diff --git a/include/hpp/fcl/collision_object.h b/include/hpp/fcl/collision_object.h
index 1e743dbd08709af80e789ca23e63901c97c0bf45..2c8b84b7199512659d82d14e31461e82352aeb05 100644
--- a/include/hpp/fcl/collision_object.h
+++ b/include/hpp/fcl/collision_object.h
@@ -125,10 +125,10 @@ public:
   FCL_REAL threshold_free;
   /// @brief compute center of mass
-  virtual Vec3f computeCOM() const { return Vec3f(); }
+  virtual Vec3f computeCOM() const { return Vec3f::Zero(); }
   /// @brief compute the inertia matrix, related to the origin
-  virtual Matrix3f computeMomentofInertia() const { return Matrix3f(); }
+  virtual Matrix3f computeMomentofInertia() const { return Matrix3f::Zero(); }
   /// @brief compute the volume
   virtual FCL_REAL computeVolume() const { return 0; }