BV_KDOP16][GEOM_PLANE] = &BVHShapeCollider<KDOP<16>, Plane, NarrowPhaseSolver>::collide;
+  collision_matrix[BV_KDOP18][GEOM_BOX] = &BVHShapeCollider<KDOP<18>, Box, NarrowPhaseSolver>::collide;
+  collision_matrix[BV_KDOP18][GEOM_SPHERE] = &BVHShapeCollider<KDOP<18>, Sphere, NarrowPhaseSolver>::collide;
+  collision_matrix[BV_KDOP18][GEOM_CAPSULE] = &BVHShapeCollider<KDOP<18>, Capsule, NarrowPhaseSolver>::collide;
+  collision_matrix[BV_KDOP18][GEOM_CONE] = &BVHShapeCollider<KDOP<18>, Cone, NarrowPhaseSolver>::collide;
+  collision_matrix[BV_KDOP18][GEOM_CYLINDER] = &BVHShapeCollider<KDOP<18>, Cylinder, NarrowPhaseSolver>::collide;
+  collision_matrix[BV_KDOP18][GEOM_CONVEX] = &BVHShapeCollider<KDOP<18>, Convex, NarrowPhaseSolver>::collide;
+  collision_matrix[BV_KDOP18][GEOM_PLANE] = &BVHShapeCollider<KDOP<18>, Plane, NarrowPhaseSolver>::collide;
+  collision_matrix[BV_KDOP24][GEOM_BOX] = &BVHShapeCollider<KDOP<24>, Box, NarrowPhaseSolver>::collide;
+  collision_matrix[BV_KDOP24][GEOM_SPHERE] = &BVHShapeCollider<KDOP<24>, Sphere, NarrowPhaseSolver>::collide;
+  collision_matrix[BV_KDOP24][GEOM_CAPSULE] = &BVHShapeCollider<KDOP<24>, Capsule, NarrowPhaseSolver>::collide;
+  collision_matrix[BV_KDOP24][GEOM_CONE] = &BVHShapeCollider<KDOP<24>, Cone, NarrowPhaseSolver>::collide;
+  collision_matrix[BV_KDOP24][GEOM_CYLINDER] = &BVHShapeCollider<KDOP<24>, Cylinder, NarrowPhaseSolver>::collide;
+  collision_matrix[BV_KDOP24][GEOM_CONVEX] = &BVHShapeCollider<KDOP<24>, Convex, NarrowPhaseSolver>::collide;
+  collision_matrix[BV_KDOP24][GEOM_PLANE] = &BVHShapeCollider<KDOP<24>, Plane, NarrowPhaseSolver>::collide;
+  collision_matrix[BV_kIOS][GEOM_BOX] = &BVHShapeCollider<kIOS, Box, NarrowPhaseSolver>::collide;
+  collision_matrix[BV_kIOS][GEOM_SPHERE] = &BVHShapeCollider<kIOS, Sphere, NarrowPhaseSolver>::collide;
+  collision_matrix[BV_kIOS][GEOM_CAPSULE] = &BVHShapeCollider<kIOS, Capsule, NarrowPhaseSolver>::collide;
+  collision_matrix[BV_kIOS][GEOM_CONE] = &BVHShapeCollider<kIOS, Cone, NarrowPhaseSolver>::collide;
+  collision_matrix[BV_kIOS][GEOM_CYLINDER] = &BVHShapeCollider<kIOS, Cylinder, NarrowPhaseSolver>::collide;
+  collision_matrix[BV_kIOS][GEOM_CONVEX] = &BVHShapeCollider<kIOS, Convex, NarrowPhaseSolver>::collide;
+  collision_matrix[BV_kIOS][GEOM_PLANE] = &BVHShapeCollider<kIOS, Plane, NarrowPhaseSolver>::collide;
+  collision_matrix[BV_OBBRSS][GEOM_BOX] = &BVHShapeCollider<OBBRSS, Box, NarrowPhaseSolver>::collide;
+  collision_matrix[BV_OBBRSS][GEOM_SPHERE] = &BVHShapeCollider<OBBRSS, Sphere, NarrowPhaseSolver>::collide;
+  collision_matrix[BV_OBBRSS][GEOM_CAPSULE] = &BVHShapeCollider<OBBRSS, Capsule, NarrowPhaseSolver>::collide;
+  collision_matrix[BV_OBBRSS][GEOM_CONE] = &BVHShapeCollider<OBBRSS, Cone, NarrowPhaseSolver>::collide;
+  collision_matrix[BV_OBBRSS][GEOM_CYLINDER] = &BVHShapeCollider<OBBRSS, Cylinder, NarrowPhaseSolver>::collide;
+  collision_matrix[BV_OBBRSS][GEOM_CONVEX] = &BVHShapeCollider<OBBRSS, Convex, NarrowPhaseSolver>::collide;
+  collision_matrix[BV_OBBRSS][GEOM_PLANE] = &BVHShapeCollider<OBBRSS, Plane, NarrowPhaseSolver>::collide;
+  collision_matrix[BV_AABB][BV_AABB] = &BVHCollide<AABB, NarrowPhaseSolver>;
+  collision_matrix[BV_OBB][BV_OBB] = &BVHCollide<OBB, NarrowPhaseSolver>;
+  collision_matrix[BV_RSS][BV_RSS] = &BVHCollide<RSS, NarrowPhaseSolver>;
+  collision_matrix[BV_KDOP16][BV_KDOP16] = &BVHCollide<KDOP<16>, NarrowPhaseSolver>;
+  collision_matrix[BV_KDOP18][BV_KDOP18] = &BVHCollide<KDOP<18>, NarrowPhaseSolver>;
+  collision_matrix[BV_KDOP24][BV_KDOP24] = &BVHCollide<KDOP<24>, NarrowPhaseSolver>;
+  collision_matrix[BV_kIOS][BV_kIOS] = &BVHCollide<kIOS, NarrowPhaseSolver>;
+  collision_matrix[BV_OBBRSS][BV_OBBRSS] = &BVHCollide<OBBRSS, NarrowPhaseSolver>;
+template struct CollisionFunctionMatrix<GJKSolver_libccd>;
+template struct CollisionFunctionMatrix<GJKSolver_indep>;
diff --git a/trunk/fcl/src/distance.cpp b/trunk/fcl/src/distance.cpp
index 2d85f2856e7b0c8ba5d5d2a20a116361694a4cbd..8d942bcd56216e20acab8db61f3c46af9cfe10ac 100644
--- a/trunk/fcl/src/distance.cpp
+++ b/trunk/fcl/src/distance.cpp
@@ -36,47 +36,103 @@
 #include "fcl/distance.h"
 #include "fcl/distance_func_matrix.h"
+#include "fcl/narrowphase/narrowphase.h"
 #include <iostream>
 namespace fcl
-static DistanceFunctionMatrix DistanceFunctionLookTable;
+static DistanceFunctionMatrix<GJKSolver_libccd> DistanceFunctionLookTable_libccd;
+static DistanceFunctionMatrix<GJKSolver_indep> DistanceFunctionLookTable_indep;
-BVH_REAL distance(const CollisionObject* o1, const CollisionObject* o2)
+template<typename NarrowPhaseSolver>
+BVH_REAL distance(const CollisionObject* o1, const CollisionObject* o2, const NarrowPhaseSolver* nsolver)
+  return distance<NarrowPhaseSolver>(o1->getCollisionGeometry(), o1->getTransform(), o2->getCollisionGeometry(), o2->getTransform(), nsolver);
+template<typename NarrowPhaseSolver>
+void* getDistanceLookTable() { return NULL; }
+void* getDistanceLookTable<GJKSolver_libccd>()
+  return &DistanceFunctionLookTable_libccd;
+void* getDistanceLookTable<GJKSolver_indep>()
-  return distance(o1->getCollisionGeometry(), o1->getTransform(), o2->getCollisionGeometry(), o2->getTransform());
+  return &DistanceFunctionLookTable_indep;
+template<typename NarrowPhaseSolver>
 BVH_REAL distance(const CollisionGeometry* o1, const SimpleTransform& tf1, 
-                  const CollisionGeometry* o2, const SimpleTransform& tf2)
+                  const CollisionGeometry* o2, const SimpleTransform& tf2,
+                  const NarrowPhaseSolver* nsolver_)
+  const NarrowPhaseSolver* nsolver = nsolver_;
+  if(!nsolver_) 
+    nsolver = new NarrowPhaseSolver();
+  const DistanceFunctionMatrix<NarrowPhaseSolver>* looktable = static_cast<const DistanceFunctionMatrix<NarrowPhaseSolver>*>(getDistanceLookTable<NarrowPhaseSolver>());
   OBJECT_TYPE object_type1 = o1->getObjectType();
   NODE_TYPE node_type1 = o1->getNodeType();
   OBJECT_TYPE object_type2 = o2->getObjectType();
   NODE_TYPE node_type2 = o2->getNodeType();
+  BVH_REAL res;
   if(object_type1 == OT_GEOM && object_type2 == OT_BVH)
-    if(!DistanceFunctionLookTable.distance_matrix[node_type2][node_type1])
+    if(!looktable->distance_matrix[node_type2][node_type1])
       std::cerr << "Warning: distance function between node type " << node_type1 << " and node type " << node_type2 << " is not supported" << std::endl;
-      return 0;
+      res = 0;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      res = looktable->distance_matrix[node_type2][node_type1](o2, tf2, o1, tf1, nsolver);
-    return DistanceFunctionLookTable.distance_matrix[node_type2][node_type1](o2, tf2, o1, tf1);
-    if(!DistanceFunctionLookTable.distance_matrix[node_type1][node_type2])
+    if(!looktable->distance_matrix[node_type1][node_type2])
       std::cerr << "Warning: distance function between node type " << node_type1 << " and node type " << node_type2 << " is not supported" << std::endl;
-      return 0;
+      res = 0;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      res = looktable->distance_matrix[node_type1][node_type2](o1, tf1, o2, tf2, nsolver);    
-    return DistanceFunctionLookTable.distance_matrix[node_type1][node_type2](o1, tf1, o2, tf2);    
+  if(!nsolver_)
+    delete nsolver;
+  return res;
+template BVH_REAL distance(const CollisionObject* o1, const CollisionObject* o2, const GJKSolver_libccd* nsolver);
+template BVH_REAL distance(const CollisionObject* o1, const CollisionObject* o2, const GJKSolver_indep* nsolver);
+template BVH_REAL distance(const CollisionGeometry* o1, const SimpleTransform& tf1, const CollisionGeometry* o2, const SimpleTransform& tf2, const GJKSolver_libccd* nsolver);
+template BVH_REAL distance(const CollisionGeometry* o1, const SimpleTransform& tf1, const CollisionGeometry* o2, const SimpleTransform& tf2, const GJKSolver_indep* nsolver);
+BVH_REAL distance(const CollisionObject* o1, const CollisionObject* o2)
+  GJKSolver_libccd solver;
+  return distance<GJKSolver_libccd>(o1, o2, &solver);
+BVH_REAL distance(const CollisionGeometry* o1, const SimpleTransform& tf1,
+                  const CollisionGeometry* o2, const SimpleTransform& tf2)
+  GJKSolver_libccd solver;
+  return distance<GJKSolver_libccd>(o1, tf1, o2, tf2, &solver);
diff --git a/trunk/fcl/src/distance_func_matrix.cpp b/trunk/fcl/src/distance_func_matrix.cpp
index 9264c8fc635e11790de5eb7f7730a79d61f16b65..5bdc6ac494fbbfee4b13d1aeaf6601980ca37d15 100644
--- a/trunk/fcl/src/distance_func_matrix.cpp
+++ b/trunk/fcl/src/distance_func_matrix.cpp
@@ -38,10 +38,92 @@
 #include "fcl/collision_node.h"
 #include "fcl/simple_setup.h"
+#include "fcl/narrowphase/narrowphase.h"
 namespace fcl
+template<typename T_SH1, typename T_SH2, typename NarrowPhaseSolver>
+BVH_REAL ShapeShapeDistance(const CollisionGeometry* o1, const SimpleTransform& tf1, const CollisionGeometry* o2, const SimpleTransform& tf2, const NarrowPhaseSolver* nsolver)
+  ShapeDistanceTraversalNode<T_SH1, T_SH2, NarrowPhaseSolver> node;
+  const T_SH1* obj1 = static_cast<const T_SH1*>(o1);
+  const T_SH2* obj2 = static_cast<const T_SH2*>(o2);
+  initialize(node, *obj1, tf1, *obj2, tf2, nsolver);
+  distance(&node);
+  return node.min_distance;
+template<typename T_BVH, typename T_SH, typename NarrowPhaseSolver>
+struct BVHShapeDistancer
+  static BVH_REAL distance(const CollisionGeometry* o1, const SimpleTransform& tf1, const CollisionGeometry* o2, const SimpleTransform& tf2, const NarrowPhaseSolver* nsolver)
+  {
+    MeshShapeDistanceTraversalNode<T_BVH, T_SH, NarrowPhaseSolver> node;
+    const BVHModel<T_BVH>* obj1 = static_cast<const BVHModel<T_BVH>* >(o1);
+    BVHModel<T_BVH>* obj1_tmp = new BVHModel<T_BVH>(*obj1);
+    SimpleTransform tf1_tmp = tf1;
+    const T_SH* obj2 = static_cast<const T_SH*>(o2);
+    initialize(node, *obj1_tmp, tf1_tmp, *obj2, tf2, nsolver);
+    fcl::distance(&node);
+    delete obj1_tmp;
+    return node.min_distance;
+  }
+template<typename T_SH, typename NarrowPhaseSolver>
+struct BVHShapeDistancer<RSS, T_SH, NarrowPhaseSolver>
+  static BVH_REAL distance(const CollisionGeometry* o1, const SimpleTransform& tf1, const CollisionGeometry* o2, const SimpleTransform& tf2, const NarrowPhaseSolver* nsolver)
+  {
+    MeshShapeDistanceTraversalNodeRSS<T_SH, NarrowPhaseSolver> node;
+    const BVHModel<RSS>* obj1 = static_cast<const BVHModel<RSS>* >(o1);
+    const T_SH* obj2 = static_cast<const T_SH*>(o2);
+    initialize(node, *obj1, tf1, *obj2, tf2, nsolver);
+    fcl::distance(&node);
+    return node.min_distance;
+  }
+template<typename T_SH, typename NarrowPhaseSolver>
+struct BVHShapeDistancer<kIOS, T_SH, NarrowPhaseSolver>
+  static BVH_REAL distance(const CollisionGeometry* o1, const SimpleTransform& tf1, const CollisionGeometry* o2, const SimpleTransform& tf2, const NarrowPhaseSolver* nsolver)
+  {
+    MeshShapeDistanceTraversalNodekIOS<T_SH, NarrowPhaseSolver> node;
+    const BVHModel<kIOS>* obj1 = static_cast<const BVHModel<kIOS>* >(o1);
+    const T_SH* obj2 = static_cast<const T_SH*>(o2);
+    initialize(node, *obj1, tf1, *obj2, tf2, nsolver);
+    fcl::distance(&node);
+    return node.min_distance;
+  }
+template<typename T_SH, typename NarrowPhaseSolver>
+struct BVHShapeDistancer<OBBRSS, T_SH, NarrowPhaseSolver>
+  static BVH_REAL distance(const CollisionGeometry* o1, const SimpleTransform& tf1, const CollisionGeometry* o2, const SimpleTransform& tf2, const NarrowPhaseSolver* nsolver)
+  {
+    MeshShapeDistanceTraversalNodeOBBRSS<T_SH, NarrowPhaseSolver> node;
+    const BVHModel<OBBRSS>* obj1 = static_cast<const BVHModel<OBBRSS>* >(o1);
+    const T_SH* obj2 = static_cast<const T_SH*>(o2);
+    initialize(node, *obj1, tf1, *obj2, tf2, nsolver);
+    fcl::distance(&node);
+    return node.min_distance;
+  }
 template<typename T_BVH>
 BVH_REAL BVHDistance(const CollisionGeometry* o1, const SimpleTransform& tf1, const CollisionGeometry* o2, const SimpleTransform& tf2)
@@ -99,7 +181,16 @@ BVH_REAL BVHDistance<OBBRSS>(const CollisionGeometry* o1, const SimpleTransform&
   return node.min_distance;
+template<typename T_BVH, typename NarrowPhaseSolver>
+BVH_REAL BVHDistance(const CollisionGeometry* o1, const SimpleTransform& tf1, const CollisionGeometry* o2, const SimpleTransform& tf2,
+                     const NarrowPhaseSolver* nsolver)
+  return BVHDistance<T_BVH>(o1, tf1, o2, tf2);
+template<typename NarrowPhaseSolver>
   for(int i = 0; i < 16; ++i)
@@ -107,11 +198,138 @@ DistanceFunctionMatrix::DistanceFunctionMatrix()
       distance_matrix[i][j] = NULL;
-  distance_matrix[BV_AABB][BV_AABB] = &BVHDistance<AABB>;
-  distance_matrix[BV_RSS][BV_RSS] = &BVHDistance<RSS>;
-  distance_matrix[BV_kIOS][BV_kIOS] = &BVHDistance<kIOS>;
-  distance_matrix[BV_OBBRSS][BV_OBBRSS] = &BVHDistance<OBBRSS>;
+  distance_matrix[GEOM_BOX][GEOM_BOX] = &ShapeShapeDistance<Box, Box, NarrowPhaseSolver>;
+  distance_matrix[GEOM_BOX][GEOM_SPHERE] = &ShapeShapeDistance<Box, Sphere, NarrowPhaseSolver>;
+  distance_matrix[GEOM_BOX][GEOM_CAPSULE] = &ShapeShapeDistance<Box, Capsule, NarrowPhaseSolver>;
+  distance_matrix[GEOM_BOX][GEOM_CONE] = &ShapeShapeDistance<Box, Cone, NarrowPhaseSolver>;
+  distance_matrix[GEOM_BOX][GEOM_CYLINDER] = &ShapeShapeDistance<Box, Cylinder, NarrowPhaseSolver>;
+  distance_matrix[GEOM_BOX][GEOM_CONVEX] = &ShapeShapeDistance<Box, Convex, NarrowPhaseSolver>;
+  distance_matrix[GEOM_BOX][GEOM_PLANE] = &ShapeShapeDistance<Box, Plane, NarrowPhaseSolver>;
+  distance_matrix[GEOM_SPHERE][GEOM_BOX] = &ShapeShapeDistance<Sphere, Box, NarrowPhaseSolver>;
+  distance_matrix[GEOM_SPHERE][GEOM_SPHERE] = &ShapeShapeDistance<Sphere, Sphere, NarrowPhaseSolver>;
+  distance_matrix[GEOM_SPHERE][GEOM_CAPSULE] = &ShapeShapeDistance<Sphere, Capsule, NarrowPhaseSolver>;
+  distance_matrix[GEOM_SPHERE][GEOM_CONE] = &ShapeShapeDistance<Sphere, Cone, NarrowPhaseSolver>;
+  distance_matrix[GEOM_SPHERE][GEOM_CYLINDER] = &ShapeShapeDistance<Sphere, Cylinder, NarrowPhaseSolver>;
+  distance_matrix[GEOM_SPHERE][GEOM_CONVEX] = &ShapeShapeDistance<Sphere, Convex, NarrowPhaseSolver>;
+  distance_matrix[GEOM_SPHERE][GEOM_PLANE] = &ShapeShapeDistance<Sphere, Plane, NarrowPhaseSolver>;
+  distance_matrix[GEOM_CAPSULE][GEOM_BOX] = &ShapeShapeDistance<Capsule, Box, NarrowPhaseSolver>;
+  distance_matrix[GEOM_CAPSULE][GEOM_SPHERE] = &ShapeShapeDistance<Capsule, Sphere, NarrowPhaseSolver>;
+  distance_matrix[GEOM_CAPSULE][GEOM_CAPSULE] = &ShapeShapeDistance<Capsule, Capsule, NarrowPhaseSolver>;
+  distance_matrix[GEOM_CAPSULE][GEOM_CONE] = &ShapeShapeDistance<Capsule, Cone, NarrowPhaseSolver>;
+  distance_matrix[GEOM_CAPSULE][GEOM_CYLINDER] = &ShapeShapeDistance<Capsule, Cylinder, NarrowPhaseSolver>;
+  distance_matrix[GEOM_CAPSULE][GEOM_CONVEX] = &ShapeShapeDistance<Capsule, Convex, NarrowPhaseSolver>;
+  distance_matrix[GEOM_CAPSULE][GEOM_PLANE] = &ShapeShapeDistance<Capsule, Plane, NarrowPhaseSolver>;
+  distance_matrix[GEOM_CONE][GEOM_BOX] = &ShapeShapeDistance<Cone, Box, NarrowPhaseSolver>;
+  distance_matrix[GEOM_CONE][GEOM_SPHERE] = &ShapeShapeDistance<Cone, Sphere, NarrowPhaseSolver>;
+  distance_matrix[GEOM_CONE][GEOM_CAPSULE] = &ShapeShapeDistance<Cone, Capsule, NarrowPhaseSolver>;
+  distance_matrix[GEOM_CONE][GEOM_CONE] = &ShapeShapeDistance<Cone, Cone, NarrowPhaseSolver>;
+  distance_matrix[GEOM_CONE][GEOM_CYLINDER] = &ShapeShapeDistance<Cone, Cylinder, NarrowPhaseSolver>;
+  distance_matrix[GEOM_CONE][GEOM_CONVEX] = &ShapeShapeDistance<Cone, Convex, NarrowPhaseSolver>;
+  distance_matrix[GEOM_CONE][GEOM_PLANE] = &ShapeShapeDistance<Cone, Plane, NarrowPhaseSolver>;
+  distance_matrix[GEOM_CYLINDER][GEOM_BOX] = &ShapeShapeDistance<Cylinder, Box, NarrowPhaseSolver>;
+  distance_matrix[GEOM_CYLINDER][GEOM_SPHERE] = &ShapeShapeDistance<Cylinder, Sphere, NarrowPhaseSolver>;
+  distance_matrix[GEOM_CYLINDER][GEOM_CAPSULE] = &ShapeShapeDistance<Cylinder, Capsule, NarrowPhaseSolver>;
+  distance_matrix[GEOM_CYLINDER][GEOM_CONE] = &ShapeShapeDistance<Cylinder, Cone, NarrowPhaseSolver>;
+  distance_matrix[GEOM_CYLINDER][GEOM_CYLINDER] = &ShapeShapeDistance<Cylinder, Cylinder, NarrowPhaseSolver>;
+  distance_matrix[GEOM_CYLINDER][GEOM_CONVEX] = &ShapeShapeDistance<Cylinder, Convex, NarrowPhaseSolver>;
+  distance_matrix[GEOM_CYLINDER][GEOM_PLANE] = &ShapeShapeDistance<Cylinder, Plane, NarrowPhaseSolver>;
+  distance_matrix[GEOM_CONVEX][GEOM_BOX] = &ShapeShapeDistance<Convex, Box, NarrowPhaseSolver>;
+  distance_matrix[GEOM_CONVEX][GEOM_SPHERE] = &ShapeShapeDistance<Convex, Sphere, NarrowPhaseSolver>;
+  distance_matrix[GEOM_CONVEX][GEOM_CAPSULE] = &ShapeShapeDistance<Convex, Capsule, NarrowPhaseSolver>;
+  distance_matrix[GEOM_CONVEX][GEOM_CONE] = &ShapeShapeDistance<Convex, Cone, NarrowPhaseSolver>;
+  distance_matrix[GEOM_CONVEX][GEOM_CYLINDER] = &ShapeShapeDistance<Convex, Cylinder, NarrowPhaseSolver>;
+  distance_matrix[GEOM_CONVEX][GEOM_CONVEX] = &ShapeShapeDistance<Convex, Convex, NarrowPhaseSolver>;
+  distance_matrix[GEOM_CONVEX][GEOM_PLANE] = &ShapeShapeDistance<Convex, Plane, NarrowPhaseSolver>;
+  distance_matrix[GEOM_PLANE][GEOM_BOX] = &ShapeShapeDistance<Plane, Box, NarrowPhaseSolver>;
+  distance_matrix[GEOM_PLANE][GEOM_SPHERE] = &ShapeShapeDistance<Plane, Sphere, NarrowPhaseSolver>;
+  distance_matrix[GEOM_PLANE][GEOM_CAPSULE] = &ShapeShapeDistance<Plane, Capsule, NarrowPhaseSolver>;
+  distance_matrix[GEOM_PLANE][GEOM_CONE] = &ShapeShapeDistance<Plane, Cone, NarrowPhaseSolver>;
+  distance_matrix[GEOM_PLANE][GEOM_CYLINDER] = &ShapeShapeDistance<Plane, Cylinder, NarrowPhaseSolver>;
+  distance_matrix[GEOM_PLANE][GEOM_CONVEX] = &ShapeShapeDistance<Plane, Convex, NarrowPhaseSolver>;
+  distance_matrix[GEOM_PLANE][GEOM_PLANE] = &ShapeShapeDistance<Plane, Plane, NarrowPhaseSolver>;
+  /*
+  distance_matrix[BV_AABB][GEOM_BOX] = &BVHShapeDistancer<AABB, Box, NarrowPhaseSolver>::distance;
+  distance_matrix[BV_AABB][GEOM_SPHERE] = &BVHShapeDistancer<AABB, Sphere, NarrowPhaseSolver>::distance;
+  distance_matrix[BV_AABB][GEOM_CAPSULE] = &BVHShapeDistancer<AABB, Capsule, NarrowPhaseSolver>::distance;
+  distance_matrix[BV_AABB][GEOM_CONE] = &BVHShapeDistancer<AABB, Cone, NarrowPhaseSolver>::distance;
+  distance_matrix[BV_AABB][GEOM_CYLINDER] = &BVHShapeDistancer<AABB, Cylinder, NarrowPhaseSolver>::distance;
+  distance_matrix[BV_AABB][GEOM_CONVEX] = &BVHShapeDistancer<AABB, Convex, NarrowPhaseSolver>::distance;
+  distance_matrix[BV_AABB][GEOM_PLANE] = &BVHShapeDistancer<AABB, Plane, NarrowPhaseSolver>::distance;
+  distance_matrix[BV_OBB][GEOM_BOX] = &BVHShapeDistancer<OBB, Box, NarrowPhaseSolver>::distance;
+  distance_matrix[BV_OBB][GEOM_SPHERE] = &BVHShapeDistancer<OBB, Sphere, NarrowPhaseSolver>::distance;
+  distance_matrix[BV_OBB][GEOM_CAPSULE] = &BVHShapeDistancer<OBB, Capsule, NarrowPhaseSolver>::distance;
+  distance_matrix[BV_OBB][GEOM_CONE] = &BVHShapeDistancer<OBB, Cone, NarrowPhaseSolver>::distance;
+  distance_matrix[BV_OBB][GEOM_CYLINDER] = &BVHShapeDistancer<OBB, Cylinder, NarrowPhaseSolver>::distance;
+  distance_matrix[BV_OBB][GEOM_CONVEX] = &BVHShapeDistancer<OBB, Convex, NarrowPhaseSolver>::distance;
+  distance_matrix[BV_OBB][GEOM_PLANE] = &BVHShapeDistancer<OBB, Plane, NarrowPhaseSolver>::distance;
+  */
+  distance_matrix[BV_RSS][GEOM_BOX] = &BVHShapeDistancer<RSS, Box, NarrowPhaseSolver>::distance;
+  distance_matrix[BV_RSS][GEOM_SPHERE] = &BVHShapeDistancer<RSS, Sphere, NarrowPhaseSolver>::distance;
+  distance_matrix[BV_RSS][GEOM_CAPSULE] = &BVHShapeDistancer<RSS, Capsule, NarrowPhaseSolver>::distance;
+  distance_matrix[BV_RSS][GEOM_CONE] = &BVHShapeDistancer<RSS, Cone, NarrowPhaseSolver>::distance;
+  distance_matrix[BV_RSS][GEOM_CYLINDER] = &BVHShapeDistancer<RSS, Cylinder, NarrowPhaseSolver>::distance;
+  distance_matrix[BV_RSS][GEOM_CONVEX] = &BVHShapeDistancer<RSS, Convex, NarrowPhaseSolver>::distance;
+  distance_matrix[BV_RSS][GEOM_PLANE] = &BVHShapeDistancer<RSS, Plane, NarrowPhaseSolver>::distance;
+  /*
+  distance_matrix[BV_KDOP16][GEOM_BOX] = &BVHShapeDistancer<KDOP<16>, Box, NarrowPhaseSolver>::distance;
+  distance_matrix[BV_KDOP16][GEOM_SPHERE] = &BVHShapeDistancer<KDOP<16>, Sphere, NarrowPhaseSolver>::distance;
+  distance_matrix[BV_KDOP16][GEOM_CAPSULE] = &BVHShapeDistancer<KDOP<16>, Capsule, NarrowPhaseSolver>::distance;
+  distance_matrix[BV_KDOP16][GEOM_CONE] = &BVHShapeDistancer<KDOP<16>, Cone, NarrowPhaseSolver>::distance;
+  distance_matrix[BV_KDOP16][GEOM_CYLINDER] = &BVHShapeDistancer<KDOP<16>, Cylinder, NarrowPhaseSolver>::distance;
+  distance_matrix[BV_KDOP16][GEOM_CONVEX] = &BVHShapeDistancer<KDOP<16>, Convex, NarrowPhaseSolver>::distance;
+  distance_matrix[BV_KDOP16][GEOM_PLANE] = &BVHShapeDistancer<KDOP<16>, Plane, NarrowPhaseSolver>::distance;
+  distance_matrix[BV_KDOP18][GEOM_BOX] = &BVHShapeDistancer<KDOP<18>, Box, NarrowPhaseSolver>::distance;
+  distance_matrix[BV_KDOP18][GEOM_SPHERE] = &BVHShapeDistancer<KDOP<18>, Sphere, NarrowPhaseSolver>::distance;
+  distance_matrix[BV_KDOP18][GEOM_CAPSULE] = &BVHShapeDistancer<KDOP<18>, Capsule, NarrowPhaseSolver>::distance;
+  distance_matrix[BV_KDOP18][GEOM_CONE] = &BVHShapeDistancer<KDOP<18>, Cone, NarrowPhaseSolver>::distance;
+  distance_matrix[BV_KDOP18][GEOM_CYLINDER] = &BVHShapeDistancer<KDOP<18>, Cylinder, NarrowPhaseSolver>::distance;
+  distance_matrix[BV_KDOP18][GEOM_CONVEX] = &BVHShapeDistancer<KDOP<18>, Convex, NarrowPhaseSolver>::distance;
+  distance_matrix[BV_KDOP18][GEOM_PLANE] = &BVHShapeDistancer<KDOP<18>, Plane, NarrowPhaseSolver>::distance;
+  distance_matrix[BV_KDOP24][GEOM_BOX] = &BVHShapeDistancer<KDOP<24>, Box, NarrowPhaseSolver>::distance;
+  distance_matrix[BV_KDOP24][GEOM_SPHERE] = &BVHShapeDistancer<KDOP<24>, Sphere, NarrowPhaseSolver>::distance;
+  distance_matrix[BV_KDOP24][GEOM_CAPSULE] = &BVHShapeDistancer<KDOP<24>, Capsule, NarrowPhaseSolver>::distance;
+  distance_matrix[BV_KDOP24][GEOM_CONE] = &BVHShapeDistancer<KDOP<24>, Cone, NarrowPhaseSolver>::distance;
+  distance_matrix[BV_KDOP24][GEOM_CYLINDER] = &BVHShapeDistancer<KDOP<24>, Cylinder, NarrowPhaseSolver>::distance;
+  distance_matrix[BV_KDOP24][GEOM_CONVEX] = &BVHShapeDistancer<KDOP<24>, Convex, NarrowPhaseSolver>::distance;
+  distance_matrix[BV_KDOP24][GEOM_PLANE] = &BVHShapeDistancer<KDOP<24>, Plane, NarrowPhaseSolver>::distance;
+  */
+  distance_matrix[BV_kIOS][GEOM_BOX] = &BVHShapeDistancer<kIOS, Box, NarrowPhaseSolver>::distance;
+  distance_matrix[BV_kIOS][GEOM_SPHERE] = &BVHShapeDistancer<kIOS, Sphere, NarrowPhaseSolver>::distance;
+  distance_matrix[BV_kIOS][GEOM_CAPSULE] = &BVHShapeDistancer<kIOS, Capsule, NarrowPhaseSolver>::distance;
+  distance_matrix[BV_kIOS][GEOM_CONE] = &BVHShapeDistancer<kIOS, Cone, NarrowPhaseSolver>::distance;
+  distance_matrix[BV_kIOS][GEOM_CYLINDER] = &BVHShapeDistancer<kIOS, Cylinder, NarrowPhaseSolver>::distance;
+  distance_matrix[BV_kIOS][GEOM_CONVEX] = &BVHShapeDistancer<kIOS, Convex, NarrowPhaseSolver>::distance;
+  distance_matrix[BV_kIOS][GEOM_PLANE] = &BVHShapeDistancer<kIOS, Plane, NarrowPhaseSolver>::distance;
+  distance_matrix[BV_OBBRSS][GEOM_BOX] = &BVHShapeDistancer<OBBRSS, Box, NarrowPhaseSolver>::distance;
+  distance_matrix[BV_OBBRSS][GEOM_SPHERE] = &BVHShapeDistancer<OBBRSS, Sphere, NarrowPhaseSolver>::distance;
+  distance_matrix[BV_OBBRSS][GEOM_CAPSULE] = &BVHShapeDistancer<OBBRSS, Capsule, NarrowPhaseSolver>::distance;
+  distance_matrix[BV_OBBRSS][GEOM_CONE] = &BVHShapeDistancer<OBBRSS, Cone, NarrowPhaseSolver>::distance;
+  distance_matrix[BV_OBBRSS][GEOM_CYLINDER] = &BVHShapeDistancer<OBBRSS, Cylinder, NarrowPhaseSolver>::distance;
+  distance_matrix[BV_OBBRSS][GEOM_CONVEX] = &BVHShapeDistancer<OBBRSS, Convex, NarrowPhaseSolver>::distance;
+  distance_matrix[BV_OBBRSS][GEOM_PLANE] = &BVHShapeDistancer<OBBRSS, Plane, NarrowPhaseSolver>::distance;
+  distance_matrix[BV_AABB][BV_AABB] = &BVHDistance<AABB, NarrowPhaseSolver>;
+  distance_matrix[BV_RSS][BV_RSS] = &BVHDistance<RSS, NarrowPhaseSolver>;
+  distance_matrix[BV_kIOS][BV_kIOS] = &BVHDistance<kIOS, NarrowPhaseSolver>;
+  distance_matrix[BV_OBBRSS][BV_OBBRSS] = &BVHDistance<OBBRSS, NarrowPhaseSolver>;
+template struct DistanceFunctionMatrix<GJKSolver_libccd>;
+template struct DistanceFunctionMatrix<GJKSolver_indep>;
diff --git a/trunk/fcl/src/geometric_shapes.cpp b/trunk/fcl/src/geometric_shapes.cpp
index 5309517571555a379173d5021b7f97868e5e54e8..ecef677a45dd47ca13ba3d0074291de3afc271cb 100644
--- a/trunk/fcl/src/geometric_shapes.cpp
+++ b/trunk/fcl/src/geometric_shapes.cpp
@@ -113,4 +113,70 @@ void Plane::unitNormalTest()
+void Box::computeLocalAABB()
+  AABB aabb;
+  computeBV<AABB>(*this, SimpleTransform(), aabb);
+  aabb_center = aabb.center();
+  aabb_radius = (aabb.min_ - aabb_center).length();
+void Sphere::computeLocalAABB()
+  AABB aabb;
+  computeBV<AABB>(*this, SimpleTransform(), aabb);
+  aabb_center = aabb.center();
+  aabb_radius = radius;
+void Capsule::computeLocalAABB()
+  AABB aabb;
+  computeBV<AABB>(*this, SimpleTransform(), aabb);
+  aabb_center = aabb.center();
+  aabb_radius = (aabb.min_ - aabb_center).length();
+void Cone::computeLocalAABB()
+  AABB aabb;
+  computeBV<AABB>(*this, SimpleTransform(), aabb);
+  aabb_center = aabb.center();
+  aabb_radius = (aabb.min_ - aabb_center).length();
+void Cylinder::computeLocalAABB()
+  AABB aabb;
+  computeBV<AABB>(*this, SimpleTransform(), aabb);
+  aabb_center = aabb.center();
+  aabb_radius = (aabb.min_ - aabb_center).length();
+void Convex::computeLocalAABB()
+  AABB aabb;
+  computeBV<AABB>(*this, SimpleTransform(), aabb);
+  aabb_center = aabb.center();
+  aabb_radius = (aabb.min_ - aabb_center).length();
+void Plane::computeLocalAABB()
+  AABB aabb;
+  computeBV<AABB>(*this, SimpleTransform(), aabb);
+  aabb_center = aabb.center();
+  aabb_radius = (aabb.min_ - aabb_center).length();
+void Triangle2::computeLocalAABB()
+  AABB aabb;
+  computeBV<AABB>(*this, SimpleTransform(), aabb);
+  aabb_center = aabb.center();
+  aabb_radius = (aabb.min_ - aabb_center).length();
diff --git a/trunk/fcl/src/geometric_shapes_utility.cpp b/trunk/fcl/src/geometric_shapes_utility.cpp
index 045641a038c7fdab972ee938c7dce9ca9fc12b70..4e52249c5044e5e8780fc5b7a7ddaefc9e2cbb49 100644
--- a/trunk/fcl/src/geometric_shapes_utility.cpp
+++ b/trunk/fcl/src/geometric_shapes_utility.cpp
@@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ std::vector<Vec3f> getBoundVertices(const Cone& cone, const SimpleTransform& tf)
 std::vector<Vec3f> getBoundVertices(const Cylinder& cylinder, const SimpleTransform& tf)
-  std::vector<Vec3f> result;
+  std::vector<Vec3f> result(12);
   BVH_REAL hl = cylinder.lz * 0.5;
   BVH_REAL r2 = cylinder.radius * 2 / sqrt(3.0);
@@ -474,69 +474,6 @@ void computeBV<KDOP<24>, Plane>(const Plane& s, const SimpleTransform& tf, KDOP<
-void Box::computeLocalAABB()
-  AABB aabb;
-  computeBV<AABB>(*this, SimpleTransform(), aabb);
-  aabb_center = aabb.center();
-  aabb_radius = (aabb.min_ - aabb_center).length();
-void Sphere::computeLocalAABB()
-  AABB aabb;
-  computeBV<AABB>(*this, SimpleTransform(), aabb);
-  aabb_center = aabb.center();
-  aabb_radius = radius;
-void Capsule::computeLocalAABB()
-  AABB aabb;
-  computeBV<AABB>(*this, SimpleTransform(), aabb);
-  aabb_center = aabb.center();
-  aabb_radius = (aabb.min_ - aabb_center).length();
-void Cone::computeLocalAABB()
-  AABB aabb;
-  computeBV<AABB>(*this, SimpleTransform(), aabb);
-  aabb_center = aabb.center();
-  aabb_radius = (aabb.min_ - aabb_center).length();
-void Cylinder::computeLocalAABB()
-  AABB aabb;
-  computeBV<AABB>(*this, SimpleTransform(), aabb);
-  aabb_center = aabb.center();
-  aabb_radius = (aabb.min_ - aabb_center).length();
-void Convex::computeLocalAABB()
-  AABB aabb;
-  computeBV<AABB>(*this, SimpleTransform(), aabb);
-  aabb_center = aabb.center();
-  aabb_radius = (aabb.min_ - aabb_center).length();
-void Plane::computeLocalAABB()
-  AABB aabb;
-  computeBV<AABB>(*this, SimpleTransform(), aabb);
-  aabb_center = aabb.center();
-  aabb_radius = (aabb.min_ - aabb_center).length();
-void Triangle2::computeLocalAABB()
-  AABB aabb;
-  computeBV<AABB>(*this, SimpleTransform(), aabb);
-  aabb_center = aabb.center();
-  aabb_radius = (aabb.min_ - aabb_center).length();
diff --git a/trunk/fcl/src/gjk.cpp b/trunk/fcl/src/gjk.cpp
index d19f2f49963e28f1bb8b0c41f6de187ed9697354..29f5fcea2de2bbf2c2e66bfd74251aa9aa41ac8f 100644
--- a/trunk/fcl/src/gjk.cpp
+++ b/trunk/fcl/src/gjk.cpp
@@ -317,7 +317,7 @@ GJK::Status GJK::evaluate(const MinkowskiDiff& shape_, const Vec3f& guess)
     Simplex& next_simplex = simplices[next];
     BVH_REAL rl = ray.sqrLength();
-    if(rl < GJK_EPS) // means origin is near the face of original simplex, return touch
+    if(rl < tolerance) // means origin is near the face of original simplex, return touch
       status = Inside;
@@ -329,7 +329,7 @@ GJK::Status GJK::evaluate(const MinkowskiDiff& shape_, const Vec3f& guess)
     bool found = false;
     for(size_t i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
-      if((w - lastw[i]).sqrLength() < GJK_EPS)
+      if((w - lastw[i]).sqrLength() < tolerance)
         found = true; break;
@@ -348,7 +348,7 @@ GJK::Status GJK::evaluate(const MinkowskiDiff& shape_, const Vec3f& guess)
     // check for termination, from bullet
     BVH_REAL omega = ray.dot(w) / rl;
     alpha = std::max(alpha, omega);
-    if((rl - alpha) - GJK_EPS * rl <= 0)
+    if((rl - alpha) - tolerance * rl <= 0)
@@ -391,7 +391,7 @@ GJK::Status GJK::evaluate(const MinkowskiDiff& shape_, const Vec3f& guess)
-    status = ((++iterations) < GJK_MAX_ITERATIONS) ? status : Failed;
+    status = ((++iterations) < max_iterations) ? status : Failed;
   } while(status == Valid);
@@ -489,12 +489,14 @@ bool GJK::encloseOrigin()
 void EPA::initialize()
+  sv_store = new SimplexV[max_vertex_num];
+  fc_store = new SimplexF[max_face_num];
   status = Failed;
   normal = Vec3f(0, 0, 0);
   depth = 0;
   nextsv = 0;
-  for(size_t i = 0; i < EPA_MAX_FACES; ++i)
-    stock.append(&fc_store[EPA_MAX_FACES-i-1]);
+  for(size_t i = 0; i < max_face_num; ++i)
+    stock.append(&fc_store[max_face_num-i-1]);
 bool EPA::getEdgeDist(SimplexF* face, SimplexV* a, SimplexV* b, BVH_REAL& dist)
@@ -542,7 +544,7 @@ EPA::SimplexF* EPA::newFace(SimplexV* a, SimplexV* b, SimplexV* c, bool forced)
     face->n = (b->w - a->w).cross(c->w - a->w);
     BVH_REAL l = face->n.length();
-    if(l > EPA_EPS)
+    if(l > tolerance)
       if(!(getEdgeDist(face, a, b, face->d) ||
            getEdgeDist(face, b, c, face->d) ||
@@ -552,7 +554,7 @@ EPA::SimplexF* EPA::newFace(SimplexV* a, SimplexV* b, SimplexV* c, bool forced)
       face->n /= l;
-      if(forced || face->d >= -EPA_EPS)
+      if(forced || face->d >= -tolerance)
         return face;
         status = NonConvex;
@@ -633,9 +635,9 @@ EPA::Status EPA::evaluate(GJK& gjk, const Vec3f& guess)
       bind(tetrahedron[2], 2, tetrahedron[3], 1);
       status = Valid;
-      for(; iterations < EPA_MAX_ITERATIONS; ++iterations)
+      for(; iterations < max_iterations; ++iterations)
-        if(nextsv < EPA_MAX_VERTICES)
+        if(nextsv < max_vertex_num)
           SimplexHorizon horizon;
           SimplexV* w = &sv_store[nextsv++];
@@ -643,7 +645,7 @@ EPA::Status EPA::evaluate(GJK& gjk, const Vec3f& guess)
           best->pass = ++pass;
           gjk.getSupport(best->n, *w);
           BVH_REAL wdist = best->n.dot(w->w) - best->d;
-          if(wdist > EPA_EPS)
+          if(wdist > tolerance)
             for(size_t j = 0; (j < 3) && valid; ++j)
@@ -719,7 +721,7 @@ bool EPA::expand(size_t pass, SimplexV* w, SimplexF* f, size_t e, SimplexHorizon
     const size_t e1 = nexti[e];
     // case 1: the new face is not degenerated, i.e., the new face is not coplanar with the old face f.
-    if(f->n.dot(w->w) - f->d < -EPA_EPS)
+    if(f->n.dot(w->w) - f->d < -tolerance)
       SimplexF* nf = newFace(f->c[e1], f->c[e], w, false);
diff --git a/trunk/fcl/src/gjk_libccd.cpp b/trunk/fcl/src/gjk_libccd.cpp
index fc8e1f24cae3d9e71c596a35da90dd2e0e47511c..c5515e626da467284cae5a3c4efc8111c8eb3d5a 100644
--- a/trunk/fcl/src/gjk_libccd.cpp
+++ b/trunk/fcl/src/gjk_libccd.cpp
@@ -361,7 +361,8 @@ static int doSimplexDist(ccd_simplex_t *simplex, ccd_vec3_t *dir, ccd_real_t* di
 static ccd_real_t __ccdGJKDist(const void *obj1, const void *obj2,
-                               const ccd_t *ccd, ccd_simplex_t *simplex)
+                               const ccd_t *ccd, ccd_simplex_t *simplex,
+                               ccd_real_t tolerance)
   unsigned long iterations;
   ccd_vec3_t dir; // direction vector
@@ -383,8 +384,10 @@ static ccd_real_t __ccdGJKDist(const void *obj1, const void *obj2,
   ccdVec3Copy(&dir, &last.v);
   ccdVec3Scale(&dir, -CCD_ONE);
+  bool collision_free = false;
   // start iterations
-  for (iterations = 0UL; iterations < ccd->max_iterations; ++iterations)
+  for(iterations = 0UL; iterations < ccd->max_iterations; ++iterations)
     // obtain support point
     __ccdSupport(obj1, obj2, &dir, ccd, &last);
@@ -394,10 +397,10 @@ static ccd_real_t __ccdGJKDist(const void *obj1, const void *obj2,
     // - because if it is, objects are not intersecting at all.
     if(ccdVec3Dot(&last.v, &dir) < CCD_ZERO)
+      collision_free = true;
       ccd_real_t dist = ccdVec3Len2(&last.v);
       if(min_dist < 0) min_dist = dist;
-      else 
-        min_dist = std::min(min_dist, dist);
+      else min_dist = std::min(min_dist, dist);
     // add last support vector to simplex
@@ -408,26 +411,23 @@ static ccd_real_t __ccdGJKDist(const void *obj1, const void *obj2,
     ccd_real_t dist;
     do_simplex_res = doSimplexDist(simplex, &dir, &dist);
-    if(do_simplex_res == 1)
+    if((do_simplex_res == 1) && (!collision_free))
       return -1; // intersection found
-    else if(do_simplex_res == -1)
-    {
-      return min_dist;
-    }
+    else if(do_simplex_res == -1) collision_free = true;
-    {
-      return min_dist; // intersection not found
-    }
+      collision_free = true;
     if(min_dist > 0)
-      if(fabs(min_dist - dist) < 0.000001 && iterations > 0)
+      ccd_real_t old_min_dist = min_dist;
+      min_dist = std::min(min_dist, dist);
+      if((fabs(min_dist - old_min_dist) < tolerance) && (iterations > 0))
-      else
-        min_dist = std::min(min_dist, dist);
     else min_dist = dist;
@@ -686,6 +686,7 @@ static void centerTriangle(const void* obj, ccd_vec3_t* c)
 bool GJKCollide(void* obj1, ccd_support_fn supp1, ccd_center_fn cen1,
                 void* obj2, ccd_support_fn supp2, ccd_center_fn cen2,
+                unsigned int max_iterations, BVH_REAL tolerance,
                 Vec3f* contact_points, BVH_REAL* penetration_depth, Vec3f* normal)
   ccd_t ccd;
@@ -699,8 +700,8 @@ bool GJKCollide(void* obj1, ccd_support_fn supp1, ccd_center_fn cen1,
   ccd.support2 = supp2;
   ccd.center1 = cen1;
   ccd.center2 = cen2;
-  ccd.max_iterations = 500;
-  ccd.mpr_tolerance = 1e-6;
+  ccd.max_iterations = max_iterations;
+  ccd.mpr_tolerance = tolerance;
@@ -723,6 +724,7 @@ bool GJKCollide(void* obj1, ccd_support_fn supp1, ccd_center_fn cen1,
 bool GJKDistance(void* obj1, ccd_support_fn supp1,
                  void* obj2, ccd_support_fn supp2,
+                 unsigned int max_iterations, BVH_REAL tolerance_,
                  BVH_REAL* res)
   ccd_t ccd;
@@ -732,10 +734,12 @@ bool GJKDistance(void* obj1, ccd_support_fn supp1,
   ccd.support1 = supp1;
   ccd.support2 = supp2;
-  ccd.max_iterations = 500;
+  ccd.max_iterations = max_iterations;
+  ccd_real_t tolerance = tolerance_;
   ccd_simplex_t simplex;
-  dist = __ccdGJKDist(obj1, obj2, &ccd, &simplex);
+  dist = __ccdGJKDist(obj1, obj2, &ccd, &simplex, tolerance);
   *res = dist;
   if(dist < 0) return false;
   else return true;
diff --git a/trunk/fcl/src/simple_setup.cpp b/trunk/fcl/src/simple_setup.cpp
index 347fd46d084c20e99f01f08cbf5e071559c9cd32..1549e1779ba60e28fbb38f9b4a39717c48e4bc2d 100644
--- a/trunk/fcl/src/simple_setup.cpp
+++ b/trunk/fcl/src/simple_setup.cpp
@@ -39,7 +39,6 @@
 namespace fcl
 bool initialize(MeshCollisionTraversalNodeOBB& node,
                 const BVHModel<OBB>& model1, const SimpleTransform& tf1,
                 const BVHModel<OBB>& model2, const SimpleTransform& tf2,
diff --git a/trunk/fcl/src/traversal_node_bvhs.cpp b/trunk/fcl/src/traversal_node_bvhs.cpp
index 8e31e4999de87ab49348fd6e7e83243d177b6584..86cec884fd9e4939bf350d72eb72353da701b182 100644
--- a/trunk/fcl/src/traversal_node_bvhs.cpp
+++ b/trunk/fcl/src/traversal_node_bvhs.cpp
@@ -41,17 +41,17 @@ namespace fcl
 template<typename BV>
-static inline void BVHCollisionLeafTesting(int b1, int b2,
-                                           const BVHModel<BV>* model1, const BVHModel<BV>* model2,
-                                           Vec3f* vertices1, Vec3f* vertices2, 
-                                           Triangle* tri_indices1, Triangle* tri_indices2,
-                                           const Matrix3f& R, const Vec3f& T,
-                                           bool enable_statistics,
-                                           bool enable_contact,
-                                           bool exhaustive,
-                                           int num_max_contacts,
-                                           int& num_leaf_tests,
-                                           std::vector<BVHCollisionPair>& pairs)
+static inline void meshCollisionLeafTesting(int b1, int b2,
+                                            const BVHModel<BV>* model1, const BVHModel<BV>* model2,
+                                            Vec3f* vertices1, Vec3f* vertices2, 
+                                            Triangle* tri_indices1, Triangle* tri_indices2,
+                                            const Matrix3f& R, const Vec3f& T,
+                                            bool enable_statistics,
+                                            bool enable_contact,
+                                            bool exhaustive,
+                                            int num_max_contacts,
+                                            int& num_leaf_tests,
+                                            std::vector<BVHCollisionPair>& pairs)
   if(enable_statistics) num_leaf_tests++;
@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ static inline void BVHCollisionLeafTesting(int b1, int b2,
 template<typename BV>
-static inline void BVHDistanceLeafTesting(int b1, int b2,
+static inline void meshDistanceLeafTesting(int b1, int b2,
                                           const BVHModel<BV>* model1, const BVHModel<BV>* model2,
                                           Vec3f* vertices1, Vec3f* vertices2, 
                                           Triangle* tri_indices1, Triangle* tri_indices2,
@@ -169,13 +169,13 @@ bool MeshCollisionTraversalNodeOBB::BVTesting(int b1, int b2) const
 void MeshCollisionTraversalNodeOBB::leafTesting(int b1, int b2) const
-  fcl::BVHCollisionLeafTesting(b1, b2, model1, model2, vertices1, vertices2, 
-                            tri_indices1, tri_indices2, 
-                            R, T, 
-                            enable_statistics, enable_contact, exhaustive,
-                            num_max_contacts, 
-                            num_leaf_tests,
-                            pairs);
+  fcl::meshCollisionLeafTesting(b1, b2, model1, model2, vertices1, vertices2, 
+                                tri_indices1, tri_indices2, 
+                                R, T, 
+                                enable_statistics, enable_contact, exhaustive,
+                                num_max_contacts, 
+                                num_leaf_tests,
+                                pairs);
@@ -187,13 +187,13 @@ bool MeshCollisionTraversalNodeOBB::BVTesting(int b1, int b2, const Matrix3f& Rc
 void MeshCollisionTraversalNodeOBB::leafTesting(int b1, int b2, const Matrix3f& Rc, const Vec3f& Tc) const
-  fcl::BVHCollisionLeafTesting(b1, b2, model1, model2, vertices1, vertices2, 
-                               tri_indices1, tri_indices2, 
-                               R, T, 
-                               enable_statistics, enable_contact, exhaustive,
-                               num_max_contacts, 
-                               num_leaf_tests,
-                               pairs);
+  fcl::meshCollisionLeafTesting(b1, b2, model1, model2, vertices1, vertices2, 
+                                tri_indices1, tri_indices2, 
+                                R, T, 
+                                enable_statistics, enable_contact, exhaustive,
+                                num_max_contacts, 
+                                num_leaf_tests,
+                                pairs);
@@ -212,13 +212,13 @@ bool MeshCollisionTraversalNodeRSS::BVTesting(int b1, int b2) const
 void MeshCollisionTraversalNodeRSS::leafTesting(int b1, int b2) const
-  fcl::BVHCollisionLeafTesting(b1, b2, model1, model2, vertices1, vertices2, 
-                               tri_indices1, tri_indices2, 
-                               R, T, 
-                               enable_statistics, enable_contact, exhaustive,
-                               num_max_contacts, 
-                               num_leaf_tests,
-                               pairs);
+  fcl::meshCollisionLeafTesting(b1, b2, model1, model2, vertices1, vertices2, 
+                                tri_indices1, tri_indices2, 
+                                R, T, 
+                                enable_statistics, enable_contact, exhaustive,
+                                num_max_contacts, 
+                                num_leaf_tests,
+                                pairs);
@@ -238,13 +238,13 @@ bool MeshCollisionTraversalNodekIOS::BVTesting(int b1, int b2) const
 void MeshCollisionTraversalNodekIOS::leafTesting(int b1, int b2) const
- fcl::BVHCollisionLeafTesting(b1, b2, model1, model2, vertices1, vertices2, 
-                              tri_indices1, tri_indices2, 
-                              R, T, 
-                              enable_statistics, enable_contact, exhaustive,
-                              num_max_contacts, 
-                              num_leaf_tests,
-                              pairs);
+ fcl::meshCollisionLeafTesting(b1, b2, model1, model2, vertices1, vertices2, 
+                               tri_indices1, tri_indices2, 
+                               R, T, 
+                               enable_statistics, enable_contact, exhaustive,
+                               num_max_contacts, 
+                               num_leaf_tests,
+                               pairs);
@@ -263,13 +263,13 @@ bool MeshCollisionTraversalNodeOBBRSS::BVTesting(int b1, int b2) const
 void MeshCollisionTraversalNodeOBBRSS::leafTesting(int b1, int b2) const
- fcl::BVHCollisionLeafTesting(b1, b2, model1, model2, vertices1, vertices2, 
-                              tri_indices1, tri_indices2, 
-                              R, T, 
-                              enable_statistics, enable_contact, exhaustive,
-                              num_max_contacts, 
-                              num_leaf_tests,
-                              pairs);
+ fcl::meshCollisionLeafTesting(b1, b2, model1, model2, vertices1, vertices2, 
+                               tri_indices1, tri_indices2, 
+                               R, T, 
+                               enable_statistics, enable_contact, exhaustive,
+                               num_max_contacts, 
+                               num_leaf_tests,
+                               pairs);
@@ -487,9 +487,9 @@ BVH_REAL MeshDistanceTraversalNodeRSS::BVTesting(int b1, int b2) const
 void MeshDistanceTraversalNodeRSS::leafTesting(int b1, int b2) const
-  fcl::BVHDistanceLeafTesting(b1, b2, model1, model2, vertices1, vertices2, tri_indices1, tri_indices2, 
-                              R, T, enable_statistics, num_leaf_tests, 
-                              p1, p2, last_tri_id1, last_tri_id2, min_distance);
+  fcl::meshDistanceLeafTesting(b1, b2, model1, model2, vertices1, vertices2, tri_indices1, tri_indices2, 
+                               R, T, enable_statistics, num_leaf_tests, 
+                               p1, p2, last_tri_id1, last_tri_id2, min_distance);
 MeshDistanceTraversalNodekIOS::MeshDistanceTraversalNodekIOS() : MeshDistanceTraversalNode<kIOS>()
@@ -516,9 +516,9 @@ BVH_REAL MeshDistanceTraversalNodekIOS::BVTesting(int b1, int b2) const
 void MeshDistanceTraversalNodekIOS::leafTesting(int b1, int b2) const
-  fcl::BVHDistanceLeafTesting(b1, b2, model1, model2, vertices1, vertices2, tri_indices1, tri_indices2, 
-                              R, T, enable_statistics, num_leaf_tests, 
-                              p1, p2, last_tri_id1, last_tri_id2, min_distance);
+  fcl::meshDistanceLeafTesting(b1, b2, model1, model2, vertices1, vertices2, tri_indices1, tri_indices2, 
+                               R, T, enable_statistics, num_leaf_tests, 
+                               p1, p2, last_tri_id1, last_tri_id2, min_distance);
 MeshDistanceTraversalNodeOBBRSS::MeshDistanceTraversalNodeOBBRSS() : MeshDistanceTraversalNode<OBBRSS>()
@@ -545,9 +545,9 @@ BVH_REAL MeshDistanceTraversalNodeOBBRSS::BVTesting(int b1, int b2) const
 void MeshDistanceTraversalNodeOBBRSS::leafTesting(int b1, int b2) const
-  fcl::BVHDistanceLeafTesting(b1, b2, model1, model2, vertices1, vertices2, tri_indices1, tri_indices2, 
-                              R, T, enable_statistics, num_leaf_tests, 
-                              p1, p2, last_tri_id1, last_tri_id2, min_distance);
+  fcl::meshDistanceLeafTesting(b1, b2, model1, model2, vertices1, vertices2, tri_indices1, tri_indices2, 
+                               R, T, enable_statistics, num_leaf_tests, 
+                               p1, p2, last_tri_id1, last_tri_id2, min_distance);